Read Bound to Them Online

Authors: Lorna Jean Roberts

Bound to Them (19 page)

BOOK: Bound to Them
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“Sir?” she asked tentatively.

“Yes?” Quinn replied as he stood behind her, peering at her
in the mirror. Nash knelt at her feet, quickly attaching the spreader bar to
her ankles.

“I’m really uncomfortable with this.”

Nash gazed up at her. “This is going to be hard on you,
sugar. But you will do it. Because it is what we wish. We’re doing what we
think is best. Your negative views on your body aren’t healthy, sugar. And the
last thing we want is for you to develop some sort of eating disorder.”

“An eating disorder? Don’t you think you’re being
melodramatic?” she scoffed with a laugh.

Nash watched her seriously. “No, I don’t.”

Quinn tipped her head up so she stared into the mirror
again. She attempted to suck in her stomach when Nash parted her labia and
breathed against her clit, distracting her.

She jolted then groaned, her eyes drifting shut in pleasure.


“Eyes open. Look at yourself.” Quinn pulled her back against
him. She leaned against his wide chest. He cupped her breasts, holding them up.

“I love these breasts. They’re creamy, delightfully full and
round and topped with the sweetest berries a man could wish for. I could suck on
these breasts all day and never tire of them.”

She flushed, shocked at her response as her thighs twitched,
her skin tingling.

“She liked that, her pussy just gushed with wetness.” Nash
licked her—one long, slow swipe of his tongue over her folds.

Smack! Smack! Stinging slaps landed on each butt cheek,
making her squeal.

“Quinn!” she moaned.

“Keep those eyes open, sweet.”

Crista forced herself to stare at the mirror. How the hell
was she going to do this? Watch herself come?

“Really look at yourself, Crista,” Quinn said as he stepped
away. Nash moved too, leaving her alone, staring at herself in the mirror.

“Look at that beautiful hair flowing over your shoulders
like waves of thick honey,” Nash drawled. “I want to bury my face in it, have
its silkiness caress my body, play with it endlessly.”

“And those eyes and lips,” Quinn joined him. “Large,
green-blue eyes that stare at me with such trust and lust. Everything you think
can be seen in those eyes. And your lips, shit, I’ve never felt such perfect
lips, whether they’re kissing my mouth, my skin or surrounding my dick.”

“Touch your breasts, sugar,” Nash ordered. She glanced to
her left, looking at him.

“Crista,” Quinn growled, drawing her gaze to where he stood
to her right. “You were given an order. You’ve got enough punishment coming. I
didn’t think you’d want to add more.”

“Yes Sir.” She raised her hands, cupping her breasts,
watching herself in the mirror.

“What are you thinking, sugar?” Nash asked.

“That they’re too large,” she said truthfully. “That they
kind of sag.”

“Look at our hands, Crista.” Quinn shoved his hands before
her as Nash did the same. They cupped their hands over her breasts, trapping
her own hands against her.

“Now tell me, are they too large for us?”

She shook her head mutely.

“I adore these breasts,” Nash told her, moving closer. “I
love licking them, sucking them, burying my head against their softness. There
is something utterly arousing and yet comforting about laying my head against
your breasts. No matter what size, how much they sag or don’t sag, no one talks
badly about something I love.”

Crista could almost imagine his words were about her rather
than her breasts.

“What about these hips?” Quinn asked, running his hand along
her side. Crista giggled, ticklish. Quinn grinned. “What do you think of these

“They’re big.”

“They are?” He moved behind her and, grasping her hips,
pulled her tight against him. “To me they’re just right. The right size to grab
you with, to thrust and pull to my heart’s desire.”

His breath bathed her ear as his cock brushed demandingly
against her lower back. Crista pushed her bottom back at him insistently.

Quinn laughed and slapped her ass. “Ahh yes, and then there
is this bottom. I don’t even want to hear what horrid things you have to say
about this part of your body. Breasts may be Nash’s Nirvana, but I’m an ass
man. I love a lush, firm ass and that is exactly what you have.”

“You obviously love cellulite then,” she retorted.

Spank after spank landed on her bottom. When he finished,
tears pricked her eyes. Her butt cheeks smarted even as he rubbed them.

“Did I ask for any comment about
gorgeous ass?” he
asked her in a quiet voice.

Crista shook her head. “No Sir.”

Both men suddenly knelt at her feet. Crista swayed at the
abrupt loss of their closeness. Reaching up, they helped steady her.

“These have got to be the cutest feet I have ever seen. I
especially love when you paint your toenails,” Nash told her. At the moment
they were a bright, shocking pink. “And these legs may be short, but when you wrap
them around my waist they’re just the right length, aren’t they?”

They ran their hands up her calves, over her knees to the
tops of her thighs, just brushing the weeping folds of her pussy before drawing

Crista whimpered.

