Bon Appétit (6 page)

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Authors: Ashley Ladd

BOOK: Bon Appétit
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“It will. Go ahead.” Alex gave her a gentle shove so that she rolled off him. Then he moved to the side.

She’d show up her friends! She wasn’t just a good, boring girl. She was a naughty, wicked, sexy woman!

She let her hungry gaze slide over the naked stud not two feet from her, and she got up on her knees and crawled to him. He looked nervous so she had to fix that. Reaching out, she kissed the tip of his cock then swirled her tongue around it.

When Matt moaned and wound his fingers through her hair, she wrapped her lips around his velvety knob. Supporting herself on one hand only, she curled her fingers around the root of his cock and gently pumped.

Alex sidled up behind her and swept his tongue down the crease of her ass, making her jump. Then his hand slid between her legs. He found her clit and massaged it.

Wonderful sensations rippled through her, and she ground her pussy against his hand. Yearning to feel the hard cock in her pussy, she pulled back and slid her body slowly and sensually up against Matt’s. She rubbed her breasts and her pussy against his cock.

She slid her tongue along the seam of Matt’s lips teasing them into a kiss. Her hand that was still around his cock brought it to her swollen nether lips. “I’m burning up. I need you. Please.”

Matt nodded as he twined his tongue with hers. He replaced her fingers with his and pushed the head of his cock into the opening of her pussy.

She tilted her pelvis to accept him, to help him go deeper into her. When Alex moved to the side, Matt’s weight pushed her down into the mattress. His cock drove into her, spreading and filling her.

Demi forgot to breathe as she luxuriated in him and savoured his taste. Glorious sensation thrummed through her veins. She’d missed this feeling even more than she’d realised.

Matt rose above her to get deeper penetration, leaving the whoosh of AC to kiss her sweat slickened flesh. Whether she shivered from the loss of his heat or the way he made her feel, she didn’t know, she didn’t care. She just wanted to feel this way forever.

They fell into a rhythm, their hips grinding together in a frenzy. The bed rocked so hard the headboard slammed into the wall in a series of small explosions.

Alex moved in and stole a long, breath-taking kiss. His hands kneaded her breasts. He rolled her nipples between his fingers.

When she climaxed in a shattering orgasm, her husband swallowed her screams.

Chapter Five




Demi faced the next lunch with the foursome of friends with a light, bouncy step. This time she was a bad girl, too. She’d been sick of being the good one who hadn’t been good and fucked in years, of having to hide the state of her sex life, of watching every word out of her mouth.

Lisa smoothed her skirt beneath her as she took her seat and flashed a wicked smile at her friends. She leaned close to Demi and Cassandra as Veronica was her fashionably late self. “I almost didn’t make it. Reid and Logan didn’t want me out of bed. They had me tied to the bed.”

Cassandra wiggled her brow. “You finally getting into BDSM? Did they spank you?”

Lisa chortled and repositioned her hair in its banana clip. “I whipped them first.”

Demi rested her chin on her hand and gazed at her mentors with glee. She was getting lots of good ideas for the next time Matt joined them in bed. And she enjoyed the luscious flavours of chocolate croissant melting in her mouth.

Lisa turned to Demi and put her hand on her arm. “And what about you? Have you ventured away from plain vanilla sex?”

Demi’s lips spread in a wide, sunny smile and she twisted her hair around her finger. She took a large sip of her wine and swished it around in her mouth before answering. “Not if you call vanilla sex having a ménage with two men fucking me at once.”

Too late she spied the young man who usually waited on them come up behind Cassandra and turn beet red. When he pivoted on his heel and sped away, she spit out the liquid in her mouth.

Cassandra turned her head, then giggled when her gaze followed Demi’s. “I bet we’re the talk of the kitchen.”

Lisa gaped at Demi. “You? You’ve never had eyes for anyone but Alex.”

Feeling flushed, Demi lifted her hair off her nape, but she nodded. “I know. But we needed to spice up our sex life, and when I told him about you having sex with two men, he brought home Matt as a ‘gift’.”

Cassandra’s eyes got wide. “Wow! My husband’s idea of a sexy gift is a new whip.”

Lisa nudged Demi and winked. “Is Alex fucking your new lover, too? Maybe we can have a foursome with you, me and Reid sometime.”

