Boots and Wishes: Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 8 (3 page)

Read Boots and Wishes: Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 8 Online

Authors: Myla Jackson

Tags: #Cowboys;Western;Ugly Stick Saloon;Texas;pregnant;baby;abuse;Christmas

BOOK: Boots and Wishes: Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 8
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A cool Texas wind feathered across Audrey’s skin. “Are you sure you two will be warm enough in that trailer? The temperature is supposed to drop down into the low fifties.”

“If I could plug into an outlet, I can run the blower. I have propane for heat.”

“You feel safe with it?” Audrey asked.

“I’ve camped in the trailer before. We’ll be okay.” Beth cradled Mia on one arm and touched Audrey’s arm with one hand. “Really, I don’t mean to be a bother.”

“Dear Lord, Beth, you’re not a bother. I’m worried about the baby. She’s so small.”

Beth smiled down at Mia. “We’ll be fine. Won’t we, sweetheart?” she repeated as if reassuring herself as much as the baby.

“Do you at least have a carbon monoxide detector in the trailer?” Audrey persisted.

Beth glanced up. “No, I don’t.”

Audrey shot a look toward Jackson. “What happened to the one I bought for the saloon?”

“It’s probably still in the package in the storeroom where I left it.” Jackson held up a hand. “I’ll get it and install it right now.”

“Oh please, you don’t have to,” Beth said.

“It would be my pleasure.” Jackson ducked back into the saloon, leaving Audrey with Beth and Mia.

Audrey stood awkwardly. “Perhaps you should take Mia back inside. I wouldn’t want her to catch a cold.”

“It is getting chilly. Won’t you come in?” Beth led the way. “It’s not much, but it’s my home for the time being.”

Audrey followed, curious about Beth and Mia’s living arrangements. She told herself it was because they’d be parked at the back of the saloon and, since it was on Ugly Stick property, as a business owner, she was liable for her. The truth was she wanted to make sure Beth had adequate accommodations for the tiny infant.

The small trailer had a stovetop, a single bed at the back and a bathroom so little a man as broad-shouldered as Jackson wouldn’t be able to turn around inside. The recreational vehicle had to be at least thirty years old. Corners and edges were worn smooth and the enamel was chipped in the sink and on the stove. But it was clean and Beth had enough blankets to keep herself and Mia warm. A portable bassinet lay on the floor beside the bed, with a soft crocheted pink blanket folded neatly inside.

Everything about Mia made Audrey’s breath catch.

“Could you hold her for a moment while I move things around?” Beth shoved the baby into Audrey’s arms. “Since she just ate, she’ll probably sleep for the next couple of hours.”

Audrey took the baby because she had no other option. Holding Mia, she was amazed at how light and warm she was. The baby’s cupid-bow mouth moved as if she still sucked on the bottle. Her pink cheeks looked so soft Audrey had to touch one.

She brushed Mia’s cheek with her fingertip, and it was every bit as velvety smooth as it looked. The sweet scent of baby powder wafted around her, and she felt her knees weaken and her nipples tighten in an instinctive maternal response. Intense longing struck her so hard she could barely breathe.

So this was what it felt like to be a mother.

Chapter Three

Jackson stretched out on the king-size bed in the house he’d been raised in and in which he hoped to raise his own children soon. He remembered being a little boy, climbing up in the bed with his mother and father. Back before the twins were born. He’d had his folks all to himself and felt loved and special. When Mark and Luke were born there were just more people in the big bed and no less love.

He’d told Audrey he would be just fine if it was just the two of them, but he hoped for a little girl with strawberry-blond hair or a boy or two who looked like Mark and Luke when they’d been little. Dark hair, dark eyes and full of mischief.

After they’d left the Ugly Stick, he knew he had to do something to cheer his wife. The effort they’d gone through over the past six months was wearing on her spirit, and that was not like Audrey. She was the toughest, most resilient woman he knew. He’d come up with a plan, and while she had been at the saloon peeing on a stick in the bathroom, he’d made a few calls and had tomorrow all set up.