Quinn parted her pussy lips. “This pussy is a work of art.
Pink and pretty and always ready for us. Damn, I need a taste.”

Crista watched in the mirror, the sight of his shaved head
between her legs more of a turn-on than she’d thought possible. She barely
noticed Nash stand and step behind her. His chin dropped onto the top of her
head as he placed his hands on her stomach.

Immediately she sucked her breath in, trying desperately to
make herself slimmer.

“Please don’t touch me there, Sir.”

“Are you saying your safe word?” Nash asked.

Crista shook her head.

“Then your body is mine to touch anywhere I please, is it
not?” His gaze was hard, far sterner than she’d expected from him. She closed
her eyes, unable to watch.

Crista yelled as he treated her already hot bottom to a
barrage of hard smacks. Tears dripped down her cheeks.

“Open your eyes, Crista,” Nash said. “Relax.”

How was she supposed to do that?

Quinn suddenly tapped her clit with his tongue and she let
her breath out on a whoosh, unable to hold her stomach in with the onslaught of

“Much better,” Nash commented. “Don’t think we haven’t
noticed the way you stiffen each time we touch your stomach. We’ve been going
easy on you, but from now on you can expect the two of us to be touching your
stomach a lot. There is no part of your body that we don’t adore, Crista.”

Keeping one hand on her stomach, he reached up with the
other and pinched her nipple. Quinn thrust two fingers inside her, making her
legs buckle but Nash easily held her up.

“Please, Sir,” she begged.

“Please what?” Nash asked.

“Please let me come.”

Chapter Sixteen


“Not yet, sugar,” Nash replied. “Not until I hear you say
some nice things about yourself.”

She whimpered. She could barely concentrate, let alone

“Crista?” Nash prompted. “There is no coming until you speak
up. And you have to convince us you mean it.”

“I like my hair,” she said quickly.


“Because it’s good for fancy dress. I make a great Cousin


“And it’s a pretty color,” she continued quickly. “And it’s
nice and shiny.”

Nash smiled. “And?”

She swallowed heavily, forcing her eyes to remain open as
Quinn swirled his tongue around her clit. What else could she say?

“Look at yourself,” Nash whispered.

Crista looked. Really looked. And saw someone she didn’t
completely recognize staring back at her. Sure, she had flaws. Her stomach
wasn’t flat. She knew there was cellulite on her butt and thighs. But she had
smooth skin and she liked her eyes. Right now her face was flushed with a
combination of embarrassment and arousal, and it made her eyes sparkle and
stand out.

“I like my eyes, they shine.”

“Yes, they do,” Nash replied.

“And my skin, I have good skin.”

“Silky and smooth,” Nash agreed.

“And I guess— I guess, I mean, I’m not ugly. I suppose I’m
kind of cute.”

“Just begging for compliments, aren’t you? Darlin’, you’re

The reverence, the sheer honesty in his tone seeped into
that insecure place inside her. Maybe he was right. Maybe she didn’t have the
perfect body, but then maybe she didn’t have to.

“Say it.”

She took in a shuddering breath.

“Just say it after me,” he coaxed her. “I’m beautiful.”

“I’m beautiful.” She flushed.

“I’m sexy.”

“I’m sexy,” she parroted.

“And the next time I put myself down I’m going to be tied to
the bed and tortured erotically for hours on end without release.”

She whimpered but repeated what he said word for word.

“Good girl,” Nash drawled. Crista shivered at the silky heat
in his voice. “You may come now, but keep those eyes open.”

Nash pinched her nipples just as Quinn sucked harder on her
clit. Her orgasm hit her with the weight of a freight train, bursting over her,
nearly knocking her off her feet.

Quinn stood and lifted her. Crista placed her legs around
his hips, hanging on tight. She looked down to see the spreader bar lying on
the floor.

When the hell had he untied her?

She no longer cared as he entered her in one steady thrust.

He stilled. “Damn it, condom.”

“Got it,” Nash said. Quinn drew out and Nash quickly covered
him in latex

Quinn’s mouth slammed down on hers as he turned and, taking
a few steps, pressed her back against the wall. Then he moved, fast and harsh.
She bumped back against the wall, not caring in the slightest how rough he was.

Crista bit down on his shoulder, reveling in his grunt. She
clasped him tight, holding on for all she was worth as he drove her higher and

“Quinn, ohh, please, it’s too much,” she cried, overloaded
with sensation.

“You can do it, sweetheart. Come for me.”

He reached between them and lightly flicked her clit. Once,
twice, until she let out a low cry, her orgasm starting slow and gentle, then
building as she clamped down on him hard.

