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Authors: Katelyn Skye

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Literature & Fiction

Breathless Series - (9 page)

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James came in and whispered a word to one of the hostesses, who nodded mutely and backed out of the room. Then he held out his hand to the blonde sub and she obediently went with him to the huge wooden cross set against the wall.

He told her to raise her hands high, which she did. He then clipped the rings on her wrists to the one of the top ends of the cross so that she was facing the wall. “Spread your legs,” he said, and when she did he fastened her ankles to the lower ends of the cross as well. Then the hostess came forward with the tray, and Alyssa knew the blonde sub was to choose again.

“The crop,” she said softly, though loud enough for them to hear.

“You will count down from ten,” James said, his tone cool and precise. The hostess moved back with the tray, and there was a ‘whoosh’ before the crop landed on the bound woman’s back. Alyssa had barely seen James’ arm move to make the stroke.

Alyssa watched as the woman writhed against her restraints, her agony plain to see. But then when she looked closely at the woman’s face, Alyssa also saw a trace of shivering enjoyment. “Ten,” the woman moaned.

There was that sound again of leather travelling through air, and James brought the crop down on the same spot again. Alyssa bit hard on her lip as she watched marks start to form on the sub’s skin.

“Look how her juices are already dripping down her legs; you see?” Lucas whispered in Alyssa’s ear from where he stood behind her. Alyssa shuddered at the sensation of his hands resting on her waist, the fingers tightening as James delivered more and more blows, the sub’s voice growing louder as she counted. Alyssa stared at the exposed length of the woman’s spread thighs, open in a V so that one could see the glassy dew sliding down from her inner folds to her knees. Alyssa had never known a woman could get so wet. But then she remembered that Lucas could so easily bring her to such heights of arousal, which he’d done the one night they’d had sex.

“Yes, Sir,” she finally managed to croak, knowing Lucas was waiting for her answer. Deep within, she felt a dark, tight stirring. Lucas was halfway to the end and now with each strike, he ran a hand over the sub’s buttocks. Alyssa could just imagine Lucas doing the same thing to her; being harsh and then soft, giving her both pleasure and pain. The images made her belly twist in anticipation.

“This woman has a Master, whom though he owns her and can make her do anything he wants, prefers to allow another Dom give her the punishment she deserves. She must have been very, very naughty for her Master to enlist James’ brand of discipline. He’s very thorough, as you can see,” Lucas murmured.

Alyssa could have no doubt that this was true. The woman’s lower back was covered in
marks which though looked painful, were the type that would fade in time leaving no permanent damage.

Her eyes widened as James paused in his whipping midway and went to the tray. He retrieved two
items which looked like lube and a sizeable butt plug. Alyssa felt her heart pound as she watched James smear the sub’s exposed crack with the lube, before slowly and skillfully slid the butt plug into the woman’s sphincter. She cried out, her voice a mixture of torment and ecstasy, sounds which intensified when James started laying the crop on the inside of her thighs, making them quiver and drip even further as the sub counted down until the tenth stroke.

The sub’s pants filled the room and she was shivering with pleasure even as the punished spots on her body glowed red and purple.

“Beautiful,” James could be heard murmuring. “Your Master will find you in this way, duly punished and ready for his use. Have you enjoyed your discipline?”

“Yes, Lord Master James,” the woman sighed, and Alyssa had no doubt she was saying the truth. Her face was flushed and her eyelids moist with tears but the beatific smile on her face told its story. Alyssa felt Lucas draw her away as James beckoned to the hostess who took the crop just as another male, dressed in an expensive-looking suit, entered the room.

Alyssa felt her feet stumble slightly as she was led away. Lucas letting her have all these visuals wasn’t just for the shock factor or even for the excitement. He really did want her to understand what she was getting into.

And she knew she should be happy for that. Not many people in the outside world really understood the essence of the bondage lifestyle and why it appealed to its participants. All they really saw was the debasement and the deviancy; some of them abhorred the behavior as much too degenerate to comprehend.

