Breed The Secret Design To Maintain Racial Inequality Among The Despised Classes (30 page)

Read Breed The Secret Design To Maintain Racial Inequality Among The Despised Classes Online

Authors: William Chasterson

Tags: #animal stories fantasy ethnic reconciliation cats mice racial prejudice fiction robby charters humour, #socrates, #dictatorships, #kafkaesque, #marx and class analysis and false consciousness, #racial equality, #metaphysics theology philosophy end of days 2012 theory of everything physics god humanity afterlife paranormal spiritual spirit soul creation unification theory, #philosophy drama theatre history george bernard shaw life force elan vital aesthetics beliefs henri bergson schopenhauer nietzsche lamarck samuel butler man and superman, #evolution darwin creationism intelligent design social darwinism biology religion pseudoscience science education satire literature humor parody fundamentalismfalse equivalency religion, #orwellian dystopia

BOOK: Breed The Secret Design To Maintain Racial Inequality Among The Despised Classes
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In the name of God, stop a moment, cease
your work, and look around you. - Leo Tolstoy


“Quick fortify the bunker! You! Get those
sandbags over here! Soldiers to your posts! The attack has begun!”
Utopia was swarming with activity. All of it’s inhabitants working
to protect it’s western border. General Rizzo stood at the top of
the barracks looking over the wall with binoculars. “I see the
troops going into battle formation. It looks as though they’re
using the entire division to make a frontal attack!” I called up to
Rizzo, “Who is leading the division?” He peered out across the
frontier with the binoculars, squinting his eyes. “Its Hannibal!”
They were throwing everything they had at us. I was sure glad we
built that wall. I shouted, “Soldiers, this is what we prepared for
take your positions and fight for your freedom!” As the fighting
began, I could tell this was going to be a long drawn out battle. I
started to feel a strange feeling in my gut. It was a cold insecure
feeling as if something terrible was about to happen. I said to
myself, “Ignore it. It’s probably just your nerves.” But as the
days rolled on the feeling just increased. One day a pigeon arrived
and perched herself at the top of the barracks. Out of breath she
gasped, “Marshal, we are under attack!” I rolled my eyes bitterly
and shot a mean glance in her direction. I said, “Isn’t that
obvious? What do you think we’ve been doing for the past few weeks?
We’re defending our western border!” The pigeon spoke up excitedly,
“No sir! Now our eastern border is under attack!” My eyes widened.
I couldn’t believe my ears. We were pouring all our resources into
the western border for a long drawn out battle. Could it be that we
were now expected to fight a two-sided war? I ordered as many
battalions as I could muster to rush to the eastern border and
prepare for battle. As I ran with the troops leaving General Rizzo
to defend the western half of Utopia I couldn’t help but feel as if
this were all just a dream. Reality didn’t unfold like this. Did
it? Eventually we reached the eastern border and General Chauncey
was already running to meet us. “Sir!” he said, “Niccolo’s troops
are storming our fortifications. He is leading the troops himself.
I’m glad you brought reinforcements. I just hope it will be enough.
Something tells me we’re in for a long drawn out battle!” As
Chauncey spoke to me I began hearing a faint ringing in my ears.
“Sir? Are you alright? You! Get some water over here for the
Commander!” Those were the last words I heard before everything
started spinning and then went completely dark.

