Body Shots (20 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

BOOK: Body Shots
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“Are you in love with Trent?”
“I'm ninety-nine percent sure I'm head over heels for both of them,” she said, admitting it for the first time. “I'm sorry for being such a Grumpy Gus. I'm lucky to have a friend like you. I really mean that, Mollie.”
“We're lucky to have each other,” Mollie said as she patted her on the shoulder. “Now, what are you going to do about this little quandary?”
Crystal frowned. “Eat myself into a sugar coma?”
She chuckled. “You could do that, but you need to think about something else before you head down that depressing road.”
“Look, I've seen the way Trent looks at you. The way Mac looks at you.”
Crystal wrapped her hands around the cold cardboard carton. This was one of those moments that was sort of like ripping off a bandage: she needed to get it over with fast and with as little pain as possible. “I've made love to both Mac and Trent. At the same time. More than once. And it was fan-freaking-tastic. But that doesn't mean Trent wants more than sex from me. I'm convenient, that's all.”
Mollie blushed. “Okay, that sure does paint a picture. Still, I don't think Trent thinks of you that way. If he only wanted a convenient sex partner, he could have his pick at Kinks.”
Crystal slumped, feeling awful as she thought of Trent moving on to someone else. “Yeah, there'd be a line of women if he snapped his fingers. Damn it.”
“So, do something about it, then. Get that man back,” Mollie said as she swatted Crystal on the thigh.
Crystal wondered if she even should. Did Trent truly care about her, or had it just been a fun time for him? “What do you propose?”
“I don't know, but I'm sure if we put our heads together we'll think of something.”
“Damn, this is all so complicated. It was supposed to be one night. Something wild and fun. But now I think I'm in love with them. How crazy, right?”
Mollie squinted at her. “Ah, so that's what's bothering you. It's unconventional to love them both at once.”
Crystal shrugged and toyed with her spoon. “I've always imagined falling in love and having kids, then living all happily ever after.”
“You can have that with both Mac and Trent. It'll be difficult, but what relationship is easy?”
Crystal frowned. “This isn't just difficult. This is a mess.”
“What's the alternative? Walk away and miss out on something amazing? I know what it's like to be lonely, Crystal. It's no fun, believe me.”
“You mean because of Alex passing away?”
“Alex left me devastated. I didn't think I'd get through it. With the help of friends like you, I did. But it's still painful at times.” She took a deep breath and said, “Don't let some old-school idea of what love and marriage should be ruin a good chance here. Talk to Trent. In fact, you should tell them both how you feel.”
Crystal stared at her melting ice cream. “I'm so scared, though.”
“You're letting Richard influence you, sweetie. You need to take a chance on these guys. They aren't cut from the same cloth as your ex.”
Crystal bit her lip, still unsure. “But what will people think? What will my mom think?”
Mollie waved the words away. “I've met your mom. She might have a hard time with it at first, but she'll get over it. She loves you.”
“You're right,” Crystal said with a smile. “Thanks.”
“You're welcome,” Mollie said, a naughty grin coming over her face. “And I have an idea.”
Crystal snorted. “Should I be concerned?”
“You and I are going to go to Kinks. And we're going to flirt.”
“Jealousy?” she asked. “Isn't that a little juvenile?”
She shrugged. “Maybe, but it never fails.”
“And if it does fail?”
“We'll buy more ice cream,” Mollie promised. “Lots of it.”
She laughed. “Thanks, Mollie. I love you.”
“Back atcha, sweetie.” Mollie stood and pulled Crystal to her feet. “Now, go shower. You look like shit.” She snagged the ice cream out of her hands and headed toward the kitchen.
Crystal snorted. “Gee, thanks.”
“What are friends for?” she called over her shoulder as she left the room.
