Body Shots (12 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

BOOK: Body Shots
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Within moments they all three exploded.
Trent spilled his seed deep, and Crystal felt every spasm. Mac was right behind him, shouting her name and pumping her full of hot come. Crystal felt fingers flicking her clit and then she, too, burst wide open as an orgasm tore through her.
“Oh yes!”
Mac sprinkled her face with gentle kisses. Her cheeks and lips and eyelids recieved attention. Trent came down on top of her, blanketed her body, and sucked on her shoulder, biting and leaving his mark. His dick was still embedded deep. She sighed and collapsed against Mac.
“Hot damn,” Trent whispered against her ear. Mac kissed the top of her head and said, “I do believe I can die a happy man now.”
“You two will be the death of me,” she mumbled as she cozied up next to Mac.
Both men chuckled. “But it'll be a great way to go,” Trent added as he lay down beside her and covered them with the blanket.
She didn't have the strength to respond. The last thought on her mind was that she really needed to do something about their odd relationship. They simply couldn't go on like this forever. Surely it wasn't humanly possible. Someone would eventually cry uncle. Crystal had a feeling it was going to be her.
he next day, Crystal was busy putting the dishes away. She'd worked a long day, and it hadn't been easy considering her lack of sleep the previous night. Mac and Trent were wearing her out. Not that she was really complaining. Every second she spent with them was better than the last. Which left her more confused than ever. Dating them both meant picking one of them eventually, right? Mac and Trent seemed content to share her. And she had to admit, their little trio seemed to work. Better than her relationship with Richard, for damn sure. Still, loving two men? That wasn't something a person did for always and forever. That sort of thing was temporary. Eventually one of them was going to get jealous or want out. And where would that leave Mac and Trent's friendship? She didn't want to come between them. She cared too much for them to do that.
As she put the last dish in the cupboard and dried her hands on the dish towel, Crystal poured a cold glass of iced tea. When she heard a knock on the door, she frowned. She wasn't expecting anyone, unless it was someone for Mollie. When a second knock came, Crystal sprinted across the apartment and pulled the door open, then stopped dead in her tracks. “Mom?”
Her mom smiled. “Surprise!” she said as she tugged her close for a hug.
“I didn't know you were coming,” she said, trying to hide her suspicion. Her mom was here for only one reason: Richard. Had to be something to do with that blasted man.
“Of course you didn't, that's what a surprise is.” Her mother pushed her bangs off her forehead. “Are you going to invite me in or what?”
Crystal quickly stepped back. “Of course, sorry.”
“It's entirely too hot out for my liking.” She tossed her purse on the chair closest to the door and asked, “Got anything cold to drink?”
“Sure, come on back to the kitchen,” Crystal said. Once her mom was seated at the kitchen table, Crystal got her a glass of tea. “What brings you here?”
“Can't a mother visit her daughter without there being an agenda?”
Crystal frowned, not about to let her mom off the hook that easily. “You hate to drive, and it took a good three hours to get here. So, what gives?”
Her mom let out a deep sigh. “I needed to talk to you about something, and though I don't want you to be upset, it still needs to be said.”
Crystal's defenses went on high alert. “If this is about Richard, you can forget it. I'm not going back to him. It's over and I've moved on with my life.”
“It is about him, but not in the way you think,” her mom said. She looked down at the table. “Mollie called me. She . . . she told me everything you went through with Richard.” Her mom's lower lip quivered. “I swear I never would've encouraged you to stay with him if I'd know what that beast was capable of.”
Crystal looked at her mother for a long moment, unsure how to respond. “You came all this way to tell me that?”
Her mother's head shot up. “Yes. I wanted to apologize in person.”
Crystal shook her head. “All the times I tried to talk to you about him and you never wanted to hear it. You never wanted to know the truth.”
Her mother frowned at her as if Crystal was being ungrateful. “I thought you'd be a little more pleased about this visit.”
Crystal reached across the table and took her mom's hand in her own. “I love you, but it would've been nice if you'd listened to me. I'm your daughter. You should've been on my side.”
Crystal's voice had slowly taken on a pleading note, and finally her mom seemed to realize how much she'd messed up. “You're right. I don't really have an excuse for the way I acted, but if you'll let me explain, it might help you to see where I was coming from.”
“I'm listening,” Crystal said, taking advantage of the rare open moment with her mom.