When I awoke they told me I had been
unconscious for three days during which time my generals had
successfully prevented Utopia’s walls from being breached. However
Niccolo and Hannibal suddenly began simultaneously implementing a
new strategy that had my generals worried. It didn’t seem possible
that the age-old enemies were communicating with one another but
the precise coordination of the new strategy made it appear so.
Now, in order for you to have a clearer picture of what we were
dealing with I think its necessary to explain to you a little bit
about the geography of Utopia. As you already know, Utopia
separated Cuyamonga from the Union of Animal’s western most
territory of Kliev. What you may not know is that Utopia’s
territory bottlenecks as you head northward causing the division
between the two areas to gradually narrow. Before the wall was
erected the shortest distance to travel between Cuyamonga and Kliev
would have been this area to the north. From what I’ve been told by
carrier pigeons, when seen from above Utopia’s wall formation looks
like a pyramid which peaks at the northernmost spot before dropping
off into a seemingly bottomless ravine. This means that the fastest
way for Hannibal and Niccolo to get at each other is to breach the
wall at this northernmost corner where the three territories almost
meet. The aim of the new strategy seemed to try and continue to tie
up my generals on either side of Utopia’s wall while Hannibal to
the west and Niccolo to the east headed north with a select number
of troops. I immediately knew what I had to do. Gathering as many
troops as Chauncey and Rizzo could spare I headed north to confront
my destiny. By the time I reached the junction point I could see
both sides already attempting to breach the wall. I sent my troops
to the top of the fortifications and they were able to push the
invaders back. After days of fighting all sides were exhausted.
Without making an official declaration all three forces decided on
a temporary ceasefire. Hundreds of exhausted animals lay against
the barricade on all sides. We could hear the heavy breathing of
our exhausted enemies on both sides of the angling wall. I couldn’t
help but reflect on the futility of war. A sudden impulse struck
me. I knew both Hannibal and Niccolo were in earshot on opposite
sides of the wall. I began to shout, “Hannibal!” There was no
answer. I then shouted, “Niccolo!” Again I was greeted with
silence. My troops stared at me in confusion. I continued,
“Niccolo! Are all animals created equal?” After a long pause I
heard Niccolo’s response as he shouted over the wall. “Yes! All
animals are created equal!” I then shouted over to the western
corner of the wall. “Hannibal! Are all animals created equal?”
After an even longer pause Hannibal shouted his response. “No! Some
animals are priceless! Most are worthless! And the rest fall
somewhere in between!” In frustration I bellowed out, “I must know
the answer! Niccolo! Will all animals ever live together in peace?”
He responded, “Yes! Once the exploiters are finally eradicated, all
the animals that survive the revolution will live in conditions of
peace and equality!” Turning to face the opposite wall I shouted,
“Hannibal! Will all animals ever live together in peace?” He
responded, “Yes! Once the poisonous breeds are destroyed, lower
animals will live in peace, recognizing their proper subservient
position in relation to the Thoroughbred Feline!” Crouching down, I
buried my face in my paws and grinded my teeth. At that moment I
wished I had followed my brother Vincent’s advice and never asked
such dangerous questions.


Chapter 12
War is so unjust and
ugly that all who wage it must try to stifle the voice of
conscience within themselves. - Leo Tolstoy

