Bobbi Smith (15 page)

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Authors: Heaven

BOOK: Bobbi Smith
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Winn didn’t like the way Matt was looking at Alex, and it was all he could do not to remind him again that this was a marriage
‘in name only.’
It occurred to Winn that he didn’t have the slightest idea of what he was doing and that he’d better get his uncle’s bible and come up with a ceremony real quick. “I’ll get my things and be right back.”
Winn disappeared into the other bedroom and closed the door behind him. Tension gripped him as he put his bag on his bed and began looking for the Bible.
I know it’s in here somewhere!” he told himself in exasperation as he continued to dig through his personal belongings. “I can’t believe I’m going to do this! I’m about to marry a man and woman, and I’m an impostor, a fake!”
Winn grimaced as he thought about his deception, but then he reminded himself that as long as Matt and Alex held to the bargain that it was a marriage in name only, no one would be hurt by his actions—he hoped.
“Finally!” His hand closed around the good book. “Now, for the ceremony . . .” he muttered, sitting down on one of the beds and quickly scanning the pages. He tried to remember the last wedding he’d attended and what had been said, but as he best recalled, he’d been bored by the whole thing and hadn’t paid close attention. Today, he wouldn’t be bored.
“For richer, for poorer, in good times and bad, forsaking all others till death do us part,” Winn repeated the part of the vows he knew, but to make the ceremony sound authentic, he was sure there should be a scripture reading and probably prayers and a blessing, too. He glanced heavenward, wondering what his uncle was thinking now.
“Let’s see . . . There has to be something in here about marriage . . .” He finally found the passage in Ruth and he marked it. That done, he drew a deep steadying breath. Smiling at his own image in the mirror over the washstand, he said to no one in particular, “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”
Assuming a sedate and serious manner, Winn returned to Alex’s room to perform his first wedding ceremony.
Matt was standing with Alex, smiling as he gazed down at her. The two maids had joined them, and so he was deliberately playing the besotted bridegroom while they waited for Father Winn to return. Matt found the role a pleasant one for Alex was truly lovely, and he knew he could do far worse for a ‘wife.’ He thought it rather amusing that he, who had sworn never to marry after Valerie, was saying his vows less than a month later. And even though this was to be a marriage strictly in name only, Matt knew he would honor the vows he spoke for as long as they were legally wed. He would do nothing to cast doubt on the validity of the marriage or bring shame to Alex. It was important that they appear to be man and wife, and so he would play the dutiful husband. The crown was worth it.
“Are you nervous?” he asked Alex gently, lifting one hand to touch her cheek.
A little surprised by his intimacy, Alex glanced up at him. As her gaze met his, she could see the twinkle of amusement in his dark eyes and knew he was playing it up for the maids. Just before they’d joined them a short time before, Matt had murmured to her to act the part of his loving betrothed, so she did not protest his touch. She gave him a sweet smile as she answered, “Just a little. This is all happening so quickly, it’s taking my breath away.”
“Me, too,” he agreed. “But some times when things are meant to be, there’s just no stopping them. And we were meant to be together.”
Alex was having trouble keeping her expression from reflecting her very real amusement at his declarations. “It is an important step.”
“Very, but feeling as strongly as we do . . .”
“I can’t deny myself any longer.”
“Neither can I. I promise I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy, Alex,” he vowed with convincing intensity.
Winn entered the room, and, hearing Matt’s declaration, he stopped just inside the door. He didn’t realize Matt was saying these things for the benefit of the maids. He looked at Alex and saw her gazing adoringly up at Matt. When she reached out and rested her hand on Matt’s chest in a gesture of intimacy and affection, his grip tightened on the Bible he held. He knew he had to do something, so he quickly stepped forward to gain their attention.
“Are we ready to begin?” Winn asked.
Alex had been so intent on playing the game of loving bride that she hadn’t noticed Father Winn’s return. She jumped a little nervously at the sound of his voice and moved away from Matt. Alex looked over at Father Winn, and in spite of her continual denial of her attraction to him, she had to admit to herself yet again that she was drawn to him. Her feelings defied all reason. He was the unattainable man; yet had she been able to choose, she would have picked him to be her husband this day. For real. And while there was no denying she was attracted to him physically, it was his incredible kindness to others that had won her heart. She loved him, but it was a love born of respect and admiration. And she knew that it could never be more than that.
“Yes, Father. I’m ready,” Alex answered, turning her attention back to her ‘intended.’
“Yes, Father.”
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join in holy matrimony this man, Matthew McKittrick, and this woman, Alexandra Parker. If there are any present who have any objection to this joining, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
The two maids looked on in romantic contentment as he read the words of the ceremony.
“Matthew McKittrick do you take this woman, Alexandra Parker, to be your lawfully wedded wife, forsaking all others, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer till death do you part?”
“I do.”
“And do you, Alexandra Parker, take this man, Matthew McKittrick, to be your lawfully wedded husband from this day forward, forsaking all others, in sickness and in health until death do you part?”
“I do.”
“By the power vested in me,” Winn said more slowly. “I now pronounce you man and wife. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.”
The maids sighed audibly. The wedding had a fairy tale quality to it. Each maid hoped that someday, some man would be eager to marry her this way—quickly and romantically. Silly smiles lit their faces as they imagined the night to come.
“Do you have a ring?”
Matt had considered this earlier, and he took off his gold insignia ring and slipped it onto Alex’s finger. He held her hand in his, staring at the ring that marked her as his wife, and he smiled as he thought of the Crown of Desire.
