Blindfolded (13 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Blindfolded
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“Yes, Sir.”

“Aren’t you glad to go home? To be able to see again and have a life on your own, doing what you want?”

Regan was still, not knowing how to respond. Her confusion was too great and her sorrow too deep. She did not want to go back home to her lonely and drab existence, with her only companions the characters she invented. She knew her life would not be the same now that she had tasted adventure. The remainder of the trip was bathed in silence, allowing her time to contemplate and consider her future and the choices she would have to make. She said nothing as he helped her from the vehicle, lifted her easily, and carried her up to the bedroom.

“After your bath, I want you to take a nap. We are going to talk about the things you have learned and what you intend to do with them after you wake up. Then, I will spank you once last time and then make love to you until you scream.”

“And then what?” Regan asked, defeat in her voice.

“Then I take you home.”


* * *


Jay sat back on the couch, watching Regan. She had refused all advances he had made after she woke from her nap. He knew that there were too many things bothering her, and even more that frightened her. He also knew that she feared being alone.
Although he had expected her to fall into the rhythm of the sensory deprivation training, he never had dreamed that she would have submitted so fully to him so soon. Charlotte was right: this woman was a natural and worth holding onto!

He had not prepared for a paring like theirs and felt confident that it was only a matter of time for her to seek him out. He also knew that she needed to come to him on her own terms and in her own time so that she wouldn’t resent him for taking her so forcefully from her home as his captive. He struggled with the desire to reveal himself, to let her see him and the genuine love in his eyes as they gazed upon one another. But no; she still needed to discover herself and explore.

“What have you learned, Regan? Tell me.”

“That you are a cruel, selfish bastard who I never want to hear from again,” came the retort.

“You aren't the first person who has told me that, baby,” he chuckled. “I know you are angry, and that’s expected. I turned your world upside down and backwards.”

“I hate you.”

“No, you hate that you
hate me.”

“Must you make things so difficult for me, Jay? Do you have to hurt me like this?” her voice choked.

He pulled her against his chest and held her warmly in the crook of his arm as she released her tears. Tenderly, he kissed the top of her head. “Shhh, it isn’t over, sweetheart. We’ve just begun, but you have to finish your part.”

“What do you mean?”

“You have to discover what you really desire and seek it. Stop hiding and reach out. I will be there for you when you’re ready. No matter how long it takes.”

“Promise?” her voice was strained.

“I promise. I am not ready to let you go, not after I finally found you. Do you trust me?”

“Yes. Yes, I do,” Regan said sincerely. “Jay?”

“What, Regan?”

“Hold me. I’m not ready to be alone again. Not yet.”

“I know, sweetheart. And I promise that you won’t be. In fact, I got you a gift to make certain of it,” he said gently, pulling away from her to retrieve a large box. He placed it in her lap and guided her hands inside. She inhaled sharply as her hands made contact with something small and soft… equipped with sharp little claws and teeth.

? You got me a kitten?” Regan cried out, gently pulling the fluffy little ball from the box and bringing it up to her cheek.

“Compliments of Mistress Charlotte. She’s white with blue eyes and a squished-in face. Your mistress asked me what I thought you would need to help get through the next few weeks and picked out this little girl for you while you were pasturing.”

“My mistress?”

“Charlotte took a liking to you, girl. She was serious when she said that she wanted you. That is not something she says to just anyone. Of course, she won't brand you if she knows that I intend to stake my claim when the time is right.”

“But those other women… The others said they are so beautiful, and I’m… Well… Just

“Character is ninety percent of what goes on in the ring, honey. Charlotte sees your character almost as deeply as I do. As for beauty—there is nothing more beautiful that a natural submissive who wishes to please her owner. You were captivating today. Charlotte is certain you have the makings of a trophy horse.”

“She impressed me. Given what she does, I didn’t think that a woman would be so… Well,

“She has her own agenda, Regan,” Jay laughed. “But I’ve known her forever. She’s good people. She will help you if you desire it. Do you have a name for the kitten?”

“You're gonna make fun.”

“Probably. Let's hear it.”


A second passed before Jay let loose a loud, rumbling laugh, causing the kitten to arch her back and hiss at him. Regan just smiled, gently petting the agitated kitty.

“You are too funny. Meow. I like it,” he chuckled, pulling her tightly against him.

“Thanks. I thought you would appreciate it,” Regan said, stroking the purring kitten and thinking. “Jay? I have two more questions left for today, don’t I?”

“Yes, but didn’t you get all the answers from the other ponies and Charlotte?”

“I didn’t ask them anything about you. I swear. We just talked about the stable and stuff.”

“Why didn't you ask about me?”

“I… I
the mystery. It’s my own special secret adventure.”

“Hmmm, very well. What are your last two questions?”

“Will you let me be your pony again?”

“That isn’t exactly the type of question I was expecting. Of course, I would be honored to have you as my pony if no one grabs you up first,” Jay chuckled. “So, I gather that you enjoyed your training today?”

“I did. Especially since I wasn’t able to see anything. Maybe one day, you can… I can go to a pony show and
what they do.”

“I think that would be possible. What is your other question?”

Regan held her breath, afraid of the question and even more afraid of the answer. He nudged her, waiting. Taking a deep breath, Regan blurted out, “Why did you pick me?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“The girls said that everyone in the pasture wants you to own them. Why

“Regan,” Jay said patiently, leaning back, “have you ever felt something so deep in your heart that you could not let it go? Something you knew that you would never feel complete until you had it with you?”

