Read Bound to Them Online

Authors: Lorna Jean Roberts

Bound to Them (13 page)

BOOK: Bound to Them
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She needed no more prompting, her hand grasping the base of
his cock as she took his tip into her mouth.

“Aww, Christ, that’s the way, darlin’. Your mouth is like
heaven. Lick around the head. Good girl.”

“Split your legs, Crista.” She followed Quinn’s direction.
“Now concentrate on sucking Nash. You have five minutes to get him off.”

She shuddered as Quinn’s finger returned to her asshole.
He’d coated the digit with lube so it slipped easily inside her. Another finger
joined it, making her gasp around Nash’s cock.

“Relax now, baby,” Quinn told her. “Get ready for the plug.”

She stilled as something hard and thick pressed against her
asshole. Would it hurt?

Nash rubbed her back. “Keep your attention on me, darlin’.
Don’t worry, this is a beginner’s plug, not much thicker than Quinn’s fingers.”

“Time’s running out, Crista,” Quinn told her as he pushed
the plug forward. Crista tried to ease the tension in her muscles. “If Nash
doesn’t come, neither do you.”

Crista’s eyes widened as she returned to sucking Nash off
with vigor. He chuckled but she ignored him, closing her eyes and letting
sensation overtake her. Quinn drove the plug into her bit by bit as Nash’s
scent surrounded her. Masculine with a hint of mint. His cock was thick and
warm in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the head of his shaft,
delighting in his groan.

“Nearly there, Crista, you’ve done so well.” The rare praise
from Quinn swelled her heart. Then he pushed the plug fully inside her and
lightly tapped the end of it. Crista jolted in shock as pleasure infused her

“One minute left,” Quinn warned.

She swapped hands, holding the base of Nash’s cock firmly as
her other hand dipped down to massage his balls.

“Ahh baby, that’s it. I’m coming.” Nash’s voice was tense
with need.

Thick bursts of salty cream filled her mouth. Crista
swallowed frantically, not willing to let any spill as he shuddered and moaned.
She continued to lick him long after he’d spent.

“Thank you, sugar.” Nash cradled her cheek and she flushed
with pleasure.

Hands tugged her up and she found herself straddling Quinn’s
lap, facing him. His latex-covered shaft brushed against her folds. He grasped
her hips, pushing her down slowly onto his cock.

“Oh… I’m… It’s… Oh,” she moaned incoherently. The plug in
her ass made him seem even larger as he filled her.

“Shit, you feel incredible.” Quinn held her still when she
would have pulled back, wanting to thrust back down. His mouth dipped and he
latched on to a nipple through her shirt and bra, sucking.

“Ahh.” She arched back with a cry. Nash latched on to her
other nipple, intensifying her pleasure as both of them sucked strongly.

“Oh, please, Sir, please.”

“Please what?” Quinn asked.

They both pulled back to gaze at her. One set of dancing,
hot blue eyes. The other set amber and intense, so stern.

“Please, let me move,” she cried. “Let me come.”

“Your wish is my command.” Quinn loosened his hold on her
hips, letting her set the pace. She didn’t care about the cries escaping her
lips, the fact that somebody could walk past their car and see her.

Nothing mattered but the pleasure.

Nash dipped his hand between them, rubbing her clit.

“Get ready to come when I tell you, Crista,” Quinn groaned.
He’d taken over the pace, thrusting up firmly.

“Now,” he yelled.

Crista moaned as she reached her peak, her clit throbbing
with delight, the walls of her passage clenching on his cock, sending Quinn
into his own orgasm.

Collapsing forward with exhaustion, her mind drifted,

As she came back to reality, she realized both men were
murmuring words of praise, running their hands over her soothingly.

“All right, darlin’?” Nash asked.

She grinned sleepily as she lay against Quinn’s chest.

“Never better. That was amazing.”

* * * * *

“Where are we going?” Crista asked as Quinn pulled his Jeep
into a parking lot. He looked back at her in the rearview mirror. She remained
flushed, her eyes heavy-lidded. Satisfied.

They’d cleaned themselves up then driven out of the parking
lot. Quinn had figured it would be near-deserted in the middle of the day. Most
people shopped for sex toys online or at night.

Still, there had been a risk of someone walking past. He
wondered if that turned her on more.

“We’re going to have an early dinner.” They hadn’t had lunch
and he was starving.

Crista flushed and sat up. “I need to clean up.”

Nash turned, arching his brow. “You saying I didn’t do a
good job?”