Crystal headed for the bathroom, her steps a little lighter now that she had something of a plan. If it failed, well, it wouldn't. She'd see to it, because losing Trent was too suckish to consider.
or hours, Trent had sat at the small round table in the kitchen of Kinks while Mac grumbled about decisions they were making over the new club they planned to open. Frankly, Trent didn't see what the problem was. Everything was going according to plan. They'd made good, solid choices as to the building they planned to lease and the renovations that would need to be done before they could move forward. Mac should be in a good mood, instead of bitching at every turn.
“What gives with you today? You're in a shitty mood. Did you have a fight with Crystal?” Trent asked.
Mac stood abruptly and paced around the room. His agitation puzzled Trent. It worried him that Mac was so obviously bothered. He'd thought Mac and Crystal had been getting along great—unlike the way he'd bungled everything with her. But if that was the case, then what was up Mac's craw today?
“Okay, spit it out. What is it you aren't telling me?” The instant Mac turned around, Trent knew he'd hit a nerve. There
something Mac was not sharing.
“What the hell is going on?” Trent prompted further.
Mac came back to the table and sat, then shoved his fingers through his hair. He'd never seen his good-natured friend so stressed. His own words to Crystal came back to haunt him. Damn, he hoped they hadn't both fucked up with her. Wouldn't that just be a kick in the teeth?
“I told her I love her,” Mac muttered as he stared at the tabletop.
Trent was dumbfounded as to why that would put Mac in a foul mood. “That's great, right?”
“She never said it back. Now I feel like an idiot.” He paused then added, “I mean, I know she cares, but that asshole of an ex-husband of hers has really done a number on her. I'm worried she may never let herself be that vulnerable again.”
Trent shot to his feet, every muscle in his body pumped and ready for a fight. “That bastard deserves to bleed for the way he treated Crystal.”
“You'll get no arguments from me.” Mac shook his head. “He's called her a couple of times, did you know that? It's really pissing me off.”
“He showed up at Mollie's apartment one day, too. If I hadn't been stopping by, Crystal would've been alone with him.” Trent balled his fists at his sides, wishing he'd knocked some sense into the guy when he'd had the chance. “Exactly when were the phone calls?” When Mac told him the dates, Trent cursed. “That means he's contacted her even after I sent him away. Persistent bastard, isn't he?”
“Yeah. It worries me. I don't think he's just going to disappear,” Mac answered.
Trent willed himself to stay calm. Nothing would happen to Crystal. It couldn't. “We need to keep an eye on her.”
Mac's jaw went rigid, and his eyes grew cold. “I'm not letting him within spitting distance of Crystal. Hell, now I'm thankful she didn't find an apartment yet. At least she's not alone at night.”
“I may have a minor problem keeping an eye on Crystal.”
Mac frowned. “Why?”
“She's pissed at me,” he grumbled.
“What the hell did you do?” Mac asked as he glared at him.
Trent threw up his hands in surrender. “Look, I love Crystal, too. I'd make her my wife if I could.”
Mac's eyes lit with amusement. “Since you tend to bury your emotions under a ton of concrete on a good day, I take it she doesn't know how you feel, am I right?”
“Pretty much,” Trent admitted, wishing he could undo all the damage he'd done between him and Crystal. “Right now she would rather I stick my head in the nearest toilet.”
“Damn, what'd you do?”
“I asked her to live with me.”
“I'm not following you. What is so wrong in that? A lot of couples live together.”
“Yeah, but when I did it, I offered her money. Offered to pay her expenses and shit.”
Mac's eyes shot wide. “Like a mistress? Shit, Trent, it's a wonder you can still walk!”
“I didn't mean for it to come out like that. She was leaving and I panicked.”
Mac arched a brow at him. “Gee, you think?”
“I want her back,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “She's everything I could ever want in a woman. I can't imagine my life without her.”
“I know the feeling, but what if she decides she doesn't want either one of us?”
“I still need to try,” he replied. “I knew it the instant she walked into Kinks, that she was different. Somehow the three of us . . . it works. I never thought it would, but it does.”
