Born of Treasure (Treasure Chronicles Book 2) (39 page)

BOOK: Born of Treasure (Treasure Chronicles Book 2)
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Jordan Elizabeth
, more formally known as Jordan Elizabeth Mierek, can be found wearing billowing skirts and brocade boots in the summertime. She wears them in the wintertime, too.

Although Central New York is her home, Jordan travels frequently, in particular to historical forts and fairs. She fell in love with steampunk while working at a Victorian Fair when she realized the genre contained her favorite things.

You can contact Jordan via her website,, or on her blog, Kissed by Literature.

She’s the president of the Utica Writers Club, which would make a great full-time job, if the organization wasn’t not-for-profit.

Fans of the Treasure clan should toss their cowboy hats into the air and check their pocket watches, for more adventures of Clark and Amethyst await in Hedlund.

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BOOK: Born of Treasure (Treasure Chronicles Book 2)
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