Crista had been shocked when Nash had ordered her to part
her legs so he could clean her up with a towel they’d brought with them. Quinn
made a mental note to do that often. His need to see to every aspect of her
care surprised him. Their shy little sub was working her way into his heart.

“N-no, but I-I…” She stuttered, her cheeks bright red.

“What’s wrong, Crista?” Quinn kept his voice stern when he
wanted to cuddle and soothe her. But she didn’t need that right now. He needed
to remain firm.

“There’s a plug in my ass,” she blurted out as if he hadn’t
put it there.

“And?” he prompted.

“I can’t go into a restaurant with a plug in my ass. And no

She sounded delightfully, naïvely horrified.

Nash grinned. “You best get used to it, darlin’. This won’t
be the only time we take you out to eat with your ass plugged. We’re going to
prepare that bottom to take us both.”

She frowned in confusion. “But I thought all of this was
just for the weekend.”

Quinn’s hands clenched at her words. “Do you want it to be
for the weekend only?” he asked, knowing his voice was too harsh when she

She stared at them both, then lowered her gaze to her lap.
“No,” she said quietly. “But I thought you would.”

“Crista, look at me,” Nash said firmly. Her gaze rose.
“There is no way we’re finished with you. Okay? We want you. So badly that
you’re not going to be the only uncomfortable one in that restaurant. This is
what we want from you.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

“Brave girl,” Quinn praised her, loving the way she relaxed
and gazed at him through shining eyes. She lapped up any praise they gave her.
Had no one ever told her what a gorgeous, wonderful person she was?

Nash jumped out then opened the back door to help Crista
down. Quinn led the way into the restaurant as Nash held Crista’s hand. He
fought the urge to drop back, to grasp her other hand.

She’d probably be scandalized if someone realized the three
of them were together. He didn’t want to risk her calling this off. So he
forced back his frustration at not being able to touch her in public the way he
wanted to.

“Table for three,” he barked at a waitress as she came up to
them, smiling. The warmth in her eyes chilled as she paused in her perusal of
both him and Nash.

“Certainly, this way,” she said coldly.

Nash pulled out Crista’s chair, smiling at her quiet
thank-you. Quinn took the seat opposite, out of temptation’s way. He’d gotten
her at the sex shop, now it was Nash’s turn to play lover. Of course that
placed him right next to Nash.

Another temptation in itself.

“I’ll be back with the menus,” the woman said, then walked

“We’ll be lucky if she doesn’t spit in our food,” Crista
commented with a glare at Quinn.

“Hopefully she’ll reserve that just for Quinn’s dishes,”
Nash said.

“What?” Quinn shook himself free of his thoughts to find
them both staring at him.

“You were rude to the waitress.” Crista frowned at him in

He leaned back, raising a brow. “That so?” he drawled.

“Yes,” she replied.

“I’ll have to try and be nicer when she comes back then,
won’t I?” he said. She raised her head sharply in surprise. He winked at her.

Her startled smile instantly hardened his cock. She was so
beautiful. Not a traditional beauty that one noticed instantly, but she drew
people to her with her sweet smile and those enticing eyes.

Listen to me
, he thought ruefully.
I’m going to
break out into poetic prose.

The waitress came back for their orders and he made sure he
smiled and gentled his tone. Crista looked at him with approval.

Nash frowned. “You need something more than a salad,” he
objected after Crista ordered.

“I’m fine,” she replied.

“We didn’t have lunch,” Quinn reminded her. “She’ll have
steak, baked potato and vegetables.”

“I can order for myself.”

“Certainly.” She relaxed at his words. “Anything but salad.”

She drummed her fingers on the table. Hmm, her temper was showing.
But her good manners won.

“I’ll have the salmon, please.”

When the waitress turned her back, Crista glared at them
both. “Telling me what to eat is not part of this arrangement.”

Quinn leaned forward as Nash slouched back, looking on in

“Looking after your health is part of taking care of you.
None of us have eaten since breakfast, of which you had very little. I’m
starting to worry you’ve got some sort of eating disorder.”

He hadn’t forgotten her disparaging remarks about her looks
and weight.

“I do not.” She looked at them both with outrage.

“Regardless, we’ll be watching you closely, darlin’. We just
want to take care of you.” Nash brushed a hand down her cheek and she instantly

Nash had that effect on women. He liked to coddle them,
pamper them. Yet Quinn knew the other man could be just as strict as Quinn
could when it came to serious matters. Crista had yet to learn that.