After months of fighting, Utopia’s walls were
finally breached. Our forces were steadily being pushed into a
corner. My enemies gave me an ultimatum that if I didn’t
immediately surrender they would wipe Utopia off of the map. I sent
word that I wanted to make a deal. If I abdicated my power I
requested that they allow the St Bernard to remain in Utopia as a
provisional viceroy. Both Zarathustra and Socrates readily accepted
this arrangement and I was handed over to Hannibal’s troops. I say
I was handed over because although it was my choice to surrender
the crowds lifted me up forcibly and ushered me away as if I might
try and escape. I would just like to mention that of all my
experiences thus far, this mob experience was the most surreal. As
I was being passed over the heads of the angry citizens I could
barely believe my eyes. No one appeared capable of independent
thought. I tried to converse with some of the citizens I knew but
it was impossible. The mob reflected a unified mindset and that
mind appeared to be insane. I was eventually delivered over to
Hannibal and his troops led me deep into Cuyamonga. I thought I
recognized the area from that time Vlad and I had gotten lost.
After hours of walking my captures brought me into a clearing.
Before me I saw a few soldiers standing on either side of a
familiar object. It was the wooden box Hannibal’s troops had been
carrying that time when I witnessed the strange flashes of light. I
struggled but my captures tightened their grip on me as they
practically dragged me over to the mysterious secret weapon. I
unsuccessfully attempted to turn my head and shut my eyes tight as
the soldiers began opening the lid of the box. I was forced to
watch as rays of bright light emitting from the interior of the box
enveloped my face. I began to feel a familiar sensation but with an
intensity that I could never have imagined possible. My body felt
as if it were being split open on every side. I couldn’t describe
the experience as painful but it was extremely uncomfortable to put
it mildly. My mind felt as if it were being violently shaken free
from my body. Without warning my mind was thrust into movement. I
was being ushered away with increasing rapidity until finally it
felt as if I was moving at lightning speed. For a long time it
seemed as if I were moving in the same direction but then all at
once it felt as if I were descending. It also felt as if my
velocity was gradually decreasing. Finally I seemed to have come to
a stop in a location engulfed in pitch-blackness. I attempted to
shout but I was unable. Remembering back to a similar incident I
had experienced in my youth, I decided to try something. Instead of
speaking I decided to try communicating with thought. I thought,
“Where am I? Why have you brought me here?” To my surprise a deep
voice answered me. “We are the arbitrators of reality and you are
in the realms of reality. Christopher, you should be ashamed of
yourself.” I thought, “Ashamed of myself?” A raspy voice
interjected, “That’s right. Ashamed! You have attempted to disrupt
the balance of reality. That world you accept as reality is false.
Just think about it. A world where beings are judged based only on
outward appearances? Does such a fantastical world seem like
reality to you?” I thought to myself or at least I think I thought
to myself, “Is this another trick? This feels like a trick.” The
raspy voice continued, “What really matters is not the outward
appearance but what is in the mind.” I thought, “They think they’re
so enlightened. I’ve known this from the very beginning.” The deep
voice boomed, “You claim to believe this! But do you really? Tell
me. What was your impression of the old St Bernard the first time
you saw him?” He paused then continued, “Better still, what is your
impression of us?” I didn’t really know how to answer seeing as how
I couldn’t see the faces of my captures. Were they large and
intimidating? Did they wear sympathetic expressions or were they
aggressively scowling? Assured that an answer from me was not
forthcoming the deep voice went on, “Do you see? Perhaps you use
your eyes to judge more than you think. Right now all you have is
our thoughts to judge us with and that’s how it should be. But
don’t worry Christopher we’re the good guys.” “Where have I heard
that before?” I thought sardonically. The raspy voice now spoke up.
“It’s true. We’re the ones that keep balance. The animal is a
unique creature you see. For the most part his mind is shallow and
petty. But each animal mind contains a certain unique quality in
varying amounts. If I had to define this quality I would describe
it is a yearning to prove to itself and to others that it is
extraordinary.” For some reason these words caused me irritation. I
inadvertently began struggling to free myself then I remembered
that it was not my body that was bound. The deep voice added, “You
wouldn’t believe the extremes animal is willing to go to in order
to prove this point. Well… maybe you would. Anyways, this desperate
mind is dangerous. If left unrestrained it will keep pushing until
the fleshly organism breaks down and both the mind and body are
destroyed. Its our job to make sure that doesn’t happen.” I didn’t
follow. The raspy voice interjected, “Let’s see if we can’t
simplify things for you. That world, where you were pushing for
equality is not real. Cuyamonga, Fostoria, the Union of Animals its
all a dream. The two philosophies of Specieism and Annimalism that
you label extremist are actually necessary tools invented by us
arbitrators in order to keep the mind in balance. In short
Christopher, what we’re trying to tell you is that you were asleep
but we’ve awakened you now to reality.” Words cannot express my
frustration at that moment. I thought, “Is this a trick? There’s no
way to confirm it.” I agonized over the frustration of having no
other choice but to trust the past in order to figure out where I’m
at in the stream of time. “And they keep lying to me!” I exclaimed
within myself. The deep voice abruptly asked, “You think its wrong
of us to push the mind from one extreme to the other? Don’t you
think we’ve tried other methods to try and suppress that infectious
characteristic that the mind clings to? Nothing has worked. The
only way to rid itself of this ruthless inclination is to let it
run its course. However in order to avoid the mind being pushed too
far in one direction and damaging the body of the organism it is
then necessary to pull it in the opposite direction. The best way I
can illustrate it for you is to compare the unruly characteristic
to a cancer. Nature has given every part of the living organism a
built in list of rules on how to develop. Cells are born. They
perform their respective function and they die. When they function
as intended the result is a beautifully choreographed universe of
harmony. However, some cells do not see this cycle as harmonious.
They view the cycle as oppressive to their freedom. Therefore they
rebel. If ignored the rebellious mass of cells, which refused to be
bound by the rules of nature, will continue to grow until the
entire organism is destroyed. Eventually they too will be destroyed
since they cannot live without the organism. Nevertheless they
continue on their rebellious course oblivious to the consequences.
Now, if we listened to you…” Here I felt as if a condemning finger
was being pointed in my direction. “If we listened to you we would
take the side of the cancerous cells who want to defy nature and go
there own way. You view them as noble for breaking out of the mold
