Read Broken Course Online

Authors: Aly Martinez

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Wrecked and Ruined Book 3

Broken Course (42 page)

BOOK: Broken Course
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While waiting for our flight, Emma’s name flashes on the screen of my phone as it begins to ring.

"Hello," I answer.

"Y’all on your way home yet?"

"We’re at the airport." I stand to walk out of hearing range, but Liv jumps to her feet to follow me.

"How is she?"

"Amazing…and adjusting." I reach down and run my fingers through her hair. I glance up to find Leo watching us intently from his chair.

"So, I was thinking. You know Jesse is a grief counselor, right? Well, I happen to know for a fact that she’s done a good bit of work with kids over the last year. I was thinking about maybe seeing if she’d be willing to come out and talk to Liv and help you guys get her settled in."

"Emma, no. That’s weird. I appreciate it, but I don’t want to bother them."

"It’s no bother. I can’t confirm this, but she
have reached out to me when she heard about Liv and your situation. She also
have begged me not to tell you she really wants to help."

"Wow. Remind me never to tell you something in confidence again," I deadpan.

I glance down at Liv, who has completely abandoned her iPad and is clinging to my leg. Emma’s not wrong. We could really use the help. Last night, Liv woke up crying no fewer than five times. Each time, she’d settle back into my arms and drift off muttering words in Spanish.

"Let me talk to Leo," I answer before hanging up and moving back to my chair, Liv tight at my side.

"Who was that?" Leo asks from behind his book.

"Emma." I reach out and pull Liv into my lap when I realize she has zero intention of sitting anywhere else. "Listen, she had an idea. Jesse Sharp is a grief counselor and she has offered to come over and help us all get settled in." I silently tilt my head to Liv.

"Oh, that would be fantastic." Leo blows out a loud breath. Apparently, he’s a little more nervous than I thought.

"You don’t think it will be awkward?" I move Liv to the chair beside me and pass her one of the new books Leo bought her at the airport gift shop.

"Sarah, I don’t give a damn… I mean, I don’t care if it’s awkward. It’s Friday, so it’s not like we’re going to be able to find anyone else until next week. Last night killed me. I can’t go through that again. I’d love to get some advice from a professional about how to handle stuff like that." He grabs my hand and brings it to his lips. "Now, is it going to upset you to see Jesse?" he asks as concern fills his eyes.

"I love you. So even if it did upset me, I can deal with it if it will help both of you feel better." I bring his hand to my mouth to return his kiss.

He sucks in a breath and closes his eyes reverently.

"We’re going to be okay, Leo. We can do this together," I whisper.

Liv interrupts our tiny moment in the middle of a busy airport. "Sarah, I need to go to the bathroom."

"Well, then lead the way." I give Leo a quick kiss and wrap her small hand in mine.

"THIS IS your house?" Liv asks as we ride the elevator up to our apartment.

"No. This is our house," Leo answers her with a smile that makes her shyly look away.

"Can we ride the elevator as much as we want?" She tugs on my hand as the doors open.

"Of course." Leo answers. "I’ll have to take you to the roof later. You can see half the city from up there." He reaches down and strokes her hair.


"Yep. Now, come on. Let’s put these bags down in your room before they break my back." She begins to giggle as he squats low to the ground, exaggerating how heavy her small backpack is.

As we walk into the apartment, Johnson greets us at the door.

"How was your trip?" he asks.

Liv only takes one eyeful of the whole scary package that is Aiden Johnson before hiding behind me.

"Liv, this is my best friend, Johnson," Leo says, introducing her. "He’s just ugly, but don’t let him scare you. He’s a nice guy."

"Hey, Liv," Johnson replies, peeking around behind me to catch a glimpse.

"Hi," she shyly tells my back.

Johnson lets out a chuckle. "Okay, well, I’ll let you guys get settled in. I’ll be in the office if you need anything. I took the liberty of tidying up the guest room for her. I put a few of Sarah’s boxes in the storage closet downstairs."

"Thanks, man," Leo answers, giving him a quick handshake before addressing Liv. "You want to see your room?"