“I’ll eat the salmon,” she said grudgingly. As if there had
been any doubt. They’d have fed it to her bite by bite if necessary. Actually,
he quite liked that idea.

“How come the two of you don’t touch in public?” she blurted
out. “Is your relationship a secret?”

Quinn stilled, his tongue suddenly too thick to talk.

Nash smiled but he looked almost sad.

“Quinn’s not used to public displays of affection.
Particularly not with a man. He spent too long feeling ashamed of his feelings
for me. Don’t push him, darlin’. It’s enough that he accepts me in private.”

Quinn felt gut-punched. Unable to breathe through the pain.

Chapter Ten


“That’s not true,” he whispered.

“No?” Nash asked, his eyes betraying the pain he’d obviously
been hiding. “Then why haven’t you touched me since we left the motel?”

“I didn’t want to embarrass either of you.”

Both Nash and Crista frowned in obvious confusion. Quinn
sighed. He reached over and grasped Nash’s shoulder.

“I thought it better to be hands-off. I thought the two of
you might be ashamed if we got strange looks from people. You know, if they
thought the three of us were together.”

“The three of us are together,” Nash pointed out. “And not
wanting people to know is your problem, not ours.”

Quinn closed his eyes.
Damn, I just keep fucking up.
“I’m sorry,” he said sincerely. “I was wrong. Forgive me?”

Nash frowned at him but Crista nodded with a smile. Generous
little thing. She really did need a keeper.

Nash crossed his arms over his chest.

“I’m not ashamed,” Quinn said.

“Prove it,” Nash told him, challenge shining in his eyes.

“How?” Quinn asked, his guts clenching. He’d do anything. He
couldn’t lose Nash. Not again.

“Kiss me.”

Quinn stared at him. Then he moved his chair closer and,
reaching over, clasped Nash’s cheeks in his hands, kissing him deeply. His
tongue dove into the other man’s mouth, exploring, teasing until they were both
breathing heavily.

Nash pulled back, his eyes lighter, and Quinn knew he’d been
forgiven for the small stuff. He still had to work at getting the other man’s
full trust. It grated a little, but he’d only brought it on himself.

“Maybe the no-touching policy was better,” Crista said
breathily. Both men turned to look at her questioningly. She squirmed. “I’m not
exactly comfortable here.”

Ahh yes, the plug.
Quinn grinned at her.

“Spread your legs, sugar,” Nash drawled. She hesitated, her
gaze darting around. It was early yet. The only other people in the restaurant
were an older couple and they were across the room.

“No one can see us,” he soothed. “Be a good girl now.”

Crista nibbled at her lower lip but must have moved her legs
apart because Nash grinned. Quinn silently cursed his seating choice. The
tablecloth hid what they were doing but he knew Nash was touching her.

“Describe what you’re doing to her,” Quinn growled. If he
couldn’t touch her, he’d damn well participate in any way he could.

“She’s wet. Very, very wet. I think she enjoys being
plugged, don’t you, baby?” Nash crooned.

Crista sucked in a deep breath. Then her eyes widened and
she let out a small squeal.

“Did you just sp-spank my p-pussy?” she stuttered, staring
at Nash. Quinn knew it had to be killing Nash to keep that strict look on his

“Answer me,” Nash ordered.

“Ahh, I don’t know. I guess, maybe.” Her face flushed.
Quinn’s cock pressed insistently against his jeans, demanding some respite from
the blissful pain he was in.

Nash looked at Quinn wryly. “Well, that’s not exactly a
definitive answer. I’ll just have to figure it out for myself, won’t I? No
making any noise now, sugar, we don’t want to attract any attention, do we?”

She shook her head frantically.

“Her folds are all puffy and damp with her dew. I bet if we
could see them they’d be a dark pink.” Nash’s accent seemed heavier, his words
wrapping around Quinn, tightening his balls. His dick pounded.

Crista’s eyes grew dazed, her breath coming in short pants.
Damn, he wondered if she’d come right there and then for them.

How incredible had his luck been to meet these two people?
He definitely didn’t deserve them. What if he just ended up hurting them? What
if he really couldn’t embrace who he was?

Quinn shook his head.
I can do this. Get over it.

At the club he never had self-doubts, never second-guessed
himself. There, he was in charge. Here it could be the same. Well, he’d never
be in charge of Nash. But Crista—she needed him.

This was part of who she was. Who they were.

