Blood Wicked (18 page)

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Authors: Sharon Page

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

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This was her first chance to speak to someone who might understand other than Heath. She could not let a bit of shame deter her. “Sadie, weren’t you frightened when you became a vampire?”

“Of course. But I was alone. I did not have a gentleman like Lord Heath to help me.”

Sympathy tugged at Vivienne. She touched Sadie’s arm. “Alone? What happened?”

“We won’t talk about serious things now. That’s for later. Now, we do this.” And Sadie grasped her by the shoulders and turned her on the stool.

Zoe and Jasmine were sitting together on a long chaise, kissing. Then Zoe playfully spanked Jasmine’s sleek, slim derriere.

Vivienne was struck mute. Then she glanced to Heath. Oh dear God.

He was sprawled in his chair. The empty brandy balloon dangled from his long fingers. His legs were spread, which showcased how long and muscled they were. How beautiful they looked in his gleaming black boots. A thick bulge was obvious at the juncture between his parted thighs.

The giggling women and their kisses aroused him. And she couldn’t stop looking at him. She
watching him watch the women kiss.

She wanted to jump on him, tear his trousers open, and take him deep inside her aching cunny.

“Oh no,” Sadie said beside her. “You mustn’t make love to Lord Heath. You’ve done it once. Unfortunately that’s all you get. But you can have this.”

A plump breast bumped her cheek.

Sadie looked so hopeful. In Sadie’s shining blue eyes and her breathless anticipation, Vivienne saw the young woman behind the vampire. “You could kiss my nipple, Miss Vivi.”

That must be what Heath had called her to Sadie.

She couldn’t.

But Sadie’s nipples were so different from hers. Petite and very pale pink. Rather sweet, and quite small for such large, round breasts.

Did she dare?

Heath was watching her. There was a look in his eyes….

He didn’t think she would do it. And his eyes slid back to Zoe and Jasmine. Goodness, the girls were now kissing each other’s breasts. And their hands … Zoe’s fingers were playing in Jasmine’s dark nether curls, and in return, two long fingers were disappearing inside her quim. Sucking sounds of the thrusting fingers filled the room, along with the rich scent of feminine arousal.

Heath was roughly scrubbing his jaw. He’d put down the glass beside him and his hand was creeping toward his straining trousers.

Suddenly, Vivienne wanted to be the one to excite him. Her natural competitive nature rose.

With a soft moan, for courage perhaps, she kissed the generous mound of Sadie’s right breast. It was a swift peck of her puckered lips to dewy skin, which tasted of vanilla and of the sweetness of feminine sweat.

“Yes,” Heath growled from across the room.

“Ooh, yes,” Sadie echoed.

Both their reactions inspired Vivienne. She let her tongue rove over all that lovely ivory skin, because it gave Heath a more enticing view. And his loud groan was a victory. She let her tongue coast down, savoring Sadie’s abundant softness, then flicked over the plump pink nipple.

“Ooh, I do like that,” Sadie whispered. “And if you want to suckle, you can—”

“Be hard and rough?” Vivienne answered softly. At Sadie’s nod, she smiled, remembering how she’d tried to tempt Heath with that very same promise.

It was strange to take Sadie’s nipple into her mouth. She did
feel pleasure, of a sort, when a man took her nipple in his mouth. Heath had given her much pleasure that way. But she didn’t know quite how to do it to make it nice for Sadie.

So she explored. She sucked hard. Then she flicked her tongue over the nipple. She was really copying what men did to her. Which was rather funny. As a woman, she should know. But she truly didn’t …

“Suck hard. I do like that,” Sadie breathed.

Vivienne glanced to the side. Zoe and Jasmine were lying on the chaise. They thrust their hands—their whole hands—in and out of each other’s quims, moaning and squirming on the silk cushions.

As Vivienne stared, amazed at how vigorously they were thrusting, Sadie pulled her breast free. And next thing she knew, Sadie was on her knees before her. Vivienne’s dress was still on, but in disarray, her corset loose and falling forward. Sadie flashed a smile, then pushed her legs apart. Her heart pounded; her cunny was aching, and she didn’t resist.

She watched, breathless with desire—and shock—as Sadie’s tongue slid out and licked her wet, glistening nether lips. “Oh,” she gasped. “You mustn’t.”

But Zoe and Jasmine were doing this, too. They were arranged so Jasmine was on the bottom with Zoe’s quim poised over Jasmine’s mouth. Zoe’s head was between Jasmine’s thighs.