Audrey emerged from the bathroom, wearing a short, baby-doll nightgown that showed off her long, slender legs. He remembered the night she’d danced for him on his birthday. The night he’d known for certain that she was the woman for him. She’d worn a tiny vest, chaps and those bright red cowboy boots. Even though she’d been wearing a wig and mask, he’d known it was her.

Now she paced the length of the room and back, the filmy, blue nightgown swirling around her hips with every turn, her rose-tipped nipples peeking through the sheer fabric.

The more she paced, the hotter she looked and the harder Jackson’s cock grew.

Ten laps and she still hadn’t spoken a word.

Jackson couldn’t stand it a moment longer. “Hey.” He patted the mattress beside him. “Sit before you wear a hole in the flooring.”

She glanced up at him as if seeing him for the first time. “Oh sorry. I was just thinking.”

He chuckled. “That part I got. Do you want to tell me about the pregnancy test?”

Her eyes filled and she shook her head.

“Okay.” He wasn’t really good at the game of twenty questions, but if that was what it took to draw Audrey out, he’d do it. The woman was obviously distraught. “Are you disappointed about the results?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to talk about it.”

“If you don’t want to talk about it, what
you want to talk about?”

Audrey bit her bottom lip and sighed. “Beth and Mia.”

Jackson was afraid of that. “What about them?”

“I’m worried about them staying in that old trailer. It’s supposed to be cold tonight.”

“They’ll be just fine.”

“What if they run out of propane?”

“I checked the tank and it’s three-quarters full. They won’t run out in one night.”

“What if the carbon monoxide detector doesn’t work?”

“We tested it after I installed it.” His lips twitched at the memory of how high Audrey had jumped at the beeping noise it emitted. “The device will work.” He patted the bed again. “Sit. You’ve been on your feet over ten hours.”

“I’m fine.”

“Worrying about Beth and Mia isn’t going to accomplish anything. Sleep and you can come up with a new plan for the two of them tomorrow.”

Audrey chewed on that damned lower lip again, making Jackson crazy. He wanted to pull that lip into his mouth and suck on it, then kiss her silly.

“You really think they’ll be okay?” she asked, twisting the hem of her nightgown, exposing her flat belly and the lacy thong underwear she wore just for him.

Jackson nearly came out of the bed with his need to grab Audrey and lick a path from her cute little bellybutton all the way down to… “They will be just fine,” he said through gritted teeth.

Audrey glanced toward the door as if debating whether or not to go check for herself. “They’re so far away. If Beth needs help, she won’t have any way to contact us or the sheriff. I should have left her a key to the saloon so that she could use the phone in case of an emergency.”

“You can do that tomorrow. What you need now is sleep. And by the look of Beth, she could use some too. Disturbing her at one o’clock in the morning won’t help her.”

Audrey’s shoulders slumped. “I know. I should have offered to let her stay here.” She climbed into the bed and lay on top of the comforter. “At least here she’d have backup. No woman should have to raise a baby on her own. It’s hard enough with both parents. A lone woman, raising an infant baby, has to be tough.”

Audrey rolled toward the side of the bed.

If Jackson didn’t stop her, she’d return to the Ugly Stick Saloon, collect Beth and Mia and bring them back to the Gray Wolf Ranch. She swung her legs over the side of the big bed.

Before she could put her feet on the floor, Jackson snagged her around the middle and yanked her onto the bed, flat on her back.

He pinned her delicate yet capable wrists high above her head and stared down at her. “Did anyone ever tell you that you’re beautiful when you worry?”

A tiny dent formed in the middle of her forehead.

He kissed the dent. “Well, you are. Especially when you frown so fiercely. Some women would only look bitchy. You’re positively hot.”

Audrey shook her head, the hint of a smile quirking her lips. “Jackson, you’re so full of it.”

“No, you are—”

Her frown returned.