Mac smiled. “She really is something. This type of relationship is always tough, but she fits us. Like the piece we've been missing.” Mac's eyebrows pulled together as he asked, “So, you're certain you'll be content never sampling another woman?”
The answer to that was easy. “My desire is only for Crystal. I imagine her pregnant with my child and the image doesn't send a shiver of fear through me like it once did.”
“The very idea of becoming a father would've caused my manhood to shrivel at one time, but not now,” Mac confessed.
Trent cocked his head and looked at Mac. “We both love her. Did you think that would ever happen?”
“No, I didn't,” he admitted. “But if you want to keep our trio intact, then you need to do some serious apologizing.”
“Yeah, that's what I figured. Got any ideas for me?”
Mac stroked his chin and grinned. “Not really.”
Trent wanted to strangle him. “You're enjoying this too much.”
Mac chuckled. “Hey, she might decide we're both too much damn trouble. I wouldn't blame her, either.” They were both silent a moment before Mac finally said, “Maybe you should send her a big bunch of flowers, then get on your knees and tell her what a fool you've been. Don't women sort of dig that kind of romantic crap?”
“Am I a fool for loving a woman who would rather see me strung up by my ears?”
“Yes, but men have been making fools of themselves since Adam and Eve. Why stop now?”
“True.” Besides, if she laughed in his face, then he'd think of something else to do to win her back. If he knew one thing about himself, it was that he had a stubborn streak a mile wide. One way or the other he'd get her back.
By the time Crystal and Mollie had arrived at Kinks, she was having some serious second thoughts. “What the hell was I thinking wearing this thing?” Crystal hissed as she and Mollie walked into the club. “I feel like I'm wearing a freaking tube sock.”
Mollie winked as she looked her friend over from head to toe. “Yeah, but you look really hot. He'll have to drag his tongue off the floor once he gets a load of you. You'll see.”
Crystal groaned, suddenly not so sure about anything. “And what about you, huh? I didn't even know you owned a dress like that.”
“I have a wild side, girlfriend. I just don't let it out to play very often.”
“I can see that.” Crystal looked at Mollie again. The dress she wore was black, strapless, and short enough to stop traffic. She could see Mollie's cleavage, though she didn't realize her friend even had cleavage until tonight. Mollie looked sexy and wild with her hair piled on top of her head and little tendrils falling down around her shoulders. With Mollie's large, almond-shaped eyes and full, ruby-red lips, she could have passed for a gorgeous starlet. Crystal hadn't realized Mollie could look so incredible.
Not that what Crystal wore was anything less than drop-dead gorgeous. The narrow strip of cream silk that wrapped around her body was the most lethal thing she'd ever worn. It left her feeling exposed, as if she were on display in a department store window. It was disconcerting, to say the least.
After searching her closet for what had seemed like hours, they'd both agreed to do lunch together and go dress shopping. Crystal needed something devastating to suit the occasion. Mollie had taken her under her wing by escorting her to one of her favorite boutiques. Crystal hadn't even realized Mollie had a favorite boutique. The woman had been holding out on her, that much was as plain as day.
Side by side, Mollie and Crystal strode up to the bar and grabbed a stool. The bartender came over straightaway. “Nice to have you ladies back. What will it be this time? Two club sodas?”
Crystal was surprised he'd remembered her at all. She didn't think she'd made that much of an impression on him the last time, considering he'd been swamped with customers and she hadn't stayed around any longer than it took to take a few sips of her drink. Apparently, she'd been wrong.
“Yep, works for me. Mollie?”
“The same, thank you,” Mollie said, giving the man a beaming smile.
“Coming right up.” The bartender's eyes lit with warmth and lingered on Mollie's cleavage for an extra few seconds before he sauntered off to fill their order.
After he left, Crystal leaned in and said, “Girl, you are just full of surprises tonight.”
Mollie looked at her, puzzled. “Why?”
“Just look at you. You're gorgeous, and every man in this place is staring. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if our drinks were free, and all the ones after that.”
