Bought (Unchained Vice Book 3) (25 page)

BOOK: Bought (Unchained Vice Book 3)
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This time she did scream, her body twisting as she bucked. Maybe this was why she spent her life inviting so many to look and letting so few touch.

It was madness.

It was heaven.

She wanted to lose herself to this.

“More, Kiki?”

She nodded before he even finished the question. Anything to send her over the edge. Anything.

The next bite of wax fell on her tortured nipple, a single splash covering the whole bud. Her pleasure splintered as the wax hardened and pulled tight.

Raw ecstasy tore along her nerves and she hurtled into bliss. She was still flying when another splash fell on her other nipple, forcing another bright burst of pleasure.

Soundless seconds stretched. She wanted to stay there, spiraling into the free.

She moaned as the world sucked her back and she reluctantly floated down again.


Grace was barely aware of the hand that slipped under her, cradling her head as fingers tugged to loosen the knot in the blindfold. Black fell from her eyes and light rushed in. She squinted a second before her lids snapped shut. When her eyes fluttered open again, it was easy to believe she was still in heaven. Beautiful, clear blue eyes looked down on her.

Into her.

The intimacy was too personal. Too much.

She closed her eyes instinctively but that didn’t make him gone. She could feel him above her. Smell him. Suddenly she couldn’t breathe.

“Go.” Her voice sounded rusty, foreign to her ears. “Get off me. Go!” She panicked.

“Kiki –”

“Get away from me!”

The apple. She remembered now he’d said to drop it to safe-out. Before her fingers opened, she felt him move away. She kept her eyes shut. She couldn’t look at him.

“Kiki –” he tried again, his voice no longer close.

“Just go away … please. Just go.” She turned her face away from the sound of him.

For an agonizing moment she thought he would refuse.

“I’ll call someone.” He sounded as confused as she felt.

For a moment he’d made her feel normal. Whole. She knew it was unfair, and she wished it were different.


Finally, when she was sure he had gone, Grace slowly opened her eyes. This time, she saw herself floating above her, her image reflected in the mirror on the ceiling. She saw her cheeks flushed from the orgasm, a snake twirling around her form, the wax splotches creating the effect of scales in relief. He had captured it perfectly, imbued it with life. The snake seemed to pulsate as she breathed. It slithered up her arm toward the apple. Her hand was wet and sticky. She’d sunk her nails into the flesh of the apple as she came. She was Eve in the Garden of Temptation. She laughed at that but, just like her, her laugh was broken.

About the Author

A rampant bibliophile with a habit that could break the bank, Nicolette Hugo writes to savour her many lives. She loves exploring characters that move between light and dark in stories that bruise. She resides in cosmopolitan Sydney living on a love of indulgence, cats and corsets.

Nicolette loves talking to people about books and can be contacted on any of her social media channels.




Other Books by the Author

Unchained Vice is a loosely connected series where each book can be read as a standalone.

Bought is the third book in the series.

The Arrangement



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Elsa Holland


“The second book in Holland’s Velvet Basement series features two strong characters whose unconventional and passionate courtship will keep readers turning pages. Her incorporation of Shibari provides a unique, refreshing look at Victorian England and its interpretation of foreign cultures. This is no typical romance–readers should expect scenes involving BDSM–and Holland continues to surprise and delight.”~





Cari Silverwood


“I knew it would be dark, but I didn’t realize quite how sinister or how fascinating… I feel like I’ve had a spell cast over me. This story stayed with me long after I was finished reading it…”

– Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews


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