Breathless Temptation [Texas Stallions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (17 page)

BOOK: Breathless Temptation [Texas Stallions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Delilah swallowed, her hands gripping the cool soil for support. Hunter lay on the ground, his chest rising and falling in large gasps. His hazel eyes locked with hers, but no words were exchanged. Instead, he crawled over to Warren and felt for a pulse.

“He’s dead,” Hunter announced.

A wave of relief flooded through Delilah’s system. She knew no man’s death should be something to celebrate, but she also knew that Warren had intended to kill both Clay and Hunter and even her. How could she feel anything but solace?

Scurrying to her feet, she ran for Clay. Her arms were outstretched to hold him close. One of his arms closed around her waist while his other hand captured her cheek. His fingers weaved delicately into her hair.

“How did you know to bring a gun with you?” she asked shakily, staring into his dark-brown eyes.

Clay smiled softly. “This is Texas, sweetheart. I never go anywhere without my gun,” he told her, inspecting the small cut on her neck. “I’d never risk being out here without some kind of protection.”

She placed her hand over his, still keeping her eyes focused on his. “So you hid your gun in the picnic basket?”

Clay’s smile broadened. “Well, I didn’t really have any other place to keep it while we made love.” With his thumb, he stroked her bottom lip and then kissed her gently. “Are you all right?” he asked, his voice just above a whisper.

She shuddered in his arms, thankful that he had been the sheriff first and her lover second. He’d ultimately saved all of their lives, but then so had Hunter. Had Hunter not been the fearless rodeo cowboy and jumped from the roof, pushing Warren off of her, there was no telling what would’ve happened to them.

“Yes, I’m fine,” she confessed, snuggling against his chest. “I’m not sure how either of you managed to do what you just did, but it was amazing.” For the first time in her life, she was happy to find peace of mind in the arms of a man she longed to love forever. “I’m so glad you were both here with me. I don’t know what I would’ve done without either of you.”

Clay smiled. “Well, I couldn’t have done it without Hunter.” He kissed her forehead. “While Warren dragged you along the darkened path, I quickly put my jeans on and grabbed my gun. Once I came up on your far side, I circled around, placing Hunter out of view. I distracted Warren enough to allow Hunter to do his acrobatic act.” He brushed back her hair. “I had no idea what Hunter was about to do, but I guess jumping from bulls for as long as he did made climbing a roof and landing on Warren an effortless adventure.” His grin broadened.

Then she heard rustling from behind her and inclined her head to see Hunter standing. He dusted off the dirt that covered his chest and hands.

With his spine stiff and his hands digging into his waist, he muttered, “You know, I’m getting really tired of fucked-up stalker assholes trying to stab me.”

Chapter Eleven


Almost six months to the day later, Delilah stood on the front porch of her new home at Turtledove Ranch and wondered how she’d gotten so lucky. Gazing out from her front porch, she’d pictured the sight in her mind a thousand times. Had it not been for the events in her life, she never would’ve found the strength to discover this little Texas sanctuary.

Her new home was quiet as she strolled back inside and into her bedroom. Her heart beat a little harder as she wondered where Clay and Hunter had disappeared to. The property was so vast that she could go without seeing them for hours on end as they rode horses around the land, something Hunter loved to do as often as possible. Clay was starting to show his cowboy side, as well, saddling up to ride the land as often as he could. Perhaps Turtledove wasn’t just her home but was starting to be theirs, too.

“So you’re in love with two men?” a raspy voice asked from behind her back.

Gasping, she ran to her father and placed her arms around him. “Daddy, you came!”

Six months had been too long since she’d last seen her father and she was beyond excited to be with him now. After all that had happened with Warren, her father had wanted to be on the first plane to Texas, but she argued the point that she needed to do a few things on her own before he came rushing out. She had plans, but until now she wasn’t ready to share them.

