Blonde Fury II (3 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Blonde Fury II
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“Faith, stop here. I want to feel you.”
They were in a long, wide corridor with doors to bedrooms leading off it and Martha had no idea what would happen if a member came out and found her fiddling with a Housegirl. But something gave her confidence and Faith herself helped by calmly accepting her right to order her. She stopped immediately and turned to face Martha, hands behind her back and feet apart. Dizzy with the excitement of having this beauty open up for her, she reached out and fumbled her way through the complex pleats of the skirt until her fingers found the warmth of Faith’s smooth
shaven delta. She slid her hand forwards and found her way between the
lips, feeling the hard nub of the clitoris as she went and making Faith groan. Then she was into the moist slit
and her curled fingers slid up into the hot little sheath of the vagina. Faith
let out a breathless
cry as she was penetrated and Martha thought she looked even more lovely with her head thrown back and her breasts heaving. She hoped her Master’s friend appreciated her.

“What will your Ma
ter’s friend do with you?” she asked, working her fingers inside the girl and making her rock her hips in time
to the thrusts

“He said he’s going to cane me…hard.” Faith’s voice caught as her excitement mounted.

“And you’re looking forward to that?” Submissiveness was a whole new landscape that Martha was exploring in a state of amazed bliss.

“Oh, yes! It hurts wonderfully…awfully…oh!” Martha kept on working her fingers as the girl’s hips began to thrust against her fingers more urgently.

“And will he fuck you?”

“”If I’m good, he’ll let me suck him…oh! Oh!”

Martha took her fingers out suddenly and grinned at the devastated look on Faith’s face. She was enjoying this!

took her to Patti’s room and the
two women kissed briefly before the Housegirl trotted off to suffer appalling
ly and willingly for her absent, but plainly much loved,

Patti asked her to come str
aight through to the bathroom as she was preparing a girl for one of the members to use later that evening.
Filled with excited curiosity, Martha followed Patti through a drawing room furnished in luxurious but rather nineteenth century style and into the bathroom. A beautiful black girl was kneeling on all fours in the huge, sunken bath with a clear plastic tube coming out of her anus.

“This is Melissa, Martha. Mel’s been booked by Lord…”Patti caught herself in time, after all Martha wasn’t yet a fully accepted part of the establishment, “by one of the members who always uses a girl’s back passage, so I’m just cleaning her out.”

Martha watched fascinated as Patti connected
the tube to
bag filled with warm water,
hanging from a steel stand placed by the side of the bath. She turned a tap and allowed the water to
flow into the girl’s rectum. She
turned her head and smiled at Patti as the water entered her and ga
ve a sensual chuckle
before wriggling her deliciously proportioned bottom.

“Mel’s one of the
girls owned by The Lodge itself,” Patti explained.

I bought her at auction in Africa a couple of years ago. She’s actually got a doctorate in Economics
but she fucks like a rabid hyena and can take the whip all night. The perfect Lodge girl in fact. And a perfect slut too, eh Mel?”

“Yes, Mistress,” the girl breathed as Patti bent down and felt her stomach.

“Ok, that’ll do you. Sort yourself out and take care of the smelly stuff, then join us,” Patti told her briskly but then stopped the girl from rising and instead took hold of her dark, thick outer labia and parted them, displaying the pink inner sex flesh, startlingly bright against the smooth chocolate brown buttocks and thighs.

“If you come down to Dungeon
One after dinner, the guy who’s
booked her is going to work on her in public, isn’t that right, Mel?”

“Yes, Mistress. He said it’s going to be needles.”

“Did he say how many?” Patti asked, glancing archly at Martha
who was staring in fascination at the exposed sex in the hollow at the tops of the perfect, smooth thighs

“He did twenty last time and he’s going for more this time – breasts as well.”

Martha looked at the girl
who had been released by Patti,
had climbed to her feet
looking at them with barely suppressed excitement.

“He’ll whip you first and you’ll come before he even starts on the needles, you slut,” Patti said fondly.

“Yes, Mistress,” the girl agreed calmly.

Martha felt herself melt and burn with excitement as Patti took her arm and guided her back into the drawing room where she sat her down on a
chaise longue
and sat close beside her. Martha could see the pale upper swells of Patti’s large breasts heaving a little above
he low neckline of her simple sheath dress. A dress, Martha noted that only a woman in complete control of her figure could get away with. She licked her lips as her mouth suddenly dried; Patti Campbell was still an intensely attractive woman – and she had just put her hand on Martha’s thigh. Brian’s words came back to her and she couldn’t wait to find out how true they were.

“Now,” Patti said, “I know you’re a friend of Brian’s but is there a particular reason he asked you here?”

Martha couldn’t help but confide in her and Patti was silent for a moment when she had finished. “He’s right you know. We do need Sophie here.
But you’re scared that if you tell him what you know he’ll chuck you over?”

Martha nodded.

“I think you can trust Brian. He’s a good man with a whip – he’s taken me to the blood on many occasions and I’ve never been frightened – hurt, yes. Frightened, no. Are you a sub?”

“I don’t think so. I’ve got no desire to be whipped or…o
r have all that other stuff done
to me but I love watching it being done and I love having sex with slaves afterwards.
And I think I could learn to do a lot of the things people do to slaves.

“Good,” Patti said. “He’s got subs coming out of his ears. Be yourself, be different
and tell him.” She smiled broadly and lasciviously as she went on. “And in case it goes pear shaped
with him
, you can stay with me as Plan B.”

Martha smiled back in gratitude and clasped her hand over Patti’s but just then Mel entered
, naked,
from the bathroom. Patti had her come and bend over in front of them while she inspected her arse and declared it clean enough for use.

