Branded (32 page)

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Authors: Tilly Greene

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #multicultural, #anthology, #sex, #contemporary, #sex toys, #bdsm, #collection, #tattoo, #bondage, #interracial, #western, #ir, #montana, #mnage, #multiple partner, #mc, #piercing, #branded, #mnage a trois, #tilly greene

BOOK: Branded
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“There is nothing I want more in
life than to have you naked with me and it’s happening. I am a
happy and content man.”

The one thing she looked forward to
was actually something she had every day.

“I get to open my eyes in the
morning and see your face. That’s what makes me happy,”

They were good together, were meant
to be together. Life didn’t get any better than this.

A Kinky Ride

A frisky couple living on a ranch in
Montana enjoys sex. Every day is busy with breeding, raising and
training horses, but they always make time for a trip between the
sheets, cuffed to a bar or tied to a saddle. He dominates her as if
gentling a mare and she blooms under his touch. Vanilla loving is
fine, pleasurable, but they’re also seriously involved in

They experiment freely with an
assortment of toys and always finish satisfied. He brings a new toy
home as a surprise, but is worried. Of course it pushes her
boundaries. Doing so always sends them further into passions realm.
However, now he wonders if it’s going to break them apart or bring
them closer together?


The workmanship is fantastic,”
Jon Black said as he looked over the customized butt plug he’d had
made for Molly. “Your friend is definitely skilled.”

“Look what else he made for me.
It’s not metalwork, but leather and different,” Court Dickerson
told his friend while pulling something black out of a velvet bag.
It felt awkward to hold, but he knew the other man would be able to
see what it was once he took the protective paper off the
one-of-a-kind pieces. Hard to call it a sex toy except,
technically, it
a toy.

“Wow,” muttered Jon with awe in his
voice. “A mask?”

“A sensory deprivation mask made to
look like a horse’s head, with mane, ears, and all. I didn’t want
some bland hood with a zipper for the mouth or some innocuous
covering for the eyes and ears. I had to have something she’d enjoy
and that I wanted to look at while pleasuring my lover. With this,
I’m assuming Sunny doesn’t want to look like some kind of blowup
doll when she puts it on.” Court guffawed and shook his head as he
talked with his friend.

Standard bondage hoods had never
held interest for Court. Not even when he’d endured forced celibacy
during his extensive time in rehab.

The leather hood was a masterpiece,
he concluded as he fiddled with its various components.

Ultimately, what could be seen as a
sex toy was much more than that. The eyes were covered with a piece
of leather he snapped on, and it sat flush against the rest of the
mask. A zipper ran from ear to ear and would open if he wanted. The
oddest parts were the pronounced forehead and muzzle. They were
large, not as big as an actual horse’s, but obviously resembled a
horse’s head. He could use the zipper to open it all the way back
to her cheeks and feed her his cock. The unique muzzle made it an
enticing part of the mask.

Strands of leather ran from the top
of her head to her neck, easy for him to lace the mask closed as
firmly as she wanted. The hood itself ended at her shoulders at a
strip of leather with a buckle to secure everything in

Court and Sunny had played with
sensory deprivation before. They’d denied her hearing, seeing, and
speaking, but never all at once. They’d also never played with the
senses in such a finite way. He knew that each time they’d closed
something down, her passion shot up to new heights. They’d talked
about taking things further, yet they never had. The leather mask
could either help Sunny experience great pleasure and many climaxes
or scare the crap out of her. They’d soon find out.

“Let me know how it works for you
guys. I’d be interested in trying something like this with Molly.
She’s interested in exploring the submissive role, except she’s not
sure what it entails. We’ve talked about boundaries and she’s
written up her list of what she’ll do and what she won’t, but she
doesn’t know all the possibilities.” It was nice to hear Jon
talking again. He’d been struck silent when he met his girlfriend.
The strong silent act had been funny for a time, but Court was glad
his friend was back to normal.

“Why don’t you reverse things and
make up a list? Write down the things you want to try and do, then
give it to her to peruse. Going a different way might open her mind
to a few more ideas, what you want to do, and how far things can be

“Great idea,” Jon told him. “Have
you played with sensory deprivation before?”

“Sunny and I have played a bit with
cutting off one of her senses at a time or another, but never all
of them together and not with a hood. Either way, it’ll be an
interesting experiment,” Court said while thinking about his own
sexy sub. Lately they’d been playing more with the horse he’d first
seen her on in the club, and the leather dildo. He’d bought the
toys and installed them in their barn. They may not go to the club
anymore, but because of his purchase they were able to relive that
first incredibly hot moment over and over again.

Hands down, it had to be one of the
best purchases he’d ever made, and hopefully the mask would be the

Laughing, he shook his head and
started to put the mask away. A picture of his lover with the
erotically painted nipples he’d seen this morning made its way into
his head. Her breasts were nice, tasty treats. They even looked
like hard candies when she dressed them up in makeup.

“Do you know if the nipple paint
the ladies are into comes in flavors? I don’t know, maybe something
like cherry for red or bubble gum for pink?” Court laughed as he
spoke, but he was serious.

“Bubble gum?” Jon queried over his
shoulder as he made his way out of the barn. There was nothing
casual about his cadence. Apparently his friend was in a rush, but
that didn’t put a stop to their odd conversation.

“What? You’d rather it tasted like
cotton candy?” Court couldn’t help but think of the sweet, sugary
town fair confection. Whenever he’d gone to a fair as a kid, the
swirl of pink fluff was always the first thing he

“Actually, it’s not a bad idea.
I’ll ask. Are you going to dinner at the Wilsons’

“Yah, we’ll be there. We can ask
the ladies about the flavors then,” Court answered and looked for
Sunny. She had gone to chat with Molly, nothing else, which meant
they couldn’t have gone far.

