Brother Tariq: The Doublespeak of Tariq Ramadan (40 page)

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5o T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane
face a son devoir d'engagement."

51 See US Department of State, "Saudi Arabia country report on human
rights practices for 1998," published
February 26, 1999.

52 David Hirst, "Educated for indolence:
Thousands of Saudi women get university degrees, few get jobs," Guardian, August 3,1999-

53 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane
face a son devoir d'engagement."

54 al-Banna, "Les cinquante demandes
du program des Freres musulmans."

55 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane
face a son devoir d'engagement."

56 T. Ramadan, Peut-on vivre avec l'Islam?,
p. 126.

57 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane.
Realites et espoir."

58 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane
face a son devoir d'engagement."

59 T. Ramadan cassette, "Islam, modernite et modernisme [Islam, modernity
and modernism]," TAW 07, Tawhid.

6o T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane face a son devoir d'engagement."

33 Tariq Ramadan, Peut-on vivre avec
l'Islam? [Can One Live with Islam?],
an exchange between Tariq Ramadan
and Jacques Neirynck, Lausanne, Fa-
vre, 2004 [1999], p. 126.

34 T. Ramadan, "Relations hommesfemmes."

35 Ibid.

36 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane
face a son devoir d'engagement."

37 Ibid.

38 Conseil europeen de la fatwa et de la
recherche, Revueil defatwas [Compendium ofFatwas], series no. i, preface by
Tariq Ramadan, Lyon, Tawhid, 2002,
P• 137.

39 T. Ramadan, "Le renouveau

40 Ibid.

41 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane
face a son devoir d'engagement."

42 Ibid.

43 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane.
Realites et espoir."

61 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "La vie conjugale en Islam [Married life in Islam],"
recorded in Mauritius, Tawhid.

62 Here is the statement made in 1987
by French National Front leader JeanMarie Le Pen atthe first congress ofthe
Cercle national des femmes d'Europe:
When women work, the tragic result is the break-up of the family ...
and the handing over of the mother's
role in the education of her children
to the creche or the school, with disastrous consequences that contribute
to delinquency and drugs," Bulletin
du CNFE, no. 20, December 1987January 1988, cited by Francois Laroche, "Marechal, nous voila! Le Cercle national des femmes d'Europe," in
L'extreme droite et les femmes.

63 Dom Gerard, Itineraires, March 1988.

64 T. Ramadan, "La vie conjugale en

65 Ibid.

66 Ibid.

67 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane
face a son devoir d'engagement."

68 Ibid.

69 T. Ramadan, "La vie conjugale en

7o Ibid.

71 1 Corinthians 11. This passage is often
quoted in the journals and bulletins of
French traditionalists.

72 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Ehomme
musulman aujourd'hui. Spiritual-
ite, equilibre affectif et sexuel, role familial et social [Today's Muslim man:
Spirituality, emotional and sexual balance, family and social role]," lecture
recorded in Roubaix (France), QA 37,

73 Alain Gresh and Tariq Ramadan,

L'Islam en questions [Questioning Islam], a debate organized and presented by Francoise Germain-Robin, Sindbad, 2002, p. 280.

74 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane.
Realite et espoir."

75 Conseil europeen de la fatwa et de la
recherche, Recueil defatwas [Compendium ofFatwas], series no. i, preface by
Tariq Ramadan, Lyon, Tawhid, 2002,
p. 156.

76 Gilles Kepel, Le Prophete et le Pharaon
[The Prophet and Pharaoh], Paris,
Seuil, 1993, p. 201.

77 M. Boudejenoun, Le marriage en Islam. Modalites et finalites, Paris, Maison d'Ennour, 2001, p. 8o.

78 T. Ramadan, "La vie conjugale en

79 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "La conception islamique de la sexualite. Innocence, responsability et maitrise
[The Islamic conception of sexuality:
Innocence, responsibility and mastery]," recorded in Mauritius, QA 38,

8o Ibid.

81 Transfac, December 1995.

82 T. Ramadan, "La conception islamique
de la sexualite. Innocence, responsa-
bilite et maitrise."

83 Yousouf Ibram, "Le conseil europeen
de la fatwa. Role et objectifs [The European Council for Fatwa. Its role and
objectives]," lecture, HC 19, Tawhid.

84 Conseil europeen de la fatwa, Recueil
defatwas, p. 126.

85 T. Ramadan, Peut-on vivre avec Islam?,
p. 138-

86 T. Ramadan, "La conception islamique
de la sexualite."

87 Ibid.

88 T. Ramadan, Peut-on vivre avec Islam?,
p. 152.

89 T. Ramadan," La conception islarnique
de la sexualite."

9o Ibid.

