Blood Ties (25 page)

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Authors: Victoria Rice

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #New Adult & College, #Vampires, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Blood Ties
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“Anytime.” She kept her eyes fixed on me as I got up and moved to the door.

Every ten minutes I looked at the clock on the wall. Its hands moved slowly around the square plastic, taunting me. I was going to call at
seven. Not too early as if I were obsessed, as he so gleefully pointed out. Finally, I couldn’t take it. Geeze – why did I feel guilty about calling him? Did he insert that little tidbit in my brain? I picked up my cell. Sweet. He hadn’t shut that down.

He answered on the first ring. Maybe he was psychic too.

“Hi sweetheart.”

“Hi,” I breathed
, “I miss you.” I winced at the sound of my voice just gushing with infatuation.

He sighed,
“It’s nice to hear, I miss you too. I just finished grading your test. You got an A+.”

I was surprised. “Really? Are you sure you graded it? I wouldn’t want you to slap an A on it and not even look at it.”

“No, I really graded it. Your essay on Baroque architecture was outstanding.”

“Thanks. I had a good teacher.” I closed my eyes and sighed. “So, no thanks to you, I told Logan
‘yes’. At least Jen and Parker will be there. We can hang out with them.”

“Sounds like a plan


“Yes,” he breathed. My heart stuttered. I wondered if he could hear it through the phone. My question was answered when he chuckled softly.

“Why won’t you tell me about
last weekend?”

I was met with silence. I waited.

“What would you like to know?”

It was my turn to be quiet. I hadn’t thought he’d tell me.

“Well, everything. Selene used the word ‘hunt’ and seemed worried all weekend. And you, with your cousins ... it just seemed a little clandestine.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone again. I wai

“It’s not something you need to worry about.”

“Not worry about?”

“Remember when you asked Selene if anyone had found out about us?”

My hand constricted around the phone. This couldn’t be good.

“I had a run
-in with someone many years ago. I was in Victoria for a convention and just happened to come across one of us …” He paused as he searched for the right words, “… taking liberties with a woman and a child. I tried to stop him but it was too late. The husband walked in on us and the other escaped without being seen. Unfortunately, I wasn’t. He’s been tracking me ever since.”

My heart began to beat a little faster. I started to lose circulation in my fingertips from holding the phone too tightly. “Tracking you?”

“Unluckily for us, he was, and is part of a small FBI unit that operates on the fringe. They have recently resurfaced. We were unsuccessful at locating him this weekend. He is very good at hiding.”

Yep, this definitely sounded like something I should be worried about. “So what now?”

“It won’t be long until we find him. Once we do, we will take care of it.”

“I see.” I bit my lip. “And what do you mean by taking care of it?”

“Trust me Liz, we mean no harm, just a few well-placed words, wiping of memories and removal of artifacts is all that is needed. All of this could have been avoided if I had been able to reach him that night. But it was too chaotic. The police had arrived, along with half of the hotel staff. He immediately went into hiding.”

Wiping memories? I’d heard those words in my nightmare. What the hell had he wiped from my memory?

He interrupted those not so pleasant thoughts. “Liz, we’re not in any danger. Trust me. There’s nothing to worry about.”

I closed my eyes. “Michael, I’m …” The nightmare from this weekend was doing its best to push its way to the forefront.

“Yes, love?” A thrill went through me.

“I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you or Selene, or your cousins.”

“You know how indestructible we are. So no more nightmares, right?”

I sniffed.


“Okay, okay. It’s not like I’m begging for one.” I breathed a soft, “I love you,” past caring if I sounded too mushy.

I heard a slight catch in his breath. “I love you too Liz. Sweet dreams tonight. Know that I will be thinking of you.”

I sighed a breathy, “Bye”

I sat several minutes lost in thought. His words echoed.
“You know how indestructible we are.”
A chill ran down the back of my neck. A horrible feeling gnawed at the edge of my consciousness.






I knew I was screaming but couldn’t stop. I was back in that chair and inside Michael, the blade cutting deep grooves into my chest.

Jen’s yelling cut through
my nightmare.

“God Liz, you are completely freaking us out!”

My stomach flipped, and not in a good way. Saliva let loose.

“Oh God,” I groaned. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

There was a sudden rush of movement as I heard bodies tripping over each other to get to the garbage can. Jen shoved it under my chin. I leaned over the side of the bed, panting, heated waves floating over my skin. Stringy drool spiraled down out of my mouth.

Jen yelled out
, “Towel!” A towel appeared. I grabbed it as if it were a lifeline. I swallowed several times. The nausea passed and I sat up. It looked as if half of the second floor was in my bedroom.

“Everybody out!” she yelled.

Once they had gone, I broke down into great heaving sobs. She handed me a handful of tissues.

