Broken In Pieces: Billionaire Stepbrother Romance (Wounded Hearts Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Broken In Pieces: Billionaire Stepbrother Romance (Wounded Hearts Book 1)
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“Damn girl, you’ve grown a backbone!! I’m so proud of you,” she exclaims. Then she gets serious, “Sounds like your boss is into you. Be careful. You never know who someone really is.” I want to tell her that I know all too well what she is talking about, but I don’t. That would mean revealing the dirty little secret and that couldn’t happen. We talk for hours and hours. As she leaves that night, I make sure she is coming back for the celebration tomorrow night.

The next morning, I lie in bed thinking of how difficult it was getting out of Mother’s grasp last night and wondering how I’ll avoid her most of today. I finally resign myself to the fact that I’ll have to spend some time with her so I rise and get ready for the day. I wander down stairs where Mother and Carter ask me to join them for breakfast. I decline, “No thank you. I’m really not hungry.”

Mother starts to insist but is interrupted when we hear a loud roar coming up the hill to the house. We all look at each other and head to the front door. Once outside, we see a figure on a Harley coming our way. Carter looks at Mother with a smile, “That’s my son.” The man coming at us looks vaguely familiar but I can’t put my finger on it. When he enters the circle driveway and gets closer to us, it hits me.
Holy ice balls in hell, it’s Mr. Hawthorne

He turns off the engine, climbs off the bike and takes off his helmet.
Son of a bitch, Damien Blade Hawthorne is my friggin’ step brother.
He walks over and hugs his dad. Carter introduces his son to Mother. Blade hugs Mother and gives her a small peck on the cheek. They turn to me and he smiles wide. Carter begins to introduce us and Blade interrupts, “No need for introductions, Carter. Sheridan and I know each other.” Mother and Carter look confused and surprised.

“Yes we do. Mr. Hawthorne is my boss and evidently he’s my step brother, as well.”

He smugly announces, “It’s only Mr. Hawthorne at the office.” Mother and Carter begin to laugh and we all go inside.

Carter and Blade spend most of the morning in the den catching up. Mother’s making calls to ensure everything will be ready this evening. I take a walk around the grounds trying to walk off some nervous energy. I’d been so occupied that it hadn’t hit me, until this morning that I am back in this town. Back in the town where
lives. Back in the town where the nightmare began. Then I have a debilitating thought. Surely Mother has not invited him or his family. Even she couldn’t be that brain dead and thoughtless, could she? I have to find a moment to pull her to the side before the celebration and make sure. I head back into the house to wait for my opportunity.

Its noon and everyone’s headed into the dining room for lunch. Mother motions me toward the dining room, “Sheridan, it’s time to eat darling.”

“I’m not hungry. You guys go ahead without me,” I insist.

“Sheridan Paige Stollings, you will join us. I’ve only seen you eat once since you’ve been home. You were thin before and you have lost weight since moving to New York,” she chastises me. I don’t want to make a scene in front of Mr. Hawthorne….Blade. I’m already embarrassed as hell. Even though I want to bitch slap my mother, I say nothing and head into the dining room.

Carter and Blade are talking about the stock market, but Blade keeps looking at me like he expects me to say something. Hell, I don’t know anything about that shit. “Sheridan, I wish you had come with me yesterday,” Mother slices through their conversation. “I think you’re going to love the colors in the centerpieces, they’re red, white and blue roses.”

“I bet they’re gorgeous. I didn’t even know you could get blue roses,” I try to sound interested.

“I think they dye the white ones. Oh, and Johnny asked about you. He said to give you a hug from him.”

I nod as I shove the food around on my plate, taking a bite from time to time so Mother thinks I’m really eating. Everyone’s almost finished when Mother decides to be Mother, “Sheridan, dear, I’m so proud of you. You’ve done so well since moving to New York after the incident.”
she did not just say that!

Blades eyes shoot up from his plate and lock on mine, “The incident?” he questions.

“Oh it’s nothing, Mother’s always overly dramatic,” I shoot my Mother a shut the fuck up stare. I rise from the table, “I’m going for a walk,” and exit the house before my anger can take over.