She peeks up at him and nods quickly.

"Okay, well, it’s not much right now, but you and Sarah can decorate it however you would like."

When Leo pushes the door open, the three of us let out a gasp in unison.

"Oh my God," I exhale as I take in the sight in front of me.

Gone is the simple, conservatively decorated guest room, and in its place is every little girl’s fantasy palace. The walls have all been painted a pale purple with butterflies stenciled randomly across them. A collection of feather boas hangs in the corner and a large, white, antique dresser supports a jewelry box and colorful butterfly lamp. The bed has been covered with a princess comforter and matching sheets, complete with a toy tiara resting on the pillow.

Liv squeals and rushes over to the bed. I look to Leo for answers, but I can tell that he's just as surprised as I am. Suddenly, Johnson appears in the doorway behind us with a huge shit-eating grin.

"You did this?" Leo asks, blinking back his emotions.

"Well, no. Chris did this. I just used the company credit card to pay for it."

Leo shakes his head and gives him a handshake, which is immediately pulled in for a man hug. "Thank you," Leo chokes out. Then he steps away, allowing me enough room to squeeze in to give Johnson my own embrace.

"No problem. I figured you’d want her to have something nice."

"Jesus. Tell Chris thank you for me."

"Tell him yourself. He wants to meet her as soon as she gets settled in. Maybe dinner one night?" He smiles, and it’s not lost on me that this is the first time he has ever spoken about his boyfriend openly to Leo.

"Absolutely." Leo gives his shoulder a pat before turning back to Liv, who is currently examining the small shelf filled with books.
Definitely her father’s child.

A buzz from the front door sounds and my stomach flutters nervously when I realize who's behind it.

"I’ll get that," I announce.

Leo tosses me an encouraging smile before heading over to join Liv on the floor.

I nervously smooth down my shirt. It’s just Jesse. She’s always been so sweet to me. I have nothing to be nervous about. However, the minute I open the door, I’m given a six-foot-five, green-eyed reason to be nervous.

"Hi," I say to Brett before my eyes drift down to Jesse, who’s standing in front of him.

"I’m sorry," she immediately apologizes.

"For what?" I try to pretend that I’m not about to puke up my dinner on their shoes.

"Because I wouldn’t let her come alone," Brett answers for her.

She gives me a tight smile followed by an eye roll.

"No. It’s fine," I lie. "I just appreciate you coming, Jesse. Y’all come on in."

Jesse walks in and begins looking around the apartment. "Where is she?"

"She’s in the bedroom with Leo." I nervously eye Brett.

"Oh, well, I was thinking I could meet her and just get to know her a little then talk to you and Leo about a few things you could expect and the best way to handle the million questions she is sure to have. I probably won’t be very beneficial to her tonight, but hopefully I can supply you two with some tools."

"That would be great," I sigh.

"Sarah!" Liv screams, rushing from the bedroom. She runs at a full sprint before slamming into my legs and starting to cry.

"Liv!" Leo calls, jogging behind her, slowing only when his eyes find Brett.

"I thought you left," she whimpers, holding me tight.

"No, baby. I’m not going anywhere. I just had to answer the door." I squat down in front of her as she throws her arms around my neck.

I look up to Jesse pointedly and she gives me an understanding nod.

"Hi, Liv. My name is Jesse."

Liv turns to face her, realizing for the first time that someone else is in the room.

"I’m a friend of Sarah's," she tells her, and I can’t help the small laugh that erupts from my throat. "Look. I brought you some coloring books and Play Doh, but judging by the size of that suitcase in the corner, you probably don’t need them." She laughs at her own joke, and Liv smiles.

"Oh, you have no idea. You should see her room. I’m a little jealous." I brush the hair off Liv’s shoulder and stand back up.

"Really? What’s it look like?" Jesse asks excitedly.

"You want to see?" Liv perks up, all signs of her anxiety gone.

"I’d love to!" Jesse replies.

"Come on." She pulls on my hand, but I stop her.

"Hey, how about I make us a snack? I have some cookie dough in the fridge. Why don’t you go show Jesse your room and I’ll be right here in the kitchen."

