Blood Lines: Kallen's Tale (Witch Fairy #3.5) (25 page)

BOOK: Blood Lines: Kallen's Tale (Witch Fairy #3.5)
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I believe Xenia is attempting to bore a hole through Rhiannon with her eyes.  “Thank you, what timely information you have brought me.”  Her anger has found a new target for the moment.  “I am disappointed Rhiannon that you let yourself be captured.  I trusted you with one small task and you failed miserably.  It must be the Cowan blood from Mother’s illicit, and poorly covered up affair that everyone knows you carry.”


Rhiannon looks like she’s been stricken.  Not only did her sister confirm the rumors, she humiliated her in front of the most powerful Fairies in the realm.  “That is not true!”  Rhiannon shouts but the truth is in her eyes.


Xenia looks at her with something closely resembling pity.  “Poor sister, you know what I say is true.  But, perhaps you can redeem yourself.  I may still show pity when I scourge this realm of any trace of Cowan blood.  What have you learned about the Witch Fairy that I would be interested in knowing?”


Rhiannon looks from her sister, who she is just learning despises her for her tainted blood line, and Xandra.  I can see in her eyes that she knows Xandra is faking the pain.  Her expression becomes calculating as she turns to survey the crowd behind Xenia.  For her, this comes down to self-interest.  She makes the right choice.  Turning to Xenia, she says, “I have learned that all of the stories of her greatness are untrue.  She has trouble performing even the most basic magic.  She cannot even dress herself.  Nor can she fight like a warrior.”  Xandra takes some offense to that but Rhiannon is simply telling the truth.  Though the truth is misleading in this case.  “I have watched her these past days.  She is a mockery.  The Witch blood in her has left her weaker than even the twice tainted Fairy.” 


She certainly knows how to lay it on thick.  She is even able to beam with pride as her sister looks her over with a newly found respect.  Maybe not respect.  Maybe it is more like less distaste.  “Thank you Rhiannon for confirming my suspicions.”


Xenia turns back to Xandra and shoves more magic inside of her.  With obvious reluctance, Xandra pretends to writhe in the sand.  She sort of looks like a seal doing tricks for a fish.  I believe I will keep that observation to myself, though. 


“Look at her, Kallen.  There was a day not so long ago that you would not look twice at a Fairy with nothing less than full-blooded status.  Now, you expect me to believe that you would prefer to be with this mutt that is powerless under my superior magic?”


A statement she will soon learn is not the truth.  Even if it were, my answer would still be the same.  “Yes.”












Chapter 25


Something closely resembling a growl escapes from her throat.  “Then, I will take care of her right now.”


Xandra actually looks relieved when Xenia pushes even more magic at her.  Capturing all of Xenia’s magic within her own, Xandra stands up.  She must have gotten some sand in some uncomfortable places because she is doing a little sand in my underwear dance for a moment.  I would love to help her with that.  Kegan snickers behind her but she ignores him.


Xenia’s mouth is trying hard to stay closed.  Her eyes swing from Xandra, to me, and back again.  “Kallen, you dare do this when I have the backing of these powerful Pooka warriors?”


Xandra scowls as she turns to me.  “Why is it that people are always assuming that you’re the one performing my magic?”


I shrug and grin.  “You have not had the opportunity to build the reputation I have.”


She nods at my reasonable explanation.  That is about to change.  To Xenia, she says, “As much fun as it was to pretend that your magic is anything more than a blip on my radar, everything has to come to an end.  Right?”


Xenia stands taller.  “If this is the game you want to play, fine.  Raphello, bring the twice tainted mutt’s mother.  I will show how serious I am about ridding us of Cowans.”


After a couple of seconds of no response, Xenia turns around.  Unfortunately for her, it is not the most powerful Pooka Fairies in the realm she finds.  It is the most powerful Sheehogue Fairies that I contacted last night.  Then Grandmother established two-way communication and after hours of painful negotiations, sometimes literally, the Sheehogue Fairies agreed to make a stand.  Their one stipulation was that it could not be in battle.  They were not willing to shed blood to save another realm.  That rubbed Xandra the wrong way but she agreed anyway.


Dagda has more than a healthy amount of amusement and pride in his eyes.  “As you can see Xenia, my daughter is full of surprises.  It would seem that your little rebellion has fizzled to a dull whisper.”


