BreakMeIn (18 page)

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Authors: Sara Brookes

BOOK: BreakMeIn
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She’d taken something harsh and industrial and made it into
a thing of beauty.

He’d known she was capable of such work, but this piece was
absolutely stunning. Even for all the obvious care and attention she’d given it
the images forming in his mind about just what the entire device was capable of
sent a streak of nervous energy through his stomach.

“Do I want to know what your intent is with this?”

“You’re imaginative, Alex. Can’t you figure it out?”

He studied the contraption for a few more seconds. “Yeah, I
can. That’s the problem. Mostly I’m trying to decide what is worse.”

“Because of the fact you know exactly what it’s designed to
do or the fact you’re getting hard looking at it?” She held out another item of
leather, a half-smile twitching the corners of her painted lips.

Ankle cuffs.

Those were unexpected as well. Then again he hadn’t
predicted the extravagant frame she’d constructed either. Paired with the image
he held in his head of him trussed up in her suspension piece, the ankle cuffs
made perfect sense. “I’m not supposed to enjoy this, right?”

“Depends on how you look at things.”

“This is punishment. Submissives aren’t supposed to enjoy
being reprimanded.”

Elena knelt, lifting the hem of his chaps. She circled the
leather around his ankle, threading the strap through the buckle and fastening
it. Her fingers hooked under his jaw, tilting his head toward her as she
brushed her lips lightly against his. “You’ll enjoy my punishment. Always. But
that doesn’t mean you won’t experience a wide range of emotions.”

“I’d be disappointed if I didn’t.”

Alex gulped as he approached the roped-off area with Elena’s
name scrawled on a small whiteboard. Her dark-purple bag sat in the center of a
table. For the first time since he’d convinced himself this was what he wanted
his confidence faltered.

A firm hand stroked between his shoulders. “Relax,
Alexander. You’re safe with me. Nothing will happen that you haven’t
experienced in some way already.”

“I trust you.” And he did. Implicitly. Or else he wouldn’t
have insisted on coming.

She went about her work methodically without comment,
guiding him to stand in front of her suspension frame. Surprising. He’d
expected her to maneuver him into the belly of the frame and show him her
intent for the machinery mounted to the base. Instead she secured his arms high
overhead and his ankles to chain links mounted on the floor.

The pose exposed his entire body to the gathered crowd.

He swallowed the lump in his throat. There was nowhere to
hide now. Determined to see this through he held his chin high, proud to help
Elena realize this moment.

With a flourish Elena turned to face the crowd. “I present
to you my submissive, Alex Conners. Here tonight for the fulfillment of a
punishment he earned.”

A thrill buzzed through his system hearing her acknowledge
him in such a way. Her submissive. She’d marked him as hers in public. Claimed
him. He wanted nothing more than to hear her make such a claim as her pussy
surrounded him.

“For those unaware, Alex stepped on a few toes the first
night he came to Element Twenty-Six. It wasn’t entirely his fault. Some of us
have found ourselves in similar situations. See, Alex’s wife shamed him for wanting
to explore this part of his sexuality.”

A chorus of boos and hisses lifted in the air as he felt a
telling flush erupt over his chest. He hadn’t expected her to expose the
history of what had brought him to this moment in the first place.

“As you can see he was determined to overcome and for the
past several months I’ve been showing Alex there is no shame in voicing your
desires. Guiding him through this acceptance. An apt pupil, Alex has flourished
in his education. Much to my pleasure.” As the crowd murmured their approval,
Elena reached back, skimming her hand down his bare torso. A trail of lust and
heat followed her touch as her fingers circled the base of his cock.

Her gaze met his, fire and hunger brightening the color of
her eyes. Releasing him, she circled around, pressing her leather-encased body
against his back. He exhaled slowly as her luscious curves taunted him. He
wanted to feel her body against him free of the confines of her outfit.

He still wasn’t used to this animalistic need that kept
consuming him. He wasn’t sure he ever wanted to get used to it. Not after being
so staunch and conservative for so long.

