Blindsided (46 page)

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Authors: Emma Hart

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Blindsided
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I gape at him. “No, we won’t!”

“We’ll see, darlin’. I happen to be fuckin’ charming.” He winks. “Who else will be there?”

“Macey, Ryann, and Cole invited some of the girls he used to model with before he started acting full time. They’re there to keep Jack happy.”

A grin stretches across Corey’s face. “Smart move.”

“Well, Macey won’t go there again. She doesn’t do seconds.” I frown. “On second thought, she did, so maybe she will do thirds.”

“Why not?”

“Her ex is an asshole. We try not to talk about it much because she turns into Medusa.” I shrug and get out of the car. “Mom picked the venue, by the way. Not me.”

I take Corey’s hand and, ignoring the flashes around us, lead him into Rapture. The club has only been open for a few weeks, and it’s already one of the most exclusive in L.A. Thankfully, my mom is the queen of Hollywood and they accepted Corey’s party before we could blink at them.

I pull him onto the main dance floor with a hesitant smile. Macey, Ryann, and I spent the whole afternoon here decorating. There are banners and streamers and balloons, and the cake is a huge 3D football. Corey looks around in wonder, his eyes flitting between the decorations and the people, and then he stares at me.

“How did you pull this off?” He curls me into his side and brushes his lips over my temple.

I smile and flatten my hand against his chest as I gaze up at him. “I already told you. Mom and the girls helped, and Cole did some inviting.”

“But it was your idea.”


He drops a deep, lingering kiss to my lips. “You’re fuckin’ amazing, girl.”

“I know.” I laugh. “Come on. We’re not staying up here all night when the fun is happening downstairs. I want a drink.”

Corey walks down with me then pulls me against his front when we’re at the bottom. His lips skim my earlobe, and he says, “Don’t drink too much. I want you to remember tonight.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because when we get back, I’m going to give you the best sex of your fucking life to say thank you.”

I laugh again, but my muscles clench at the promise in his words. “Come on, cowboy. Your mom is waving for you.”

“Macey looks pissed.”

I look at Corey then to where she’s standing by the bar. Sure as hell, she looks like she’s ready to take her cocktail glass, smash it, then shove the shattered pieces up someone’s asshole. I follow her gaze until I see Jack, who’s sitting at a table with some other girl but very much looking at Macey.

“Jack should probably disappear if he wants to retain use of his penis,” I advise Corey. He laughs but stops as soon as Macey makes her way over to us. “And don’t talk to her.”

“Why didn’t you tell me he’d be here?” she hisses at me.

“I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

“You know I don’t do the whole ‘hi, how are you?’ thing after fucking a guy.”

“Then don’t talk to him.” I laugh. “Seriously, ignore him, and he’ll ignore you.”

She grunts and sips her drink. Turns out, she
me because she’s looking at him again.

“Why are you still staring at him?” Corey asks.

I wince.

“Because I fucking want to. He’s pretty,” she snaps, deliberately turning away from him and finishing her drink. “All right?”

Corey glances at me as if to say,
What the fuck?
and I smirk. I warned him. He will learn to listen to me… Eventually.

“I’m going to get a drink,” she mumbles, grabbing her glass and heading back to the bar.

I watch her go, wondering if Jack really did put her in a bad mood or if there’s something else riling her.

“I should probably go talk to her,” I say to Corey, getting up.

“Hold on.” He grabs my hand and pulls me close. “I have something for you.”

“What?” I look up at him. “But it’s your birthday, silly.”

“I know.” He drops his head and kisses me. “My present is you accepting what I give you.”

“I’m scared.”

Corey laughs, wraps one arm around my waist, and digs into his pocket with the other one. Then he brings out something silver and shiny, and I swallow.

“That’s a key,” I say dumbly when he puts it in front of my face.

He nods. “My key. To my house.”

“You’re…you’re giving me a key to your house?”

“My, you’re observant tonight.”

“Shut it.” I glance at the key then meet his eyes again. “Um, why?”

“Because”—he taps the end of my nose with it—“I want you to have it. I’m not askin’ you to move in unless you want to. But you’re there most of the time, and now that the season has started, I’m gonna be trainin’ late some nights and I want you there when I get back. You can let yourself in.”

My lips curve to the side. “So, really, you’re doing it so I’m there for your convenience, right?”

He opens his mouth then closes it. “Fuck. Why you always gotta call me out, huh, babe?”

I laugh and step closer, wrapping my hand around his key. “Because it’s more fun this way. Yes, I will take your key.”

Corey lets go of it, grinning. “Good. Then you can leave half an hour before me and get changed into that white underwear set I put on my bed before we left.”

He presses his lips against mine, and I can’t help but smile. Presumptuous, arrogant little asshole.

“Okay. Since it’s your birthday, I’ll cooperate this one time,” I say into the kiss.

“Amazin’,” he murmurs. “My favorite girl in my favorite color. Happy fuckin’ birthday to me.”

“Not yet. But it will be.”


Read other books by Emma Hart

Look for Macey & Jack’s book, SIDELINED, coming in March!

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By day,
New York Times
USA Toda
y bestselling New Adult author Emma
Hart dons a cape and calls herself Super Mum to two beautiful little monsters. By night, she drops the cape, pours a glass of whatever she fancies – usually wine – and writes books.

Emma is working on Top Secret projects she will share with her followers and fans at every available opportunity. Naturally, all Top Secret projects involve a dashingly hot guy who likes to forget to wear a shirt, a sprinkling (or several) of hold-onto-your-panties hot scenes, and a whole lotta love.

She likes to be busy - unless busy involves doing the dishes, but that seems to be when all the ideas come to life.


Find Emma online at:







(By His Game Book One)

Emma Hart

Copyright 2015 Emma Hart


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Cover Design by Louisa Maggio at LM Creations

Editing by Michelle Kampmeier at Mickey Reed Editing

Proof-reading by Kayla Jason Robichaux


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Table of Contents

Title Page

Books by Emma Hart


Chapter One – Leah

Chapter Two - Corey

Chapter Three – Leah

Chapter Four – Corey

Chapter Five – Leah

Chapter Six – Corey

Chapter Seven – Leah

Chapter Eight – Corey

Chapter Nine – Leah

Chapter Ten – Corey

Chapter Eleven – Leah

Chapter Twelve – Corey

Chapter Thirteen – Leah

Chapter Fourteen – Corey

Chapter Fifteen – Leah

Chapter Sixteen – Corey

Chapter Seventeen – Leah

Chapter Eighteen – Corey

Chapter Nineteen – Leah

Chapter Twenty – Corey

Chapter Twenty-One – Leah

Chapter Twenty-Two – Corey

Chapter Twenty-Three – Leah

Chapter Twenty-Four – Corey

Chapter Twenty-Five – Leah

Chapter Twenty-Six – Corey

Chapter Twenty-Seven – Leah

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Corey

Chapter Twenty-Nine – Leah

Chapter Thirty – Corey

Chapter Thirty-One – Leah

Chapter Thirty-Two – Corey

Epilogue – Leah


About the Author

Copyright Notice

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