Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8) (37 page)

Read Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Brie

BOOK: Brie Surrenders her Heart (After Graduation, #8)
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Sir grinned like a mischievous schoolboy as he fished his car keys out of his pocket. He gave Brie free rein to explore the Center while he went to change parking spots.

As she walked down the silent halls, Brie was bombarded with memories—Baron’s initial challenge and those damn six-inch heels. Experiencing her first auction with Rytsar, followed by lessons on deepthroating. She’d learned to overcome her fear of the cane with Marquis, and discovered the joy of flying under Tono’s skilled hands.

As she made her way back to the commons, she ran her fingers against the wall smiling to herself as she pass the bondage room. She remembered her second night at the Center, waiting in the hallway for Sir to unlock the door after class…

Good memories.

She was determined to drag Mary and Lea back here while the party was going on. It would be fun to reminisce together. Now that the film was complete and all the excitement of the release was over, she needed to set aside girl-time on a regular basis.

Brie was startled to see the silhouette of a man standing in the hallway ahead of her. It was definitely not Sir. She stopped in her tracks until she heard a hearty, “
Radost moya!

“Rytsar!” she cried, running to his open arms. “I had no idea you would be here tonight.”

The Russian picked her up, laughing, “I am part of the Training Center experience, am I not?”

“Well…you are for me,” she answered, struggling to breathe in his powerful embrace.

Such a sadist.

When he had nearly squeezed the breath out of her, he set her down, chuckling to himself. “Why don’t you run off with me? I will teach you the power of pain and you can teach me the power of

“Hands in the air. Step away from the sub,” Sir ordered from behind him.

Rytsar put his hands up. “We’ve been caught before we could make our grand escape.” He turned around and walked to Sir, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “
Moy droog,
I am still convinced I could make her into a masochist. I just need a few weeks alone with her.”

Sir held out his hand to Brie as he replied, “Not going to happen, my friend.”

Walking down the hallway with a Dominant on either side brought back memories of the cabin and a pleasant warmth between her legs. She looked up at the handsome Russian and thanked him for her extravagant birthday gift, adding, “Rytsar, the cabin is really too much.”

He threw back his head and laughed. “Truth, r
adost moya
? It has to be the most selfish gift I’ve given.”

Sir snorted, slapping him hard on the back. “I suspected as much…”

Brie asked Sir, “Would it be okay if I tell him?”

“Why not?” he answered with a smile.

“Rytsar, you are the very first person to hear,” she said excitedly. “We’re leaving in two weeks for Italy and you’ll never guess—” She saw the glimmer of hope in Rytsar’s eyes and knew what he was thinking. “No, you’re still not an uncle.”

He frowned, shaking his head at Sir in mock disappointment.

“I don’t have time for babies, Rystar. I’m going to begin filming my new documentary.”

Rytsar raised an eyebrow. “Another film?”

“Yes! This one will be about Alonzo Davis, the man behind talent.” Brie grinned at Sir. “Recently, there has been a surge of interest in his music.”

Rytsar slapped his hand on Sir’s shoulder, “I’m glad to hear it,
moy droog

Sir answered somberly, “Yes, it’s time people know the truth about my father and there is no one else I would want to tell it.” He kissed the top of Brie’s head.

As they walked into the commons, Brie was thrilled to see that it was already filling up with people. She spotted Mary and Faelan across the room and asked, “May I, Sir?”

“You may speak to whomever you wish tonight,” he answered.

She bowed and thanked him before bounding off to talk to Mary.

Unfortunately, Mary burst her bubble about girl-time with the first words out of her mouth. “Guess our big news!”

Brie noticed the possessive way Faelan had his arm around Mary and felt certain she knew the answer. She said playfully, “Is there a certain piece of neck jewelry in your future?”

Mary looked mortified. “No, you idiot! You know I’m not ready for that shit. We’re going to join a commune.”

Brie laughed at her reaction. She could tell Mary wanted a collar, and the tight hold Faelan had on her let the world know his feelings. It wouldn’t be long…

“So a hippie commune? That’s cool, Mary, but I can’t see you as a flower child.”