He’d never been this hot for a woman. Never been as needy as
she made him. Never felt as though he’d die if he didn’t get to touch and taste
her. A ferocious pleasure raced through his system as she shimmied against him.
She kept speaking to the crowd, but the words blurred together in his head, the
buzz of need eradicating anything but his desire for her. The rawness of the
passion he held for this woman astounded him, making him feel as though he were
going to combust.

Her lips pressed against his shoulder, her voice whispering
over his charged skin as she spoke in a low tone meant only for him. “This will
be different than previous times, Alexander. You’ll derive pleasure from
serving me.” She reached under his arm, tugging on his chin so she had access
to his mouth. Her lips pressed softly against his.

“This is going to hurt. Maybe even be so agonizing it forces
you back to another part of your life you thought you may have already dealt

“I trust you,” he repeated.

“I know you do.” Her chest shifted against his back as she
breathed deep. “That’s what makes this so hard.” Without warning something wide
and flat struck his ass. An angry flash of pain radiated from the area, causing
him to flinch.

Hurt. A lot.

Far more than he’d expected because Elena offered nothing to
help balance the pain. No reassuring stroke of her hand over the heated area
she’d struck. Preparing for the next assault, he clenched all his muscles.

“If you don’t relax you’ll just make it worse when I hit you
with the tawse again.”

“I’m not sure I can.”

“You can. I know this is unusual and not something you’re
used to. But I promise it will all be worth it in the end.”

He understood he deserved this. Knew he owed it to the other
members because he’d been bullheaded and misunderstood the situation. Putting
his faith in Elena, he called on each of his muscles to ease.

Nothing could prepare him for the next strike. His voice
rumbled in this throat, a guttural noise, which sounded foreign and primal.

“That’s it, Alexander. Let them hear your pain.”

He swallowed, waiting for the moment the item struck again.
Just when he thought the hit would never come. The tawse battered him with a
vengeance. His voice raised this time as he was caught unawares. Three hits in
rapid succession causing a strangled scream to slip through his clenched lips.

“Almost done, Alex. These will be the hardest yet. I have
faith in you. You can do this. For me. But most of all for yourself.”

Adrenaline raced through his system, coiling in his gut as
he waited. The first strike came, delivering blinding agony. He cried out as
the last of his defenses fell away. She was right. He thought he had dealt with
this kind of pain already. But the glimpses she’d given him the first time
they’d scened together didn’t compare to the pain streaking through him now.

The agony.

The feeling of absolute helplessness.

“Let it out. You’ve held it inside you for far too long. Let
it go, baby.”

The hard, flat leather slapped him again and he released a
vicious howl in response to the pain. Tears sprung to his eyes, every nerve in
his body alive with energy as his soul began to purge.

The tawse pounded against him again, lofting his voice to
the ceiling as the pain scorched through him. Unable to control his thoughts
and body he struggled against the bindings holding him open and exposed. Anger
he’d secreted away in the darkest recess of his consciousness tore free, giving
rise to new wounds.

He roared, loud and deep, as raw as he’d ever been.

Arms wrapped around his torso, pulling him into a comforting
embrace. He shuddered, struggling for breath as his body continued to purge the
remnants of the lingering shadows darkening his humanity.

“Relax, Alex. It’s over. I’m here.”

His arms were freed from the chains, the metal clanking
heavily together. Turning, he gathered Elena up into his arms, sighing heavily
as her fingers curled against the back of his head. He held her close, drawing
on her strength to keep him upright.

Her warm, soft lips pressed against the side of his neck,
whispering comforting words that barely made it through the haze clouding his
mind. He couldn’t stop his body from shaking and it had nothing to do with the
pain washing over him.

Her lips ghosted over his face planting small kisses as she
sipped the tears streaking down his cheeks. “It’s over. Done. You don’t have to
hurt anymore, Alex.”

“I know.” His turmoil still tangible in the air surrounding
them he slid his hands around her jaw, cradling her face between his hands.
“Thank you.” His lips sealed over hers, he felt more connected with her than
ever before. As his tongue slipped past her lips he realized for the first time
in his life it felt damn good to be alive.