“Liz, tell me, what’s bothering you
? Your nightmares have to be really bad for you to be screaming like that.” She hesitated. “Did someone hurt you?”

“No, no one hurt me. I can’t talk about it,” I choked out.

“Liz, I swear I won’t tell a soul.”

I shook my head. “I can’t.”

“Okay, but I’m staying with you. They broke down your door.”






I tried to take in tiny bits of air as Sally puffed away. Her nails were painted white with a miniature schnauzer gracing each tip. She watched me, making little sucking sounds with her lips wrapped around a cigarette. I squirmed under her gaze.

She gave one last suck on her cigarette and blew a voluminous amount of smoke towards the ceiling. “Broken lock, broken door frame.” She flicked the ash into the tray. “Nightmare you say?” I nodded, wishing I could rush to the window behind her, throw it open and stick my head out for a few quick gasps.

She slid an invoice to me. “Fifty for the lock, three hundred for the door and frame.” I cringed as I wrote out a check and slid it back to her. She wrote out a receipt, awkwardly clasping the pen, her nails wrapped around it like daggers. She pulled a small manila envelope out of a drawer. “A key for your neighbor Jennifer.” She grimaced and stuck the cigarette into her teeth. Maybe it was a smile, maybe it was just a display of displeasure. I wasn’t sticking around to find out. I needed to breathe.






The rest of the week went by quickly with Michael reminding me not to have any nightmares each night. The good news was it seemed to be working – the bad news, it was Friday. Tonight was the party I was being forced to attend. I understood why he wanted me to go, but it didn’t make it any less annoying. Tom was in Michael’s office when I went in. They were reviewing the agenda for the next administration meeting. While they droned away, I dove into a pile of class hand-outs he wanted me to proof. I heard Tom leave.

“So, ready for the party tonight?”

I ignored him.

“I bet Logan’s excited.”

I ground my teeth.

“So, have you decided what to wear?”

I threw a notebook at him. He caught it in mid-air. “I cannot believe you’re making me go!”

He didn’t even try to hold back a smile. “You’ll have lots of fun, friends, dancing, and beer. It’
ll be a lot more exciting than hanging around with something dead.”

I glared, just fuming.

“You’re so cute when you’re mad.”

I snorted and turned back to my laptop.

“Maybe I can make it up to you. How would you like to take a drive on Cabot’s trail on Saturday?” I said nothing. I wasn’t going to make it easy for him. “Please …”


“Is that a ‘yes’?”

I nodded and then was annoyed at the ease at which he had manipulated me. A student walked in and I ignored him as Michael discussed the results of his midterm. In the midst of their conversation, my cell beeped with a reminder. Jennifer was waiting for me to play dress up. I stood and packed up my things.

“See you on Monday, Ms. Aldridge,” he said, looking over the head of his student.

I stomped out and gave him a parting glare. He flashed me a brilliant smile.

I found Jennifer in her apartment, on her knees, pulling shit out of her closet. “I can’t find anything to wear,” she complained. “What do you think about this?” She held up a blue sweater.

“Nice.” She dumped it on the floor and yanked out more laundry. I threw myself on her bed, face up, my arms spread out.

“I don’t want to go.”

“Then don’t go.”

“If only it were that easy.”

She dug herself into the back of her closet and her voice
was muffled as she said, “Come on, you’ll have fun. I’ll be there. Most of the building will be there.”

Two shoes shot out like rockets.

“I know, I’ll quit complaining.”

about this?” She pulled out a t-shirt and bomber jacket.

“Suburbia gang’sta.”

“Excellent. Now that I’ve figured out what I’m wearing, let’s do you.”

Jennifer put together an outfit for me using some pieces from her wardrobe. She stuffed
me into a skin-tight pink t-shirt and a tiny zip-up white jacket. Makeup came next.

“Logan’s going to hit the floor when he sees you.”

I thought about that. Logan hitting the floor and knocking himself out would be a brilliant plan.

five, Logan and Parker showed up at our doors. Logan gawked. I told him to cut it out, swatting at him when he tried to hold my hand as we walked towards Greek Row. He laughed as if he thought I was playing hard to get.

The party was already in full force. At least fifty or so students milled about on the back patio of the frat house. Music blared out from a second story window and smoke filled the air from brats cooking on a large rusty grill. They shoved beers
at us and we made room for new arrivals. A few of Logan and Parker’s friends playfully tackled them, carrying them off. Jen and I turned around, pretending not to hear the ruckus, cups to our faces.

“Hey Liz.”

I turned around. Addie walked up with her groupies in tow. She gave me a hug as if we were buds. “Where have you been? I hope you haven’t been hiding from me.” She turned to her friends. “Lauren, Amy, this is Liz. She lives on the second floor. She’s Dr. Marcheon’s assistant.” My stress level shot up a couple double digits. I didn’t say “Hi”. I wanted them to go bye-bye. As soon as humanly possible. I snorted into my beer.

