Brie's Tokyo Tryst (Submissive in Love, #1) (10 page)

Read Brie's Tokyo Tryst (Submissive in Love, #1) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #bondage, #explicit, #Brie, #New adult, #red phoenix

BOOK: Brie's Tokyo Tryst (Submissive in Love, #1)
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Brie met his gaze, although she was tempted
to look away. She licked her lips nervously when she asked, “Did he
share what his father said?”


“Master Nosaka told Tono that he regretted
his influence during the collaring ceremony. He asked Tono to
forgive him because he was wrong.”

Sir took a deep intake of breath. “What a
difficult confession for Nosaka to hear. No wonder he is reeling
from it.”

“You should also know that Tono apologized
right after the kiss. He knew it was inappropriate, but I was so
shocked by it that I just ran. My only thought was to come back to
you and explain what had happened. I didn’t want you to be angry
with me…or with him.”

“Brie,” Sir said reassuringly, “there was no
reason to worry. Nosaka is
Mr. Wallace.” He played with
a stray curl, smiling down at her. “Although we’ve been down this
road before, you are not the same woman I first collared. You have
learned much since then, and the truth is…I’ve grown as well.”

She smiled as she laid her head against his
chest. “I never want you to doubt my love, Sir. Never.”

He answered her heartfelt declaration with a
question. “I want an honest answer, Brie. Take time to think about
it if needed before you speak.”

She hugged him tighter. “Yes, Sir.”

“How does this new admission make you feel
towards Nosaka?”

She looked up at him shyly. “At first I was
thrilled to know Tono’s father had changed his opinion of me. His
rejection hurt, Sir.” She sighed. “But then I realized that if he
approved of me that night, I wouldn’t be here with you

“And that makes you feel how?” Sir

Brie told him the simple truth. “The moment
you put this collar around my neck,” she lightly touched the silver
collar, “my fate was sealed. I want no other, even though I still
love Tono Nosaka.”

Sir leaned down and brushed his lips against
hers. “Good.”

She smiled, crushing herself against his
hard frame. He briefly returned her hug, but pulled away, stating,
“Ren has lost his father today, and has compounded his suffering by
embarrassing himself with us. I can’t imagine his state of mind
right now. Even though it will not be easy for him, I think it’s
best that we meet. In my eyes, what he’s done is understandable,
even though it broke protocol. I have no problem overlooking the
incident, because he is not someone who will allow that to happen

Brie let out a huge sigh of relief. “I love
being collared to such an exceptional man.”

Sir chuckled lightly. “You make me nervous
with the height of the pedestal you have me on, Brie.”

She shook her head. “No, Sir, I have you set
squarely on the ground. I realize you’re human, but you are an
incredible specimen of humanity…in many ways.” She ran her hands
over his chest and breathed in his masculine scent. “And I adore
your modesty.”

He lifted her chin,
ing. “Do not
mock your Master, sub.”

She grinned. “Never, Master.”

He kissed her nose, saying, “Let’s put
Nosaka out of his misery.”

The meeting with Tono at his mother’s home was
uncomfortable to begin with. It was obvious from his swollen eyes
that Tono had been grieving, but one would never know it based on
the serene expression on his face.

Sir held out his hand. “Ren, I want to
express again our deepest sympathies for your loss.”

Tono nodded stiffly as he shook it. “It was

Sir put his other hand over Tono’s and shook
with more conviction. “Expected or not, it is still just as

Tono grunted. “True. Knowing his death was
imminent has not lessened the loss. I’d hoped it would.”

Brie noticed he was purposely avoiding
looking in her direction.

Sir noticed too, and stated, “Rather than
dance around the elephant in the room, let me just say that I
understand why you broke protocol. There is no reason for any
tension between us.”

“It was inexcusable,” Tono replied, glancing
briefly at Brie.

“No, Ren. It was unfortunate, but not

Tono turned to Brie, bowing before her
formally. “I’m truly sorry, Miss Bennett.”

“Such formality is unnecessary between
friends,” Sir said, patting Tono’s back.

“Fine.” Tono looked at her self-consciously
and added, “Brie.”

She smiled. “I accept your apology with a
full heart, Tono Nosaka.”

His mother interrupted their conversation,
and refused to leave until Tono excused himself to attend to her.
Despite her husband’s death, the woman seemed untouched, keeping
the same tough exterior as before. However, Brie believed that
under that shield of indifference, she must be secretly weeping.
Mrs. Nosaka was alone now, and she still had plenty of years

When Tono returned, he told them, “I have
many arrangements to make and must ask you to leave, but I have a
favor to ask. Would you join me tonight? There will be a private
wake. Before you agree, I must warn you that it will be an
all-night affair.”

“We would be honored,” Sir answered.

“It will be subdued. Later, my family will
have an event for his many followers, but tonight my mother and I
covet our privacy. Although she is uncomfortable with you being
invited, she understands it is important to me and welcomes you to
join us.”

