Bought His Life (7 page)

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Authors: Aleka Nakis Tia Fanning

Tags: #Time Travel, Contemporary

BOOK: Bought His Life
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“Well, I was doing some research at the library and decided to get something to eat. I overheard some people talking about this diner called ‘Emy’s’, and thought I’d try it.” There. Good. No lie.

“Really.” She gave him a suspicious sideways glance. “I like your hat, it’s very, how should I say… I almost didn’t recognize you.”


Was that a compliment she’d given him? He wasn’t sure, but he didn’t think so.

“So where’s your SUV?” she asked.

“I’m sorry?”

“Your SUV. The one you drove to the garage sale?”

“My friend, Jack, has it. He had to run some errands.”

“Where you from?”

“Ohio,” he lied. Not so good after all.

Kimber looked into the rearview mirror, and her brow crinkled as if she knew he was lying. Lawson decided to reverse the line of questioning before she delved too deeply into his life. He and Jack hadn’t agreed on a story to tell other people.

“So, what did you buy at the sale?”

She hesitated, as if considering her answer carefully. Perhaps she thought his question a personal one.

“Just some WWII memorabilia.”

This was his chance. If he could get his hands on the envelope, he could lift the key without her noticing.

“I love WWII memorabilia. Can I see it? Do you have it here?”

She never answered. Instead, she turned into Emy’s lot and pulled into an empty space up front. “Here you go.”

Lawson opened the door and got out. He put his arm on the roof and leaned down, giving Kimber a look that had never failed him with the ladies before. “Why don’t you join me for a cup of coffee? Or better yet, let’s grab a bite to eat. My treat.”

Kimber glanced at her watch and sighed heavily, as if annoyed by his invitation. “I guess I can give you an hour.”

It wasn’t the answer he was hoping for, but he’d take it.

He closed his door and made it to the driver’s side before Kimber finished unbuckling her seatbelt and gathering her purse. He opened the car door for her.

“How chivalrous of you,” she remarked in an off-handed manner. Without a glance his way, she walked straight into the restaurant’s entrance.

“My mother raised me to be a gentleman,” he replied tersely as he closed the driver’s door. He wondered if Kimber’s mother ever taught her the words “thank you”. Didn’t women love to have men open car doors for them?

Emy’s was crowded, but they managed to find an empty table near the large front window. As they headed that way, Kimber waved to the auburn-haired woman, Em, who was scuttling around taking orders. Em waved back, then looked at him, rewarding them with a dazzling smile.

“Looks like we’re in the right place,” Lawson said as he pulled a chair out for Kimber.

She glanced at the seat and rolled her eyes again. Then she opened her mouth to say something, but a ringing filled the air. Digging into her purse, she pulled out what he’d learned wasn’t a simple radio, but a cellular phone, and gazed at it with interest.

“I have to take this call. Just order me a coffee. I had a late lunch.”

Though she walked outside the café, he could see her through the window as she paced the pavement. She was wearing a jacket over that pink shirt of hers. Too bad. He really liked her tight sleeveless top. It showed the outline of her breasts and the shadow of her tight nipples, just the right size to fill his hands and mouth. And her ass. Her ass was…

He had lost his mind. He didn’t know the woman, and he already took her mouth and had her undressed and beneath him. Fine. That was all in his mind, but from the way his groin ached, it may as well be real. He adjusted himself and turned to study the specials’ board.

“Holy Mother of God.”

Across the dining room was Captain Jack Carter, wearing an apron and collecting dirty dishes off empty tables. Well, at least that took care of the groin issue.

Lawson chuckled and shook his head. Jack really threw himself into his missions. “One day, he's a captain flying the most advanced plane of his time, ready to save the world from a tyrant, the next he's scrubbing food of dishes to recover a journal and a watch.”

Jack never glanced his way. The captain was too preoccupied staring at Em. Lawson knew that what Jack was doing had nothing to do with their mission. True, the captain wanted his stuff back, but that’s not why he was working there.

Jack’s gaze followed that woman around like it was glued to her backside. Lawson had no doubt that the captain had taken the job because of her—to have a reason to be near her.