“You know, it's sort of good to have a guy look at me with desire in his eyes,” Mollie said, sounding entirely too sad for Crystal's peace of mind. “After Alex passed away, it was hard to get used to. I felt like I was cheating on him if I encouraged a man.”
Crystal linked her arm with Mollie's and said, “Alex would want you to be happy. You need to remember that.”
She smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. “Let's leave him out of this tonight. Right now it's all about having fun, right? You and me and getting a little something for ourselves.”
Crystal sat up a little straighter. “Right you are.”
When the bartender returned with their drinks, he said, “Drinks are on that gentleman over there.” He placed their glasses down in front of them and pointed to a man at the far end of the bar.
He was good-looking, but he wasn't Trent or Mac. Crystal smiled and brought the drink to her lips. When she put it down, she saw a movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head and saw Josh walking through the door. Immediately, his eyes sought out Mollie, as if they'd been drawn to her. Mollie looked at Crystal, followed her line of vision, and fell so incredibly silent she didn't think her friend was even breathing. The chemistry arcing back and forth between the two was something for the record books. He started toward them, and Mollie stiffened.
“Hello, Crystal, care to introduce me to your companion?”
“Mollie Alexander, meet Josh Dailey, Trent's brother.”
Josh took Mollie's hand in the same old world way he'd taken Crystal's upon meeting her for the first time, then he kissed the back of it. He had a decidedly devilish gleam of arousal in his eyes. Now,
wasn't there the first time he'd met Crystal. She wasn't sure what to make of Josh. He seemed like a huge flirt, and Crystal wasn't too keen on the idea of him getting all hot and bothered for Mollie. Mollie was a little raw tonight; she didn't need a guy to mess with her head. Crystal was about to say just that, when Josh broke her train of thought.
“I assume you're here for Trent?”
“Actually, I'm just here with Mollie,” she said, then added, “Trent and I didn't have plans tonight.”
Josh frowned at her dress. “I see,” he said. He looked back over at Mollie as if she were a tall glass of water and he'd just come in from the desert. When Josh glanced at his cell phone, his brows drew together. “Would you two care to join me at a table, then?”
“Sounds good,” Mollie chimed in, a little too quickly for Crystal's peace of mind.
“Mollie, I thought we were here to, ah, mingle. Remember?”
“We are mingling—with Josh,” Mollie said as she eyeballed the man.
“Yes, great idea, mingle with me, ladies.” He held out both arms and grinned as Crystal gave in with a sigh and took one, while Mollie took the other with a rather beaming smile. He led them to a table in the corner, then looked the two of them over from head to toe before remarking, “You two sure are turning a lot of heads tonight.” He looked back and forth between them both. As his gaze landed on Mollie, he lingered. “Beautiful.” He seated them, politely holding each of their chairs. They no sooner got their tushes planted than someone was tapping Crystal on the shoulder. She turned and saw a handsome man staring at her with a wide grin.
“You here alone, darlin'?”
Crystal very nearly gave him the brush-off, then remembered her plan and changed her frown to a smile. “Yep.”
She started to get up, only to have Josh stop her with a large hand on her shoulder. “Are you sure you don't want to wait for Trent? He'll be along any minute.”
“No, but thank you,” she said, turning down Josh's offer. Crystal let the stranger lead her to the dance floor.
He pulled her into his arms and whispered against her ear, “Name's Brad.”
“I'm Crystal,” she said, wishing she wasn't aware of how different and wrong it felt to be in the man's arms. She wanted to be in Trent's arms. Or Mac's. No one else would do.
“So, Crystal, what's a beautiful woman like you doing alone at Kinks?”
“What's a handsome man like you doing alone at Kinks?” she tossed right back. He chuckled, but the timbre of his voice wasn't the same deep, intoxicating sound as Trent's.
“It must be our lucky day, that's the only thing I can figure,” he drawled, then pulled her in tight as he moved along with the slow beat of the music.

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