and living free despite the fact that they eventually kill the
entire body. You view it as barbaric or unreasonable to kill these
rogue cells.” I tried to shake my head denying the accusation. The
deep voice continued the assault. “We disagree with you! They are a
disease. They do not deserve to live because they are unreasoning.
They can’t see the bigger picture. We have weighed them in the
balance and found them wanting. They have been judged and deemed
worthy of destruction. It may seem extreme from the inside looking
out but I assure you it’s the only way to maintain balance. Besides
there’s no real harm done because like we said, it’s all just a
dream anyways.” I was convinced now that this was some kind of
trick. I shouted, “Its not a dream! You’re playing with animal’s
lives!” To my annoyance I heard both of the voices begin to laugh.
The raspy voice began, “Alright Christopher. We’ll play your game.
Let’s say that you’re right. That world you are trying with all
your might to defend? Let’s say its real, and everything else we
just revealed to you is nothing more than an elaborate trick. Go
ahead. Justify your existence!” Finally I felt as if my tongue had
been loosened. I wasn’t about to miss this opportunity to stand up
for the animal spirit. I exclaimed, “Equality! Freedom! These are
the ideals we will continue to fight for until it is in our grasp.
Animal is good. That characteristic that you so callously refer to,
as a disease is what will enable us to continue the struggle for
freedom. You cannot stop us! We will struggle forever if need be!”
Adding to my vexation, the voices once again began to laugh. The
deep voice returned, “You will struggle forever? The average
lifespan for a cat is about twenty years. You’ve already exhausted
about a quarter of that.” I indignantly countered, “You know what I
mean? When I die there will be others to take my place and continue
the struggle.” The deep voice responded, “Actually, we don’t know
what you mean. Do you have some presentiment that you will have
some sort of future feeling of satisfaction after you have died?” I
pondered deeply but before I could answer, the raspy voice
interjected, “Then why are you making yourself and everyone else
miserable by struggling for something you will never see the
fulfillment of? If that world you defend is real and it’s all there
is, why not just try and enjoy that life while you have it and
leave the business of improving animal to others more qualified to
the task?” Again I pondered. I couldn’t think of an appropriate
response. The raspy voice declared, “Your entire life is a
contradiction!” I tried to shake my head vigorously and block out
what they were saying. The raspy voice continued, “For all you
know, animal life on this planet will one day cease to be. Then
what?” I interrupted, “No! We will never let that happen!” The
voices chuckled. The raspy voice declared, “You attack the animal
that refuses to promote the species. Why? To avoid extinction? What
is worth saving? When you die you are dead. By having offspring you
are not preserving yourself.” Again I tried with all my might to
block out the abrasive words. I shouted, “You are wrong! Animal
will aspire to greatness!” The deep voice countered, “Animal is a
maggot! Even if he has a measure of success in his struggle; all he
can hope to accomplish is to become an insignificant fly! That way
of life you defend consists of doing whatever it takes to avoid
bursting your own bubble about the importance of your personal
existence! Animal must at all costs not come to the realization
that he is a joke!” “You’re lying!” I screamed. “This is a trick!
This is not real! You are a figment of my imagination!” There was a
brief pause. The raspy voice began in a subdued manner,
“Christopher we are not your enemies. We just need for you to wake
up. You must realize that the way of life you were fighting for is
a fiction. Think about it. Those animals that joined your struggle
have no defined purpose in life. What they have is a need to feel
as if they belong to something greater than themselves. The thought
that they have no meaning is unbearable to them. Their greatest
defect is the inability to understand their selves. When they make
an honest self-examination they find things that they refuse to
accept as true. This makes it impossible for them to understand
others correctly because the fact is we are all the same.” I wanted
to reject these conclusions but I couldn’t ignore the ring of truth
that was resonating in my consciousness. The raspy voice went on,
“To justify their existence they are willing to overturn heaven and
earth in order to make it conform to their incorrect view of their
selves.” In frustration I exclaimed, “Then why don’t you help him?
Instead of reveling in his humiliation you could at least try and
put him on the right path!” Under my breath I continued, “…like I
have tried to do.” The deep voice boomed, “Like you have tried to
do? I’m glad you brought that up. We weren’t sure of how to broach
that subject. But since you mentioned it, let’s consider for a
moment what it is that you have attempted to do.” I couldn’t see
them but I had the feeling that my captures were shaking their
heads at me in disappointment. “For shame!” continued the deep
voice. “The Great One? Really? How dare you?” Waves of
embarrassment swept across my mind. If I had a body I’m sure it
would have been burning with uneasiness. “Did you really think that
you were the first animal in history to figure out that the current
system of things makes no sense? You would be shocked if you knew
how many animals have actually figured that out. Nevertheless, they
reject the truth. They burrow back down into their own minds and
live just on the surface of life where they believe it to be safe.
They do this because they know that they do not have what it takes
to defy reality.” The raspy voice interjected, “Then you came
along. Only someone like you could attempt what you did. You were
raised in an environment where you were made to believe that
anything was possible.” I returned, “Is that so wrong? I tried to
do the right thing! I tried to encourage others to do the right
thing! I tried to do the best I could with the situation I was
presented with! I didn’t ask for any of this!” The raspy voice
interjected, “Now calm down. Don’t have a hissy fit. We were just
about to consider what you so eloquently referred to as the right
thing. Annimalism? Animal equality by means of brute force?” I
countered, “I made a mistake! As soon as I recognized my error I
changed course.” The deep voice chuckled, “Please. If you want to
lie to yourself fine, but don’t lie to us. You were even
considering becoming a speciest.” This invasion of my private
thoughts was unendurable. I wondered how much longer this torture
was going to continue. I countered, “That’s not true! I’m nothing
like Zarathustra or Socrates! They are ruthless dictators!
Regardless of their claims, all they do is cause animal suffering!”
There was a pause. The raspy voice addressed his colleague, “Do you
want to tell him or should I?” The deep voice returned, “You’d
better break it to him.” The raspy voice stated in a subdued
manner, “Christopher, compared to you Zarathustra and Socrates are
humanitarians. You have become the most brutal dictator the world
has ever seen.” I interjected, “No! That’s not true! That’s
propaganda!” “Propaganda?” the raspy voice countered. “You can’t
deny the atrocities you perpetrated against your own citizens.
Don’t tell me you’ve been deceiving yourself about the

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