Broken Ground: (Broken Series Book 1) (14 page)

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Authors: Anna Paige

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Broken Ground: (Broken Series Book 1)
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I clenched my jaw as I listened to the soft sounds she emitted each time I pressed and stroked her tired feet. Not the same sounds she made when she came, but they were still arousing as fuck. I switched to her left foot and her right leg fell to the side, giving me a clear view all the way up her inner thigh. My mouth watered at the sight and my cock twitched in protest, having not had the pleasure of sinking into her tight pussy yet.


Nope, it was done. Point made, theory proven. It was time to close the book on this and get the fuck out of there before I took it too far.

Yeah, because I hadn't already done that.

I finished with the massage and set her foot back onto my lap. Her eyes were closed and for a moment I thought she had fallen asleep. I placed my hand on the top of her foot and rubbed lightly, causing her to open her eyes. When she shifted to sit up a bit, a gap in her gown revealed the swell of her breast.


I focused on her face, trying desperately to ignore my erection. "It's getting late, and you look... tired. I should go so you can rest." I smiled knowingly. "I'm betting you sleep like a log tonight."

She blushed but held my eye. "I have a feeling you're right." She swung her legs off my lap, inadvertently brushing my cock as she did. "Let me walk you to the door." She stood and reached back for my hand with a sated smile.

I slipped my hand in hers and followed her to the door. She placed her hand on the knob and turned, eyes widening when I bent down and retrieved her shredded panties. I held up the scrap of ruined silk and grinned as I slipped them into my pocket. "Don't want Talia to come in and stumble over these. Literally."

She was still blushing but there was heat in her eyes as she nodded in agreement. "Wouldn't want that to happen." She blinked and cleared her throat, the heat disappearing. "Clay, I know this was only tonight, that it has to be that way. Neither of us can afford any complications right now, and I don't want you to worry that I'll try to make it into something it's not."

I should have been thrilled that she knew the score, that we couldn't go any further than this, but her words felt like a punch in the gut. I couldn't take the time to examine my reaction right then, though. Unsure what I wanted to say, I just stood there.

Ali rushed to fill the silence, trying to reassure me. "It's alright, Clay. Honestly. What happened here tonight," she placed one hand flat against the door, right where I'd held her body as I devoured her, "was incredible. You showed me a part of myself I never knew existed. You did things no man has ever done and made me feel like a woman for the first time in my life. I won't ask for more than that." She stepped over and placed her hands on either side of my face. "Even if I live to be a hundred, I'll never forget this night. Or the man I shared it with." She pulled me in and kissed me, her mouth soft, her movements slow and deliberate.

It was a goodbye of sorts and, when I left there a few moments later, there was a feeling of heaviness in my chest that I knew would be with me for a long time.

I WOKE UP the next morning thinking of Ali. Not that it was a huge surprise. I'd gone to sleep thinking about her, too. I had to go back to Denson, the inspector would be by the next morning, and I needed to be there. I wanted to offer to give Ali a ride back, but I knew she planned to go with Talia.

The two of them had worked it out specifically for that reason. Talia hadn't returned to D.C. on Thursday like she usually did. She waited for Ali to finish up at the realty office on Friday, and then they ran to the berry patch and paid a lot more money for pre-picked berries so that they could leave as early as possible, Talia driving them home to D.C. to prepare for the Gala.

I couldn't ask Ali to go back with me after they had gone to all that trouble. Could I? I debated the idea as I showered, shaved, and ran a brush through my unruly hair. By the time I was dressed, I'd convinced myself to leave her alone. Then after I finished packing up my things, I'd decided it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Two hours in the truck together would give us plenty of time to sort things out.

I had no fucking clue what we needed to sort out, only that it was important that we talked. Maybe I didn't like the idea that she assumed it was easy for me to walk away. Maybe I wanted her to know that I hadn't used the situation to get what I wanted from her. Whatever the reason, I wanted her with me today. It was important.

I blew out a breath as I placed the call.

When she answered, the sound of her voice made my heart gallop in my chest. She sounded chipper as always. "Good morning, Clay."

I smiled despite my tension. "Good morning to you. Did you sleep well?"

There was humor in her voice as she said, "Better than I ever have. How about you?"

Oh, I had a hard-on most of the night and couldn't stop thinking about you screaming my name while I buried my face in your hot, tight pussy.
"Like a rock."
Close enough.

She chuckled, and I could hear her spoon clinking against her coffee cup as she stirred in what was sure to be a mountain of creamer. "You still at the hotel?"

I'd booked a room in D.C. rather than try to drive back to Richmond after the Gala. Good damn thing, too. "Yeah, just getting ready to check out. Thought I'd call before I left to see if you'd like to ride back with me." The offer hung in the air for a moment and I kind of wished I could reach out and snatch it back.