Quinn groaned, his thrusts slowing as he orgasmed with a
shudder. He leaned his head against her shoulder, both of them breathing deeply
until he took a step back. Crista dropped her legs, expecting him to set her on
her feet. Instead, he carried her to the bed where Nash sat in the middle of
the mattress, his back resting against the headboard. Quinn laid her next to
Nash, kissing her on the forehead before he walked around the bed to the
bathroom, pulling the condom off as he moved.

Crista rolled, glancing down at Nash’s stiff cock standing
upright, proud. Nash ran his hand through her hair.

He pressed her down as she started to sit up.

“Just rest, baby girl.”

Before she could protest, Quinn returned. He climbed onto
the bed, wrapping his hand around Nash’s cock. His mouth met Nash’s, kissing
him. Crista paused, arrested by the sight.


Nash shuddered under the onslaught of Quinn’s mouth as the
other man pumped his dick firmly with sure, heavy strokes. He was already on
edge, first from playing with Crista then from watching Quinn take her against
the wall.

Quinn drew away, placing kisses on Nash’s chest, leaving
tingles of sensation in his wake. His mouth surrounded the head of Nash’s cock.
Nash gritted his teeth at the bliss that engulfed him, determined not to
embarrass himself by coming straightaway.

Quinn swallowed him down, taking him in slowly then
releasing him quickly.

A smaller hand cupped his balls. Nash jolted, shuddering as
he opened his eyes. Crista licked her lower lip as she played with him.

A deep, fiery need simmered in his lower back, seeping
through his balls. His lungs stilled as he caught his breath, trying
desperately to hold himself back, but he was too far gone.

“I’m coming,” he gritted out through a clenched jaw. Quinn
sucked harder as Nash exploded with a yell.

Nash slumped backward against the headboard, thoroughly
exhausted. He scooted down until he lay between them. Pulling them close, he
kissed first Quinn then Crista.

Crista snuggled into him, running her hand up and down his
chest. He held her close, the three of them just lying quietly.

“You okay, darlin’?” he asked her.

“Yep,” she replied unconvincingly.

Nash opened his eyes just as Quinn leaned up on one elbow to
stare over at Crista.

“What’s wrong?” Quinn asked.

She let out a shuddering sigh. “Everything would be perfect
if it wasn’t for Andrew. And Doug. I’m scared something bad has happened to

“Would it make you feel better if we went and had another
look for him tonight? We could run around the bars again.”

She shook her head. “You’re both tired. I’ll go by myself.”

“Like hell,” Quinn growled before rising. “I’ll go. You two
stay here.”

“No, really,” she protested, sitting up.

Nash sat up as well. “You can’t go, Quinn. You haven’t got a
vehicle, remember?”

Quinn frowned. “Damn, I forgot. All right, you go, I’ll stay
with Crista.”

“No.” Crista stood, her hands on her hips. “I’ll go. He’s my

Quinn glared at her. “And you’re ours. Now get your butt
ready for bed. It’s freezing out there and we have no idea where O’Ryan is.
We’re staying here. Nash can handle himself just fine.”

“Thanks,” Nash said dryly. He leaned over and kissed Crista
lightly. “I won’t be long, darlin’. Why don’t you have a bath, try to relax and
don’t worry, okay?”

Her forehead puckered into a frown, but she nodded and gave
him a hug.

“Just be careful. Please.”


* * * * *

Nash tiredly walked into the motel room nearly two hours
later. He toed off his shoes, glancing over at the sofa to find Quinn sitting
slumped against the couch, staring at him. Crista lay against Quinn, her legs
covered by a blanket, her head lying on his lap.

“She wouldn’t go to bed until you were back,” Quinn

Nash raised a brow. “And you let her get away with that?”

Quinn grinned and shrugged. “Maybe I’m getting soft.”

Nash snorted. Quinn’s smile faded and he ran his hand
through her hair. “Truthfully I’m finding it really hard to deny her anything.”

“Better be careful or she’ll have you wrapped around your
little finger.”

“Like you can talk.”

Nash shrugged and sat on the coffee table before them. “I
love her. I haven’t known her long. But I know how this feels.” He glanced up
at Quinn. “And I know I can’t let her go. Doesn’t mean I’m going to let her get
away with things that aren’t good for her.”

Quinn nodded. “I know. I feel the same way. It’s not going
to be easy,” he warned.

Nash rolled his eyes. “If I gave up when things got hard,
I’d have given up on you ages ago.”

Quinn narrowed his gaze. “You did give up on me.”

“I never stopped loving you. I never would have. I just
couldn’t take the pain of being near you and not having you love me back.”

“I know. I was a fool. I’ve learned my lesson though. I
won’t make the same mistake as I did with you. I won’t let her go. But do you
think she’s ready to hear that?”

Nash frowned. “I don’t know. There’s a lot going on at the
moment. Part of me wants to tell her and the other part of me says go slow,
don’t overwhelm her. We’ve only been together a few days, I don’t want to scare
her off.”