They oohed and awed. “I don’t know how you can stand it. I would just die if I were that close to him,” one of her friends giggled.

I choked on my beer. She had no idea. “Well, as you can see, I’m still breathing.” I glanced at the crowd around us. God, where did Jennifer go, or Logan for that matter.

“What’s it like, being the assistant to a Greek God?”

had the immortal part down. I shrugged. “There’s not much to tell, although, I did find out he’s written a couple books.” I had to give them something they could tweet. Addie was a tweeter queen. She’d started a “Dr. Marcheon” list and according to Jen, had at least two-hundred followers. Most of what she posted were his sightings around campus. She’d been very PC when she had tweeted about me. Which wasn’t much.

“Really, which ones?”

I felt an arm go around my shoulder. “Now Addie, you’re not harassing her about Dr. Marcheon, are you?” Logan teased.

She gave him a glare and made a sound, a half indignant hiss and a half “I’ll kill you later” growl.

“Guess I’ll see you around Liz.” She flipped her blonde, flat-ironed hair angrily over her shoulder. She gave me a look before they walked away. It clearly said, “You won’t get off that easy.” I stuck the cup in my face again and pretended not to notice.

“She’s in love with him
.” He ruffled his streaked blond hair.

Duh. Stalker love.

“It’s all she talks about. How come you’re not falling all over him like everyone else?”

I stifled the urge to play with my hair. It was catchy, like yawning.

“Want something to eat?” he asked. “The brats are awesome.”

I followed him to the grill through the haze of smoke. I was going to smell like a little smokie, a little “Canadian Smokie”. I was so easily amused.

We grabbed a couple brats then he introduced me to some of his friends huddled around the keg. We hung out, helped them hand out beers, and harassed the dorm-dwellin’ GBs.

When the sun began to set, the band started playing.
They were a popular local band. Jennifer dragged Parker out onto the makeshift dance floor. I didn’t run fast enough. Dancing with Logan was downright excruciating. I chained myself to the keg when the song finally ended.






The guys thought it would be fun to race back to the building with us over their shoulders. Jennifer had a grand-old-time while I kept smacking my hands on Logan’s back to get him to put me down. When we reached the lawn in front of our building, he dumped me on the grass and fell next to me. Parker kept going, carrying Jennifer into the building. I heard the echo of her laughter all the way up the stairwell.

I rolled on my back, wondering what Michael was doing. Probably chomping on a beastie in the woods. A real saliva-producer there.

Logan was too quiet. I looked over. He lay on his side propped up on his elbow, watching me.

“Did you have a good time?”


“Sure, Logan, it was great.”

“Good, I’d like to do this again. Maybe a movie this week?”

Avoidance kicked in. “I’ll have to see. I’ve already promised Jen I’d help her out on one of her art projects that’s overdue.”

“Okay, maybe this weekend then?” My expression froze when he reached over for a kiss. I gracefully rolled out from underneath him and got up.

“Logan, I’ve really got to
go, I need to get an early work out in at the gym in the morning and then I have to run over to the bookstore downtown before noon to pick up some books I ordered.”

He sat there on the grass, leaning back on his hands, grinning. “Sure Liz, I’ll see you around.” He
stood and brushed the grass off his jeans. He held out his hand to take me inside. I knew the odds were high he’d try to kiss me at my door.

“Oh, I forgot. I need to get something out of my car.”

“No problem, I’ll walk you.”

“No, don’t bother. It’s just around the corner.”

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said as he walked up the lawn to the door, walking backwards, grinning. He went inside and I listened to him run up the stairwell. I laid odds he was hanging outside my door.

I counted to one hundred then took a step towards the building.

A hand clamped over my mouth and yanked me backwards.

I screamed.

More hands grabbed me and forced my arms behind me. They wrapped something around my wrists. The hand over my mouth was replaced with duct tape before I could take in another breath to scream. I fought them, kicking any shins within reach. They didn’t say a word; they just hauled me up like a sack of seed and dumped me face down on the floor of a van. It bounced underneath me at the weight of several bodies getting in. There was a sound of doors latching shut. With a sharp jerk, the engine powered up and they tied up my ankles. Next to my face was a pair of black military boots.

They hadn’t blindfolded me. My mind started to slide into terror. It meant they didn’t care. I’d watched enough CSI to know what
it meant. I said a frantic prayer.

They began a rough search through my pockets. I screamed through the tape and fought them. The search stopped once they found my cell phone. There was a moment of silence.

A cold voice came from the front of the van. “Hello Michael. I think we have something that belongs to you …”

God No! Cold iced terror washed through me. I thrashed against the restraints and half rolled to my side. I looked up to see Eddie
with the tats, a smirk on his face.