Brie bowed to him. “Thank you for including
us, Tono. Please thank your mother as well.”

“I’m grateful to have you with me.” He
looked at Sir and added, “Both of you.”

Sir and Brie spent the day getting themselves
prepared for the wake. First, Sir purchased the appropriate
clothing, stating that black was the only acceptable attire. He
purchased a suit of black, from his jacket and tie to his socks, as
well as Brie’s modest dress, simple hose and shoes.

Sir explained as he paid for them, “In a
sense, we are acting as part of Tono’s family. It is important that
we fit in as seamlessly as possible.”

“Agreed, Sir.”

Next he took her to a small store, and
purchased a small white envelope with black-and-white ribbon as
well as a box of colored pencils. She was curious and asked about
the purchases, but Sir told her he would explain later.

When they arrived back at the hotel, he got
the ice bucket and set it on the coffee table. Picking up a set of
chopsticks, he commanded, “I want to you to practice picking up the
pencils and putting them in the container.”

She found the task odd, but carefully laid
the set of pencils on the table and tried to pick them up with the
chopsticks. It wasn’t easy, and she dropped many of them in the
process, but eventually she transferred all of them safely into the

He shook his head and stated, “Again.”

She looked up at him, chagrined, but
dutifully started the process again with only slightly better

“Brie, this is important. You must pick up
each pencil and gently place it in the container. You cannot drop
any of them. Continue with your practice until you are able to do
so flawlessly, then summon me so that I may observe it.”

He disappeared into the bedroom to use his
laptop, leaving Brie to her strange assignment. She knew that this
exercise had some bigger meaning, because Sir did not indulge in
silly games. Everything he did had a purpose;
asked of her was important and must be mastered.

Sadly, it took hours before she was able to
consistently get the pencils from the table to the bucket without
mishap. She was bursting with pride when she finally went to him
and announced, “I’m ready, Sir.”

He looked up from his work and smiled.
“Good. Impress me, babygirl.” He followed her out to the sitting
room and watched with interest as she carefully picked up each
pencil and deposited it in the container with care.

“Well done. Were the occasion less
melancholy, I would reward you with a session. But given the
circumstances, my words of praise must suffice, my dear.”

She smiled shyly at him. “Your praise is
always cherished, Sir. May I ask the reason for the task?”

“It will become evident should the need
arise. I’m unsure how much we will be involved in the wake and
funeral, but it is better to be fully prepared than woefully
lacking.” He looked at his watch. “It’s time to dress. Put your
hair up in a modest style, and only use minimal makeup.”

They returned to the bedroom together in
silence, the mood between them somber as they dressed for the wake.
Brie wondered what it would be like and desperately hoped she could
be a true comfort to Tono rather than an unwanted distraction.

A Touching Farewell

hey arrived at the Nosaka
home just as the sun was setting. Before Brie exited the car, Sir
handed her the white envelope, which he’d wrapped in
black-and-white ribbon.

“What is this, Sir?”

“It’s our
, our condolence
money. It’s tradition at a wake. A tricky business, too, because
giving too much signifies a closer relationship than you have with
the deceased, but giving too little is seen as an insult.”

“How did you know how much to give,

He gave her a playful wink. “I googled

They stood behind a group of Tono’s family
members as they waited for the door to be answered. No one
acknowledged them, making Brie extremely grateful when Tono was the
one who opened the door. He greeted each person individually before
inviting them inside. His calm demeanor and gentle voice belied the
fact that his heart was breaking.

Tono’s smile was genuine when he saw Brie,
but he addressed his greeting to Sir. “Thank you both for joining
me tonight.”

“We owe you no less, Ren. It’s a privilege
to be included among your close relatives.”

Tono led them to the room that held his
father. The body had been packed in dry ice, and a white cloth
covered his face. People were already seated on the floor, facing
the body. Sir directed Brie to sit at the back, but Tono asked them
to join him at the front. Brie knew it must be an unusual request,
and was not surprised to hear a protest from his mother.

Tono answered his mother by pointing to Sir
and stating simply, “
” and then gesturing to Brie and
saying, “
”. His mother grunted under her breath, but
nodded and put her hands together, bowing to them from where she

“I told her you are like a brother and
sister to me,” Tono explained.

Brie smiled, and returned his mother’s bow
before sitting down beside Tono. Being so close to him, she was
able to sync her breath to his, and the peace of that connection
floated between them.

A Buddhist priest began chanting, and the
smell of burning incense filled the room. Many of those in
attendance were fingering prayer beads as he spoke. Eventually, the
priest gave a signal and the closest family members began to get
up, one at a time, offering incense at an altar beside the body.
When Tono’s turn came, he stood up and nodded to Brie, indicating
that he wanted her to do the same. Brie watched carefully as he
knelt beside the altar, took a pinch of incense and brought it to
his forehead before sprinkling it into the flaming bowl. He did
this three times and bowed again before sitting back down beside

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