I walk, almost run, down to the gazebo and slump down on a seat inside. I can’t believe she just did that. I knew coming back here was not a good idea.
How the hell did I let her talk me into this? I’m such a fucking idiot.
I’m so lost in thought and anger that I don’t realize Blade has come down to join me. He steps inside the gazebo and startles me. “Sorry baby girl. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says as he sits down beside me.

“It’s fine. I’m just a little jumpy.”

“So, I sense a little tension between you and your mom,” he says almost questioningly.

“I don’t remember a time when there hasn’t been tension between me and Mother. It’s the norm as far as our relationship goes,” I answer, “but I’d rather not talk about that.” He reaches over and tucks my hair behind my ear. I wince at his touch, even though I try not to. I look down trying to hide my flushing face.

“Oh no, baby girl. I told you, eyes up here,” he lifts my chin and locks eyes with me.

“Why do you call your dad Carter and you have a different last name?” It’s my turn to question him.

“It’s a long story and
rather not talk about that,” he responds.

“I guess we both have our stories,” I smile back at him. We sit and talk and laugh for an hour. He seems almost normal. The stern, harsh and demanding Blade is gone. It’s so strange. He confuses me beyond belief.

The workers have arrived to begin setting up for tonight’s event so we decide to go back inside. Blade heads out front to put his bike in the garage so it’s the perfect opportunity for me to speak with Mother. I find her and Carter in the family room. “Mother, I need to ask you something,” I begin. “I have to know if you’ve invited Jarrod Davis or any of the Davis family to the celebration.”

“Sheridan,” Mother gasps as if someone just told her that her $3000 handbag is a knock off. “Of course I haven’t invited them. I would never put you through that. I can’t even believe you would feel the need to ask me that. You have wounded me.”

My blood begins to boil, “You’re wounded?! What the fuck?! All three of us know that if inviting them would further your social stance in the community, they would be here. And I would still be in exile in New York, none the wiser. Don’t play the poor pitiful me card with me Mother, dear! It’s never been about me. I honestly don’t think you have ever cared about anyone but yourself.” By now the tears are streaming down my face.

“Sheridan Paige, how could you sa…” she begins but Carter jumps in.

“Shut the hell up, Sophia Lorraine. Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage here? I knew this was all a bad idea from the beginning. We should have gone to the authorities about Jarrod like I wanted to and Sheridan should have been here, at home, surrounded by people who love her. People who could help her through it. I should have set my foot down but I let you have your way as usual. Well, no more.” Mother is flabbergasted and just looks at him with her mouth gaped open but she is quiet for the first time that I can remember. I knew it. I knew Carter had more to say. I thought he was disappointed in me but he was actually disappointed in Mother.

I stand there, looking at Carter and crying even harder. I’m stunned at how much he really does care for me. Blade appears in the doorway and his eyes immediately shoot to mine. “Is something wrong?” he asks and there’s so much hurt in his voice that I could swear he was feeling my pain. Carter walks over to me, hugs me and tells me he’s sorry then exits the room. Blade comes over and takes me by the hand. “Come on baby girl,” he says as he leads me from the room to the front of the house. He places his hands on each side of my face and brushes my tears away with his thumbs. “Tell me what’s wrong,” he whispers.

“I can’t,” I close my eyes, “I don’t want to.”

“Okay, later then. Have you ever been on a motorcycle?” he smiles. I shake my head no.

“Well baby girl, you’ve been missing out. Come on,” he leads me to the garage. He picks up a helmet and straps it on me snuggly, “You gotta be safe, baby girl.” Then he puts on his helmet and sunglasses. He climbs on the bike and I get on behind him. “Wrap your arms around me and hold on tight,” he orders but in an almost caring way this time. I hesitate, I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t want to be touched and I don’t want to touch anyone either. He breaks into my thoughts, “Come on baby girl. You have to hold on to me.” I slowly put my arms around him and it’s not as bad as I had anticipated. It’s not an intimate thing so I think I can do this. I tighten my hold and we’re off.

He takes us down some back roads. There’s hardly any traffic. The trees are gorgeous and the wind seems to be carrying all my troubles away. I feel free. Free from all the chaos. Free from all the pain. We ride for an hour or so when he pulls over at a spot with an exquisite view. We stand looking out over the scene, captured in its beauty. He turns to me, pulling me into his arms. His eyes look so deeply into to mine, he’s searching my soul again.
No, no, no, no! We can’t do this. I can’t do this!
But I’m paralyzed by his stare. He leans down and his lips touch mine. They bring soft, feather light kisses at first. Then I feel him inhale deeply and his tongue begins its voyage inside my mouth. I have lost all control of my faculties. Our tongues start caressing each other, devouring each other and craving more.