Quinn nodded. “Yeah, that was my thought too.”

“After we find Doug and get rid of O’Ryan, however, all bets
are off. Between the two of us we’ll keep her so happy she’ll never want to
leave. First, though, we have to find her brother.”

“Yeah. Still no sign of him, huh?” Quinn queried.

“Nope. No doubt he’s on a bender somewhere and when I do
find him, he’s going to be very sorry for putting her through this.”

Quinn frowned darkly. “I’m right there with you, bud.”

“Bastard doesn’t deserve her worry.”

Crista stirred. Opening her eyes, she blinked over at him
blearily. “Nash?”

“I’m here, baby.”

She sighed. Then she rubbed her eyes and sat. “Doug?”

“Sorry, darlin’, I couldn’t find him anywhere.”

Her shoulders slumped and she nibbled at her lip, obviously
holding back tears.

“Thank you for looking.”

“Come here.” Nash couldn’t stand the sadness in her eyes.
Sitting next to Quinn, he pulled Crista onto his lap and rocked her. “I’m not
going to stop looking until I find him, okay?”

Burying her head into his chest, she nodded.

He kissed the top of her head. “Come on, time for bed. I’m
beat, and my boss is a real hard-ass. If I slack off tomorrow, she’s liable to
fire my ass.”

“Or spank it,” she replied cheekily.

“Oh, don’t even go there. There’s only room for two Doms in
this relationship and you aren’t one of them, brat.”

She pouted but before she could reply Quinn’s phone rang.
Nash carried her into the bedroom and placed her on the bed.

“Yep… That’s right… Okay… Sure… Thanks very much, Reggie.”

Crista tensed beside him as they both stared over at Quinn.

“That was Reggie? Has he found Doug? Or Andrew?” she asked.

“He’s been putting out some feelers about your brother.
Apparently someone over in St. George saw him in a bar on Saturday night.”

“Oh.” She slumped back.

Nash placed an arm around her shoulders. “At least he’s
safe,” he said, rubbing his hand up and down her back to soothe her.

“Yeah,” she agreed. “I just can’t believe he’d go off like
that and leave me.”

Quinn lay down on her other side, throwing his arm over them

“Well, we’re here, sweet pea, and we’re not going anywhere.”

* * * * *

Where the hell was Doug? Crista paced the trailer, her
emotions seesawing back and forth between anger and worry. Doug was missing.
The project manager was on the warpath. Andrew was stalking her, trying to
terrify her.

What the hell else could go wrong?

A knock on her door had her spinning.

“Crista?” The door opened and Pete popped his head in, his
weathered face a welcome relief.

“Pete!” She stood and raced over to drag him inside for a
hug. “You’re back. How’s Ella? Is she okay?”

He nodded. “Yeah, she’s doing much better. Luckily, she
wasn’t driving very fast. She’s got a sprained ankle, but her mother is staying
with her. You look kind of stressed though. What’s wrong?” Pete looked at her
with concern.

They’d known each other for years. He’d started working for
her father as a nineteen-year-old kid. More than twenty years later, he’d grown
into a self-assured, calm man who made an excellent foreman.

“Oh, just the usual, you know.” She attempted a smile but he
saw right through her.

“Sit,” he ordered. Even though he technically worked for her
and Doug, Pete had always been a take-charge man. She sat on one chair and he
took the other.

“Now spill.”

He sat quietly as she told him everything that had happened
over the last few days. Well, almost everything.

“So now Doug’s God-knows-where and the project manager is
coming today. He wants to see Doug. Last time he was furious when he had to
deal with me.”

“Okay, I’ll deal with the project manager and with the men.
What are we going to do about Andrew though? You can’t be left alone, not when
he’s getting dangerous.”

She slumped. “You believe me then?”

He frowned. “’Course I believe you. You don’t lie.”

Crista dropped her gaze to her hands, twisting them together
on her lap. “Not everyone back home will. He’s the golden boy.”

Pete tipped her face up, his light-brown eyes peering
intently into hers. “That doesn’t excuse him from harassing and hurting you. We
love you, Crista. We’ll stand behind you. And anyone who doesn’t is a fool.”

Crista threw herself into his arms, letting him hold her

Someone cleared his throat and Crista glanced up to see
Quinn entering the trailer.

“Hello,” he said to Pete, raising his eyebrows as he looked
over at Crista. She tensed, wondering if he was going to jump to the wrong
conclusion. She wouldn’t blame him after what Caroline had put him through. But
Quinn merely leaned against the wall behind them, staring at them calmly.

“Quinn, this is my foreman, Pete. Pete, this is Quinn, our
newest crew member.”

“That so?” Pete asked easily, holding out his hand. “Nice to
meet you.”

“You too,” Quinn replied, shaking his hand.

BOOK: Bound to Them
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