Between himself and Nash, they should be able to keep watch
over the little minx.

“She’s so small, I’ve got two fingers inside her and she’s
like a glove. No, don’t tense up, darlin’,” Nash soothed. “I want free access
and doesn’t it feel good, having me thrust my fingers inside you? I can feel
your thighs quivering. You’re not to come though, sugar.”

She let out a tiny whimper, her teeth biting on that lip

“You can hold off, sweetheart,” Quinn added quietly. “You’re
not the only one suffering. If it helps, Nash and I are gaining permanent zip
marks on our cocks.”

Her eyes widened and then she snorted with laughter. Nash
sent him a wink, letting him know he approved of the distraction he’d provided.
Damn, he was getting soft. She brought that out in him. He couldn’t keep his
distance from them. And that scared him even as he found it freeing.

“Ahh, your clit is swollen, isn’t it, sugar?” Nash drawled.

Crista’s eyes fluttered shut.

“Crista, look at me,” Quinn ordered. She instantly followed
his command. “How does it feel, having Nash play with you? Is he tapping your
clit or circling it?”

Her mouth dropped open, her pink tongue dipping out to lick
those lush lips.

“Crista,” Nash warned quietly.

Her gaze flicked to Quinn and she took a deep breath. She
amazed him constantly. They were pushing her boundaries, making her do things
she’d probably never dreamed of. And she kept proving that she had more courage
than either of them.

“He-he’s tapping it. Now he’s circling it. He keeps

“I bet that keeps you on the edge, doesn’t it?” Quinn asked

“Y-yes. Please,” she cried.

Quinn looked over at the other couple but they were paying
them no attention. “Please what, baby?” he asked.

“I need to come,” she begged in a whisper. “Please, oh
please let me.”

“Not yet, darlin’.” Nash looked up and Quinn followed his
gaze, spotting the waitress.

Nash slipped back into his chair. Crista protested quietly
but Nash leaned down and kissed her gently. “Soon, sugar, very soon.”

* * * * *

Crista sighed with relief as they reached the motel. She’d
never been so glad to see the place. Maybe now Quinn and Nash would give her
some respite from the hot, aching arousal that had been enveloping her all day.

Their play at the restaurant had nearly pushed her over the
edge. She’d probably have brought the place down with her screams. She used to
be much more controlled than that. It seemed they’d brought out the slut in

“What are you frowning about, sweetheart?”

She looked over at Quinn. When had they come to a stop? He
held her door open, staring at her in concern. Something had changed with him.
He’d never looked at her with that level of concern and tenderness before.
Nash, yes. Nash was her Southern gentleman, all charm and protectiveness. Until
she broke a rule. Then she bet he’d be all over her ass.

And she’d love every second of it.


His face hardened. The Dom was back. “Don’t lie to me,
Crista. Remember what you promised.”

Honesty. Communication. Respect.

“Do you have to know my every thought?” she asked with

His face shut down, growing cold. “No. Of course not. Keep
your privacy.”

Remorse struck her and she grabbed his hand as he turned
away. “I was just thinking what a slut I’ve become.”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw him jolt and stiffen.
“I know having two men isn’t normal, but it does not make you a slut,” he told
her firmly.

“Not because of that.”

“Then why?” Nash moved to stand beside Quinn.

Crista blushed. “Because all I ever seem to think of is sex.
I want the two of you so much I can’t get you out of my head. I’m sitting here
with a piece of plastic up my ass and all I can think about is how I want to
jump the two of you.”

Both men broke into shit-eating grins. Bastards.

I think our little sub is in need of some loving,”
Nash said. “And some lessons in communication.”

Quinn leaned in and undid her seat belt before drawing her
up into his arms. She expected him to set her down immediately. Instead he kept
her against his chest as he walked toward the motel room.

“Quinn, you can’t carry me,” she protested.

“I’m too heavy, Quinn. You’ll hurt your back,” she added
weakly, realizing her protests were going to have zero impact.

Nash reached around and smacked her bottom.

“Ouch,” she cried even as the impact jolted the plug,
sending zings of pleasure racing through her body.

Luckily, Quinn had tucked her skirt against her thighs, his
arm holding the material in place as he strode toward Nash’s room.

“Enough,” Nash said sternly. “You’ve been warned about
putting yourself down. You are not too heavy. If you make any more comments
like that, you won’t sit for days, understand?”

Crista stared in surprise. She’d known he had a stricter
side. She just hadn’t expected this to be one of the rules he’d take a hard
line on.

