Blood Bond (4 page)

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Authors: Kit Tunstall

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal

BOOK: Blood Bond
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It took Starr almost an hour to compose
herself after her impromptu orgasm. As darkness consumed the sky, save for the
ripe beauty of the moon, she finally propelled herself from the hammock and to
the stream running behind the cabin.

She cast a glance over her shoulder,
scanning the area for predators or any of the Pack out for a run, before
throwing off her clothes and wading in. The stream, fed from a mountain spring,
was chilly, and she shivered at the contrast of the cold water and warm night
air. It was just cold enough to cause her to hurry through bathing.

When she finished, she left the water and
crouched by the stream, letting drops of moisture slide down her body. She
hadn’t washed her hair, but the ends were wet. She finger-combed the strands
and stood up, shaking off the droplets in much the same way she would have in wolf-form.
She was still damp when finished, but not so much that she couldn’t put on her
clothes and return to the cabin.

She was aware of the way the ribbed cotton
clung to her damp breasts. In the light, she imagined the areolas were plainly
visible, as were her hard nipples. The denim of her shorts chafed against her
damp legs as she walked to the back door of the cabin and let herself in.

Silence greeted her, only to be broken by
low moans. Starr froze for half a minute, listening. She felt the urge to turn
around and leave the cabin without discovering the source of the sounds, but
deeper instinct propelled her through the small kitchen and into the living
area of the cabin.

It was a studio design, with no room
breaks. An old couch was against one wall. A large stone fireplace dominated
another wall, but the bed drew her gaze. Rather, what was happening on the bed
caught her attention. Her lips parted in a gasp. It was her fantasy, brought to

Sorin and Lucian lay on the bed, embracing.
Lucian’s hand stroked up and down Sorin’s thick cock, eliciting the moans she
had heard. Starr clapped a hand over her mouth as she watched Sorin receive
pleasure. His hair was wild about his face. The column of his throat was
plainly visible from the way he had thrown back his head. His lips had skinned
back from his teeth, and it was clear he was close to climaxing.

Lucian’s soft voice reached her ears,
speaking endearments and words of encouragement to his lover. He didn’t appear
to care that Sorin’s hands weren’t stroking him. It seemed to be enough for his
lover to hold him.

Lucian thumbed just under Sorin’s thick
head, causing the other man to cry out. Starr couldn’t restrain her own cry as
spurts of satisfaction exploded from Sorin’s cock. She tried to melt into the
shadows, but their eyes moved up to settle on her, freezing her to the spot.
She couldn’t tear her gaze away from the sight of Sorin’s fulfillment streaming
from his still-rigid cock.


At the sound of her name on Lucian’s lips,
she finally wrenched her gaze up to look at them. “What are you doing here? You
shouldn’t—“ She couldn’t go on. The tenderness evident in their embrace brought
a lump to her throat. She felt tears at the back of her eyes and yearned to
join them.

Sorin extended his hand, making no
apologies for showing up unexpectedly, nor for the scene she had walked in on.
“Come to us.”

She shook her head, even as her feet obeyed
him. Was she really surprised to see them? She had to admit she wasn’t. In the
back of her mind, she had expected they would follow her. When she left the
castle, she had acknowledged this was a likely outcome of leaving the sanctuary
of her tower room and watchful eyes of those in the castle. She had anticipated
this moment since her arrival, which was why she had worked feverishly to have
everything finished. She was ready for this to happen.

A flicker of doubt shadowed her eyes when
she reached the bed, but it faded when Sorin and Lucian each took one of her
hands to pull her down beside them on the bed. The last bit of internal
resistance disappeared when Sorin pulled her against his chest. Lucian draped
his arm across Sorin’s waist to squeeze her hip. “This is what you wanted, what
you needed,” he said.

It felt right. She lay on the bed without
speaking, relishing the feelings sweeping through her. There was desire, as she
had expected, but also warmth, and the sensation that a void inside was slowly
filling. Why had she fought this for so long, she wondered, as all else slipped
from her mind.

She rested her head against Sorin’s chest,
wondering what would happen next. She knew they would be lovers by the morning,
but didn’t have the courage to initiate the next step.