Thinking about her feelings, Regan just nodded.

Jay continued, “The first time my eyes fell on the words you had written and the passion that drove them, I knew you were unique.”

“But the stories are fiction, Jay—my imagination. They aren’t real, not any more than Felicity Fairchilde’s real.”

“It wasn’t your stories that I read, Regan.”

“What are you talking about? Jay? What did you read? Tell me!”

“You already asked your questions. Now, would you like me to make love to you or would you rather just sit here and have me hold you?”

Regan thought for a moment. He didn’t say he would fuck her; rather, he would
make love to her
. Yet, with the kitten resting quietly in her arms and his warm, secure embrace, she felt content.

* * *


Gentle nuzzling under her chin woke Regan from a sound, relaxed slumber.

She had allowed Jay to touch her one final time, holding her breath as he pursued her body with hunger. He had started by spanking her, turning her slowly and deliberately across his bare knees. He took his time to position her bottom, not starting until she was perfectly placed. Her bottom was raised under his right knee after he rested his foot on a small stool, elevating his limb enough to provide a comfortable platform in which to bend her in a nice, delectable angle. Her womanhood glistened in this position, already shivering with desire for his attention. His hand stroked slowly from the back of her left knee to her left cheek, his fingers trailing to tickle and tease her inner thigh and the pouting lips of her swollen sex. He trailed those fingers against the soft skin between her globes, taunting her bottom hole for but a second before running that same warm palm down the length of her right side to the back of her right knee.

Regan groaned, wriggling her bottom with anticipation. The sensual gestures made her ache with longing for something more demanding. She wanted to feel the sharpness and heat that hardened palm could bring to her body, to help her feel his closeness one last time. Slowly, he stroked her, ignoring her whining protests that he was being sadistic in his teasing. His hand traced the length of her legs to her bottom, over and over again, causing her to tingle and moan.

SMACK! Regan gasped, lifting her head up as the unexpected stroke awakened her body. Jay returned to his teasing, this time dipping his fingers between her thighs but doing nothing but gently brushing her wetness.

SMACK! SMACK! The sound of flesh against flesh echoed the room. Regan arched her bottom high, begging for more.

Jay laughed and returned to the gentle ministrations.

“Don’t use the condom tonight,” Regan begged. “Not unless you have to. I’m protected.”

“I’m not short on need to have you there either, my darling, but it will be a long while before my cock finds its way inside of you. When I’m ready it will happen, and by then, you will be screaming for me to mount you like a wild stallion. Now silence, pet.”

The stroking hand returned to its duties, his long fingers bringing every nerve of her thighs and bottom to surface. His efforts were rewarded with the scent of her arousal and a growing dampness upon his thighs.

“Ow!” Regan cried out as a strong blow landed flatly against her left bottom cheek, her bottom still bruised and tender from earlier attentions. The burn was felt on every nerve-ending on that side, jolting through her like an electrical current. A second blow fell across the right side, and Regan cried out with pain. Twice more the hard, penetrating blows landed on the delicate creases between her protruding backside and her upper thighs. Tears formed in her eyes. She braced herself for another stroke. When it fell, she found herself to be…
. The stroke had been light, playful, and painless.

She wanted pain!

“Harder, damn it!” she demanded.

Jay laughed, stroking her once again. “Who is in charge of this session, pet? You or me?”

“Me?” Regan asked mischievously, wriggling her bottom again.

Jay chuckled, resuming the light caressing over her body.

Grumbling, Regan resigned herself to his care. She released herself to him and relaxed, preparing for the crashing of his raised hand onto the upright mounds that begged for his attention. Regan howled but lifted her bottom higher to demand more. CRACK!

Her yelp turned into a moan as the glow smoldered and spread to focus on the center of her core. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Regan closed her eyes, embracing the connection and the feel of his manhood rising against her stomach. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Three more times the blows sent biting chills through her, the searing pain mingling with her starvation.

She felt desperate, her need for more strokes greater than any thirst or hunger. “More!” she croaked, clinging to his calves.

Jay grinned at her insistent command and happily obliged, carefully aiming towards the underside of her jiggling backside. Focusing on the flesh that met at the juncture of her thighs, he watched in fascination as it was scalded by his heavy hand and turned a deep crimson. The power of the spanking caused her pussy to squirm and buck, and the only thing that prevented his hand from contacting her hungry void was the hold of his left arm over her back which kept her from lifting herself higher.

“What are you trying to do, pet?” he asked, feeling her struggle against his hold.

“Spank my pussy! Please! Spank it!”

Jay raised an eyebrow, both surprised and pleased with her request. Whatever had happened to the frightened young woman that he had taken possession of mere days before? Her transformation had been amazing, and for him, a miracle. He knew that soon he could be revealed, and it lightened his heart.

Jay shifted his left knee so that Regan fell forward, and pushed her thighs apart to expose her swollen and very wet lips. With care, he slapped his fingers against her pussy, feeling her jerk beneath him. A loud groan was the response to the next spank, and he renewed his efforts, understanding that she demanded more. He watched her muscle contract and push out, beckoning to him, begging him to bring her to a place of tormented pleasure. He refused her.

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