Boone: A Biography

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Authors: Robert Morgan

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Historical, #Adventurers & Explorers

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Praise for

“[A] comprehensive and deeply sympathetic biography. . .. Ideally suited to today’s reader with its vivid descriptive passages . . ., its persuasive portrait of Boone and its firm sense of his place in American history.”

The Washington Post Book World

“[A] long, passionate, and authoritative biography.”

Entertainment Weekly

“Stunning, and perhaps determinative in settling the frontiersman’s reputation.”

—The Dallas Morning News

“Highly readable. . .. [Morgan] brings fresh context and depth to this portrait.”

The Christian Science Monitor

“[A] revelatory biography. . .. [Morgan] crafts images that carry the reader into that world which Boone saw. . .. What Morgan has done with his
, is to make the man important as an entry point for today’s readers into what has become legend.”

—The Boston Globe

“Intriguing. . .. Morgan effectively demonstrates the way Boone’s life exemplified different ideals later taken up by Romantic writers and artists in America and Europe, from Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman to Lord Byron and the Hudson River School painters.”

Chicago Tribune

“By carefully drawing on many different accounts, Morgan works toward as clearly focused a picture of the real man as possible.”

The New York Review of Books

“Morgan’s skills as a novelist and poet help in making this the most detailed and compelling life of Daniel Boone to date. . .. This is a work of genuine scholarship.”


“[Morgan] brings to this new biography his novelist’s instinct for drama, an eye for telling details and valuable insight into human nature. . .. The flesh-and-blood Boone who emerges is vivid and rare, a far cry from the enigmatic icon. This is historical biography at its best.”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

“[A] beautifully written account of a life that was important for itself as well as for the legends that grew from it.”

—The Commercial Dispatch

“A model of its genre—both thoroughly researched and powerfully written.”

—The Louisville Courier-Journal

“Robert Morgan is a genius. . .. [He] brings his deep understanding of metaphor and his brilliant storytelling to the life of this complicated and fascinating frontiersman.”

The Raleigh News & Observer

“An excellent biography based on a mountain of research. Robert Morgan . . . is exactly the writer to produce this inquisitive study.”

The Roanoke (VA) Times


The State

“Admirable. . .. Define[s] the misty edges of the legend.”

Winston-Salem Journal

“Engaging and sympathetic. . .. [Morgan] brings to Boone a novelist’s eye for detail and pacing.”

—The Columbus Dispatch

“[A] beautifully written study of Boone.”

—Richmond Times-Dispatch


The Week

“A masterwork contribution to the scholarship on America’s frontier trailblazing. . .. A fine tribute to the historical figure and to the conflicted realities of the man.”

The Grand Rapids Press

“Splendid. . .. A richly textured masterpiece.”

Rocky Mount (NC) Telegram

“What emerges from this intelligent, beautifully written and wellresearched biography is an American frontiersman who was completely drawn into his time and place, a shrewd, articulate adventurer who has come to symbolize the valiant, resourceful individual as American hero.”

The Southern Pines (NC) Pilot

“In addition to rendering a complete portrait of Boone, Morgan lends insight into life on the frontier.”

The Newark Star-Ledger

“[An] impressive new biography of the American legend. . .. Meticulously researched and elegantly told. . .. Written with admiration and great care. . .. The narrative teems with fascinating asides.”


“[An] absorbing and stirring chronicle of the great frontiersman. . .. Outstanding.”

, starred review

“A beautifully written biography. . .. Strongly recommended.”

Library Journal
, starred review

“Boone comes alive in [these] pages. Morgan’s objectivity gives us a completely realized man.”

Publishers Weekly

is a pleasure. I wish more first-rate novelists-poets wrote biography. Robert Morgan has given us the man himself, so much more interesting and impressive than all the myths about him.”

—Richard Bausch, author of
Wives and Lovers

“A narrative tour de force. . .. Informed by serious scholarship and propelled by superb storytelling, Morgan’s book captures the heart of an American original.”

—Daniel Blake Smith, author of the screenplays
Trail of Tears
Black Indians

“This exquisitely written, meticulously researched biography is as compelling and unputdownable as a great novel.”

—Ron Rash, author of
Saints at the River

“A riveting account of the
Boone. . .. Morgan’s compelling and richly contextualized narrative reflects the author’s intimate knowledge and feel for the terrain that Boone explored.”

—Michael Kammen, author of
Mystic Chords of Memory


Boone Family Genealogy

Also by Robert Morgan


The Blue Valleys

The Mountains Won’t Remember Us

The Hinterlands

The Truest Pleasure

The Balm of Gilead Tree

Gap Creek

This Rock

Brave Enemies


Zirconia Poems

Red Owl

Land Diving

Trunk & Thicket


Bronze Age

At the Edge of the Orchard Country


Green River: New and Selected Poems

Wild Peavines

Topsoil Road

The Strange Attractor: New and Selected Poems


Good Measure: Essays, Interviews, and Notes on Poetry

Daniel Boone
. Fred G. Walker. Oil on canvas. 24¾” × 29½. Ca. 1914. Based on a Chester Harding portrait and presented to Berea College by the artist in 1914. (Courtesy Berea College, Berea, KY.)



Robert Morgan

For my grandson Grayson

A Shannon Ravenel Book

Published by
Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill
Post Office Box 2225
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27515-2225

a division of
Workman Publishing
225 Varick Street
New York, New York 10014

© 2007 by Robert Morgan. All rights reserved.
First paperback edition, Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, September 2008.
Originally published by Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill in 2007.
Printed in the United States of America.
Published simultaneously in Canada by
Thomas Allen & Son Limited.
Design by Barbara Williams

Library of Congress
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Morgan, Robert, 1944–
Boone: a biography / by Robert Morgan.—1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN-13: 978-1-56512-455-4 (HC)
1. Boone, Daniel, 1734–1820. 2. Pioneers—Kentucky—Biography.
3. Explorers—Kentucky—Biography. 4. Frontier and pioneer life—Kentucky.
5. Kentucky—Biography. 6. Kentucky—Discovery and exploration. I. Title.
F454.B66M67 2007

[B]                                                                       2007014204

ISBN-13: 978-1-56512-615-2 (PB)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
First Paperback Edition


Brief Chronology of Daniel Boone’s Life


:      The Mother World of the Forest

People of the Forest

:      The Hills beyond the Yadkin

:      The Yadkin Was the Wild West

Domestic Arts

:      In Search of the Real West

:       Visions of Eden


:      Return to the Bluegrass Island

:     Where There Was No Forbidden Fruit

:      Kentucky Was the Key

:      The Trace and the River


:      Light and Shadow

:    Sheltowee, Son of Blackfish

:    Farthest Outpost of Rebellion

:    With Chain and Compass

:   Father, I Won’t Leave You

:     Filson, Fame, and Failure

:     A Deale of Sine Is Seen

Boating in the West

:  Going East to Go West

:   To the Farther West

:   Done All the Good That I Can

:    Across the River into Legend


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