Dagda draws magic to fling at her when she quickly pulls a circle over her.  Dagda swears because he does not know what else his beautiful daughter can do.  Grandmother leans towards him.  “Patience, Dagda.  Trust your daughter.”


He watches in curiosity as Xandra walks towards the magic circle.  The circle that the rest of us cannot see.  He looks confused when Xandra laughs and waves.  Then his eyes become wide when Xandra walks through the wall of the circle and disappears.


After a couple of minutes of every Fairy on the beach staring in wonder at the spot where both Xandra and Xenia disappeared, the circle comes down.  Murmurs spread amongst the Sheehogue.  They know who made that circle fall.  It was not Xenia.  She is now writhing in pain in the sand.  I definitely do not want to help her remove the sand from her body.


“Now, to get on with my spell,” Xandra says continuing a conversation they were having in the circle.  She turns to give the Pooka Fairies who are bound and gagged on the sand a pointed look.  “You may want to pay special attention to this.  It could be you next.”


Xandra pulls back enough magic so that Xenia can push herself to a kneeling position.  The hatred in her eyes is fierce but underneath, she knows that she is beaten.  She starts to speak, but Xandra takes her voice away.


Walking around her in a circle, Xandra says a spell.  “Forbidden magic has led you astray, for the sins of others you must pay.  Innocent babe grown to power misplaced, from dark magic became a Fairy disgrace.  A soul lost, a threat to peace, your influence shall now cease.  Magic misused, power out of control, I strip these now from your wicked soul.  Abused by you against family, friend and foe, yours no longer, your magic has been let go.”  Then Xandra pulls her magic out so quickly that Xenia falls on her face in the sand.  There are so many snickers that mine goes unnoticed by everyone except Xandra who winks at me. 


Xenia’s magic is gone.  I can feel it.  It takes several heartbeats for Xenia to come to grips with that.  After a moment, she turns her rage on her sister.  “You lied to me,” she growls.  “You said she was weak.  You are a traitor to the Pooka cause.”


Rhiannon shrugs.  “Must have been the Cowan blood in me.”  Xandra and I both laugh at that.  Perhaps being out from under Xenia’s shadow will help Rhiannon become a better Fairy.  If Dagda decides not to try her for treason.


Ignoring the drama of the two sisters, Alston, a Sheehogue Fairy elder, walks towards Xandra.  “Impressive,” he says after introducing himself to her.  She is already familiar with his voice as he was the spokesperson for the Sheehogue during our negotiations.  “I did not think it could be done.”


Xandra shrugs.  “Neither did I.”


That makes him chuckle.  “Modest, too.  That will serve you well in the difficult life you are destined to have.”  Looking past her to Dagda, he says, “Are you now willing to hold up your part of this agreement?”


Tension is rolling off from Dagda.  He had reluctantly agreed last night, but the reality of the oath he made is hitting him now.  He turns his eyes to Xandra as he battles his pride.  This is the moment he chooses between his daughter and his need for revenge.  He chooses Xandra.  “I am.”  Alston is unable to hide his surprise. 


Dagda walks to Xandra and every step seems heavier but he keeps going.  This is going to happen.  I have not respected him in so long I am surprised by the strength of the emotion as it comes pouring back.


Grandmother brings Xandra the ancient grimoire and opens it to the page needed.  Kegan and I gather the four black candles that we left on the terrace earlier in preparation for this moment.  Each candle is carefully placed in the north, east, south and west positions.  I keep glancing at Dagda expecting him to call this off but he remains quiet.  When the candles are set, he nods to Xandra to begin and he, Grandmother and Alston join hands making a circle with Xandra in the middle.


Xandra reads the spell.  “To save the realms, this spell was cast, by Witch and Fairy, together set fast.  Greed and blood, revenge and war, drove the need to close the door.  One final way, a thread to the past, left in place not meant to last.  Forsaken now by the one it holds, no longer needed as peace unfolds.  Close the realms and none shall pass, save for the one who this spell uncasts.  Gateways remain locked, passages remain blocked.  With this act the process begun, as threads of hope are finely spun.  No longer shall this cursed one bare, the weight of darkness and despair.  Taken from him by his own request, forsaking desire of revenge and conquest, freely offered to lighten his soul, his focus now on letting peace grow.”