Now, the great thing about girl
s with Mel’s skin colour is that they don’t show the whip as much as white girls, so I suggest I continue your education for an hour or two and Mel will still look as fresh as a daisy for her
session later.”

Through another door leading off from the drawing room was a corridor with views over the parklands and a lake, on the wall opposite the windows were more doors and through one of these was a playroom. Patti let Martha look around as she had Mel put on suspension boots
and explained that
a lot of the training the girls went through, went on here.

“Now I’m going to haul her up in such a way
we can both enjoy her,” she said when Mel lay on her back on a leather topped bench with her feet encased in soft leather boots which were attached to widely spaced eyebolts in a spreader bar. Her hands were chained down by wrist cuffs to the sides of the bench beside her head. Patti went to the wall by Mel’s head and pushed a button on a yellow metal control unit. There was a soft hum and Mel’s legs, held wide apart, were drawn up into the air. Patti kept the button pushed until Mel’s shoulders and neck were all that were touching the bench.

Martha was stunned by the view, the shapely legs and buttocks were perfectly displayed and the plump vulva, scheduled for such suffering later that evening was utterly vulnerable.
Meanwhile Patti had taken a flogger equipped with thin leather tails down from a rack and suddenly struck the girl on the inside of each thigh in quick succession. The girl’s position was such that each tiniest quiver of the slack flesh of the buttocks and the backs of the thighs was perfectly visible and as Patti struck and struck again, Martha fell in love with every ripple and shake of the beautiful body before her. And even better was the fr
antic wriggling. Somehow the gi
rl contrived to twist her left leg so that she could get one knee close to the other and the spreader bar was twisted until it was nearly parallel with the bench below it.

“It’s amazing how much movement she can get,” Martha said eventually when Patti had wielded forty lashes by Martha’s count – across the buttocks mainly but with quite
few finding their way between the thighs and caressing the exposed vulva, which broug
ht even more desperate wriggles
from the girl.

“It’s part of the fun,” Patti conceded,

but she’s asking for it now, and it’s quite deliberate too. She wants her cunt whipped and is provoking me into it. But how she’s used is no business of a House
girl, so she’ll be punished. However, in the meantime she will
get her cunt whipping because I want you to see her get it. Hold the bar steady for me will you

Martha stood over the girl and held the bar steady so that her legs stayed well apart as Patti whipped her and demonstrated how the flogger could just be all
wed to thump down on soft flesh with its own weight alone, or if
from slightly further back, the tips of the tails could be made to smack home with much more venom. Martha loved those and watched every flinch and grimace on Mel’s face. And as the tally mounted it became clear that the grimaces were more and more becoming the frowning concentration of a woman approaching orgasm.
But quite suddenly Patti stopped the whipping.

“Get naked and sit on her face,” she told Martha, and with breathless haste she shed the denim skirt and loose shirt she had put on after the pony ride then turned around and sat down so that Mel’s upper face was between her spread thighs and her cunt was squashed down onto Mel’s mouth.

“Now lick her out, you little bitch!” Patti shouted and began to beat her even harder. Martha cried out in delight as she felt the tremors run through the girl’s body as the whip fell and yet her tongue began to work with exquisite care at Martha’s clitoris, and when she sucked it into her mouth as Patti thrashed her between her wide spread thighs, Martha came with a violence she hadn’t experienced since Sophie’s disappearance.

Once Martha had recovered
Mel was
hauled up into full upside down suspension so that Martha could practise breast beating, but soon it was time for the girl to go about her business and no sooner had the door closed behind
than Patti was reaching behind her
to unzip her dres
s and the two of them spent the rest of that
afternoon cementing their friendship on Patti’s bed. And it was as Martha tongue-lashed Patti to a third climax and the tast
e of the red head’s pungent sap
flooding over her tongue intoxicated her with lust,
she determined to tell Brian all she could and joyfully join in the search for Sophie.
She wanted to whip the tall blonde and make her come while she
performed all the erotic procedures
and di
all the
things she now knew were possible.

Martha’s decision to throw herself onto Brian’s mercy was finalised when Patti suggested that she cane her. The older woman’s generous expanse of smooth, pale flesh rippled and marked so wonderfully and Martha found it so natural to wield the cane that they had to have another frantic sixty-nine, chewing and rasping at each other’s clit until they could orgasm no more and were almost late down for dinner.
Sophie should exp
erience all this, Martha thought as she
struggled into the evening dress she had
brought over from Brian’s quarters
. It was her destiny and
Martha, her best friend, would lead her to it; kicking and struggling if necessary.

After dinner that night, Brian took her down to Dungeon One. Mel was laid on her back on another bench with her arms and legs tied out at full extension to four steel posts. The tall, grey haired man who had booked her for the night put a sling under her middle back and chained it to a vertical chain which he t
hen shortened until Mel was arched
upwards off the bench. He whipped her soundly from knees to neck and fetched the unmistakable sounds of orgasm from her after forty or fifty lashes. Patti and Martha exchanged secretive smiles. Then the needle play began and Martha had no choice in the end but to
slip her hand down to her groin over
r dress and blatantly
rub her clitoris until she came.
Brian smiled at her as she climaxed
and then spent himself in the mouth of the Housegirl who was kneeling in front of him. Meanwhile the dark skinned and sweat-gleaming body in front of them heaved and groaned as yet another shiny steel spike was thrust through her labia
. She sported six in each lip as Martha came for the first time, the final ones were right down at the bottom of the vulva near the anus and Mel plainly felt them most keenly as she yelled between clenched teeth and her body tried to buck and fight as best it could. The audience applauded loudly as Mel panted and groaned
when that part of the procedure was complete
, still facing a gruelling session of breast needling.

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