91 T. Ramadan, Peut-on vivre avec l'Islam?,
p. 152.

92 Qaradhawi, Le licite et l'illicite en Islam,
p. 91.

93 T. Ramadan, "Islam, modernite et

94 Cited by Qaradhawi, Le licite et l'illicite
en Islam, p. 199. Use of the term "homosexuality" comes as a surprise,
since the word only appeared in the
nineteenth century.

95 T. Ramadan," La conception islarnique
de la sexualite."

96 Ibid.

97 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Les grands
peches [The major sins]," recorded in Reunion, August 1999, QA 4,

98 T. Ramadan, "Ehomme musulman

99 "Wa in kanat `alara' - si tannurin,"
`Aini, IX, p. 484•

loo T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane.
Realites et espoir."

101 T. Ramadan, "Relations hommesfemmes."

102 Ibid.

103 Ibid.

104 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam et societe. La conception de l'homme en Islam [Islam and society: The conception
of man in Islam]," lecture recorded in
the Ivory Coast, QA 27, Tawhid.

105 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane.
Realites et espoir."

1o6 T. Ramadan, "Lhomme musulman


107 Ibid.

i o 8 Ibid.

Top Ibid.

iio T. Ramadan, "Les grands peches."

Chapter five

i Tariq Ramadan, Les musulmans
d'Occident et l'avenir de l'Islam [Western
Muslims and the Future of Islam], Arles,
Actes Sud-Sindbad, 2003, p. 17.

2 Tariq Ramadan, Les musulmans dans
la laacite [Muslims in a Secular Society],
Lyon, Tawhid, 1994, note 4, page 36.

3 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Notre identite face an contexte: Assimilation, integration ou contribution? [Our identity and its context: Assimilation,
integration or contribution?]," recorded in France, QA 44, Tawhid.

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid.

6 T. Ramadan, Les musulmans dans la
laicite, pp. 30-31-

7 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Vivre en Occident [Living in the West]," part 2.

8 T. Ramadan, Les musulmans d'Occident
et l'avenir de l'Islam, p. 173-

9 T. Ramadan, "Notre identite face an
contexte: Assimilation, integration ou

1o Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Lidentite
musulmane. Construire notre discours [The Muslim identity: Developing our discourse]," Abidjan, July
1999, QA 28, Tawhid.

ii Ibid.

12 T. Ramadan, "Notre identite face au
contexte. Assimilation, integration on

13 Cassette "Islam d'Europe: entre reli gion minoritaire et message universel
[European Islam: Between minority
religion and universal message]," debate organized in Lyon between Tariq Ramadan and Tareq Oubrou, HC
024, Tawhid.

14 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam et
laicite. Comprehension et dialogue
[Islam and secularism: Understanding and dialogue]," part 2, recorded in
Senegal in 1998, QA 18, Tawhid.

15 T. Ramadan, Les musulmans dons la
laicite, p. 152, note 50-

16 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Pour une
culture islamique alternative [For an
alternative Islamic culture]," QA 33,

17 T. Ramadan, "Vivre en Occident."

18 T. Ramadan, "Pour une culture islamique alternative."

19 Ibid.

20 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Rapports

21 "Paroles et musique," Presence Musulmane, bulletin no. 6, April 1999.

22 Tariq Ramadan, "Une culture islamique europeenne," Presence Musulmane, bulletin no. 6, 1999.

23 T. Ramadan, "Pour une culture islamique alternative."

24 Ibid.

25 Ibid.

26 Abd al-Malik, QuAllah benisse la
France, Paris, Albin Michel, 2004, P134-36.

27 Hani Ramadan, L'Islam et la derive de
de l'Occident, Ennour, 2001, p. 71, note

28 T. Ramadan, "Vivre en Occident."

29 T. Ramadan, "Pour une culture islamique alternative."

3o Tariq Ramadan cassette, "La femme
musulmane face a son devoir
d'engagement [The Muslim woman
and her duty to participate]," recorded in Abidjan (Ivory Coast), QA 22,

31 T. Ramadan, "Pour une culture islamique alternative."

32 T. Ramadan, "Notre identite face au
contexte. Assimilation, integration on

33 T. Ramadan, "L'identite musulmane.
Construire notre discours."

34 T. Ramadan, "Notre identite face an
contexte. Assimilation, integration ou

35 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam et
Occident. References et valeurs [Islam and the West: References and values]," part 2, lecture recorded in Abidjan, QA 15, Tawhid.

36 Le Monde des Debats, January 2, 2002.

37 This footnote has already been cited,
but Tariq Ramadan complained that
his opponents had not cited it in full.
I have therefore given the quote in ex-
tenso. Les musulmans dons la laicite,
note 6o, page 175.