He smoothed the frown away with another kiss. “You’re full of love for everyone else. It’s one of the reasons I love you so much.”

Audrey’s eyes filled. “I wasn’t ready for it.”

“For what?”

“Holding the baby,” Audrey whispered.

“Oh, honey. If it makes you feel better, I can help her move the trailer to an RV park tomorrow.”

“No. They shouldn’t be penalized because I’m a big whiny mess.”

“Penalized? An RV park might be quieter and have the amenities Beth will need to provide a home for Mia.”

Audrey chewed on her lip. “I don’t want them to move unless Beth wants to move. I like her. And Mia…” A tear slipped down her cheek. “She’s beautiful. And so tiny. Holding her was one of the most rewarding and frightening things I’ve done in my entire life.”

“Just wait until you’re holding your own.”

“Oh, Jackson. I’m not pregnant and I started my period tonight.” More tears trickled down her cheek. “We can’t even make love.”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. Maybe next time.”

She shook her head. “I can’t do this anymore. It’s killing me.”

“Okay, then. We won’t try.” Jackson’s chest tightened at the sadness in Audrey’s voice. She’d always been the optimist. She’d never met a challenge she couldn’t undertake. For her to give up was unheard of. But that was what she was doing.

Jackson swallowed hard on the lump forming in his throat. He wanted children. With Audrey. But he wanted Audrey to be happy, no matter what decision she made. She was the only woman for him. If it was to be just the two of them together forever, that’d have to be good enough for him. “It’ll be all right. Don’t be sad. Just relax and stop thinking about it. We can go back to the way we were before we decided to have children. Sound good?”

Audrey’s bottom lip trembled as she nodded her head. “Are you sure you’re okay with that? I mean, just the two of us?”

“Yes, oh yes. Just promise me you’ll start smiling again. I miss the happy Audrey who always looks on the bright side of everything.”

“It’s been hard lately.”

“I know. You put too much pressure on yourself. Just forget about having babies and enjoy everything else life has to offer. You have me. Luke, Mark and Libby, and the entire crew at the Ugly Stick would lay down their lives for you. Babe, you are so very much loved.”

Audrey sniffed and swiped at the trail of tears on her cheek. “I love my family and wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

“Even me?” He winked. “Even when I snore?”

“Even you.” She smiled and cupped Jackson’s face. “I love you, Jackson Gray Wolf.” Then she kissed him and pressed her body close to his. “What would I do without you?”

“Now that’s something you really should never think about. I plan on being around a long, long time. So get used to that idea.” He smoothed her hair back from her face and drew her into his arms, his hand skimming down her back and up under her nightgown, splaying across her naked back. He couldn’t touch her enough to be completely satisfied. She was his addiction, the one thing he could never live without.

“So tomorrow is a whole new day. I declare it Audrey Anderson Day. Pamper yourself. Have your hair done. Get a mani-pedi or whatever it is you ladies do to your nails. Paint them every color of the rainbow if it makes you smile.”

“Do you hear yourself?” Audrey laughed. “I’ll be fine.”

“Good. And don’t think about anything but being happy.”

“Okay.” Audrey lay back against the pillow, a smile already curling her pretty lips.

“Promise?” Jackson kissed the tip of her nose and each cheek.

“I promise.” Audrey caught his face between her palms. “For you.”

“Good. I’ve already talked with Mona. She has a spot for you on her schedule to do your hair and nails.”

Audrey’s eyes narrowed. “When did you have time to plan all this?”

“While you were working at the bar.” Jackson grinned. “Actually, it was Charli and Kendall’s idea. While you were in the bathroom, I made the call to Mona. I think I interrupted her and Grant in the middle of something. There was a lot of giggling and squeals on Mona’s part.”

“You’re terrible. What time did you call them?”

“Must have been around midnight.”

“They have day jobs.”

“Hey, they weren’t sleeping.”


“It was an emergency and Mona agreed. She scheduled you over her lunch hour.”

“I can’t have Mona give up her lunch.”