Marshall Devero chuckled as he hugged Delilah. “Of course I did. I had a few business matters to tie up back home, but I plan to stay for a little while to see how my baby girl has decided to live her life.” He placed his index finger under her chin, raising her gaze to lock with his. “I somehow always knew that you would be more like your mother than you would ever be like me. Your spirit was simply too strong for office politics.”

With a shy smile, she glanced down. No matter how much she tried to be like her father, she never could stand hiding in a building when her heart always wanted to be free. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I just couldn’t stand being home with Warren and Sharon silently stabbing me in the back whenever you weren’t around.” She picked up a picture of Clay and Hunter off of her nightstand. “I needed a way out and I found it.”

“No need to be sorry, my dear,” he said, folding his arms over his chest. “You didn’t answer my question. Are you in love with two men?”

Grinning, she looked back to her father. “Oh, Daddy, you know I’ve never been one for conventional things.”

For a long moment, he stared at her as if inspecting her for the truth. “Is this really what you want, Delilah, living on a ranch in Texas with two men under your roof?”

Her heart swelled at the idea, and a warm, fluttering smile eclipsed her lips. “Yes, Daddy, it is. I never realized until recently just how much living in Texas, in the same town Momma once did, would make me feel whole again. Loving Clay and Hunter only made things better.”

Marshall’s expression grew humble. “Texas is your home now?”

She nodded.

“You won’t consider coming back to California with me then?”

She shook her head. As hard as it would be to live so far away from her father, she now had a chance to discover a family of her own, and that included living in Temptation with both Clay and Hunter.

He placed his hands on her shoulders and with a half smile said, “You can’t blame a father for trying.”

With an arched brow, she muttered, “Speaking of next time…the next time you decide to get married or date anyone, maybe you could have a thorough background check done on them first. You know…make sure she’s not a loony bird whose son tries to kill your only offspring.”

Marshall laughed. “I think I can handle that.” He paused and then said, “Unless, of course, you want to pick my next wife for me.” Delilah began to interrupt him, but he placed his hands up to block her comments. “All I ask is that she loves you as much as I do. If you happen to locate that woman, please let me know.”

The corner of Delilah’s mouth lifted into a crooked smile. She had missed her father dearly over these last several months and hated that they had grown so distant. He had once been her shining star, and seeing him now brought back all those feelings she’d had long ago.

As her father stood in front of her, she noted that even traveling across the country for a casual trip to see his daughter, Marshall still dressed to impress. He sported a three-piece, gray, pinstriped designer suit with a pressed, white collared shirt. Marshall looked as dashing as ever and could enter a room and turn heads even at his age. “Daddy, it really is good to see you.”

“I wouldn’t miss this, Delilah. I know things have been rough on us over the last few years. Work seemed to take priority, and it’s because I allowed it to. I blame myself for everything you went through with Sharon and Warren. I never should have spent so much time away from you, and I never should’ve allowed you to get so trapped in darkness that you couldn’t find a way to talk with me. I wish you had shared with me sooner just how awful things had gotten.”

“It wouldn’t have mattered until you saw for yourself what Sharon and Warren were really like. Seeing is believing, after all.”

“I’m still so angry with myself for not seeing this sooner. However, the fact that Warren tried to kill you did make the divorce proceedings with Sharon a lot easier.” He chuckled and then said, “I’m also glad you insisted on a prenuptial agreement. I’m sure your mother was rolling over in her grave at the mess I made of our lives.”

Delilah’s heart thudded hard in her chest at the mention of her mother. She missed her more than words could express, but being here in Temptation had made her feel closer to her than she’d ever been. It was almost as if a piece of her mother could be found in the trees, flowers, and even the winds that blew in from the south. Turtledove Ranch had truly become her home.

“Momma’s not angry with you, Daddy. She would be the logical one who said that the events in our life helped to direct us to the path we are on now and that path is a good one.”

He cupped her face in his hands. “You really are your mother’s daughter, Delilah, and she’d be so very proud of you.”

Clay’s voice boomed from the direction of the living room, “You ready, Delilah?”