38 Colloque International des Musulmans de l'Espace Francophone, Les
musulmans francophone. Comprehension, la terminologie, le discours, Tawhid, 2001, p. 101.

39 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane
face a son devoir d'engagement."

40 Cited by Josette Alia and Carole Barjo, in Le Nouvel Observateur, November 20, 2003-

41 Cited in Le Nouvel Observateur, September 4, 2003-

42 Le Progres, October 20, 2001.

43 Le Monde, January 18, 2003-

44 Le Monde des Debats, January 2, 2002.

45 T. Ramadan, "Islam et laicite. Comprehension et dialogue."

46 Ibid.

47 "Islam d'Europe: entre religion minoritaire et message universel."

48 Ibid.

49 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Etre musulman europeen [To be a European
Muslim]," QA 4, Tawhid.

5o T. Ramadan, Les musulmans d'Occident
et l'avenir de l'Islam, pp. 21-22.

51 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Vivre en Occident. Les cinq fondements de notre
presence [Living in the West: The Five
Grounds for our Presence]," part i,
QA 39, Tawhid.

52 Cited in Christophe Ayad and Olivier Bertrand, "Predicateur tous terrain
[An All-purpose Preacher]," Liberation, February 5, 2004-

53 Tariq Ramadan, Les musulmans dans la
laicite, 2nd revised ed., Lyon, Tawhid,
P• 35.

54 "Islam d'Europe: entre religion minoritaire et message universel."

55 Hassan al-Banna, Epitres aux jeunes
[Letter to the Young].

56 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam et
laicite. Comprehension et dialogue
[Islam and secularism: Understanding and dialogue]," part 2, recorded in
Senegal in 1998, QA 18, Tawhid.

57 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Le renouveau islamique [The Islamic revival],"
QA 23, Tawhid.

58 Ibid.

59 T. Ramadan, "Islam d'Europe: entre
religion minoritaire et message universel [European Islam: Between minority religion and universal message]," debate organized in Lyon
between Tariq Ramadan and Tarek
Oubrou, HC 024, Tawhid.

6o T. Ramadan, "Islam et laicite. Comprehension et dialogue."

61 T. Ramadan, Les musulmans d'Occident
et l'avenir de l'Islam, p. 285.

62 Ibid. pp. 287-88.

63 T. Ramadan, "Vivre en Occident."

64 Interview with Aziz Mouride, February 26, 2004-

65 Dounia Bouzar, L'Islam des banlieues.
Les predicateurs musulmans: nouveaux
travailleurs sociaux?, Paris, Syros,

66 L'une voilee, l'autre pas [One Wears
the Veil, the Other Doesn't], Paris, Albin Michel, 2003, served as a media
springboard for Saida Kada, a young
Islamist trained by the Muslim Sisters
of Lyon.

67 This French association was founded
in 2001 to defend the rights of women, particularly those of North African descent, living in working-class
neighborhoods, who were victims
both of racism and also of virulent sexism based on tradition or religion.

68 Fadela Amara, Ni putes ni soumises, interviews with Sylvia Zappi, Paris, La
Decouverte, 2003, PP. 73-75.

69 L'Humanite, February 20,2003-

70 Interview with Nadia Amiri, January

71 This crime led, in February 2003,
to the Marche des femmes contre
les ghettos et pour l'egalite [Womens March Against Ghettoes and For
Equality], which, in turn, gave birth to
the movement Ni Putes Ni Soumises.

72 FaridAbdelkrim, Na'alBoulaFrance?!,
preface by Ahmed al-Micherfi, La
Courneuve, GEDIS, 2002.

73 Cited by Le Monde, February 12, 2003-

74 Internet message (February 2004,
since removed) on

75 Le Monde, November 17,2003-

76 Interview in Le Progres, October 16,

77 Interview with Christian Delorme,
March 5, 2004.

Chapter six

1 The High- Level Advisory Group on the
Dialogue between Peoples and Cultures, presided over by Assia Alaoui
Bensalah and Jean Daniel, was assigned to submit a report concerning
the Euro-Mediterranean Area. The
other members were Ms. Fatima Mer-
nissi, Ms. Simone Susskind-Wein-
berger, Ms. Tullia Zevi and Messrs
Malek Chebel, Juan Diez Nicolas,
Umberto Eco, Shmuel N. Eisenstadt,
George Joffe, Ahmed Kamal Aboul-
magd, Bichara Khader, Adnan Wafic
Kassar, Pedrag Matvejevic, Rostane
Mehdi, Tariq Ramadan, Faruk Sen,
and Faouzi Skali.

8 Dominique Avron, "Une reponse a
`l'Islam reformiste' de Tariq Ramadan

[A reply to Tariq Ramadans `reformist
Islam,"' Nunc, no. 4, October 2003-

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