Magic sprouts from the ground all around her.  It swirls and pulses through all of us, as it does her bidding.  Dagda is stripped of the power to cross realms.  A choice he made if Xandra agreed to help him keep peace and keep him King.  In return, Xandra demanded that Grandmother continue to be not only the High Chancellor, but a King’s advisor as well.  She will help him guide the realm in a more peaceful direction.  I see a lot of fireworks in their future as they hammer things out.


The last of the magic literally explodes around us.  Everyone currently standing on the beach is thrown down to the sand except Xandra.  I assume that is because she is the only one who the spell did not affect.  Now, none of the Fairies have the power to jump realms even if the gateways were open.  Only she may pass through.  And me, but no one else knows that.  She whispered it in my ear just before slipping into sleep last night. 


Fairies one by one begin to pick themselves up.  The Pooka Fairies are released from their iron restraints and they skulk off through the forest.  They have realized change truly is coming and most are not happy about that.  They also know that some of them will be rounded up and tried for treason.  Xenia’s parents come to claim their daughter, who is now sobbing uncontrollably as all of her dreams are dashed.  There is not a shred of pity in my heart for her.  I am too consumed with thoughts of the left-hand fasting that will now take place to feel anything at all for her.












Chapter 26


When we leave the beach Xandra retreats to her room to bathe and dress.  I would try to join her again but the fierce look in Tabitha’s eyes tells me that there is not a chance of me making it through the door of her room.  Instead, I retreat to my own room and shower.  I did not roll around in the sand but a little cold water would not hurt right now. 


When I cannot stand the waiting any longer in my room, I move down the hall and wait in front of Xandra’s door.  Tabitha comes out after a moment and warns me to stay put until Xandra comes out.  I reluctantly agree only because I believe she will stand by my side until that moment if I do not agree. 


When Xandra finally opens the door she once again takes my breath away.  Sometimes I am surprised that my lungs work at all around her.  My eyes make a slow journey from her face, down her curves and sexy legs and then back up again.  “You are beautiful.”


Her cheeks are tinged with pink.  “Thank you.”


I put my hands on her cheeks and search for doubt in her eyes.  “I meant what I said last night.  You do not have to do this.”  Please do not say that is what you want.


She smiles.  “It’s not like we’re actually getting married.”


“No, but the magic involved in this ritual is powerful and binding.  If we do not follow the guidelines, we will be hand-fasted.”  I know that
will find it difficult to follow the guidelines.


She shrugs.  “We’re in the same situation as before.”  With a smile, she takes my hand and leads me down the stairs and out to the beach where everyone is waiting.


Grandmother and Tabitha are beaming as they turn towards us.  Tabitha has a tissue in her hand because tears keep making their way from her eyes down her cheeks.  I think I see a tear or two in Grandmother’s eye, but she tries to ignore them.  Alita and Kegan stand to the side.  Alita looks thrilled for us, Kegan maybe not as much. 


Under an arched trellis covered with pink lilies and roses, Dagda is waiting.  He will officiate over the service as the King must perform this particular type of ceremony.  When we stop in front of him, he right away begins to speak.  I think he fears more than I do that Xandra will change her mind.  “In all of our lives, we can look back at our pasts with the clarity of hindsight and see the times we acted foolishly.  I do not regret Xandra leading your mother astray, though I do hope she can someday forgive me.  Together, she and I created a life so full of promise; a daughter as beautiful as she is intelligent and kind.  I take no responsibility for shaping you into the person you have become, that is your mother’s doing, but I hope that I may be a part of your future.  I have committed atrocities against you, but in time, I hope that my actions will someday help us put that behind us.  Not forgotten, but hopefully, forgiven.”


He turns to me.  “Kallen, you have always been like a son to me.  Your opinions have widely differed from mine and your strength in standing by your beliefs is a trait I have belatedly come to admire.  There is no other I would trust to stand by Xandra’s side.”


Addressing both of us again, he begins the ceremony.  “Today, we come together to join Xandra and Kallen in a left handed fasting; a trial of love, a commitment of time.”  He pauses to wrap our left hands together with white lace.  “Love and youth, a powerful combination can lead us astray, cloud our desires and make our judgments poor.  For this reason, this fasting will help bring clarity and offer the gift of time.  A chance to make the right choice.  A step towards permanency and eternal happiness.  Two years from this day, Kallen and Xandra will return to this spot and make their decision to either separate, or to be right hand-fasted forever more.  If in these two years, the union is consummated, that act will constitute a decision made.  A life together begun.  Kallen, are you willing to pledge your life that the terms of this left hand-fasting will be abided?”