She lifted her head when the bed moved and
Lucian sat up. She frowned, thinking he was leaving. She wanted to protest. She
wanted to make love with both of them, not separately.

She didn’t have to worry. As she kept her
eyes glued to Lucian’s nude form, he walked around the bed and dropped down on
the other side, pressing himself against her back. His breath caressed the back
of her neck, and a sharp surge of desire accompanied his hand when it settled
on her breast, through the tank top.

Before she could speak or move, Sorin’s
hand was between her thighs, lightly brushing against her pussy through the
denim. She closed her eyes when Lucian’s hand slid lower, to the hem of her
shirt, slowly lifting it. Her breath hissed through her teeth when he splayed
his hand across her bare side and trailed it higher.

He cupped her breast, as Sorin’s hand moved
higher to unzip her shorts. “We love you.”

She didn’t need Lucian’s whispered
assurance. She knew how they felt. She had felt the same since becoming their
blood-link at seventeen. Six years had only strengthened her emotions. “I
know,” she whispered in return, breathlessly. A gasp issued from her when
Lucian tugged gently on her swollen nipple.

Seconds later, Sorin’s finger slipped past
the barrier of her panties and stroked her pussy lips. Another gasp escaped her
when his finger plunged inside to flirt with her clit. Starr arched her hips,
and Lucian followed the movement, thrusting his cock against her buttocks,
keeping her pressed against the light pressure Sorin exerted. She whimpered as
he circled the sensitive bud. Lucian mimicked the movement on her nipple.

Starr writhed under the pleasure. She was
conscious of Lucian’s cock pressed into her buttocks, while Sorin’s pressed
into her stomach. She slipped an arm behind her to grasp Lucian’s cock. She
imitated the motion she had seen him use on Sorin, and he responded by
thrusting against her buttocks, pressing her even closer to Sorin’s finger,
inflaming her clit further.

Her other hand was trapped between her and
Sorin. She freed it and reached down, searching for his cock. When her hand
closed around it, she felt traces of his ejaculate, released earlier. Starr ran
her thumb through the sticky substance, pleased when Sorin’s cock spasmed.

She was curious of the taste and released
Sorin’s cock. She brought her thumb to her lips and licked away his cream. Both
men moaned in concert, and it felt as though their cocks suddenly swelled even
larger. It seemed to happen quickly that she was in a sitting position, with
Lucian stripping off her shirt. Seconds after that, he lifted her by the waist
to allow Sorin to strip off her shorts and panties.

Her pussy flooded with arousal as their
eyes caressed every inch of her. Starr didn’t resist when they lowered her onto
her back and leaned over her on each side. She reached out and rested her palms
on their upper backs.

Sorin’s head lowered first, to press a kiss
to her neck. Starr turned her head to allow his lips freer access. Lucian’s
head dipped lower, and he traced his tongue across her abdomen. She moaned when
Sorin nipped her, while Lucian flicked his tongue across her stomach, inching
slowly upward.

Sorin’s lips seemed to be moving south, and
she knew they would meet at her breasts. Starr opened her eyes and moved her
hands from their backs. She felt behind her for a pillow to prop up her head.
Her stomach quivered, and she held her breath when their heads got closer
together. A shudder moved through her when Sorin’s mouth fastened on her left
breast at the same time Lucian’s lips took possession of her right nipple.

She arched her back, offering them more.
Sorin’s tongue was rough and raspy over her swollen nipple, while Lucian’s was
more gentle. The sensations made her quiver, and moans tore from her. When
Lucian’s soothing tongue turned to a provocative nip, a cry escaped her.
“Please…” She didn’t know what she was asking for, except that they relieve the
ache deep inside her womb.

They were in no hurry though. They
continued to feast on her breasts, causing her body to clench with excitement.
Her pussy spasmed, and she tightened her thighs, seeking relief. It seemed like
ages since she had masturbated in the hammock. Her pussy ached as though it had
never known release. “Sorin…” She tangled her hand in his hair and raised his
head. “Please, I need…” She squirmed, unable to voice what she needed.

