Read Braydon Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Braydon (28 page)

BOOK: Braydon
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Braydon pulled the truck into the parking garage. Being that it was Sunday evening, the garage was fairly empty. The Domain was one of Austin’s newest shopping districts. Not only did it have the equivalent of an outdoor mall, it was also lined with condominiums and restaurants. Needless to say, due to the popularity of the area, he’d had to buy tickets for the movie online. Which meant he’d been joking when he told Jessie that she actually had a choice. He’d picked some new-release chick flick for her benefit because, just like he told her, he really didn’t care what they watched. He just wanted to be near her.

Braydon unbuckled his seat belt and turned to Jessie. “I hope you enjoy tonight,” he told her.

“Is this really considered our second date?” she asked, her eyebrow cocking up slightly.



“Good? Why good?”

“I’m kinda excited to get to the after-the-date part.” Jessie grinned mischievously. “You know, the part where you try to get to second base and I send you on your way.”

Second base, huh? Shit. He intended to get to third base in the movie theater.

Not that he told her as much.

Braydon grinned. “I’m bettin’ you won’t send me anywhere, unless it’s right to my knees between your sweet thighs,” he whispered as he leaned in close.

A shudder ran through her and Braydon knew he’d hit one of those buttons again.

“I’m just glad we aren’t starting over completely,” she admitted softly.

Braydon placed his hand on Jessie’s cheek. “I don’t want to start over, Jess. I want to move forward. We’ve made it this far. Let’s just ride this thing out.”

Jessie nodded, then leaned into his hand. Braydon couldn’t resist. He kissed her, one hand sliding from her cheek to her neck, the other firmly wrapped around her thigh. They were both breathless by the time they pulled apart.

“Are you sure you want to go to a movie?” she asked, looking up at him with more anticipation than he’d ever seen.

“Damn straight.”

Jessie laughed and Braydon released her. They were going to be late for the movie if they didn’t get out of the truck. Not to mention, the parking garage security guard was probably going to pay them a visit if they fogged up the windows.

Braydon climbed out and then held his hand out to help Jessie. She eased to the ground and he noticed she was careful to keep her dress in place. It made him smile.

after the long walk to the theater from their parking spot and then after they ventured through the check-in process, they were finally being led to the theater where their movie was playing. They followed an usher to their seats, which were fairly secluded at the top of the theater in a small arrangement of fancy reclining chairs. From what he could tell, the theater was divided into two parts, the upper section and the lower section. From where he stood, he could see the standard movie theater setup in the lower section, rows of chairs side by side.

It was the upper section that had caught his attention when he had sought the place out. There were four rows, each consisting of three sets of double recliners with aisles separating each set. From the online map, Braydon had purposely selected the set that was at the top, mainly because there were only two sets left and the other was at the bottom. This definitely allowed for a little more privacy.

Jessie took the recliner closest to the wall, and Braydon sat down beside her. He kept his hand linked with hers, and it was a good thing his arms were long because he had to reach over the center divider to do so.

Another usher returned a few minutes later, squatting down near his chair as he began explaining the process. He took their drink order and left them with a menu. Braydon did a quick once-over and the extravagant crap didn’t sound at all appealing to him. “Find something you like?” he asked Jessie after he passed the leather-bound menu her way.

“I’m not even sure what half of this stuff is,” she told him, making him laugh.

“I say we grab something on the way back to the house. Unless you want something. I’ll give it a shot if you will.”

“I’m good with a burger and fries when we’re done here if you are.”

“My kinda woman,” he replied, squeezing her hand.

The usher returned with two glasses of water and took their menu after they informed him they weren’t interested in food. A few minutes later, the lights turned down and the screen lit up.

Before the opening credits had finished, Braydon had already slid his hand halfway up Jessie’s thigh.

And to his surprise, she let him.

slamming the empty shot glass down on the bar as the whiskey burned its way down.

Mack shot him a look that threatened him within an inch of his life if he did it again.

Brendon did it again just to spite the surly bartender.

“Damn it, Brendon. You’re cut off.”

“Fuck you,” Brendon slurred. “I said give me another goddamn shot.”

“No,” Mack stated firmly. “You’re done.”

“You’re damn right I am,” Brendon answered, forcing his feet to the floor and sliding off the wooden bar stool. He’d been sitting there for so damn long his ass was numb.

“Don’t you dare go out to your truck,” Mack called from behind the bar. “Let me call one of your brothers to come get you.”

Thankfully, the blood returned to all the necessary places as he made his way outside, completely ignoring the verbal tirade going on behind him. Mack could call his brothers, but he’d be long gone before then. His head was spinning just a little and he glanced at his truck, a brief moment of indecision stopping him in his tracks.