Veronica suddenly towered over them, then slung her purse over the empty chair. “Someone’s having a foursome? Can we come to the orgy, too?”

An elderly couple at the next table shot them dirty looks and got up and moved to another table.

Demi laughed. “We’re incorrigible. I’m surprised they let us into this restaurant.”

Veronica gave a flippant wave of her wrist then lowered herself into her chair. “This is the twenty-first century and we’re in the big city. If they don’t like us, fuck ‘em.”

Lisa raised her glass of wine in toast then clinked it to Cassandra’s, Veronica’s, and finally Demi’s glasses. “Fuck ‘em all!” they chorused.

The waiter who was enroute to their table with their salads, turned and ran back to the kitchen.

“Guys, we’ll never eat at this rate.” Demi’s stomach grumbled as if to punctuate her words. “I think our waiter just hijacked our salads.”

Veronica gulped her wine then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Who needs food? We’re going to have an orgy.”

Cassandra scowled then chewed on a bread stick. She waved it at Veronica. “I don’t know about you, but I need sustenance before I start cracking my whip. If we’re going to have an orgy, I need to build up my energy. Are you all subs or doms?”

Demi’s ears whirred and she shrugged and held her palms up. “I hadn’t thought about it.”

Lisa crooked her finger at their waiter and raised her voice, “Food please!” Then she said to Demi, “Would you rather be spanked or do the spanking? It’s that simple.”

Demi’s mind slipped back to her bedroom and her two lovers. She could definitely see them mastering her, ordering her around, having their wicked way with her. She tried to envision the reverse but didn’t find a cowering, docile man sexy. Tasting rich, gooey chocolate in her mouth again, a taste she had come to associate with great sex, she admitted, “I’m a sub. I long to be spanked and manhandled.”

The crash behind her chair made her jump, shooting her heart into her throat. Her pulse raced and she spun around. When she saw their salads littering the floor with their waiter in the middle of the mess, she had to lift her glass in toast again and say with a lopsided grin, “Bon Appétit!”


* * * *


“Veronica and the girls want to have an orgy,” Demi told Alex later that night as she nibbled on a chocolate croissant she had made from scratch after she got home from lunch with her friends.

After the salad episode, she didn’t want to see another piece of lettuce for a very long time. Salad dressing had splattered into her hair and stained her new blouse. She hoped the ugly glob on her clothes came out in the wash.

Alex stopped in the middle of chewing his croissant and his jaw dropped. “You’re joshing me.”

She waved what was left of her pastry at her husband and tented her brow. “I wasn’t kidding about their other sexual exploits, have I? Why would I start now?”

Alex stared at her for several seconds then pushed the rest of his roll into his mouth. After he swallowed, and massaged his neck, he looked at her with worried eyes. “Uh, I don’t think I’m up for that. Matt is one thing. A bunch of other people I hardly know is another.”

She felt like a criminal for mentioning this, for making him feel bad, and she mentally slapped herself. She wrinkled her nose. “I love what we have now. Too much would be overkill. Don’t worry.”

Alex cracked a relieved smile and slid his hand through her hair. He let the silky tresses slide through his fingers to tickle her neck. “Thanks, baby.”

In a sing-song voice, Demi reminded her husband, “Your cousin is coming over tonight. I thought we’d grill out steaks first, have a swim, and then go up to the bedroom…or not.”

“Or not?” He gave her a confused look as he grabbed another croissant.

She slapped his hand. “Put that back or you won’t have an appetite. What I mean is, we have a perfectly good pool with a perfectly high, solid fence if we don’t want to take our fun upstairs. We don’t always have to have vanilla sex.”

“I think I married a nympho. All you talk about lately is sex.”

She snatched back the croissant, waved it in his face, and laughed at his words. “If I am it’s because you and your cousin are so ultra sexy and I’m the luckiest woman in the universe.”

He pulled her against him and fit her snugly against his groin. “Since when is having a ménage vanilla sex?”

She looked heavenward and thought hard for several moments, then she slashed a kiss across his lips. “You have a point. It’s very unvanilla. It tastes like much more than merely chocolate.”

Matt swaggered in without invitation as if he owned the joint. He shook Alex’s hand then drew Demi in for a long, wet kiss. “I’m starved,” he said, his gaze devouring her.

