Broken Ever After (4 page)

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Authors: Natalie Graham

BOOK: Broken Ever After
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Trig? Geometry? Vectors? Sequence and Series?” I groaned dramatically and threw my head down on my arms resting on the desk, earning myself more laughter from him. “I could just sit here and berate your football club of preference.”

I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Erm… Pass.”

Ok, I’ll let that one slide. How about I just write a few different things out and we’ll see how you do with them?”

Yeah ok, thanks.” he got up and grabbed his notepad and a pen and wrote a few different equations down for me from the book and passed them to me to solve. I got halfway through and they started getting tricky; I spun his pen through my fingers a few times before throwing it down on the table. “Arrgghhh I give up!” I sat back in my chair with my arms folded across my chest.

You can’t just give up!”

Yes I can. I just did.
” I motioned towards the table with my hand.

Look, I’ll help you.” Jamie shifted slightly closer to me and leaned over to see my work better, he started explaining the problems to me. Well I presumed that was what he was doing; I couldn’t concentrate on his words because he was too close for me to form coherent thoughts. I just wanted to lean in and kiss his beautiful lips so badly. I sat up again trying to listen to him more carefully but I couldn’t. He was too close; my head became foggy as I breathed in his aftershave. “Liv?”


Are you even listening to me? Look I know it’s-” He turned to face me. He was only centimetres away from me. I felt his warm breath fan over my face like the day before and he swallowed hard; my breath caught in my throat, I held it in as his gaze drifted down to my lips. He slowly starting leaning closer to me, his beautiful light green eyes back on my dark ones, watching me. Heat surged from my centre, radiating through all of my body as he came closer.

His nose brushed against mine and my eyes fluttered closed; I felt his lips press softly against mine just once. Pulling away slowly we both stared at each other
, silently pleading to carry on. He lifted his hand up to my face, brushing his fingertips over my forehead to move a strand of hair that had fallen into my eyes. I leaned in at the same time as him allowing my eyes to close again as we softly touched our lips together once more.

He ran his tongue along my bottom lip asking permission to deepen our kiss; I opened up for him
, sighing softly as I felt his tongue invade my mouth seeking out mine. Our tongues felt like they were dancing together as he explored my mouth and I, his. His hands were in my hair pulling me closer to him; I shifted in my seat to face him with all of my body and he did the same as our kiss became more urgent. His thighs encased mine, pressing them together tightly; it was heaven and hell at the same time.

All rational thought left me as I landed my hands on the front of his shirt grabbing two handfuls of the material to pull his body closer to me; his hands left my hair as he began to run them down my back
, his fingers splayed over the soft cotton of my white shirt, pulling me in to him. Jamie started to stand pulling me up with him so our desperate kiss wouldn’t be broken. I let go of his shirt and flattened my hands on his chest running them up towards his neck; I wanted my hands in his hair, I’d always wanted to know how it felt and I wasn’t disappointed. I wound my fingers in to the dark, subtle waves brushing it out of his eyes. He had the softest hair I’d ever felt, slipping easily through my fingers as I ran them back to his neck.

He broke out of our kiss to trail kisses across my cheek to my ear
, sucking the lobe between his lips; his teeth grazed over the sensitive flesh. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to do that” he whispered breathlessly to me, his voice sounding coarse and laboured. I shivered in his arms as his breath blew over my ear, left damp from his mouth.

He carried on trailing small kisses to that sweet spot underneath my ear on my neck making me moan softly in his ear
, he groaned in response and ran his fingers down to my waist to pull me even closer to him. With our bodies pressed together I could feel how excited he was; I pushed myself tighter against him dying to feel him closer to my body. His fingers felt like they were trailing fire wherever they went, as they moved to my rear to gently squeeze; it didn’t feel enough, I needed more… I wanted
of him right then.

My senses fought against me to return. We couldn
’t, we shouldn’t. His hands kept moving, stoking the fire coursing through my veins, up and around to my stomach where he was tracing circles with his thumbs. His hands on me were driving me crazy and almost made me forget that we needed to stop.

Jamie” I tried to say it normally to get his attention but my voice came out as a breathy whisper. I felt him smile against my neck.

That sounds so good.” He sighed, his breath sending shivers down my spine again; he groaned as he felt them ripple through me.

Jamie…” He sighed louder, sounding content. “We can’t”

Shhh” he crashed his lips to mine again silencing me but I was too worried to carry on.

No, Jamie we can’t, we shouldn’t be doing this.” I said as I pushed against his chest to move him back slightly.

What? I- I thought you… wanted to? I thought you liked me.” He looked at me with an expression filled with confusion, hurt and fear and tried to step back from me.
I gripped the front of his shirt again to stop him pulling away further.

Wait, I do like you! You don’t even know how long I’ve waited to do that either! Probably longer than you think!” I blushed and looked down to the floor “but we can’t. We shouldn’t. I mean what if someone walked in and saw? I’d be suspended and you would probably be fired.” Why am I being so calm and collected about this? He could be standing here naked right now, so could I for that matter.

No one will come in and right now I don’t care even if they do. Nothing can part these lips from mine.” His hands went to my hair again as he leaned in for another kiss.

How do- you know? Someone- could just- decide to- come in.” I mumbled against his lips between kisses.