The front door opened, and Kimber strolled back inside. She reached the table and cocked her head with a fake expression of regret. “Sorry, I have to run.”

“But you just got here,” Em said, coming up beside her.

“I have an appointment. I have to show some property down by the Bearded Cockle.”

Concern and disapproval floated across Em’s features. “Why there? Couldn’t you meet somewhere else? It’s not a good place for…” Her eyes roamed over Lawson, and she must have realized that he was listening. For some reason, Em didn’t think he needed to know the details. “Just be careful,” she muttered.

Kimber tugged on Em’s arm and hugged her. “Don’t worry about me. It’s the middle of the afternoon. Anyways, I’ll have Bertha with me.”

Em gave her a relieved smile and a nod as she walked off. “Okay. Don’t forget to call me tonight,” she added over her shoulder.

Kimber fished her keys from her bag. “All right, I’m out of here. Nice seeing you again.”

“Wait,” Lawson demanded. “What do you do?”

Kimber gave him a look that cautioned him to mind his business, then blew out a heavy breath. “I work in real estate, hence the reason I’m showing property.”

“What’s the Bearded Cockle?”

“A bar. Now if you’ll excuse me.” She moved to leave.


She stopped and stared him down. Lawson knew he was pushing it, but he had an overwhelming urge to go with her. It was obvious that she was placing herself in danger. It had been written all over Em’s face.

“Do you want me to go with you? I know you’re bringing a friend, but perhaps you should have a man come along if the area is disreputable.”

He must have said the wrong thing. Her cheeks turned crimson, and she squinted. “Fuck you very much for the offer, but I’ll pass.” She abruptly spun and stormed out the door.

Lawson sighed and sat back in his chair, watching through the window as Kimber got in her car. She started the vehicle and zoomed back out of the space, then slammed on her brakes to avoid colliding with a passing truck. She looked forward, and her eyes fixed on him. Their gazes locked.

A jolt of electricity went through Lawson’s body. His chest pounded, drowning out the noise in the restaurant. He felt connected to her on some intangible level that he did not understand, as if they were tied together by an invisible link that made him feel as if she was a part of him, and he of her. Did she feel it, too?

Kimber blinked and glanced down, breaking their connection. She looked up again and, with tires squealing, finished backing out and drove away.

Damn woman, you’re more trouble than you’re worth.

Actually, she was worth it, he decided, and his reward for his patience would come soon enough. Not only would he get his key, but he’d get her in his bed, too. He wasn’t that much of a gentleman.

He turned back and found Jack standing behind him. “I’m going to follow her.”

“I guess selling property is a cut-throat business in this century,” the pilot commented.

“She’s not selling property. She’s lying through her teeth.”

“How do you know?”

“She’s packing. When she turned to leave, her jacket opened. I saw her holster.” Damn, she wasn’t bluffing when she said she had the means to kill him. Dread filled Lawson’s gut, and it wasn’t for his personal safety. His concern was for Kimber and any trouble she was in.

“What do you think she’s doing with a gun?” Jack asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out. I’ll catch up with you at the hotel.”


Chapter Seven




“Michiel!” Lawson hollered through the lobby. “Michiel! Get your ass out here!”

Michiel came running from the back room with a drink in his hand. “What’s wrong? Is there a fire?”

“No. I need a vehicle. Give me your keys.”

“What? Why?”

“I have to get to the Bearded Cockle.”

“Why would you want to go there? If you want a drink, just come in the back. We’re getting ready for tonight’s party, but as you can see, I’ve already started—”

Lawson was on him in an instant, Michiel’s shirt fabric gathered tight in his fists. “It’s important that I get to the Bearded Cockle. Now.”

“Okay, okay! Let go of me!”

Lawson released him. Running his fingers through his hair, he took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that. It’s just… I need to get there.”

Michiel smothered his wrinkled shirt. “You don’t have to go all alpha male on me. I mean, I like to be roughed up and all, but we hardly know each other.” He winked. “Maybe we’ll get to rectify that. Oh, and I must say, I love the outfit, especially the hat.”

“So, you’ll let me borrow your car?”

