Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8) (21 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Brie

BOOK: Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8)
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Another echoed the sentiment, “Worthless piece of trash.”

Mary held her head up higher, but said nothing. It distressed Brie that Blonde Nemesis wasn’t lashing out.

The girl’s lack of response sent a chill down Brie’s spine because she knew what it meant. Their words were hitting close to home—tapping into Mary’s greatest fear. Brie tried to push through the circle, desperate to grab onto Mary before she bolted from the club, but there was no need.

Faelan appeared beside Mary and barked, “Enough!” He placed his hand on the back of her neck and squeezed hard. Brie could see her visibly relax under his vise-like grip.

The Wolf’s icy stare bored into the two girls who had dared to insult Mary. “This submissive is worth ten of you.”

The wayward subs’ haughty gazes instantly fell to the floor.

Faelan spoke loudly enough for everyone within earshot to hear his command. “From now on, you are not allowed to speak to Miss Wilson. You are unworthy of such an honor.” He glanced at the other girls and added, “That will be true for the rest of you if you dare to speak disrespectfully to her. Do you understand?”

Brie knew that each girl in the group longed to partner with him. His displeasure was a true hardship for them. “Yes, Faelan,” they answered.

He nodded curtly.

“It’s time to serve,” Faelan ordered, guiding Mary out of the circle of women and leading her to the empty alcove he had reserved. It was then that Brie understood why Mary had declined Master O. She was to be Falean’s sub for the evening and had sacrificed her desires in order to honor her commitment.

Like a moth to a flame, Brie drifted to the scene, curious what Mary had requested. Tonight, as per his protocol, Faelan addressed the gathering crowd, informing them of his choice. “Miss Wilson has asked to play the reluctant spy.” He smiled ominously. “Enjoy.”

Brie struggled to breathe. This would be the same scene Mary had flipped out on during her first Auction Day with Tono. Brie understood that it was the embodiment of her father’s abuse, which Mary was still fighting to overcome. After what had just happened with Master O, it seemed like such a scene was a train wreck waiting to happen—with an audience who might enjoy the carnage.

Mary’s eyes watered as Faelan covered her head in a black hood and secured it. He guided her to a wooden chair and began to bind her to it.

Tears fell down Brie’s cheeks as she imagined Mary as a child, being bound by her father, apprehensive of the beating that was about to begin. Why did Blonde Nemesis insist on reliving her childhood over again?

Mary’s words echoed in Brie’s mind. “
I don’t like pain, but I endure it. It’s like I have a driving need to defeat it. Like…if I was able to bear it without fear, I would finally be the victor over him.

There Mary was, once again, attempting to defeat her father even if it cost her sanity.

Please, Faelan, save Mary…
Brie begged silently.

The Wolf became rough as he finished the last of the ties. Brie heard Mary whimper underneath the hood.

“Are you afraid?” he asked lustfully.


His chuckle was low and menacing. “Oh, but you will be…” Faelan circled around her slowly. He knew how to play the crowd as he simultaneously played with his subs. Everyone in attendance was in tune with the scene he was orchestrating.

Unexpectedly, he grabbed her blouse with both hands and ripped it open. Buttons flew haphazardly onto the floor. He left her chest exposed as he turned and rifled through his duffle bag.

Faelan approached Mary, carrying a large knife and wearing a dangerous grin. “I will tell you a little secret, spy. Even if you do everything I ask, I am still going to hurt you.”

One of the subs near Brie sucked in her breath.

Even Brie felt the aggressive eroticism flowing from Faelan and her body responded, remembering her time alone with him—the chocolate, the dancing, the bruises…

He slid the edge of the blade under her bra and cut it with a quick motion, releasing her breasts from their restraint. “How does it feel knowing you are powerless to stop me?”

Mary growled with real anger, “You will not break me.”

break you.” He pinched her nipple and rolled his fingers against it, causing her to cry out in pleasurable pain. “I guarantee it.”

Faelan knelt beside her, grabbing her breast roughly, taking a nipple into his mouth, biting down, then pulling back cruelly with her nipple clamped between his teeth. Brie gasped when he did it again with the other. It looked incredibly painful, but Mary didn’t make a sound.

He grazed the edge of the knife against her skin, starting at her stomach and dragging it slowly between her breasts and up to the hollow of her throat. Faelan pressed it against her pulsing skin, leaving an indentation without drawing blood.

“I know this is what you seek.” He tossed the knife, and its clatter as it hit the floor filled the air. “Which is why I will not give it to you.”

Mary growled in frustration and turned her head away from him. “Coward.”

Faelan grasped her chin violently, pulling the hood off and hissing, “Worthless trash.”

Brie whimpered.
Mary could not handle Faelan turning on her too. It would be the end of her.

Mary’s stubborn spirit could not be silenced. She glared at the young Dom and challenged him, “Go on… Give me your worst.”

He slapped her face, leaving a pink handprint on her cheek. “You will get exactly what you deserve.”

Faelan put his hand under her skirt and forced his fingers between her closed legs. Mary gasped and then clamped her mouth shut, refusing to give him the satisfaction of her surrender.

“Are you ready to be broken?”


break,” he taunted.

Mary stared him down, but flinched involuntarily when he raised his arm to backhand her. It was easy to tell that reality was blurring into her past. Brie could sense it, could feel the dangerous precipice Mary was teetering on.

Faelan swung, stopping an inch from her face. “No.”

Mary’s eyes popped open in surprise.