“The thing is, love is fleeting. Just as quickly as you find it, it could be yanked away. Your father was a wonderful man when I met him. He swept me off my feet, and I loved every second of it.”
Considering the man had split after her mother got pregnant, Crystal asked, “What happened?”
“When I found out I was pregnant with you, it was the happiest day of my life. I thought he'd be happy, too. We'd get married and have more children.” She shook her head. “I was a fool. The minute he found out about the baby, he was gone. Wanted nothing to do with either of us.”
Crystal could hear the pain in her mom's voice even after all these years. “I'm sorry,” she said, wishing she could take her pain away.
“I'm not. He would've been a horrible father. You and I were better off without him.” She patted Crystal's hand. “I suppose that's why I wanted your marriage to work so badly. I wanted you to have what I never did. A man who was willing to go the extra mile. For richer or poorer and all that.”
“Richard wanted a puppy. Something to train to be obedient and well-behaved. That was never going to be me.”
“He's a horrible man and I'm glad you're far away from him.”
Crystal didn't bother to tell her about Richard's latest visit. “Me too,” she replied. As she thought of Trent and Mac, she added, “I do believe there's someone out there for me, though.”
She smiled at Crystal and said, “From what I hear, you're already seeing someone. A couple of someones, in fact.”
Crystal was shocked, to say the least. She hadn't expected Mollie to tell her mother about Trent and Mac. What's more, she never dreamed her mother would have approved. “Uh, well, yeah. I suppose I am.”
Her mom smiled and asked, “So, when do I get to meet them?”
Mortified at the idea, Crystal blushed a bright pink. “Soon,” she said, not willing to commit to anything.
“Take a leap, daughter. You're only young once, take it from me.” Her mom winked over at her. “Besides, the good ones get snatched up fast. Best grab 'em while you can.”
A laugh burst out and soon her mom was joining in. They sat talking for hours. After Mollie came home, the three of them went out to eat. As her mom was getting ready to head home, she took Crystal in her arms and said, “I love you with all my heart. I hope you'll forgive my foolishness.”
Crystal hugged her back and let the tears flow. “Already done,” she replied in a shaky voice. “I love you, too, Mom.”
A chirping sound woke Crystal. “What the hell?” She glanced at her phone and realized someone was calling. “Hello?”
She was tired and wanted badly to sleep, but Mac's voice had the effect of a strong cup of coffee. “Mac, is something wrong?”
“No, just wanted to hear your voice. Did I wake you?”
She chuckled. “Um, it's three in the morning. Yes, you woke me.”
“Sorry,” he said.
“You don't sound sorry,” she replied.
“I'm not really,” he admitted, his voice rough. “I was lying here all lonely. You wouldn't want that, would you?”
“I ought to hang up on you.”
“You won't, though.”
“Don't push your luck, Mac.”
Mac relaxed the instant he heard her voice. He wasn't sure what was up with himself lately. It was like he couldn't get his mind off Crystal. “I could just come over there. Slip inside your room and kiss every inch of your body. Would you kick me out, Crystal?”
“I wouldn't have the energy,” she said, her voice sounding breathless.
Mac was gentle and warm in his response. “I'll love you real slow, angel, then tuck you in next to me. We'd both be able to sleep then.”
“You are a tempting man, for sure.”
Mac could hear the rising desire in her tone, and he was pleased. He wanted her to always feel desire for him. It would finally put them on even footing. “So, you're in bed. What are you wearing?”
She laughed. “I'm so not answering that.”
“Come on, angel. It's just me.” Mac held his breath at her answer. Already he could picture her there, all sleepy-eyed and sexy. His body heated instantly.
“Fine, I'm wearing a T-shirt and panties.” Crystal laughed. “This is so weird. You are the most voracious man I know.”
“Only for you.” He heard her shifting around, as if she was attempting to get more comfortable. “Are you hot, Crystal?”
Crystal went silent a moment before saying, “Maybe.”
He forced himself to take this slow. The last thing he wanted was for her to back away from him, just when he was beginning to make some headway with her. “Never hide your sexual desire from me.”
. “That's not what I was doing. And you shouldn't make assumptions.”
“Yeah, but I know you. You're shy, and this kind of conversation is new for you, isn't it?”
“You mean this dirty phone call in the middle of the night? Yes, it's new.” Again she laughed. “You're outrageous.”