“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. McKittrick.” Winn finished in relief. He’d done it!
Matt turned to Alex. He knew all eyes were upon them, and he was determined to make this as believable a wedding as possible.
“Mrs. McKittrick . . .” Matt said softly as a devilish smile curved his lips.
His unsuspecting bride looked up at him, and before Alex could say anything, Matt swept her into his arms and kissed her. When she stiffened, his lips left hers just long enough so he could whisper, “Make it look good, my darling. We have to convince our witnesses that we can’t live without each other.” He kissed her again, a hot exchange that was perfectly suited to a newly married couple.
Alex was completely taken aback by Matt’s unexpected embrace. While she realized the truth in his urging, she felt very self-conscious about such a passionate display right there in front of Father Winn. For a marriage in name only, it seemed to her they were off to a strange start. But while she was embarrassed by his boldness, there was little she could really do without creating a scene. Putting her hands on his shoulders, Alex accepted his embrace. Her response was passive, but to the onlookers, she appeared enthralled by her husband’s ardor.
Winn’s jaw tightened as he watched Matt kiss Alex. He wanted to pull them apart, to remind Matt that this was a marriage
in name only,
but all he could do was stand before them and watch. Finally, in total exasperation, he closed the Bible with a thump and cleared his throat. To Winn’s relief, Matt finally ended the kiss, but he still kept a possessive arm about Alex’s waist.
Alex was smiling as she gazed up at Matt. She looked like a woman in love—her eyes were shining and her cheeks were flushed with high color. She was excited, but her excitement stemmed from the knowledge that they would soon be going after the crown. She would do whatever was necessary to rescue her father, and if pretending to be Mrs. Matt McKittrick was what it took, so be it.
“How wonderful . . .” one of the maids giggled after the couple had finally broken apart.
“Congratulations!” the maids told them excitedly as they crowded around.
“Thank you.” They accepted their good wishes.
That done, Matt showed the maids from the room. He paused at the door, thinking over what had just transpired.
“I’ll be right back,” Matt announced, wanting this night to be special in at least some small way.
“Where are you going?” Alex asked.
“It’s a surprise. You’ll see.” With that he was gone, and Alex and Winn were alone.
She glanced at him and noticed that his expression seemed strained. “Is something wrong?”
“I know this was something that we had to do, but I feel perhaps I’ve abused my calling by performing the ceremony.” Winn suddenly wondered what would happen if Matt and Alex discovered they really did feel something for each other and decided to take their vows seriously? How would they react to finding out their marriage was a sham, a fake ceremony performed by a phony priest. He’d brought Alex along on the adventure against his better judgment, and he’d agreed to serve as her chaperone. Winn feared now that he might have done her a disservice. He could keep her safe from his own desire, but could he keep her safe from Matt? How could he protect her from her own husband if they honestly believed they were married?
“But you married us for all the right reasons.”
“Did I? Greed is one of the seven deadly sins.”
“We’re not doing this out of greed!” she countered quickly, thinking of her father’s life hanging in the balance and fearing that Winn might be backing out. “Don’t you see? That’s why Lawrence picked us. It was his treasure, and he chose to leave it to us. Claiming a gift is not greed. That’s what the crown’s curse was all about. We’re not doing anything wrong by seeking the Crown of Desire. We’re doing what Lawrence wanted us to do.”
Matt returned at that moment with a bottle of champagne and three glasses he’d procured at the bar downstairs.
“No wedding is complete without a toast,” he remarked as he set the glasses down and opened the bottle. The cork few across the room with a resounding pop and Matt poured them each a glass of the fine wine. Lifting his in salute, he looked at Alex and said, “To my wife, Alexandra. May our marriage be a long and prosperous one.”
Winn and Alex drank with him, then Winn knew he should add one of his own.
“To the lovely bride,” Winn began, his gaze on Alex, “and her groom. May this marriage succeed, and may our association be a fruitful one.” Winn downed the rest of his champagne, and he was pleased when Matt quickly refilled his glass. Tonight, he needed a drink. The champagne tasted particularly wonderful and had he had his way and been able to revert to the Winn of old, he might have commandeered the entire bottle.
“What do we do next?” Alex asked as she sipped from her glass.
“Tomorrow morning, we’ll pay the convent a visit,” Matt answered.
“I can’t believe how smoothly things have gone so far,” she remarked. “We found the city and the convent.”
“Let’s hope the hard part’s over and the rest will be easy,” Winn said.
“We can’t relax,” Alex cautioned. “If we look for the simple answers, we’re going to miss the most important thing. I’m sure Lawrence did not make this easy for us. There’s more here than meets the eye.”
“Well, all we can do is our best. Shall we start out in the morning, first thing?” Winn asked.
“I’ll be ready,” Matt agreed. “Let’s just hope the mother superior will be able to help us.”
“Shall we call it a night?” Winn suggested.
“Yes, good night, Father Winn. My wife and I are going to enjoy our honeymoon . . .” Matt teased, giving Alex a wink.
“In name only . . .” Winn repeated sternly, not at all amused by Matt’s quips.
“Yes, dear husband, I’m afraid we’re going to have to spend our wedding night apart,” Alex told him with smiling sympathy.
“Pity,” Matt said as he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. “You’re the prettiest wife I’ve ever had.”
“How many wives have you had?” She was laughing.
“You want me to reveal all my deepest, darkest secrets in front of a priest?” he asked in mock horror.
“Good night, Matt,” she said, still smiling.
“Just let me get the rest of the champagne. It’s going to be a long, lonely wedding night without it,” Matt mourned with good humor.
“You’ll have Father Winn for company,” Alex said.
“I like the good father, but somehow, on my wedding night, I thought I’d cuddle up with a warm, willing, beautiful woman—not a bottle of champagne.” He held the half-full bottle up and grimaced.
Alex was laughing at his roguish ways, but Winn was not amused.
“I’m Alex’s chaperone, Matt. I’ll protect her, even from you.”

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