Blonde Nemesis rolled her eyes. “It’s a BDSM commune, bitch. Everyone works for the community, but the beauty is that you can live your D/s life out in the open. It’s kind of like The Haven, but twenty-four seven. Just think, Faelan could come up to me while I’m peeling potatoes with the group, order me to bend over and fuck me, just like that. Nobody would bat an eyelid because it’s totally accepted. The vanilla world left behind.”

Brie was amazed. “I never knew there was such a place.”

“Oh, yeah, it’s up north. There are even a few couples who have been with that commune for years. God knows the things we can learn while we’re there. Imagine living with a bunch of like-minded people—what could be better?”

Brie didn’t like the idea of losing Mary. “What about your job?”

“I’m taking a six-month sabbatical, so it’s no big deal.” Mary groaned. “God, I’m so fucking tired of being hounded by idiots who saw the film. I can’t tell you the number of vanillas hitting on me. Hell, both Faelan and I could use a break from that crap.”

Faelan spoke up. “We’re young and free to leave our jobs temporarily. Seems like the perfect time to explore the lifestyle in more depth, don’t you think?”

Although Brie was not excited about them leaving, she hung onto the fact that it was a temporary loss. “Yes, Mr. Wallace, I can certainly understand the allure.”

Mary’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Brie, you’ll never guess what happens the first night.”

Brie couldn’t hide her smile when she answered, imagining Mary with a ring of pretty flowers in her hair dancing around a maypole, “I have no clue.”

“The day we arrive, they throw a huge party for us.” Mary looked up at Faelan with a lustful grin. “At sunset, Faelan will bind me to the center table and present me to the community. Then they’ll spend the whole evening sampling the newest submissive. Doesn’t that sound wickedly hot?”

The idea of being taken by a group of Doms was both hot and frightening, but Brie was certain Mary could handle it. Ever since the night at The Haven with Faelan, she’d been different. She seemed complete, as if she had found a part of herself that had been lost. Mary could still be a bitch, of course, but she seemed like a much happier bitch.

Unfortunately, Lea hit Brie with even harder news. Brie could sense something was up when Lea hugged Brie so hard and for so long that her friend’s boobs nearly smothered her.

“Isn’t tonight exciting, girlfriend?”

Brie shrugged. “It‘s just a party for the new wing. Nothing to asphyxiate me over.”

“Well, maybe not,” Lea giggled. “But look around you. All this is because of you.
made this happen, Brie.”

She waved away Lea’s comment. “Nah, it was all of us. I just happened to have a camera.”

Lea pinched her cheeks and wiggled them painfully. “Aren’t you just so cute? Can’t accept a compliment to save your life.”

God, Brie had missed this—the silliness of being a girl. “Hey, Lea, I was thinking of starting up our girl-time again.”

Lea frowned. “Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie. I’m going to be busy packing.”

Brie’s smile froze on her face. She couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. “What do you mean?”

“I’m headed to Colorado, baby!”

Brie’s stomach sank.
It’s Ms. Clark all over again.

“Don’t do it, Lea. Please don’t go chasing after Ms. Clark. Don’t make the same mistake she did by running after someone who will never love you.”

Lea laughed and gave Brie another hug. “I’m not, silly! Master Anderson asked me yesterday if I wanted to be a part of his new training center. I’m going to be the lead submissive for the trainee Doms. Isn’t that awesome?”

Brie kept the smile plastered on her face, even though her heart was breaking. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing Lea as well. “That’s an incredible opportunity.”

“I know! I’m so giddy about it I can’t even think straight. And Colorado is gorgeous with all those huge mountains. Who knows? I just might become a sub-bunny on the ski slopes.”

Brie could just imagine males crashing into trees as Lea skied down the slope in latex, exposing her ample cleavage to the mountain men. “You might be dangerous in the snow, girl.”

“Hey, I hear Colorado isn’t too far from California. I’m sure we can get together between my sessions.”

“Yeah, that’ll be great,” Brie answered, but that sinking feeling grew stronger. She was afraid it wouldn’t happen, so she said, “Let’s set it up right now, before we get too busy and forget. I don’t want
to get in the way of our girl-time.”

Lea bumped Brie’s hip with hers. “You got it, girl.” She got out her phone and they looked over the calendar, picking the first date available. “Master Anderson has everything planned out to the day. I think the weekend after the school’s first six-week session should work. You know I’ll need to dish all about it with you!”