“I’ll have it catered in.” Jackson’s brows rose in challenge. “Any more excuses?”

Audrey shook her head. “No.”

“Good. Charli and Kendall are going along as moral support and will take you shopping for something naughty afterward.”

Audrey’s lips twisted as if she fought a smile. “For you or for me?”

“You, of course. If it’s really sexy, I promise not to be too aroused.”

“The hell you won’t be.” She palmed his chest. “And you damn well better be aroused if I go to all the trouble of shopping for it.”

“Baby, you know it doesn’t take much to get me all hot and bothered. You can wear absolutely nothing and I’ll be in a lather before you can say
.” To prove it, Jackson shoved the pale blue nightie over her head and tossed it across the iron headboard. “See? I’m as stiff as a red-hot poker.” He nudged her thigh with the evidence.

“Damn it, and I’m on my period.” She touched his erection through the fabric of his boxers. “What a shame to waste it.”

“I can wait.”

“Maybe I can’t.” She slipped out of the grip he had on her wrists and wiggled her way down the bed until her face was in line with his shorts. Slipping her fingers in the elastic band, she shoved them down over his hips until his dick sprang free, thick, hard and straining to get at her.

“We could make love in the shower,” Jackson suggested.

“I have a better idea.” She grasped his member in her warm hands and slid them upward to the tip and back down to the base. She rolled his balls in the fingers of one hand while guiding him to her lips. “Yeah, I think I have an excellent idea.” She pulled one of his knees over her until he straddled her head. “Now, let’s see what you can do with this big, bad boy.” She took him into her mouth, licking at the tip of his cock.

Jackson fought to hold back and let her take the lead. When her hands closed over his buttocks, he was a goner. He thrust into her mouth and she took all of him until he bumped against the back of her throat. She pushed him out, scraping his length lightly with her teeth.

She was so warm and wet he thrust into her again, and her fingers tightened on his ass, holding him deep inside her, while her tongue slipped around him, lapping and twirling along his length.

His groin tightened so much he didn’t think he would last two seconds. When she guided him into a faster rhythm, he was more than willing to comply, pumping in and out of her mouth until the tension built to a fevered pitch. He started to pull out of her, knowing if he waited too long, he’d shoot his wad into her mouth.

She refused to let go of him, holding on to his cock as long as he could stand.

He resisted, his control stretched so very thin.

Finally she released him.

Jackson pulled free and ejaculated across her chest and neck.

Audrey held his cock, a smile curving her lips. “I told you I have good ideas.”

“The very best.” He left the bed and entered the bathroom, returning with a warm, wet washcloth. As he cleaned her chest and neck, he bent to capture those rosy lips with his. She tasted of him. “I could never get tired of making love with you.”

“Mmm. Same goes for me.” She blinked sleepily. “I’ll be glad when my monthly is over.”

“Me too.” Jackson returned the cloth to the bathroom and climbed into bed, spooning the sleepy Audrey against his body, wishing he could make everything all right for her. She did so much for everyone else; just once, everything should work out for her. Jackson fell to sleep dreaming of holding Audrey’s baby in his arms. Audrey stood beside him, her face flushed with happiness. It all felt so real, he didn’t want to wake up.

“So what’s it to be? Carmel highlights, streaks of peacock blue, hot pink, neon orange?” Mona asked as she secured a cape around Audrey’s neck and combed out her long, wet hair. “The sky’s the limit. Jackson’s buying.”

Audrey laughed at her friend and beautician. “Just trim it a little and give me a younger hairstyle. I have to look great to shop with Charli and Kendall. They’re so much younger than me.”

Charli snorted. “Oh go on. You are absolutely ageless.”

Kendall nodded. “So true. I hope to look as good as you do when I’m forty.”

Audrey’s brows drew together and she lifted a sponge roller from Mona’s tray of hairstyling tools. “I’m not forty!” She lobbed the roller at Kendall. It missed and bounced off Charli’s head.

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