Delilah took her father’s hand. “Now is your chance to meet the men I’m head over heels for, Daddy.” Before exiting the room, she paused a moment, turning to eye her father intently. “Whatever you do, don’t embarrass me.”

Marshall’s brows narrowed. “Me? I would never do that to my sweet baby girl.”

Scoffing, she giggled. “Right.”


* * * *


Clay stood with his hands digging into his waist as he waited for Delilah to join him and Hunter in the foyer. They were heading over to Paradise Ranch for one last dinner before Abby and Tyler’s new baby joined the family. Cooper, Sophia, and Madeline had all planned to be present for the family cookout. Even Jared, the livestock tender at Paradise Ranch, was expected. The Boyd family had grown over the last year. Now that he and Delilah had joined the ranks, it felt even more like home to him.

Sure, Temptation had been his home, but now that he had the woman he loved and a home to share, things felt the way he’d always hoped they would.

Rounding the corner into the living room, Delilah led a tall, salt-and-pepper-haired man by the hand. From the pictures she’d shared with him, as well as the uncanny resemblance, he knew the man was her father, Marshall Devero. Knowing that still didn’t shake the surprise that suddenly flooded through him.

“Mr. Devero,” Clay said, extending his hand before Delilah could even make the formal introduction, “So nice to finally meet you. I’m Clay Garrett.”

Mr. Devero shook his hand. “As I understand it, you’re the sheriff of Temptation.”

“Yes, sir, that’s correct.”

“You’re also the man who shot Warren Michaels.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Well, then I owe you my gratitude for saving my daughter’s life.”

“He didn’t do it all by himself,” Hunter said, stepping forward. “I’m Hunter Boyd.”

“The cattle rancher?”

He nodded.

“Well, then I owe you my gratitude as well,” Mr. Devero said with a smile. “If you boys need anything, please do not hesitate to ask.”

Delilah placed her hand on her father’s arm. “Daddy, we had planned to head over to Hunter’s family’s ranch for a cookout. I’d love it if you joined us.”

“If you think it won’t be a problem. I don’t want to intrude.”

“This is a family picnic, sir. You won’t be intruding,” Clay said.

“In that case, I’d love to join you. This will give me a chance to get to know the men who are sleeping with my daughter out of wedlock.”

“Daddy!” Delilah gasped.

Clay swallowed hard. His eyes darted to Delilah, whose face had suddenly turned a brilliant shade of red. He hadn’t expected her father to be so traditional, but then again, what did he think a billionaire might be like? One thing was for sure, Mr. Devero didn’t have any issues stating how he felt.

“Sir, I assure you that Hunter and I both love your daughter beyond measure. There’s nothing that we wouldn’t do for her, but I’m also sure that as her father, you know that nothing happens that Delilah doesn’t want to happen. If she didn’t approve of our situation, then she wouldn’t be in it.”

Mr. Devero stared at him, his gaze narrowing with scrutiny. Releasing a heavy sigh, he slowly folded his arms over his chest as if unsatisfied with Clay’s answer.

Shit, he wanted Delilah forever and always, but he wouldn’t rush things just because her father tried to intimidate him. He wanted to marry Delilah, but he wouldn’t do anything that he feared would only push her away.

Clay stepped forward, shadowing Delilah’s father. “Mr. Devero, I’m sure you’re used to throwing your weight around and getting simple men to crumble before you, but I’m not one of those men. As I’ve said to you, I love Delilah, and I will for the rest of my life, but I also know that I won’t risk losing the woman I’ve just found with a marriage proposal only to appease you.” Clay locked gazes with Delilah. “I want to marry this woman, and I will if she wants me, but”—he turned back to her father—“only when she’s ready to accept the idea that she wants me as much as I want her, that there is more to us than just being roommates and lovers. I won’t rush her.”

Lord knew the journey they’d taken together hadn’t been the easiest, but it had been filled with wonder and love.

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