“Perfect, because I’ll need to hear every detail.”

Lea set a reminder on her phone. “All set. I’ve got you in there.”

“I’m holding you to it, Lea. Come hell or high water the two of us are getting together that weekend.”

“Nothing comes between us, woman!” Lea assured her.

Brie hugged Lea again, doing her best to hold back the tears.

No Mary and no Lea…
Can it get any worse?

She sought out Mr. Reynolds and his wife, needing some stability to cling to.

When Sir’s uncle he saw Brie, his face lit up. “We couldn’t be prouder. To think I had such talent sitting in my tobacco shop. I’m embarrassed I had you stocking cigarettes.”

“No need to feel that way, Mr. Reynolds. I was happy to do it. Well…I was willing, at least.”

He chuckled, remembering those days. “That damn Jeff. He was a thorn in both our sides.”

Brie couldn’t help herself and gave him a hug. She grabbed his wife’s hand and gushed, “It’s just great to see you both again.” She was struck with a brilliant idea and prayed Sir wouldn’t mind. “I was wondering…”

“What, dear?” Judy asked, squeezing her hand in encouragement.

“Would you join us for Thanksgiving dinner? I would love to cook the meal for you.”

“I’d advise you to decline and save yourselves,” Marquis commented behind her.

Brie turned to face him. “I’ve gotten much better at cooking, Marquis Gray. Truly, I have.”

He patted her head as he told Mr. Reynolds, “Offer to bring the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, as well as the gravy and you should be good to go.”

She crinkled her nose at Marquis and assured Mr. Reynolds, “I can cook all those things…”

If I google it,
she added in her head.

She continued eagerly, “It will be lovely, I promise. Please say you’ll come. Thanksgiving should be about family.”

“And not about edible food,” Marquis interjected.

Brie stamped her foot, biting back a witty retort. Marquis was a respected Dom and she knew her place, but he was being wicked with his teasing.

“Of course we’ll come, dear,” Judy replied.

Mr. Reynolds readily agreed. “It’s an invitation we would never turn down.”

“Great!” Brie felt some of her joy return.

Brie focused her attention back on Marquis Gray, noticing for the first time that Celestia was standing beside him. “It’s so great to see you again!” Brie cried, sighing gratefully as she hugged the gentle woman. It was a friendship that held possibilities.

She was about to extend an invitation for Thanksgiving dinner, but Marquis Gray changed the subject. “I never did hear if you enjoyed the new flogger, Miss Bennett.”

Brie shivered just thinking about it. “The flogger is incredible, Marquis. I’ve never known one to give two different sensations at the same time.”

Marquis’ eyes shone with pride as he explained, “I had that one especially made for you with a combination of suede and oiled leather. The flogger is also balanced so that the wielder can use it for longer sessions.”

Sir came up behind Brie and put his hand on her shoulder. “It’s the finest flogger I’ve used, Gray. None finer.”

Marquis seemed particularly pleased. “I have a similar one at home.” He ran his fingers down Celestia’s spine and Brie watched her quiver in response. “It’s a favorite tool of ours.” Marquis looked at Brie again and said, with a glint in his eye, “Wait until your present next year.”

Tono came up and shook hands with the men before addressing Brie. “Amazing, the impact a simple film concept can have in the hands of a true artist.”

She blushed at his compliment. “Thank you, Tono. It does amaze me that the Center is expanding and a new one is starting up because of the demand for training. I never guessed my documentary could effect that kind of change.”

“That reminds me, Ren,” Sir said, “I’ve heard rumors that you are going to start a national tour soon. Is that true?”

Tono glanced at Brie before he replied. “Yes. I’ve been contacted by a group of Kinbaku artists. Due to the increased interest, they are holding performances nationwide to promote understanding of the ancient art. I’ve been asked to lead it.”

Brie’s heart sank.
Not Tono too…

She hid her disappointment, but felt compelled to ask, “Tono, you told me once that you preferred remaining in one place. What’s changed?”

His smile was gentle when he answered, “I’ve become stagnant.”

The meaning behind his answer was clear. He would be traveling the country to find the woman meant to be his complement.

“I wish you much success with the tour, Tono Nosaka,” Brie said, bowing to him not as a submissive, but as a friend. She turned away, fighting to control her swirling emotions.

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