A heavy weight squashed me back down on the floor. I fought to roll over underneath the boot. It pressed down harder and its heel dug painfully into my back.

“Take care of it!” the cruel voice snapped from the front. I panicked and more boots shoved me down on the floor. I struggled and fought.

I screamed when I felt the sharp jab of a needle in my neck.




Chapter 16




I fought my way out of a haze, shivering on a floor in the darkness. A dim light from a small window on
a door illuminated a dark and empty room. My head throbbed and nausea floated like waves over my skin as I crawled to my hands and knees. I was barefoot. Some sort of thin cotton material had replaced my clothes.

There was
a sound at the door and the lights came on. I immediately closed my eyes from the blinding fluorescent lights. I lowered my head. There were footsteps and they stopped. I opened my eyes and pair of men’s scuffed shoes was inches away from my face.

“Well, hello Elizabeth, I hoped you’d be up,” a voice murmured
. “I know the accommodations leave something to be desired but it’s for your own protection. We wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.” His voice dripped with cruel sarcasm.

I looked up slowly, squinting against the glaring lights overhead. That voice – I had heard it before.

“I’m Richard Jensen. How are you feeling?” He was in his fifties, slight in build, about my height and wore a lab coat over a gray suit. Mottled, pallid skin hung loose on his face, only broken by a slash of thin lips closed in a hard line. Cold steel grey eyes watched me with such acuteness that it caused chills to run down my back. I didn’t know if I should be furious or completely terrified. I opted for terrified.

“I apologize for last night, but it was necessary.” He laughed, his voice malevolent. His lips and eyes reflected a humorless cruelty. “I didn’t think you’d come voluntarily.” He laughed again and I shrank against the floor.

I had never met anyone dripping with so much evil. The blackness just oozed off him. I began to shudder in horror.

The door opened and a large heavily built man walked in carrying a Styrofoam tray and a bottle of water. He laid it down on the floor a few feet away
, then walked out.

“Please, try to eat something. You must be starving.” I shuddered a little more at hearing that voice.

“Why are you doing this?” My throat was so dry it had come out in a rough whisper.

“Hmmm, good question ... let’s see.” He crossed his arms and placed a thin pallid finger casually against his cheek. “Your Professor, or should I say your Michael and I go back a ways. He murdered my wife and daughter. I haven’t quite forgiven him for that. He’s quite elusive. It was by sheer luck my man came across the both of you in Sydney.
He’s an interesting subject, Michael. He’s quite unique among his kind.”

Ice ran through my veins.

“I have to say I’m enjoying this more than I thought,” he sneered. “And Elizabeth, or should I call you Alisé, I think having you here will make it even more enjoyable.”

“What do you mean? What are you doing to him?” I asked, my voice rising in hysterics. I thought now – now was the time I was going to start screaming.

“From my past subjects I’ve learned quite a bit. My little pharmaceuticals have become quite effective in eliminating their abilities.”

My nightmare flashed in front of me. I had seen through Michael’s eyes as he lay strapped to a chair and felt the excruciating fire that had raced through his body. I started hyperventilating. I recognized his voice. He was the man who had tortured Michael in my dream.

Jensen smiled happily, seeing the look on my face. “Well, I should go. I don’t want to keep him waiting.”

“No! He didn’t do it! He didn’t kill them!” I screamed at him in desperation. “It was another. He tried to save them! Don’t hurt him, let him go!”

Jensen smiled more broadly at my hysterics, amused, his lips twisted. I reached out with a hand and pleaded, “Please, let me see him.” The tears came and I started to sob.

Stark cruelty reflected in his ice-cold eyes. “Oh don’t worry about that my dear. It won’t be long before you do.”

I stopped breathing. Another round of horror swept through me as I realized I was more than just a means to capture Michael. I was going to be an instrument of torture in Jensen’s sick games.

He walked towards the door with a brisk
gait then turned. “Oh, I almost forgot. In thirty minutes my man William will come so you may attend to your toiletries. Don’t try leaving us. He is quite effective when necessary.” He closed the door behind him and there was the sound of a heavy lock sliding into place.

I sat there motionless on my knees, in shock, my nightmare playing in my head. Then the room swam around me and it went black.


“No ... no one will come for you, you might as well relax, save your strength. I want to enjoy this as long as possible.” He leaned in slowly. “So Michael, shall we begin?” Blood curdling screams ripped out of my chest as the blade began to cut


“Shut up!” a voice barked out viciously, abruptly pulling me out of my nightmare. I was thrown over a shoulder, carried down a hall, and then shoved into a small bathroom. The door locked behind me. There was no mirror, just a toilet, urinal, and sink with some bar soap and a towel.

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