The door’s locked.” I quickly glanced towards the door to see his keys hanging from the lock and wondered when he’d done that… and
? Excitement bubbled in the pit of my stomach. He pressed me up against the desk that moments ago I’d been working at; I swiped behind me to clear it, the book and notepad landing with a thud on the floor so that I could pull myself up on the top and pulled Jamie closer to me again.

I kissed under his ear
and led a trail of kisses along his jaw back up to his mouth. His hands worked their way from my stomach down to the hem of my skirt just above my knees, where he started tracing circles on my skin with his thumbs. I wanted his hands higher. He was driving me crazy moving his hand up my legs so slowly, I had to show him I wanted more. I wrapped my legs around his waist and used them to pull his body closer to me, I gasped as I felt how hard he was against me; a shiver ran through my body again and my hands automatically went to his belt.

I felt his thumb brush over the lace of my panties and he gasped.
“Oh God, Liv, you’re-” He cut off his words as he crashed his lips to mine again; his thumb continuing to brush over my opening through the material. I gripped my hand on the buckle of his belt trying to pull him closer again; he groaned against my lips as I pulled the strap through the metal releasing its hold on his trousers. My fingers made quick work of his button and zip, his trousers only being held up by my legs wrapped around him.

Jamie moved his thumb to the edge of my panties
, pulling the material over to the side. I was aching for what he was about to do.
Touch me! Oh God, touch me, please!
But a small corner of my mind didn’t want that. For one thing, I didn’t want our first time, my first time even, to be in a classroom, me still in my stupid school uniform. Two, after everything I went through when I was younger, my stomach churned; fear rose up in my chest. It all suddenly felt wrong. “
” I cried out without even realising the word was on its way up my throat. I jerked away from him, my body immediately mourning the loss of his touch.
Oh God… Now what?
“We can’t do this… not here” I said firmly standing my ground, taking a deep breath to calm myself.

Do you want to go somewhere else?” He asked, sounding hopeful as he removed his hands from under my skirt to run them over my body again and continued kissing me on my neck, moans escaping me as he dipped his tongue into the hollow at the base of my throat.

No.” He looked up at me confused again and even more hurt this time. “I just mean not now, I should be home now. We’re going to end up getting locked in here soon” My detention ended fifteen minutes ago, we had just been kissing for over half an hour! How is that even possible? It felt like seconds. “I need to go home.”

I’m sorry, I- I…” His hurt expression pained my heart.

Shh… Don’t apologise for doing what I wanted you to do,
. I just need to get home. I planned with Lily to study with her tonight.” I ran my fingers over his face and gave him a reassuring smile.

Ok, want me to take you?” he gave me a small hopeful smile back and I nodded.

If you don’t mind?” he ran his fingers through my hair one last time and gave me a small soft kiss. I giggled nervously and apologised as I watched him refasten his trousers, the hard lump still evident beneath the zip. I blushed as he rearranged himself to make it less obvious. We both gathered our things and headed out to his car in silence, I tried not to laugh as he placed his jacket over his arm and carried it in front of him.

I kept sneaking small glances up at him through my eyelashes as we walked through the corridors; I blushed scarlet when I glanced up again and he was looking right back at me. He winked and the edge of his lip curled up as he smiled. I couldn
’t believe what we had just done and he’d said he’d been waiting to do it too;
but for how long?
I wondered. Jamie unlocked the car and held my door open for me like the day before.

Once we were ready to go
, he drove out of school and rested his hand on my knee; I wrapped one hand around his arm and placed my other hand on top of his. His fingers gently traced circles on the inside of my leg. I wanted to press them together and open them wide at the same time.

Do you think maybe I could get your number?” He asked, glancing sideways at me

Is that wise?”

Probably not.” he smirked at me and I laughed.

I just mean that I have so much revision to do, I don’t want to be constantly checking my phone to see if you’ve messaged me. Knowing you, you’ll just be sending me messages full of ‘We are the Arsenal’ or the lyrics to some other song you idiots sing.” He laughed at me.

So I’m an idiot as well as an arse?” Jamie smirked over at me before looking back to the road. “Now you are just planting ideas in my head. Keep them coming.” He laughed again.

Jamie was so funny and playful but no one ever saw that side of him; that was what drew me to him. I only knew about it as he liked to pick on me as we supported rival football teams; he was a massive Gunners fan
and I was a Spurs fan. My friends didn’t understand why I was so obsessed with him; of course they thought he was good looking but none of us were the kind of girls to fall for looks alone (well except for Megan anyway). I often stayed maybe fifteen minutes after class to talk to him about football and random stuff like music so they just didn’t know him like I did.

Ok, you can have it. I study just after school though until five or six so you aren’t allowed to call or text me before then. I need to concentrate and I don’t need you distracting me”
with your super sexiness,
I mentally added. I poked him in the arm and looked in my bag for a pen and piece of paper and wrote my number down for him. He pulled into my street and I noticed my mum and dad’s cars were both gone, I chuckled as I imagined inviting him in and my parents going batshit crazy on their return, catching him sneaking out of the back door.

What’s so funny?”

Nothing…” I shook my head trying to clear the image.

Where’s your phone?” I took it out of my pocket and he got his too. He dialled my number and rang it.

Just checking you didn’t give me a fake number” He winked at me, it was slowly becoming my new favourite thing that he did “and now you have mine”

As if I would do that to you” I gave him a sly smile, undid my seatbelt and gathered my things about to leave the car. “Thanks for the ride home… Again” I smiled at him.

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