"You won’t leave?" she asks, and it pains me.

"I swear." I make a show of crossing my heart. "Hey, why don’t you take Leo with you? I bet he would look fantastic in one of those feather boas." I wink.

She rewards my effort with a laugh. "Okay. Come on, Leo." She grabs Jesse’s hand and motions for Leo to follow her.

He gives me a knowing glance, flashing it to Brett. I nod and shoo him away.

"Good to see you again, man." He lifts his chin to Brett.

"Yeah. You too," Brett replies stoically.

"Now, if you’ll excuse me. Apparently, I have a drag show to give."

I laugh as he heads back down the hall. Leaving me completely alone with Brett.
Yep. Puke time.

"Can I get you a beer or something?" I inquire, remembering my manners.

"I could use a bottle of whisky right about now, but yeah, a beer sounds great."

"Look. I’m sorry. I know this is weird. Leo just really wanted to talk to Jesse. This has been overwhelming for us. I’m sorry to bother y’all. I’m sure this was definitely not how you wanted to spend your Friday night. You didn’t have to come," I rush out uncomfortably.

"It’s fine. Happy to help," he says shortly.

"It’s just… She’s only a little girl, and she’s just lost her mom. I really want to make this a smooth transition, and…quite honestly, we have no idea what the hell we are doing," I ramble, completely unsure why I’m still talking. Brett must feel the same way because he quirks his eyebrow. "Anyway, yeah. Beer."

"I figured you’d have this on lockdown," Brett speaks up. "I mean, you’ve been in her shoes. You know firsthand how it feels to lose someone. Let’s just hope she handles it a hell of a lot better than you did." He throws the verbal blow and it lands hard in my gut.

"I’m sorry," I choke out as tears spring to my eyes.

"Shit. I’m sorry," he mumbles. "I shouldn’t have said that." He runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

"No. I deserved it." I walk into the kitchen to retrieve his beer. As I pull open the fridge door, I burst into tears.

Brett suddenly appears behind me. "I know I shouldn’t have come here tonight, but I didn’t like the idea of her being around you without me."

"I get it. I really do. I can’t blame you one bit." I wipe my eyes and grab a beer before turning to face him.

"I didn’t mean to upset you. It was a low blow."

"Really, it’s fine." I pull the cookie dough out to keep my hands busy so he hopefully won’t notice that they’re trembling.

"She pregnant," he blurts out before picking up the beer I placed on the counter.

My head snaps up. "Really? That’s great," I respond sincerely. Brett always wanted kids. It actually surprises me that they don’t already have a litter.

"God, if you thought I was a overprotective before… I’ve taken it to a whole new level since we found out. We fought for two full hours before coming over here. She even cursed." He laughs at the memory.

"I’m sorry," I once again apologize, regretting having asked Jesse to come in the first place.

"It’s not your fault. She was thrilled to be able to help tonight. That’s who she is. It makes me insane, but as you can tell, I have zero ability to change her mind once she sets it on something."

"She’s a great person."

"Yeah. I won’t argue with you there." He shoves a hand in his pocket and looks down at his shoes. "Listen, I’m gonna go wait outside. I shouldn’t have come. I'm sure this is a tough time for you guys right now. I’m just making it harder." He turns to walk away.

"You don’t have to do that. Brett, wait," I call out as he heads for the door.

"Just tell her I’m in the car. No rush." He pulls open the door but pauses, not even turning to face me. "For what it’s worth, I’m really happy to see you doing so well."

As he leaves, he closes the door behind himself, but surprisingly enough, it’s not the only closure I feel.

I take a deep breath and look around the room. I’ve been here for hours, but suddenly, the air seems lighter. I walk to Liv’s bedroom but stop just before entering. She’s sitting on the floor, reading a book to Jesse with Leo, complete with a boa around his neck, sitting beside her. I lean on the doorjamb and just watch, reveling in the life I never thought I would have. Leo’s eyes immediately jump to mine as if he can sense my presence.

BOOK: Broken Course
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