It was stunning. As Sadie licked and sucked her quim, she could watch the other two women doing the same things. Each time one of them—or both—wailed in intense pleasure, Vivienne joined them. She rocked on the stool, rocked rhythmically as Sadie skillfully sucked her clit.

“Put your fingers up my bum,” Zoe commanded Jasmine. And the other woman did, sliding three fingers between Zoe’s generous cheeks.

Vivienne almost screamed as a jolt of agony went through
her. It was … delicious to watch. And Zoe … heavens, she slid her fingers into Jasmine’s quim, and into her derriere, and she sucked the dark-haired beauty’s clit. Suddenly Jasmine bucked her hips up wildly. And Zoe came, too, pressing her pussy against Jasmine’s questing mouth. The scent of their flowing juices filled the air.

Vivienne glanced wildly over at Heath. He looked in such agony. His hand was cupping the huge ridge in his trousers. His chest rose and fell with his breaths. He looked to her and she heard his hoarse voice in her head.
I want to see you come, too, Angel

His command unleashed her orgasm. Her bottom bounced on the hard stool, and Sadie gripped her thighs. Relentlessly Sadie suckled her clit as the pleasure claimed her. Dizziness washed over her. She feared she would faint….

Then she was falling, but Sadie swiftly stood and hugged her. “Oh, Miss Vivi,” she whispered. “That was wonderful.”

Zoe clambered off the couch. Sweat glinted on her breasts and a pink flush touched her skin. “Tongues are all well and fine, but I’ve been staring so long at the bulge in Lord Heath’s pants. I want something big and long inside.”

But Heath shook his head. “No, love.”

Sadie sashayed forward. “I may have a suggestion, my lord.”

And to Vivienne’s shock, the lovely blonde spread her legs and began fingering her cunny, right in front of Heath’s eyes. Zoe gave a fierce laugh and dropped to her knees behind Sadie, kissing the curvaceous cheeks. She licked Sadie’s rump all over, while the blonde vigorously stimulated herself.

Then Zoe slid her fingers inside Sadie’s bottom. And Sadie climaxed with a lusty, delighted shriek.

Poor Heath. Panting heavily, Sadie winked at him. “Why don’t you try that, my lord.”

Vivienne held her breath.

He opened his trousers.

Flushed, exhausted, Vivienne watched as he released his cock. She’d seen it several times—it was so remarkably long and thick.

The other girls lay on their bellies on the carpet in a circle around him. “Finally, my lord,” cried Jasmine.

“How did you resist for so long?” Zoe asked, giggling.

Mesmerized, Vivienne watched him pleasure himself. His hand moved slowly, stroking from hilt to tip. Then he gripped his ballocks and moved his hand faster. Impossibly fast, up and down his shaft.

He was going to come. And the other women moved toward him on their hands and knees. He watched them, and his silvery-green eyes seemed to take fire. Hard and fast, his hand pumped. The women, for some reason, were jostling each other. Trying to push each other out of the way.

Sadie managed to work between the other two. She held her damp breasts up in offer. “Here, my lord. Splatter these.”

Vivienne’s eyes widened. But she wanted to see it happen….

“God,” Heath shouted. His upper body curled over, his legs shot out straight. His hand gripped his ballocks hard, his shaft even harder. And a burst of white exploded from his cock. It sailed in an arc and fell all over Sadie’s magnificent breasts.

Zoe and Jasmine laughed. “Lucky girl,” they gasped together. Then they blew kisses to Heath, waggled their bottoms, and disappeared behind the drapes. Sadie stood and brushed back her damp curls. Heath smiled and Sadie glowed in delight.

Vivienne should feel jealous. But she couldn’t, and she didn’t quite know why.

He slowly rose from the chair. And it was to her side he came. He grinned down at her, gasping for breath. “God, Vivi. It was the look on your face. The lusty anticipation of seeing me come. It pushed me over the brink.”

She blinked. She had done it? She had made him explode? Not Sadie’s breasts and her eagerness to have his come glisteningon
her generous tits? Not the fact three lovely nude women had been fighting for the honor?

It was you
, he said in her thoughts.
You make me climax like that. Like my heart exploded and shot out of me when I came.

Sadie bustled forward. “Let me fix your gown, Miss Vivienne.” After the sex, Vivienne had no idea what to say. She knew she was blushing.