Ignoring his obvious meaning, even as she told her own pussy, “down girl”, she said, “We were just going to fire up the grill and do some skinny dipping.”

“Or we could go skinny dipping then fire up the grill.” Matt tugged off his T-shirt and balled it in his hands.

Her mouth watered and she couldn’t wait to taste him. But she glanced up at her husband with askance. “What do you say? Are you starving…for food?”

Alex’s eyes were darker than Matt’s. He shook his head. “I’m starving, but not for food. I want you.”

The words pounded in her brain but sank in her heart. How badly she wanted him to be able to have her in that very special way. He pulled her against him and whispered, “I’m hard. Want to give it a go?”

Her ears rang and it took a moment for the words to sink in. Her heart soared then quickly crashed. How many times before had he looked hard but not been hard enough to stay inside her?

In the event his cock was hard enough to fuck her, she didn’t want to chance it in the pool. She didn’t know how the water might affect it. She grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the stairs. On the way she also snatched Matt’s hand. “Let’s go upstairs to bed.”

Matt scowled and half turned to look behind them. “But the pool. You said…”

“Later. I want to go to bed with both my men.” She winked, teasing, “Do you want to make me happy or don’t you?”

Matt scooped her into his arms and carried her upstairs in his long, easy strides. He gazed down into her eyes. “My sole purpose is to make you happy.”

Alex chimed in. “Mine, too.”

Her heart did a little flip flop in her chest and pounded harder until it drowned out all other sounds in the house.

When Matt lowered her to the bed, she crooked her finger at Alex then opened her arms to him. “Hold me. Kiss me.”

Alex was on his way before her lips closed. He plundered them, pushing his tongue inside. His hand coasted along the curve of her shoulder to her arm until it came to rest on the swell of her breast. When she writhed beneath the warmth of his palm, he squeezed it gently. Then harder.

Meanwhile, Matt rubbed his cock up the inside of her thigh then down the other. “I’m so hot for you, babe. Are you ready for me?”

Alex lifted his lips and leaned his forehead against hers. His gaze bored into her. He captured her hand and lowered it to his cock. He nibbled her ear and huskily whispered, “I’m hard.”

She froze. When her fingers curled around his rigid cock, heat flooded her hand. Her blood boiled. She surmised his must also be boiling, making his cock long, hard, and ready to fuck her.

Her breath caught in her throat and her pussy caught fire. She stroked his cock praying her dreams would come true, that her husband would be able to enjoy normal, wild sex again, that he could father their child. She turned her head and murmured against his lips, “Fuck me, Alex.”

Alex hesitated and she gave a small reassuring squeeze to his cock. “For both of us. You’re ready.”

Matt moved to the side of the bed and Alex mounted her. He sucked in a breath and gazed at her with a mixture of adoration and desire.

She nodded at him, infusing her strength, her love into him. A little spice was good for a marriage. To think her friends had been wise all along.

Alex’s cock drove deep inside her, moved out then plunged in again. It was a dream come true and she melted into him. But she had to know what it was like to feel two cocks in her at least once in her life. They’d come this far. “Two,” she managed to say on a ragged breath. “Both of you fuck me.”

Alex snaked his arms around her and held her tight to him. “Hang on tight, babe.”

Giddy, she smiled up at him. “Always.” Could she do anything else where he was concerned? Just like him, she wrapped her arms around him and rolled over so that she was on top.

She hoped the movement hadn’t effected her husband and she stilled. In a whisper she asked, “Do you feel okay?”

His wicked grin said it all. “Ride me, babe.”

“Anything you say, lover.” She leant over him and rode him hard.
“I’ll do anything for you.”

Alex winked. “Back atcha, baby.”

“Careful, you’re beginning to sound sickening sweet, like an old married couple, or something.” Matt’s fingers bit into her waist as he fit himself behind her.

Demi had to laugh. The taste of ‘old married couple’ was delicious, like fresh baked bread loaded with gooey butter. Absolutely decadent.

Matt squeezed lube onto his cock, then rubbed his cock down Demi’s ass. “Slow down, cuz. Let me get on board, too.”

When Alex slowed down for a moment, Matt slowly, expertly worked his cock into her. He pushed in a little then pulled back. Then he pushed in a little further until soon, he filled her ass as completely as Alex filled her pussy.

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