Even though his kiss is nothing like the kisses from the monster of my nightmares, flashes of that God forsaken night run through my head. I jerk back so his mouth has to release me. He searches my eyes, “What’s wrong baby girl?”

I feel myself shaking. I have to get a grip. “I ca…I can’t do this,” I stammer.

“Sheridan, you’re shaking. What’s wrong?” I shake my head and look down at my shoes. He strokes my hair, “Baby girl, there’s no pressure here. You’re safe.” He takes my hand and leads me back to the bike. We climb on to head back to Mother’s.

The celebration is going strong when we arrive. Blade sticks close by my side most of the night but not so close that it’s uncomfortable. Mother and I barely speak but when we do it’s civil. Donna finally arrives and I’m so glad she made it. I introduce her to Blade and explain he’s my boss and that we just found out we’re step siblings. “Holy shit, Sher. Why didn’t you tell me that your boss…or your step brother is hot as hell,” she swoons. Blade erupts into a huge grin but this time I think he blushes a bit. The three of us talk and laugh most of the night. I’m glad they get along well. I even convince Donna to come to New York and spend a week with me before school starts back.

The fireworks begin shortly after dark. We watch until the very last one explodes. The guests are thinning out and the cleanup is beginning. Donna is preparing to leave. She says her good-bye to Blade then grabs me and hugs me tight. “I like him,” she whispers in my ear.

“I think I’ll turn in. It’s been a draining day,” I say as I rise from the table.

Blade stands, “I hope the day held some good things too.” I smile shyly and give him a positive nod. “Good night baby girl. Sweet dreams,” he smiles back at me.

“Good night Blade.”

The next morning is a flurry of packing, visiting a little more with Donna and saying goodbyes. I walk Blade out as he’s leaving. He brushes my hair back with his fingers and gives me a chaste kiss before riding off. When I return inside, Mother is waiting to talk with me. She tells me how much she loves me and how wrong she has been. She’s so apologetic that I actually believe she means it. Sophia Lorraine Stollings-Stephens is actually pouring her heart out to me. She asks me to come back home but I let her know I have a life in New York now. I usually run from conversations with my mother but this one is different. This one is

On our drive to the airport, I think about all the ways this trip has enlightened me. I learned that Blade is my step-brother and he’s not the awful prick he comes off as at work. I’m beginning to realize that Carter cares for me deeply. I knew something was going on with him but I couldn’t figure out what. Now I think my mother just might love me but doesn’t know how to show it. There’s been so much packed into one weekend that it makes me tired just thinking about it.



arrive at
the apartment late. It’s funny but this place is starting to feel like home and I’m actually glad to be back. I unpack and get things ready for work in the morning. Then I’m lying in bed trying to put the weekend out of my mind. The motorcycle ride through the mountains was like therapy. I think about the kiss, how I didn’t want it. I didn’t want him to touch me. I would love to be normal, to be able to accept that kind of affection. I fall asleep hearing those words, ‘you’re safe’ running over and over in my head.

The next morning, Blade’s his usual office self. Business like, demanding and controlling. He’s somewhat gentler where I am concerned but not like he was over the weekend. He bewilders me. It’s like he’s two different people and you never know who you’re going to encounter. Wondering what makes him tick makes my head swim.

On Tuesday, Caroline has stopped by my desk to chat. The elevator opens and out steps a gorgeous blonde woman. She could be a model. She struts toward us and heads for Blade’s office. “Ma’am, can I help you?” I say as I walk toward her but she doesn’t stop. “Ma’am, may I ask your name?” I become more forceful. She still doesn’t answer. She opens the door and bounds right into Blades office with me on her heels. “I’m sorry, sir,” I apologize, “I tried to stop her but she wouldn’t listen.”

Blade gives me a slight smile, “It’s okay, Sheridan. I’ll take care of it.” I excuse myself and leave the room.

I get back to my desk and Caroline giggles, “You’ll get used to it.”

I question her, “Is that his girlfriend?”

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