“No way, dear. No one drives
but me. However, I’ll give you a ride.” Upon Lawson’s nod, he grabbed his keys from behind the desk. “Follow me.”

was in the back of the motel covered by a tarp. With a big smile on his face, he unveiled her with dramatic flair. “Ta-da!”

If Lawson wasn’t so distraught about Kimber, he might have beaten Michiel for ruining such a beautiful piece of motor ingenuity. “That’s a 1941 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible Coupe with a 346 cubic inch V8 engine.”

“So you know your classic cars, Mr. Grey. That’s very sexy.”

Lawson raised his eyebrows. He could let the sexy comment go, but not what Michiel did to that poor automobile. “You painted her pink.”

The hotel owner opened the driver’s door and got in. “Yes, I love pink. Pink is so bright and cheery, yet soothing at the same time. I think there’d be a lot less war in the world if soldiers wore pink uniforms.”

Or it might have the opposite effect
. Lawson was feeling pretty violent at the moment.

“Well, get in, honey,” Michiel said. “My guests start arriving in the next ten minutes.”

Lawson climbed into the passenger seat. “Who’ll man the front desk?”

“Oh, Alejandro will. He’s such a darling. Keeps up with the books and manages the place when I’m not around. He’s watching the band tune up their instruments. And Jared is there, too. I think he’s more excited about tonight than I am.” Michiel started the Cadillac and put the automobile into reverse. “But can I give you some advice?”

Michiel waited until they were on the motorway before glancing at Lawson and raising a finger from the steering wheel. “I know you’re not from around here, so I just thought… Well, the Bearded Cockle isn’t for the likes of us. I know it would be hard to tell from such a name because of the whole ‘cock’ thing and all, but the men there are kind of rough, and, well, how should I put this… straight as an arrow.”

“Michiel, I’m not—”

“I know you don’t exhibit your sexual orientation the way I do, but still, if the men there should find out, you might end up hurt. I just hope whoever you’re going to see is worth it. You look the type that likes to play on the dangerous side, but—”

“She is,” Lawson offered with a smile.


He gazed out the window, his mind picturing the beautiful woman that somehow, in only one day, had managed to consume his every thought. “I said she is.”

“Please tell me you’re talking about your sister,” Michiel whined.

He laughed. “No, I’m afraid not.”

“All the good ones are straight.” Michiel shook his head. “Wait a second. Then why are you staying at the Flamingo?”

A mischievous answer leapt into Lawson’s mind. He knew he should repress it, but he couldn’t help himself. He just hoped it never got back to his captain—but how good would it be if they returned with John, too?

“Well, don’t tell him that I told you, but my friend… he’s a little shy about it. Where we come from, you don’t broadcast your orientation. He’s military.”

“I fully understand,” Michiel replied, nodding. “Even though the law has changed, don’t ask, don’t tell is still very much in effect.”

“Yes,” Lawson agreed.

“It was hard for me to come out as well. My parents were quite ashamed when I told them I was gay. They said they still loved me, but their society friends would never understand. So they shipped me off to Florida, gave me my substantial trust fund and said, ‘Good luck. You can come back when you’re ready to settle down with a good woman and give us some grandkids.’ I took the money and bought myself a little motel. Here I am.”

Michiel turned into a shoddy area down by some rotted fishing docks, then pulled into a lot in front of a shack of a tavern. The place was virtually empty except for a couple of rusted trucks and some motorcycles. His heart dropped into his stomach at the sight of Kimber’s car.

“How will you get back to the hotel?” Michiel asked.

“I’ll find a way. Thanks for the ride.”

“You watch yourself. This place is nothing but a haven for pirates, bikers and hardened criminals.”

“I will. See you later.” He shut the door, waving as Michiel pulled off.

Lawson stood in front of the Bearded Cockle, debating on whether or not he should go in. He told himself that he didn’t care for Kimber, that what he felt for her was simple lust, and that really, his only concern was getting his key back.

He circled her car and spotted the envelope that held his key. It was hidden on the floor behind the driver’s seat.

Why should he care at all what happened to her? She hardly even acknowledged his existence. Just because he wanted to make that shower scene a reality didn’t mean he had to follow his dick’s desires. If anything, he should break the window, get his key and get the hell out of town.

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