“What do you say, Crista?” Quinn asked as he stood waiting
for Nash to open the door.

“Yes, I understand.”

Quinn watched her, waiting.

“Sir,” she blurted out. “I understand, Sir.”

Nash smiled and kissed her. Immediately the knot in her
stomach eased. He ran his finger down her cheek. “Have I mentioned how much you
please me?”

Instant warmth infused her. The part of her hungry for
acceptance, for reassurance, lapped up his praise.

Quinn remained standing off to the side, holding her as Nash
entered the motel room.

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

“Wrong?” he repeated.

“Why are we standing out here?” She stared up at him with
concern and a bit of fear.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he soothed her. “Nothing’s wrong.
Nash is checking to make sure the place is safe for you to enter.”

Nash appeared at the doorway and nodded.

Quinn grinned and looked down at her, his gaze decidedly
hungry. “Now the fun begins.”


Nash stood aside to let them into the room. Quinn entered,
carrying Crista, his arms not even straining. Not that she weighed all that
much. Foolish darlin’ had some large hang-ups about her weight.

Nash would be working on that with her. He and Quinn

Quinn let her feet drop then held her shoulders until she
steadied. Nash wondered how many times they’d have to catch her. Nash looked
forward to every minute. He only hoped Quinn felt the same. Nash still didn’t
quite trust that Quinn wouldn’t find this all too much and run off. But even if
he did, Nash was staying. He would be happier with Quinn in his life. He loved
him. But Crista was his too.

A rush of protectiveness made him lightheaded. One thing was
for sure. Life wouldn’t be boring.

Nash raised a brow as Crista stood, looking at them. “What
are you supposed to do when we’re alone?” he asked her.

She blushed but immediately stripped. Nash turned to Quinn
to give her some time. He took Quinn’s mouth with his, clasping the other man’s
hips to pull him flush against his body. He’d been longing to do this all day,
but until that kiss in the restaurant, he’d been unsure of Quinn’s reaction.

Nash rubbed his erection against the other man. Quinn
reached around and clasped his buttocks, squeezing firmly.

A quiet groan came from Crista. Both men pulled back and
turned to look at her. She was glorious. Naked, she knelt on the floor, her
back straight, her hands on her thighs as she stared up at them through
lust-filled eyes.

Her heavy breasts were creamy and tipped with dark-pink
nipples. Her small waist led to lush hips and curvy thighs. Her skin was a
light dusky color where it met the sun, pale where she kept it hidden under
bulky clothes.

“Very good, sugar. Part your legs for us,” Nash ordered.

She blushed but moved her thighs apart, showing off her now
bare pussy. They’d taken great pleasure in shaving her mound that morning, much
to her embarrassment. No part of her remained shielded from them.

Nash pulled off his shirt and folded it. Quinn did the same,
except he just dropped his to the floor. Next came their jeans. Like Nash,
Quinn wasn’t wearing underwear.

“What a pretty, pretty pussy. Have you ever seen a pussy as
gorgeous as this one, Quinn?” Nash asked as he circled her.

She tensed but didn’t move, keeping her gaze on Quinn.

“Never.” Quinn stared at her folds.

Nash knelt behind her. He clasped her breasts, holding them
up. “And these breasts, have you ever seen a pair of breasts as breathtaking as

“They’re magnificent.” Quinn came to his knees before her.
Leaning down, he took one of the nipples Nash offered into his mouth. Nash
pinched her other nipple.

She sucked in a sharp breath.

“No holding back your reactions. We want to hear every
scream, every moan, every yell.” In the past, Nash had often required silence
from his subs. But not with Crista. She had a tendency to retreat into herself
that worried him. A defense mechanism to protect herself from hurt.

Crista needed to learn that she could turn to Nash and Quinn
for help, for support and protection.

“What do you say?”

“Yes Sir. Sorry, Sir.”

“Good girl.” Nash soothed the abused nipple with his thumb
and she sighed. He let go of her breasts. Quinn took his place, cupping her
breasts, lapping at her nipples then sucking them deep. Nash dropped one hand
to her pussy—the other grasped the base of the plug.

He swirled his fingers around her clit as he turned the
plug, pulling it out slightly before pushing the firm rod back in. “Have I told
you how hot it made me, knowing that you had this up your ass, knowing that
your body was being prepared to take us both?” He leaned his chin on her
shoulder, murmuring quietly in her ear.

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