“Never again,” he decreed. “You are not allowed to play out this scene. The past no longer has power over you.” He bent down to whisper something into Mary’s ear.

Her lips trembled slightly as she listened to Faelan. She stared ahead without speaking, his words seeming to have no effect until the tears began to flow. A heart-wrenching cry escaped Mary’s lips.

Faelan pulled a small penknife from his pocket and swiftly cut her from her bonds, gathering Mary into his arms and holding her tightly as a flood of emotion tore at her. It was a terrible and powerful release that Mary couldn’t control. Sheltering her, he picked her up and spirited her to one of the private rooms in the back of the club.

People stood gawking as they passed, wondering what had just happened. Brie pushed through them and began gathering Faelan’s things, then cleaned the area. Her heart was racing as she picked up the large knife and the pieces of rope and stuffed them into the black bag.

Whatever Faelan had said must have affected Mary on a soul level. Brie had never seen the woman cry real tears—ever. She looked in the direction in which the two had disappeared. Tonight, the young Dom had broken the barrier no one else had. For the first time, Brie felt hope…for both of them.

Lea came running up just as Brie was sanitizing the area. “Oh-em-gee, Brie, what just happened? Everyone is talking!”

Brie smiled as she meticulously wiped down the chair. “Lea, I think Blonde Nemesis has found her Prince Charming. Faelan held the key to unlock her.”

Lea shook her head in disbelief. “Someone actually got through to that woman? And it was the young pup, no less?”

“Mary caused quite a ruckus by rejecting Master O, but I’m so proud of her. She stayed true to her heart, despite the temptation the Master must have presented.”

“Dang, girl—sounds like I missed
the action!”

Brie gave her an unsympathetic look. “Like I’m going to feel sorry for you, all tied up with Tono. But yes, it was amazing,” she said wistfully. “So romantic, the way he stopped midway through backhanding her and said ‘No’. But even more astonishing was seeing Mary really cry.”

“Blonde Nemesis sobbing? I don’t believe it.”

Brie had seen the spark between them, and said with confidence, “Mark my words, Lea. I see a collaring in their future.”

The Wolf Bares His Heart

he found not only Lea at the bar, but Mary as well. They were sitting together in an intense conversation. As Brie approached, she was startled to spot Faelan standing nearby, casually drinking a beer. Brie passed by him, wondering if he would cause a commotion. But, true to form, the Wolf completely ignored her.

Lea lifted her purse off the empty stool between the two as soon as she saw Brie. “Dang, girl, you finally made it!”

“Sorry, I was watching a scene with Boa and couldn’t pull myself away.”

Lea grinned. “Oh, that Boa is one fine sub. I’ve had the pleasure of his cock on several occasions. It’s like the first time every session because he’s so freaking huge.”

Mary interrupted, “Boa Shmoa. Let’s get back to talking about Master O.”

“Who?” Brie asked.

Lea looked at her in disbelief. “Haven’t you heard? Master O is in town tonight.”

Brie shrugged her shoulders, the name meaning nothing to her.

Mary explained, “He’s a world-renowned master of blood play…” When she saw that Brie was still clueless, she seemed irritated. “Seriously, you didn’t know he’s coming to tour the club tonight?”

Brie looked around and noticed the unusually high number of eligible subs parading about. “Is that the reason this place is so packed?”

“Ah…yeah!” Lea teased. “Subs from all over California have come tonight, hoping he’ll choose one of them to play out a scene.”

They quickly brought Brie up to speed. Apparently, Master O was from Eastern Africa and had traveled the world in order to refine his unique skills. Mary claimed his work with needles was unsurpassed. “You would not believe the artful displays he can create using human skin as his canvas.”

Even Lea, who wasn’t a fan of blood play, was excited. “I really want to see his work up close. What I’ve seen in photos is amazing, and don’t you just
his name?”

“What? Is it in reference to orgasms or something?” Brie asked.

“No, idiot,” Mary snapped. “The ‘O’ stands for type O blood.”

Brie laughed. “Aw… Well, that does make him sound a little more dangerous and less conceited.”

Lea handed her a drink before asking, “Would you let him scene with you if Sir allowed it?”

“No way. I hate needles. But I wouldn’t mind watching…I think.” She shuddered involuntarily.

Lea turned to Mary. “What about you?”

Mary rolled her eyes. “Do you even have to ask?”

Brie noticed that Faelan shifted uncomfortably behind Mary. Was it possible he was jealous of Mary’s stated interest in the visiting Dom?

“With so many subs to choose from, I wonder which one he’ll select. This is going to be fun!” Lea squealed.

Brie grinned at her best friend. “What? Are you hoping he’ll pick you?”

“Hey, I wouldn’t turn the man down if he asked, but I can’t say blood really turns me on, unlike some freaks I know,” Lea replied, looking straight at Mary.

Blonde Nemesis snorted. “I wear the ‘freak’ title gladly. I’m the only truly adventurous one in our little group, Lea the Lackluster.” She slapped Brie’s back. “Hey, I’ve got to pee. Watch my stuff.” She disappeared into the sea of people without looking back.

Faelan came up from behind and nonchalantly picked up Mary’s purse, setting it on the counter in front of him before taking her seat and ordering another beer. The bartender slid it across the counter, where it landed perfectly in Faelan’s open hand. He picked up the mug and took a long, hard stare at Brie before giving her a slight nod and tipping the mug to drink.

“So you’re acknowledging Brie all of a sudden,” Lea commented.

Faelan looked as if he were contemplating ignoring the question, but finally answered, “I’m moving forward.”

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