Lucian lifted his head and chuckled. “In
time, Starr. We’ve waited too long for you to rush through this.”

She bit back her protests and released
Sorin’s hair, allowing his head to return to her breast. She returned her hands
to their backs and dug her nails lightly into their skin, seeking the strength
to withstand the passionate torture they were inflicting on her.

It seemed as though they spent years on her
breasts, exploring each plump inch, savoring the taste. By the time their heads
drifted lower, she was close to screaming with frustration. She felt a wave of
relief as their tongues blazed a trail down her stomach, where one of them
briefly licked around the jeweled stud. They shifted away from her, and she let
her hands fall to the bed. Her breasts ached with the pleasure they had given
her, and she balled her hands into fists, mentally repeating to herself that
they would soon fulfill her.

She was pliant as Sorin lifted her into a
sitting position and draped her against his chest. She held her breath with
anticipation as his large hands moved to her thighs, parted them widely, and
then moved to open her pussy. Lucian was now kneeling on the floor, with his
upper body still on the bed. His breath was hot against her lips as he blew
gently against her clit. Starr tensed, waiting for him to taste her.

He moved forward with what seemed like
deliberate slowness, but finally, his tongue swept down her slit, licking away
the juices that had collected there. Starr shifted impatiently, finding the
rough texture of Sorin’s hair against her back only further inflamed her

Lucian’s tongue darted inside her, swirling
around her clit. A small scream managed to free itself, and Starr gripped
Sorin’s forearms, not certain if she would survive the pleasure. She had never
imagined a tongue could be so soft, or that her clit could be so responsive.
Why didn’t it feel like that when she touched herself?

“How does she taste?” Sorin’s tone was so
gruff with passion that the words were barely distinguishable.

She moaned when Lucian pulled away to

“Like Heaven.” He sighed. “She’s sweet and
tangy at the same time. She’s so wet.”

Her pussy spasmed as he described what she
tasted like. It was amazing how his words could turn her on and make her long
to taste herself on his tongue. “Kiss me.” She uttered the words without
thought, giving her impulses free rein.

Lucian nodded and rose to his feet. He
settled on the bed on his knees between her opened legs and leaned forward. His
mouth was gentle when it settled on hers, but Starr didn’t allow that. She
brought up a hand and buried it in his hair, bringing him closer. She thrust
her tongue into his mouth and flicked it across his. Her taste lingered on his
tongue, as she had expected. It was different from the taste of Sorin’s

He leaned closer, pressing her into Sorin’s
chest, as his tongue tangled with hers, stroking eagerly. Starr’s heart raced,
and she opened her mouth wider, allowing his tongue deeper into her mouth.
Sorin cupped her breasts and squeezed gently, reminding her he was watching.

She released Lucian’s hair and turned her
head slightly to break the kiss. Starr leaned back against Sorin’s chest, with
her face upturned, watching Sorin. “Now kiss him.” She leaned back a bit to
allow Lucian to get closer to Sorin. She held her breath as their lips met. Her
heart pounded as Sorin’s tongue darted into Lucian’s mouth to taste her essence
on his tongue. The kiss they shared was no less hungry than the one she had
experienced with Lucian, and it made her anxious to taste Sorin.

When they broke apart, Lucian rested his
forehead against Sorin’s chest, while his hand sought out hers, which lay on
Sorin’s thigh, squeezing gently. Starr leaned closer, and she could hear their
hearts racing as quickly as hers. Slowly, she raised her head and brought her
mouth near Sorin’s. She didn’t want to push Lucian away, and he seemed to
realize this. He shifted enough to nuzzle her neck as she tilted her head.
Sorin’s mouth came down on hers. His kiss was urgent and possessive.

She responded enthusiastically, opening her
mouth to let his tongue sweep inside. She moaned as Lucian’s fingers sought out
her pussy and began stroking her clit. She was vaguely aware of Sorin leaning
back, bringing her with him. Lucian lay across her, but balanced most of his
weight on his free arm. Once again, his mouth slid lower, pausing to suckle her
nipple, before continuing down. He flicked his tongue around the ruby stud in
her belly before drifting even lower.

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