Blood Bond (Anna Strong Chronicles #9)

BOOK: Blood Bond (Anna Strong Chronicles #9)
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“Many unexpected twists and turns . . . Packed with action that is sure to chill readers to the bone.”


“Fast-paced . . . Fans of the series will be stunned by this powerful, twisting thriller.”

Midwest Book Review

offers true edge-of-your-seat drama . . . Buckle up, because megatalented Stein is heading into severely hazardous (and unputdownable) territory!”

RT Book Reviews
(4½ stars)

“Dynamic . . . Anna is what every urban fantasy heroine should be. A tough, gutsy, complex character who delivers what’s promised.”

Smexy Books

“[Anna is] a badass, no-mercy kind of girl . . . If you want some kick-ass vampire in your life, this series is just for you!”

Under the Covers Book Blog


“A kick-ass heroine readers will delight in . . .
will take readers on some twist[s] and turns that won’t let you put this book down until the very end, and then you will be hungry for the next installment.”

Fresh Fiction

“[A] powerful novel . . . Stein continues to challenge her gutsy heroine, both emotionally and physically . . . Another for your must-read pile!”

RT Book Reviews
(4½ stars)

“I just love the character Anna. She has grown so much from the beginning, and I believe she is finally coming into her own in
 . . . There were some surprises that I wasn’t expecting . . . Make no mistake, Anna is growing into what she could become, and it is good to see. If you love strong female leads, then this series is for you.”

Night Owl Reviews
(Top Pick)


“With each book in the series, not only have Stein’s characters become stronger but so has her writing . . . Hard-hitting urban fantasy with a hard-hitting female lead.”

Fresh Fiction

“From the opening chapter of this terrific series, Stein has sent her gutsy heroine on an uncharted journey filled with danger and bitter betrayal . . . In this pivotal but emotionally brutal book, skillful Stein reveals some critical answers and delivers some devastating blows. Like a fine wine, this series is improving with age. Brava!”

RT Book Reviews
(4½ stars)


“The fifth book in the exceptional first-person Anna Strong series is a powerful entry in an amazing saga.”

RT Book Reviews

“Ms. Stein has a true gift in storytelling and continues to add exciting new elements to this well-built world.
is an engrossing read with an action-packed story line and secondary characters that are every bit as intriguing as the heroine. This is a must-read for fans of the series!”

—Darque Reviews


“Urban fantasy with true depth and flair!”

RT Book Reviews
(4½ stars)

“As riveting as the rest . . . One of my favorite urban fantasy series.”

Darque Reviews


“Action fills every page, making this a novel that flies by . . . Dynamic relationships blend [with] complex mysteries in this thriller.”

Huntress Book Reviews

“An exciting, fast-paced novel . . . First-rate plotting.”


“Dazzles readers with action-packed paranormal adventure, love and friendship. With many wonderfully executed twists and turns, this author’s suspenseful writing will hold readers spellbound until the very end.”

Darque Reviews

“Snappy action and plot twists that will hold readers’ interest to the last page.”

Monsters and Critics


“Once again Jeanne C. Stein delivers a jam-packed story full of mystery and intrigue that will keep you glued to the edge of your seat! Just like [with] the first book in the Anna Strong series,
The Becoming
, I could not put this book down even for a second. You will find yourself cheering Anna on as she goes after the bad guys. Jeanne C. Stein has given us a wonderful tough-as-nails heroine everyone will love!”

Night Owl Reviews

“Jeanne C. Stein takes on the vampire mythos in her own unique manner that makes for an enthralling vampire thriller. Readers of Laurell K. Hamilton, Tanya Huff and Charlaine Harris will thoroughly enjoy this fast-paced novel filled with several action scenes that come one after the other, making it hard for the readers to catch a breather.”

—Midwest Book Review


“This is a really, really good book. Anna is a great character, Stein’s plotting is adventurous and original, and I think most of my readers would have a great time with
The Becoming

—Charlaine Harris, #1
New York Times
bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse novels

“With plot twists, engaging characters and smart writing, this first installment in a new supernatural series has all the marks of a hit. Anna Strong lives up to her name: equally tenacious and vulnerable, she’s a heroine with the charm, savvy and intelligence that fans of Laurell K. Hamilton and Kim Harrison will be happy to root for . . . If this debut novel is any indication, Stein has a fine career ahead of her.”

Publishers Weekly

Ace Books by Jeanne C. Stein












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An Ace Book / published by arrangement with the author

Copyright © 2013 by Jeanne C. Stein.

Excerpt from
by S. J. Harper copyright © 2013 by Jeanne Stein and Lori James.

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eBook ISBN: 978-1-101-62516-3


Ace mass-market edition / September 2013

Cover art by Cliff Nielsen.

Cover design by Judith Lagerman.

Interior text design by Kristin del Rosario.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.


Praise For the Anna Strong, Vampire Series

Ace Books by Jeanne C. Stein

Title Page





Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34


Special Preview of Cursed

To the readers who have taken Anna Strong into their hearts. I am so appreciative of your support. I hope you approve of this new chapter in her story.



Anna and I have come a long way—but there are people who have been with me from the very beginning, and I would like to acknowledge their contributions now.

First, my husband, Phil, and daughter, Jeanette—because you can never have too much love, support and encouragement.

My critique group (members past and present): Mario Acevedo, Margie and Tom Lawson, Warren Hammond, Angie Hodapp, Aaron Ritchey, Terry Wright, Tamra Monahan, Jeff Shelby, Sandy Meckstroth, Heidi Kuhn and Jim Cole—because no matter how hard you try to get it right the first time, you seldom do.

My editor, Jessica Wade at Ace Books, and my agent, Scott Miller from Trident Media—because you need people on your side who know what they’re doing.

All the good people at Ace, from Jesse Feldman to Rosanne Romanello, senior publicist—because you guys really make it happen.

The heart of the Hand Hotel Writers: Susan Smith, Vicki Law, Carol Berg, Cindi Myers, Marnie Kirstatter, Lynde Iozzo, our host Michael Stone and unofficial hostess Stella McDowell—because the creative energy that sparks off this group and the others who join us from time to time is unbelievable (to say nothing of the great food and the way we’ve come to think of the Hand as home).

Sisters in Crime and Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers—because that’s how it all started for me.

I’m not even going to try to list all the wonderful friends and family who come to my signings, buy my books and just generally offer encouragement, because that would take a dozen more pages. Just know I love you all.

This is the end . . . and the beginning.

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