Authors: Carolina Soto

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‘Oh John, this is so unfair!’

              With a dramatic exit, complete with a slamming door and all, Jenny left too.

I decided to continue our first conversation. ‘John, I think Berkeley is interested in me but in a different way than what you thought. I think he wants to hire me, so I’ll go and dismiss him. And please tell Grace there’s no problem, I don’t want her to murder you in your sleep.’

‘Oh kiddo, please don’t leave me for his millions.’ We both laughed but he continued in a serious tone. ‘I am sure he’s not trying to recruit you, he’s an honorable man and he would never steal the best part of my team. I will respect that you think he’s not into you, but it worries me. You’re a beautiful, smart, funny young lady, and he would be lucky to catch your attention. Everyone needs love in their life kiddo.’

              And here we go with the same conversation everyone seemed to want to have with me.

‘Oh boss, that’s nice, but I am just a plain girl, so no Forbes billionaires are in my kissing booth. After that lunch, I will never see him again. Don’t worry about the millions.’

‘Ok sweet girl, take care of yourself.’

              With that I left his office. The day went smooth after that and I ran home ready to spend a Blue Eyes free weekend. Kevin was getting ready to leave when I arrived. Friday night was kind of his playground; picking a girl, deciding if she would be good for the weekend or going back to hunt on Saturday. He was absolutely handsome, so girls fell to his feet without any effort on his part.

              He knew something was bothering me, so after thousands of questions I told him about the stupid lunch. Of course that just made him ask more questions and I had to tell him about San Antonio. I never told anyone about possible romantic stories, not that this was one of them, but I had always hated the girls that think everyone is in love with them, so I always avoided the topic. After a really short version of what had happened, Kevin looked at me with a smirk on his face.

‘You want my opinion brat?’

‘Of course moron, I want a member of the Men Sluts Club to tell me what his fellow slut is thinking.’

‘First of all, I am not a slut. I am popular and terribly hot. Women want me and who am I to say no to them? And this just helps me to have a best input on the subject. You always think you are not pretty enough, smart enough or kind enough. I don’t fucking know why since you have the best parents in the world and you have always been treated like a princess; so your lack of confidence deserves scientific research. I think this man likes you, and no, with liking I am not saying he wants to marry you, he wants to bag you. Of course you were a one night stand option but after saying no you’ve become a challenge. And we
challenges, so if you want this to stop, just stop being the fucking challenge you always are.’

‘Ok, I am going to ignore that you think I don’t have any confidence, because what you said makes sense. I just don’t get why he would be interested in this challenge – I pointed myself- when he lives in a Ben & Jerry’s world and I am just a strawberry ice cream.’

He laughed; the sofa where we were sitting was shaking because of the strength of his laughter. ‘Oh please, please baby, explain to me, what the hell is a Ben & Jerry’s world and why are you a strawberry ice cream?’

‘Ok, don’t laugh at me asshole. You know how in Ben & Jerry’s they have all these flavors? All kinds of exciting, exotic, appealing flavors, and there are so many that you don’t have to repeat. You can simply taste something different every time, a new flavor in the market always.  And then, in this fantastic world, I am just the simple, boring, everyone knows how it tastes, strawberry ice cream. It’s ok, but let’s face it, no one asks for the unappealing strawberry. Sometimes it even has to be paired with other flavors to be attractive. That’s me baby, I’m that scoop.’

‘You know how fucked up you are right?’

‘Shut up jerk! I’m never explaining my theories to you again. I will forgive you this time, just because what you said is right. I am going to be kind to him for once, but I am not sleeping with that asshole.’

‘As if you sleep with anyone, spoiled girl!’

Oh no, he was getting into dangerous ground. ‘I hate that you know that about me. Maybe I will go hire someone to get rid of it so you stop bugging me.’

Kevin put his arm over my shoulders. ‘Baby, half of my friends would cut their own arm to get you rid of that situation. I could prepare an auction. I would be your pimp, babe!’

‘I will cut you in your sleep just for suggesting it; maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but the suspense alone will kill you.’