He was drunk. There was no doubt about that. He’d been at Moonshiners for the better part of the last three hours, and even when he’d pulled into the parking lot before the sun had started a slow descent in the sky he’d had a healthy buzz.

Now he was seeing two of everything.

Didn’t matter.

Fuck that shit. If he could walk, he could drive.

And as he climbed into his truck, he knew it was a stupid move. But he’d been making a lot of those lately.

What was one more?

to spontaneously combust.

The rasp of Braydon’s work-roughened fingers against her thigh was making her crazy. The movie was only a quarter of the way in and he’d already inched his way up her thigh to the point that her dress was now dangerously close to indecent.

“There’s a blanket,” Braydon whispered as he leaned toward her.

Jessie peered over her shoulder, and sure enough there was a blanket folded on the arm of the chair. Debating whether or not to let go of his wandering hand, she finally opted to retrieve the blanket. It was that or possibly get tossed out for public indecency.

Maneuvering the blanket into place didn’t take any time at all, but Braydon was much faster than she was. By the time it was covering her, his hand had effectively wandered between her legs. It was a good thing the volume was up on the movie or their movie-going neighbors would’ve probably been shocked.

Jessie hit the power button to recline the chair back, hoping she looked calm and relaxed as she pretended to pay attention to what was on the screen.

She was so far from calm and relaxed, it was pitiful.

Braydon’s fingers were teasing her gently. He was caressing her mound and every now and then, his finger would slide down between her labia, but he didn’t linger. He was tormenting her.

And it was working.

Thankfully, he ceased his sensual torture for a few minutes as a late-arriving couple came in, taking the seats directly in front of them. The theater had stadium seating, so the pair didn’t obscure Jessie’s view of the screen, although she wasn’t paying much attention to the screen in the first place.

The movie continued on and Jessie tried her best to pay attention. She had actually become somewhat engrossed in what was playing on the screen when Braydon caught her attention by leaning over the center armrest. She leaned in close enough, offering him her ear.

The words that came out of his mouth had her body igniting in a flood of arousal so heady, she thought she was going to come right then and there.

“Put your hand beneath mine. I want to feel you finger your pussy while you watch the movie.”

It took her a moment to get with the program, but Jessie finally slid her hand beneath his. That was where her nerve dissipated.

Braydon didn’t seem to mind because he used his hand to guide hers, his fingers pressing over hers until she was parting her labia and sliding her fingers through her wet folds. When her own fingers grazed her clit, she nearly came up off the chair. The sensation was magnified by a million because they were in a darkened room surrounded by people. She knew no one could tell what they were doing, but just the thought of someone figuring it out made her body burn hotter.

Part of her was surprised at how bold she was being, allowing Braydon to tease her like that in a public place. The other part of her was still trying to figure out this side of Braydon.

Jessie wasn’t sure she’d ever been this turned on in her life, and Braydon was doing little more than fingering her. Actually, she was fingering herself with his guidance.

She swallowed a moan, reminding herself where they were. She knew she had to be quiet. That was difficult for her because Jessie knew she was particularly loud when it came to sex.

Braydon was still leaning toward her and she hadn’t moved away from him, so when he whispered in her ear, his admission was heard loud and clear.

“God, I wish I could fuck you right here.”

Holy crap.

“I’d pull you on my lap and slide my cock right into your sweet pussy.”

Jessie nodded absently. Apparently she wished that as well.

But they were in public, so that wasn’t about to happen.

Her mind was coming up with plenty of ways for them to sneak away and find a secluded place to do exactly that when Braydon’s finger slid deep inside of her pussy, making her gasp. He held it there for a moment and then began to shallowly thrust inside of her. His palm was pressed against her hand, which caused her fingers to apply pressure to her clit. She knew if he kept this up, she was going to come in the middle of a crowded movie theater.

The best part of all . . . she really didn’t care.


raydon really wasn’t sure how they managed to make it through the movie without him coming in his jeans. As the movie played on, he had fingered Jessie until she came. Three times.

Every time he felt her body tense up around his finger, her hand gripping his arm, his cock had jerked.

He hadn’t had the luxury of a blanket, so he’d had to refrain from touching himself. But now that they were in the truck, he wasn’t sure he could hold out much longer.

Jessie quietly buckled herself into the seat in the middle. She’d been nearly silent ever since they walked out of the theater hand in hand.

“What did you think of the movie?” he asked, grinning.

“What movie?” she mumbled.

“Liked it that much, huh?”

Jessie merely grunted, her hand making its way to his knee. Her simple touch set his body aflame. He was pretty damn sure his cock had an imprint of his zipper on it, and the ache hadn’t subsided even a little.

BOOK: Braydon
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