He loved to hear the sound of her laughter; it filled him as nothing else could. “Laugh all you want, but I could just come over there.”
That quickly caused her laughter to die. “No. If you come over, I'll end up letting you make love to me and I need to work tomorrow.”
He grinned at that confession. “You mean, you wouldn't be able to tell me no?”
“You know it's impossible to deny you. I get around you and I lose myself. It's like you're a wizard and you put a spell on me or something.”
“Hey, if I had that sort of power, I'd just use my magic wand and bring you over here.”
She snickered. “Magic wand? Really?”
Mac laughed. Crystal was an ever-changing bundle of emotions, and he loved it. He wondered if she was there alone. “Is Mollie in for the night, too?”
“Yes, we're both in bed. Did I mention that it's three in the morning?”
“I'm glad you don't live there by yourself. Makes me worry less that your friend is there.”
“You worry about me? That's so sweet.”
Mac groaned. “I'm not sweet. Puppies are sweet.”
She laughed outright, making him crazy. “Sorry.”
She was the only woman who had ever been brazen enough to laugh at him. Tenderness welled up unexpectedly. “Since you're already in bed, and you're nearly naked, then I think it would be a pity to waste such an opportunity, don't you?”
“You stay right where you are, pal.”
“Ah, but I can do plenty from right where I am.” She was so quiet he wasn't sure what had happened. “Crystal?”
“So, this is a dirty phone call.”
Mac rolled his eyes. “You're obsessed with the concept, aren't you?”
“A little, considering this is my first.”
“We should definitely do something about that.” He gave her a few moments to think about that before he let a picture come to his mind. “If I were there, I'd pull you on top of me, let you ride me. I can picture you now. Your head thrown back, your hair all down your back in beautiful waves.”
“Oh God, that . . . that's hot.”
He liked that her voice was less coherent now. He was getting to her, and he could feel her mounting desire. “Earlier I said that if I were there then I would make love to you. The part I left off is that I'd love you so slow and sweet that the sun would come up before I left you alone. I'd want to hear you come, over and over again for me. Do you like that, angel?”
“Yes, you're turning me on, Mac. You know you are.”
Her voice sounded husky and low, turning Mac on even more. “I'd also want to fuck you quick and hard. I'm aching to sink into you so deep. I want to pound my cock into your soft pussy until you're calling my name.” Mac gave her a few moments. He could feel her body heating up, her heart pounding hard and erratic. “You'll have to tell me what you like, or I can't continue. I don't want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable.”
“I like everything you're saying right now.”
It was Mac's turn to chuckle. Crystal obviously did not want him to stop, as she was so quick to answer. Still, he wanted to know in detail what it was she wanted, not just a quick few words from her.
“Not so fast. I want to know what you're agreeing to. To be sure we're thinking the same things.” His voice was deep and fervent. “Tell me, do you want me right now? Do you want me to make love to you? Slow and soft, so it takes all night? Or do you want to be fucked first? Hard and fast? So damn deep that it's unclear where you leave off and I begin?”
“Please, Mac, there's no way I can make a decision like that.”
Restless now, he demanded, “Touch yourself for me then. Stroke your nipples and play with your clit. Do it for me, Crystal. If I can't be there, then touch yourself for me.”
“Yes, Mac.”
“What are you doing?” He had a feeling, but he wanted to hear her tell him. He didn't think she even knew how transparent she was when she was anxious like this. Her voice gave away so much. It was making him insane with lust.
He reached down and took himself in hand. He wanted her so badly it hurt, and if he had to wait until tomorrow night to truly have her underneath him, then his own hand would have to suffice for now.
“I'm playing with myself.” Her breathless reply had him going ramrod stiff. He waited to see if she would say more and he wasn't disappointed. “I'm doing what you said, I've got my breasts in my hands, and I'm . . . massaging.”
“Such amazing tits, too. I love touching you there, because you are so sensitive.” He stroked himself, thinking of what she was doing to herself. Imagining the creamy swell of her breasts, her delicate fingers kneading and stroking. Her dark pink nipples would be puckered and erect, begging him. “Can you feel my mouth on your nipples? I can almost taste your succulent flavor.” He heard her breathing grow rapid, and he continued his onslaught. “I would suck you first, and then bite you. Just tiny bites, enough to make you grab at my hair the way you do when you get all wild.”

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