‘So you get it? Let’s put it like this; men like Berkeley, like me, we don’t get a no for an answer, a girl who says no is like a…. like a unicorn, and we all want to fuck the unicorn! Do you understand?’

‘Yes, I don’t have to be a challenge and you have a kinky thing for girly horses, I got it all.’

He laughed at me, I kicked his ass and then he was gone. I spent the weekend as usual, lots of TV, lots of junk food, and lots of romance books. This was my little secret, I hated romance in real life, but I think the lack of it made me like to read those silly stories. No one knew about this, so I could buy as many books on Amazon as I wanted like the weirdo I was.

As the week started, Monday and Tuesday were busy days, interrupted only by Michelle’s stupid phone call.

‘Katie, do you have something to tell me?’

Her birthday? Her nose job anniversary?

I couldn’t remember anything, so I just asked. ‘What’s up Chelle?’

‘Oh come on, Katherine Bianchi! You had a surprise at last week’s gala, didn’t you?’

That bitch, she knew! ‘You fucking traitor. You told him I would be there?’

‘Of course not silly bitch, I don’t know how he knew. Marc mentioned he was going. I did the math and assumed you would see him.’

‘Why didn’t you warn me?’ My backstabbing friend knew all the time!

‘Because you wouldn’t have gone.’

‘You called me before that stupid gala, you asked me about my dress and you didn’t tell me a moron I hate was going?’

‘You don’t hate him! He just gets into your panties and you hate that!’

‘He’s no place near my panties! And what was all that short dress shit you said that day?’

‘I know, from a really reliable source, that he loves your legs.’ The tone in her voice was like nails against a blackboard.

Oh God, this shit again!
‘He doesn’t like any part of me, and it’s disgusting to have a leg fetish C.’ I couldn’t forget about his stupid name for me “Long Legs”. And who had he talked about my legs? He saw them for 5 seconds one time.
This must be Chelle’s bullshit!

‘It’s hot, and you know it! Even my panties know it! He’s one of the hottest men alive, so even you, stupid nun, would like to wrap your legs around his hips.’

‘Oh God! Michelle stop watching that cheap porn, you are a grown up now, buy more professional stuff!’

‘Shut up bitch!’

I needed to finish this conversation before Michelle suspected about the lunch. ‘I gotta go.’

‘Moment to pray the rosary NUN!’

‘Moment to tell Marc his little, sweet girlfriend is into cheap porn.’

‘Oh, that was a lame try for you K! The only reason I am sure you are not a nun is because there’s no way they would accept a mean bitch that speaks like a sailor, like you!’

‘Back off slut! I have to work, go back to your low budget porn, sorry movie!’

‘Bye babe!’

I had avoided the bullet; if Michelle learned I was having lunch with that jerk she would have gotten ideas. But she also gave me some good information.














Chapter 5

The next day I knew my stomach would be killing me, it was tied in a knot. After my little talk with Chelle I knew what to wear. I put on a pair of wide-legged black pants that covered every inch of my legs, the most masculine white shirt I owned, black pumps and put my hair in a ponytail. I even grabbed my black portfolio, it was a fashion statement but also a man repellent. Kevin said he felt less masculine every time he saw it. I would have gone for flats but these pants only looked good with black high heels. I wanted to look professional and I love fashion. I would rather to be killed than wear the wrong shoes.

Everything seemed normal at the agency, but it became late quickly and I hadn’t had any news from Blue Eyes. At some point near 3 o’clock I was hungry and nervous at the same time, not a good combo for my mood.              

‘Ms. Bianchi.’ Sweet Mrs. Cherry entered to my room so I stopped typing.

‘Yes, Mrs. Cherry.’

‘Mr. Berkeley’s assistant called.’
He backed off? He is standing me up? Am I disappointed? Am I happy?
‘His meeting took a little longer, so a driver will be picking you up here at 5:00 pm.’

‘Oh, God, no, Mrs. Cherry, I can take a cab, I don’t need a driver.’ Why on earth would I need a driver? This was insane.

‘I knew you were going to say that, but he really insisted. Poor guy, he said his boss would fire him if you didn’t follow his orders.’ Mrs. Cherry was mortified of what would happen if I said no.