Sadie swiftly re-tied her corset. “You must think of me as your friend. We’ve been intimate together, so of course I am now your friend.”

Vivienne felt a tug. She hadn’t had a friend for years and years. As a courtesan, she’d been suspicious of friendship. She’d had to pull her way to the top of her world.

Old uncertainties rose. The feeling she didn’t need a friend, she had to fight to survive … And she understood suddenly. She was afraid to let anyone in. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I am delighted to have you as my friend.”

Sadie fixed her gown. “There. A bit crumpled, but you look lovely.” Impetuously Sadie hugged her. It was strange to think she had a friend. Yet it was nice, too.

She was not prepared for what happened between her and Heath when the other women left.

He crooked his fingers, a strange, unreadable look on his face, and she approached. Sweat was cooling on her body beneath the silk of her dress. But she no longer went from scorching hot to freezing cold in a heartbeat. The pain was gone.

“It worked,” she whispered. “But how?”

“Possibly because I came for you. Only for you.” He lifted her onto his lap. His trousers and her petticoats were a barrier between her quim and his now slumbering cock. She wished she could will away all the fabric….

He pinched her left nipple, rolling it, tugging it. His other
hand delved down into her damp pubic curls. Masculine fingers parted her lips and stroked her clit. She wanted this. Just a little bit more pleasure with him.

The orgasm claimed her at once. She wailed in pure delight.

A little bit of pleasure? What was she thinking? It was extraordinary. And all he had done was touch her.

Flushed, gasping, she met his smile. She knew she was staring in wide-eyed wonder. “I didn’t think it was possible to climax again.”

His lips lifted in a wicked grin. “Good?”

“It was beyond good.” She glanced down. He was hard again, straining against his form-fitting trousers. “But what of you? You’re aroused again.” She knew of one thing men always did—complain about the pain when they were lusty and unsatisfied. “You must hurt.”

“Nothing I can’t endure. And I intend to put myself out of my misery with my right hand again. While thinking of you, love, and remembering how beautiful you look when you come.”

She blushed. She had never felt like this after making love.

Normally she felt … sad. She didn’t know why. Tonight she didn’t feel regret, just a deeper yearning for Heath.

And that was foolish. He was an even more impossible dream than her silly, childhood fantasies that a titled man would truly fall in love with her and want to make her more than his courtesan.

“Come, Angel. You’ve been up all night,” Heath murmured. “Time to take you back to your bed, so you can sleep.”

The horror of the vampire council had only been a few hours ago, but it felt like days. Still … “I don’t think I can sleep, Heath. What are Sarah and I going to do—?”

“You and Sarah are going to stay safe. I will take care of things.”

“No.” She slid off his lap. “I have taken care of myself for my whole life. I want your help, of course, but this is my battle. I cannot just hide and pray you take care of me.”

Heath didn’t say a word. And she was too tired to argue.

“I must check on Sarah before I go to bed.

He led her back to her room. Though his arm was around her, she felt cold—in her heart. She had wanted to give Sarah so much more than she’d had. She had worked and struggled to provide a fortune for Sarah’s sake.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Heath said gently.

Suddenly she did something she’d never done before. She confided. She told him of all her hopes for Sarah. “I wanted her to have money so she could be free.”

“She will be, Flower. I promise it.”

“But what if she is like me? What can she do then?”

“Anything she wants,” he said firmly. “She could travel the world. Or buy a lovely house in England. Hades, she could build her own theater and be the most praised actress England has ever known. Money is power.”

Vivienne shook her head. “It isn’t true.
is power. I always worried that Sarah could never elevate her position because she is a courtesan’s daughter. Yet in truth, she is a demon’s daughter.”

But Heath didn’t pander to her fears. “You dreamed of her becoming a countess or a duchess?”

She blushed. “It sounds foolish when you say it that way. I simply wish she could be whatever she wishes.”

“She can, Vivi.”

They had reached Sarah’s door. Heath was a most unusual gentleman. She’d never had a man care to hear about her worries and fears. This was friendship, too. She’d never had friendship and passion with a man before—

A scream echoed from Sarah’s room. “Help me!” Sarah’s voice was shrill, terrified. “Mama, where are you? Help!”

Vivienne shoved the door open, but it was Heath who rushed in first. Sarah was sitting up in the bed, flailing her arms wildly. Julian, now dressed in a black robe, was trying to stop her. “Sarah, let me help you,” he said desperately. “It’s just a bad dream, love.”

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