“Done,” Jon told him and nodded to
where the ladies stood on the far side of his truck.

Walking up to Sunny, Court wrapped
his arm around her and started to lead her toward the house. He
held the bag with the mask and struggled to not rush them inside.
They were going to play, but first he’d talk to her about it. No,
first they’d wave off their friends, then they could talk about the
new toy.

Seeing the other couple off had him
thinking back to when he and Sunny started dating. They may have
moved much slower than Jon and Molly, but they’d gone at the pace
best for them.

Five-plus years of sobriety,
business on the upswing, and the woman he loved at his side. Things
were looking better than good and he wanted it to continue. He took
nothing for granted. He’d worked hard to get and maintain
everything he had.

Sunny and he had lived together for
over two years, almost three. The length of time they’d spent
together as a couple didn’t mean they couldn’t have fun with sex.
Lately he’d thought about solidifying their commitment to each
other even further. Their hearts were involved, connected, and he
was thinking they were ready to take the next step.

The idea of getting hitched had
come up and ended with them agreeing to do it one day. Maybe that
day was getting closer.

Sex, trust, and marriage were
surely a great combination and he was eager to give it

As they waved the truck and its
occupants away, Court took hold of Sunny’s hand and walked with her
back to the house. It took a second for his thoughts to stop
spinning with pictures of his lover bound to a pole while he fucked
her over and over again. In the images she was wearing only a horse
hood and all of her senses were blocked. Feeling his touch and
experiencing what he did to her were all she’d be able to do, and
he was excited to give her pleasure.

“I ordered something a while ago
and picked it up in Billings today,” he hinted.

“So secretive.” She giggled and
leaned closer into him. “Something? What type of

“Something black, leather,

“Ooo, clothes, like maybe shoes?
The slinky stilettos I was looking at last month in the window of
the specialty shoe store? They aren’t practical, but I’d wear them
for you and nothing else.” Sunny sounded excited, and Court
realized in a heartbeat he needed to go get the shoes she wanted
and soon.

“Nope, but I’ll keep them in mind
for your birthday. No, this is actually for something we’d use when
we get kinky together.” He opened the front door and held it for
her to walk through.

“Kinky,” she said and stopped to
look at him. There was a serious look on her face, but also a hint
of a smile. “Come on, I’ll make us some tea and we can talk in the

They went through and she poured
water into the kettle before putting it on the stove. Turning it on
high, she went to the cupboard and pulled out a couple of mugs. The
next cabinet over held a variety of boxes of tea and she chose
chamomile. Court didn’t read anything into the choice, but figured
she decided to go with it for the calming properties.

Before the kettle boiled, she
turned to look at him while leaning against the counter.

“Talk to me, lover,” Sunny asked of
him with an openness that always humbled him. Her upbringing may
have been unusual, horrifying in some ways, but he loved her and
was happy for whatever put her in his path.

Opening the bag, he pulled the hood
out and set it with reverence on the table. Sitting back in his
chair, legs spread wide apart, he waited for her to take it in. He
knew they were in a good place when she reached out to turn the
stove off and joined him.

Stretching out a fingertip, she
traced it over the muzzle to its forehead and eventually on to the

“Tell me about it,” she asked in a
soft yet interested tone.

“After all the pleasure we’ve found
using the horse and dildo, I knew it was a good idea to call our
friend in Billings who made them. Found out he’d made a few hoods
and I went to check them out. With a few changes, like making it
look like a horse, he came up with this.” He gave her a brief
background about what he’d done, even though it wasn’t what she’d
asked to hear.

“What does it do?” Sunny worked to
unzip the muzzle only she struggled to get the zipper to

“There are holes for the eyes and
the covering snaps on to cover them entirely. The ears zip open and
the muzzle, well, I have to admit it was all my idea with his
engineering. The zip runs from one cheek to the other and can be
flipped open so I can slip my cock in your mouth. The holes
throughout this section are there to ensure you have plenty of air
to breathe,” he told her as he pointed to the area above the

“And this?” she asked while holding
the strands of leather dripping from the top.

“I would use them to lace the hood
closed and finally buckle it around the neck. Our friend said the
final connection gave a sense to the wearer there was nothing they
could do but take the pleasure being offered. A kind of
forced-to-enjoy type of thing. It’s intense and we can go as far as
we want with it.”

Court hated to use the word
, but it was the best way to describe what would
happen. For sure she’d have an “out” of the scene. Maybe a ball she
could drop if it became too much. It meant there was no real force
per se
, but he considered it there. Putting the hood on and
how far they’d take it would be entirely her choice. He felt better
about the issue, but the idea was there.

He gave her a chance to think about
what he’d told her and decided to finish making the tea. Standing
up, he turned the stove back on and tried not to stare at the pot.
Of course everyone knew a watched kettle never boiled, but he
wouldn’t stare at his woman, either. From this point on, whatever
happened was up to her. Then she asked a question he had expected,
only not right then.

“When were you thinking of trying
it out?”

Turning around, he looked at her
and noticed the curiosity on her face. There was no sense in
delaying and he jumped in with the best answer he had.

“You know me, I work best with the
here and now.” He gave her a half smile. He could trace that
statement back to the first days in his quest for getting clean. It
had worked well for him and he knew of no reason to change it

“And you do it well. Now, tell me
when you want to play with this new leather hooded horse. In case
you couldn’t tell, I am interested and listening.” Sunny picked up
the hood and placed it over her head. The eyes were uncovered and
the ears were exposed. Because it was unlaced, she could easily
pull the leather piece on and off.

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