‘You must be kidding me! I don’t have to follow this guy’s orders. Oh, I really don’t want to go to this!’ I pushed my chair back and looked to the ceiling, asking God for patience or a big natural catastrophe to avoid this.

With a little smile, Mrs. Cherry lowered her voice. ‘I saw a picture on Jenny’s files. He’s really handsome, so you will have a good time. And probably I shouldn’t be telling you this, but Jenny is kind of mean to all of us, so seeing her in a jealous tantrum all day because you are having lunch with him, has been really funny.’

Who would have said it! Mrs. Cherry, yes, sweet piece of pie, old great lady Mrs. Cherry had it on her! I liked her even more after that! I smiled at her with a conspiring smile. ‘Then tomorrow I will brag about what a great evening I am sure I won’t have in front of her; just to make her temper worthy!’

We both laughed and after she left my office I had a delicious Twix chocolate; I was devouring it when I received a text from John.


Sweet little John, my poor boss was suffering with this as much as I was, but he was too much of a gentleman to say the right words. He would kick Dylan’s ass for me, and that was really sweet! At 4:30 I went against my better judgment and arranged my makeup. Even when I wanted to be as cold as I could, looking like a mess was out of what my mom had taught me; and I loved her too much to give her a bad face daughter. 5 o’clock sharp Mrs. Cherry announced that the driver was here. No other than Big Guy.

With his smooth vibe, he nodded, greeting me. ‘Ms. Bianchi, it’s great to see you again.’

‘Hello Joe, it’s nice seeing you, even when that means I have to deal with that asshole you have as a boss.’

He laughed a little and opened the back door of a black SUV. I was completely out of place, really uncomfortable in a stranger’s car, going to a mysterious destination to meet a jerk that I hated.

‘Joe, do you have some music? I’m kind of bored back here.’

He nodded and turned on the radio while I checked Twitter. After a couple of minutes we arrived; mystery location my ass, we were in the most predictable place in New York, The Plaza. Thank God! I could take a cab at any point and go back home, I could leave right now.
Good try princess, get inside!

I walked straight to the hostess. ‘Hey, I think someone is waiting for me.’

‘Are you Ms. Bianchi?’ She didn’t even check her list.

‘That’s me; please tell me he stood me up.’

‘Sorry ma’am, Mr. Berkeley is waiting for you.’

I got directed to our table, Blue Eyes already there. He stood up as soon as he saw me.
Oh God! Why can’t he be as ugly as every other mortal!
He looked stunning in his grey, three piece suit. God knows I am a sucker for three piece suits; white shirt, black tie, grey handkerchief; and a painfully hot smile on his face.

‘Katherine, looking gorgeous as always.’

I was almost sitting when he took me in a fast awkward hug, his hand on the small of my back. Apparently, weird physical interactions don’t end at introductions.

‘Hey Dylan.’ He smiled, but had a weird look in his eyes when I said his name. He also smelled incredible, I didn’t know what it was, but I was buying it! ‘So, here I am, let’s do this.’

He had his hand under his chin and his elbow on the table. ‘I like that eager attitude, I hope it’s not your way of saying you want to get rid of me that quickly.’

‘One lunch, now it’s something between lunch and dinner, I agreed to that and you are having that.’

‘Yeah, I am having that. How has your week been so far?’

Really? He put me in such a fucking pain for small talk.
What were you expecting girl?

‘Fine. We are working on a new campaign, well you know about it, the one you refused to participate in.’ He didn’t know it but I had a plan; tonight I would take as much information about him as I could and we would use it on the campaign. This would be a job assignment.

‘Yes, but you can tell me more about it if you want.’ He moved in a little closer, appearing to be interested in our campaign.

‘Well, I can tell you that one of our girls, the one that was really eager to come today. Do you remember that? She researched everything about you, so we’re making the profile that way.’

‘Oh God, should I be worried?’

‘No, now you have a new fan.’ I doubted a little, but went on. ‘She’s completely and hopelessly in love with you.’ I know, that was mean, I shouldn’t have been exposing Jenny like that, but she’s a bitch and she would take it. I noticed something about that last phrase bothered him. ‘What’s up, did I say something wrong?’

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