Yes, Alyssa knew it was ‘twisted’ as some might call it; true it was dark and unconventional to subjugate oneself to such a power exchange where another took full control. But then Alyssa was beginning to get a lot of things; that you couldn’t give away what you don’t possess. And in giving yourself to the full command of another, it shows how comfortable you’ve become in your own skin and your sexuality. You’re ready to walk on that knife’s edge of exploration and move beyond your comfort zone. And this could only happen with someone you trusted and respected; someone whose strength gave you comfort, not unease.

Lucas was a compelling man who’d stirred her senses; made Alyssa consider for the first time the possibility of relinquishing her total independence as a sexual being. It was beyond rationalizing or trying to figure out the why of it. It just was. She looked into his eyes; she felt his touch, and she was strengthened. He made her believe things about
herself, made her feel capable of feats she’d never have considered if left to her own devices.

In essence, Alyssa had always longed for a man strong enough to take full control. To push her past the limits that convention and a ‘vanilla’ lifestyle had built around her, deadening her to true sensation and passion. With Lucas, Alyssa knew she’d come alive like never before.

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” Lucas said, and Alyssa suddenly became aware that they were standing alone in a kind of suite, with two or more rooms adjoined as well as a bathroom connected to one side.

His hands held both of hers, and he lifted one to his lips, kissing the knuckles before doing the same to the other.

“You have something to say before we begin?” he pressed, when Alyssa kept mute, her teeth worrying her bottom.”

Forcing herself to plunge in, Alyssa blurted, “Yes, Sir. I’m not really…I don’t…” She sighed heavily, and then tried once more. “I’ve never done this before.

His eyes were piercing arrows into her soul. “Thank you for coming clean with me, Alyssa. But I already know,” he said softly, combing her dark brown hair from her temple.

“But how? When?” she asked, wondering if she’d been so poor at it that she’d been easy to read.

“Since the first time. Not only have you never been a sub before, neither have you ever been dominated in the bedroom, not truly,” he told her, his smile teasing.

“And still you wanted me?”

He trailed the back of his hand down her throat to her thrust-out breasts which strained against their layers of covering. “Alyssa, some doms might be cautious about taking on an inexperienced sub, or someone who has no clue about the whole régime. It takes time and dedication to train a good slave. But the basic fact is the way I felt when I was with you. I wanted to protect you, claim you and ravage you, all at the same time. I’ve never felt like that for anyone, not since…”

“Since Sara?” Alyssa heard herself ask tentatively, when he paused. He looked surprised at her comment, and she flew on. “I recognized the name when…Lord James mentioned it earlier. I’m guessing it’s Sara Chase,
your ex-fiancée.”

“Yes,” Lucas said, his expression speculative for a moment. “A lot of gossip flew around when we broke up.
The who, why and what of it is far too long a story and one which I definitely do not want to get into tonight. But the bottom line is, if we are to see this through to the finish, you have to do this on my terms. To trust me to know what’s best for you, and to let me take authority of you in the way you crave and deserve.”

“Sir, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want all those things,” Alyssa said plainly, never looking away from him.

Lucas smiled thinly, nodding. “Good. Now there’s no more time to waste. Here, in this room, you are my pet, my little fuck slave. You will obey my every command or you will be punished. Part of your discipline tonight is to see how good your endurance is; how much you can take of both pleasure and torment. Both, I trust, you will enjoy in its fullest form. For starters, fuck slave, you’ll take off your panties.”

Chapter Three

Fuck slave. Take off your panties.

Oh God, thought Alyssa, taking only three seconds to process the gamut of Lucas’s words. The authority in his tone overrode the slight shock of being called that.
A fuck slave.

Swallowing, Alyssa reached underneath her dress, hooked her thumbs into the
waist band, and drew the skimpy fabric down her hips. As she watched his eyes darken and her own pussy start to twitch, Alyssa began to realize she was all he called her and more. Shamelessly so.