I know I have the widest grin ever on my face.  “Yes.”


“Xandra, are you willing to pledge your life that the terms of this left hand-fasting will be abided?”


Her smile is a little less wide but I will put that down to nerves.  “Yes.”


“Then be together until the time comes to make your permanent choice.”


Clapping and crying ensue.  Xandra is engulfed in hugs as Kegan and I shake hands and he slaps me on the back.  There may be a trace of jealousy in his eyes but I believe he is mostly happy for me.  I am surprised when Dagda pulls me into a bear hug.  He is usually not so physical.  I even see a tear in the corner of his eye. 


It is not long afterwards that Dagda leaves to go put his palace back to rights. He has a lot of work ahead of him.  He needs to figure out who the traitors were and deal with them. 


The day is too long for me.  There is much rejoicing and more food than even Kegan and I can consume, but my mind can only concentrate on the time that I can get Xandra alone.  Upstairs. 


When the time is finally right, Xandra and I make our escape amongst nervous glances in our direction that we will not be able to make it through the night without moving to a right hand-fasting.  We ignore them and try to keep from racing up the stairs.  As soon as we are in Xandra’s bedroom, I kick the door closed with my foot as I pull her into my arms.  She comes willingly.


As we devour each other with our kisses, I gently move her towards the bed.  Once there, I remove my lips from hers just long enough to pick her up and lay her on top of it.  Then I am lying next to her and we spend a very long time proving that we can stay within the guidelines of the left hand-fasting.  Barely.


As the night grows late, the exhaustion and stress from the past few days eventually catches up to us.  With a few lingering kisses, I murmur for the thousandth time, “I love you.”


And for the thousandth time she says, “I love you, too.”   


Unfortunately, every time she says that my hands refuse to stay still.  She sighs as they once again find the places that make soft moans pass through her lips to mine.  Okay, it is not unfortunate.  And sleep is overrated. 


When my mind-of-their-own fingers dip into the luscious depths of her panties, her body rises to encourage exploration.  Oh god, I am about to lose it.  I pull my hand back and roll to my back with a groan. 


Xandra’s disappointment is clear in her voice.  “Kallen?”


“I am sorry; I am trying to remember the reasons why we should not be doing that.”


She laughs.  “Me, too.”


Rolling back towards her, I lay my hand on her cheek.  “I think it best I keep my hands to myself the rest of the night, for I find I am losing control of them.”


Now disappointment flashes through her eyes but she nods in agreement.  She cuddles her luscious body close to me and lays her head on my chest.  With every bit of self-control that I have, I keep my hands safely on her back and on the arm that is draped across me.  I probably should have added more material to her nightgown because there is more skin than fabric touching me and my skin is burning from every touch of hers.  It takes a very long time to fall asleep with my body so awake.


Moments after I do finally fall asleep, Xandra bolts up with her hands over her ears.  I follow.  “Xandra, what is it?  What is wrong?”  Is she being attacked?  I cannot feel magic but maybe it is being shielded somehow.  Xandra does not respond.  I try again.  “Xandra, can you hear me?  What is wrong?”  Nothing. 


Then, as quickly as it happened, she lets her hands fall back to the bed.  “What is it?” I ask again but I still do not have her attention.  “Aunt Barb, are you a…”


“Aunt Barb?  Xandra, are you alright?” I ask.  Is she dreaming?  Or has the stress of the past few days driven her to delusions?  I hope it is not that. 


“What do you mean?” she asks but I know she is not talking to me.  She is staring towards the end of the bed.  “Aren’t Mom and Dad able to help you?” she asks whomever she is seeing.


“Xandra, what is it?” I ask yet again.  “What is happening?”


Finally, she turns to me and answers my question.  “My Aunt has astral projected herself to some plane of existence that has her trapped.  I have to help her,” she says as she gets out of bed.


“Where are you going?”


“To see what Isla knows about other planes.  And to see if she can tell me how to get to them.”  I scramble out of bed after her.  She is not going alone; I will help her any way I can.


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