She paused, the sound of her sipping her coffee filling the dead air in the line. "Can you hang on just a second? I need to check with Talia."

"Sure. Take your time." I felt like a shit for asking when I knew she'd planned to go with Talia, but I couldn't help myself.

I could make out faint voices on the other end but couldn't catch what was being said. After a minute, Ali came back on the line. "That would work out well, actually. I'm still getting my things together, running way behind. Talia's head was about to explode because she's in a rush to get dinner started." She laughed. "Her pot roast takes all day, but it's so worth it."

I was suddenly smiling from ear to ear. "Perfect. She can go on ahead, and I'll be over to pick you up in about an hour. Is that enough time?" She told me she'd be ready by then. "I'll even bring breakfast. Craving anything specific?"

I sure as hell was.

She told me to surprise her, which sent my mind straight into the gutter again. I told her I'd see her soon and ended the call thinking she'd looked plenty surprised when I'd coaxed that first orgasm out of her. Stunned was probably a better description. I kept seeing it in my mind over and over, her writhing against me, shaking, panting, fucking glowing.

Shit. I was getting hard again.

Good thing I had a little extra time before I picked her up. I needed a cold shower. Or a warm hand... I'd decide on the way to the bathroom.

have met me in front of her building had I bothered to call when I arrived. Since I wasn't sure how much stuff she would be carrying, I decided to do the gentlemanly thing and walk her down. I stood quietly while Stony the red-eyed doorman buzzed Ali's apartment. He looked a bit more lucid this morning, but I remained unimpressed.

When I repeated my name so that he could announce me, there was a dim flicker of recognition. After Ali had confirmed that I was welcome, he nodded to me and said, "You were here last night, right?" I told him I was and went to step through the door as he mumbled. "I thought so. Double shift yesterday had me pretty worn out, but I knew your face was familiar." I just grunted noncommittally, fighting back an eye-roll.

Sure. It was the hours that were fucking with his memory.

I couldn't help stewing a bit on the way to Ali's apartment. I still felt that having that guy manning the door felt like a serious safety issue. Do what you want on your own time, not my business. But when you're watching the door for someone important to me, be on your fucking toes.

It pained me to admit it, especially to myself, but Ali was becoming very important to me. Not just because of what had happened between us, although I'd be a fool to believe my attraction to her wasn't part of it. More than wanting to bang her like a screen door, I also wanted to protect her. That was the scariest part, I think. I looked at her and saw someone grounded and confident, someone who could stand on her own. So why did I feel so damn compelled to save her, protect her? Why did I want so badly to follow a step behind, arms at the ready in case she should fall?

She didn't need saving and she damn sure didn't want it. She hadn't once asked me to save her from anything, so this wasn't a reaction to something she'd been putting out there. It was an instinct, plain and fucking simple. This was me, wanting to break all my rules for her. I wanted her to count on me, to know I had her back no matter what.

And it was freaking me the fuck out.

I'd spent the last twenty years cultivating my charming but aloof persona, making damn sure everyone around me knew that I didn't want personal attachments. The only people close to me had been the ones who were around before things had gone so bad, before my choices cost someone their life. Spencer, Gran, Vanessa, they all knew, but they stuck around, dug their heels in and refused to leave even when they had every right to run screaming from the train wreck that was my life.

Would Ali do the same? What if she found out? Would she stick around or...?

Didn't matter, she'd never know. I couldn't risk telling her. Not now. I couldn't give her a reason to leave because I was afraid that was exactly what she'd do. And, more than anything, I didn't want to let her go.

She may not have needed me to save her but having her in my life was saving me.

on carrying Ali's things to the truck, despite her assurances that she could handle it, we made our way downstairs. Stony held the door, and I motioned for Ali to go first, then bristled when he took his time inspecting Ali's cleavage as she exited the building. Her V-neck t-shirt wasn't particularly revealing, but there was still plenty for him to appreciate. She had on khaki shorts that showed off her toned legs and wedge sandals. Casual and fun, just like her.

When I walked out behind her, Stony had moved to watch her retreating form, perfect ass slightly swaying as she walked. I cleared my throat, and his head whipped around. He knew he'd been caught. I didn't say a word, but the hostile stare I gave him caused him to swallow uncomfortably and drop his gaze to the ground as he muttered, "Have a good day, sir."

I had to force myself to relax as I approached the parking lot behind Ali, not wanting to explain my sour expression.

We loaded her things in the back seat with mine and hopped into the cab of my truck, the aroma of hot coffee and warm donuts greeting us as we did. Ali grinned as she sipped her coffee, looking impressed. "This is delicious. You got it just right." She placed it in the cup holder and reached for the paper bag between us. She giggled when she rummaged through it and found the ones with strawberry icing. "You know, Talia makes amazing strawberry donuts. I'll have to get her to make you some."

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