She’d given him peace.

He swept her up in a passionate and consuming kiss, far more
emotion spilling from him than he’d originally intended. She returned the
emotion tenfold, kissing him with equal fervor. The crowd behind them roared in
approval, evidently pleased with the fulfillment of Alex’s punishment.

As they broke apart, her lips red and swollen from the power
of his kiss, he tilted his forehead against hers. Her hands bracketed his rib
cage, her fingers touching the heated edges of the places she’d hit across his
lower back. His skin tingled, the sensation spreading through him with a
welcoming heat. “So do I get to find out what you really built this thing to

“I’d like to show you, but only if you’re feeling up to it.”
His eyes fluttered closed as she tilted her head and skimmed her lips over his
jaw. A flare of heat flashed bright, her soft laughter trailing over his throat
as his cock jumped against her body.

He knew she needed this part now as much as he did. Needed
the comfort of something different than punishment. To balance the pain with
pleasure. “I think I can manage for you.”

She moved away, gathering the items she would need. He
watched with rapt interest, trying to loosen the knot in his stomach when she
set a bottle of lubricant on the table. Whatever she intended to use it for she
kept to herself as she gestured for him to join her inside the network of

Her work was quick and efficient, her goal clear in her mind
as she pointed to where she needed him to hold or support his weight while she
worked. She wrapped his torso with rope, using the network of intricate knots
to help suspend his weight evenly. Each layer she added dragged him down under
her spell so he became lost to her magic.

She added chains next, more for visual effect than anything
because his weight was already distributed. Her hand wrapped around his ankle,
securing a long length of chain to the leather. Suspended completely in the
comfort of the obvious love of her work and attention to detail, both for the
frame and for him, he’d never felt so free.

He knew with absolute certainty he could never go back to
vanilla sex. Not now. His eyes were wide open. He knew all the possibilities
spread out before him. He also knew the only one he wanted to be with was
Elena. He had one hell of an uphill climb to contend with given her attitude
toward love and romance. But damn if he wasn’t ready to dig in and fight for

“Ready?” He nodded, watching as she leaned over and removed
some kind of angled chock from under the front supports. The entire frame
rocked forward with a violent jerk and he held his breath as the ropes and
chains around his body absorbed the motion.

The ropes took his full weight as his body sagged into

Looking down between his legs as his body swung, he
confirmed the machine really was attached to the frame. The weight of his body
acted as the counterbalance. Once his movement stopped, any further motion
would send the entire contraption rocking. Given the angle of the machine he had
no doubt what she intended to do with the bottle of lube now.

His thought was further realized when a cold wetness spread
between his ass cheeks as something wet was poured there. He closed his eyes,
listening to her move around the stage preparing him. Her dexterous fingers
brushed against the pucker of his anus, pulling a quiet groan from him as
sensation radiated wherever she touched.

She took her time, expertly preparing him with more lube as
she teased the rim. The tips of those fingers breeched his passage, drawing a
strangled groan from deep in his chest. They stroked and kneaded, sweeping so
sweetly over the bundle of nerves she kept massaging.

As he surrendered to her slow pumps of his ass, his cock
strained against the metal ring with an unyielding stiffness that made him
blind with need. His body relaxed against the ropes even more, her hushed
murmur of approval washing over his skin as she added another finger. He
accepted it without complaint, welcoming the spread of heat through him as she
built his arousal even higher.

“You’re ready now aren’t you?”

“Yes.” He barely managed the word before he felt the hard
press of something against his anus. Not her fingers this time.
Something…firmer and more intrusive. A plug perhaps? When the item continued to
spread him wider he was shocked by its size. Not the plug. The feel and texture
was different than before.

Fear he couldn’t do this after all swept through him. He
wouldn’t displease her again. Couldn’t. He would accept what she had to give
him even though he felt stretched, expanded to the limits of what he could
handle. Yet as the item continued moving forward, opening him wider and wider,
panic set in.

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