She reminded herself that she’d asked for this. She’d sought him out tonight, knowing full well what could
lay in store. He wanted a sexual submissive; he hadn’t wanted her any other way. She’d come to grips with that since the moment she’d dressed up that evening hoping to see him again, and tell him she was ready.

He stood there watching her every move
; her very expression. Her eyes couldn’t look away from his face, her heart dancing with a mixture of eagerness and fear. What if she couldn’t please him no matter how hard she tried? What if she fell short?

When one looked at a man like Lucas, she knew that all they’ll see was cool
; pure and simple. He was very tall and extremely well built, and darkly handsome. Tonight he wore dark clothes of the finest tailoring, and as always he was perfectly groomed. If she had any doubts about why she was doing this – why she was here; one look into his cool green eyes and all doubt disappeared. Here was a man she could gladly submit to; here, in this private suite within a bondage club filled with members whom she knew were of substantial stature in the city. Men and women with a large bank roll or positions of power, or both. Lucas bringing her here was proof that he was ready to take her to the next step in their new relationship if only she would shed the last of her inhibitions where he was concerned. Alyssa knew she had to
let go.
Of her pride; her independence, her sense of ‘me’ or self. Tonight, in this room, she was here to serve the needs of her Master, her Sir. Her Dom. Lucas Edge.

Her panties were at her ankles. She stepped out of them, one foot and then the other.

“Pick them up,” Lucas told her in that detached tone that made her feel he was someone else. Untouchable, hard to reach. And all the sexier for it.

She bent and grabbed her tiny black lace panties, which matched her bra underneath. They felt very damp within her palms, and she blushed. She hadn’t realized that all that viewing of so many twisted acts of pleasure had made her so wet.
That and the man standing so close in front of her. He held out his hand, and she blushed even harder as she placed the soaked panties in his hand.

He put them to his nose, not taking his eyes off her as he sniffed deeply, then exhaled with a slight narrowing of his gaze. “Divine. From now on, the only panties you’ll ever get to wear around me are those I select for you myself – or none at all. You’ll have to get used to not always having any underwear on – at all. From what I know of your breasts, slave, they’re firm and beautiful enough to not require a bra.”

Alyssa watched as he ripped the panties into a single long strip, her throat moving in a dry, excited gulp. “Turn around. Arms crossed behind you. I’m going to tie your wrists.”

Alyssa turned around slowly, feeling her legs wobble. She crossed her wrists and soon felt him wrap the strips of her panties around the slender flesh. The knots were just strong enough without feeling uncomfortable or hurtful.

His lips were close to her ear now and she closed her eyes briefly as his deep voice washed over her. “Tell me to stop if there’s anything you don’t like. You remember the safe word from the last time?”

“Yes, Sir.” She barely managed the words. His hands were around her throat, turning her face to the side and over her shoulder as their lips met in a kiss. Her eyes fluttered closed as his taste and texture coursed through her senses like potent wine. Sweet tongue and warm lips…ooh, it felt so good, his kiss. It melted her to the core like nothing else could.

He broke the kiss and then just as the glow faded, he fisted her hair and tugged hard enough to make her head snap backwards. Alyssa gasped, staring up at the ceiling while his lips traced along her arched throat. The pressure slowly increased on the nerve-endings in her scalp as he pulled more forcefully on her hair. She felt his tongue bathe the curve of her inner shoulder and she shuddered, terribly aroused. Her naked pussy folds felt like they were swollen, and she sensed the dripping begin to start inching down between her legs.

“Always so sweet,” he murmured deeply, kissing on the flesh he’d tongued. “There’s something about your scent and taste that brings out the beast in me, little slave. It’s clear to me that I may never have enough of you. I’ll want more, and more.”

There was only one piece of furniture in this part of the suite; a large leather upholstered sofa in that Lucas led her to by her hair, and by pulling down roughly, he got her to bend over the large armrest. She found herself face down with her ass in the air, perfectly raised in a hump over the arm of the chair. Her legs were planted on the floor and he kicked them wide apart just as he shoved the hem of the dress high above her waist.

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