Bond 04 - Diamonds Are Forever

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Authors: Ian Fleming

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Espionage

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“The remarkable thing about this book is that it is written by an Englishman. The scene is almost entirely American and it rings true to an American. I am unaware of any other writer who has accomplished this.”—Raymond Chandler


“Mr. Fleming has unusual virtues: a fine eye for places—in this book there are admirable accounts of Saratoga and Las Vegas—an ability to convey his own interest in the mechanics of gambling, and an air of knowledgeableness that many writers in this genre lack.”—
Times Literary Supplement


“Our foremost literary magician.”—
New York Herald Tribune


“Ian Fleming writes with a kind of pushing, bloodcurdling elegance. His thrillers are models of fastidious murder.”—
New York Times


“Mr. Fleming’s writing is admirable; but his greatest gift is the ability, before his fantastic adventures begin, to paint convincingly a background against which they do not seem fantastic.”—
Birmingham Post


“James Bond is one of the most cunningly synthesized heroes in crime-fiction. He combines the tough-tender glamour of the sado-masochistic, Casanovesque private eye with the connoisseurship of a member—perhaps a rather new one—of White’s, laces this already heady mixture with a shot of Buchanish Imperialist spirit, and adds a tiny pinch of ground Ashenden...Mr. Fleming’s method is worth noting, and recommending.”—Observer


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