Brown Eyed Girl (19 page)

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Authors: Lori Leger

BOOK: Brown Eyed Girl
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Not anymore, Tiff. I spoke to dad and he’s going to tell mom to lay off.”

No kidding? If that’s true you get the brother of the year award.”

Just for that?” Drake said, laughing. “I thought I’d at least have to whip Tanner’s ass to be deserving of that honor.”

That would get you brother of the decade.”

Hm…don’t tempt me, Sis. I’ve wanted to do that for years.”

Now, you sound like Red.”

Ah, McAllister, your rescuer. Why would you say that?”

Red broke Tanner’s nose at a wedding a while back.”

Tanner snorted. “I knew I liked him. What was his motivation?”

Oh, there was some old history there, but Tanner putting the moves on Annie, Red’s youngest sister, was the last straw.”

Any chance his sister welcomed Tanner’s attention?” Tiffany’s sudden burst of laughter surprised him.

If you knew Annie at all you wouldn’t be asking that,”
she snorted
. “Besides, Red walked in just in time to see her slap him and call him a jerk. She’s a scrappy little thing.”

Drake chuckled softly. “Well if anybody would know scrappy, it’s you. I can still see you kicking Randy Johnson’s ass when I was in first grade.”

Hey, that big bully had no right picking on you. He left you alone after that, didn’t he?”

Yeah, but he was never quite the same after that incident—I think you did permanent damage to his psyche.”

Tiffany laughed.
“The male ego is such a delicate thing.”

Drake smiled at the sound he hadn’t heard near enough lately. “Damn, it’s good to hear you laugh. You know, I’ve been keeping track.”

Of what?”

Your laughter, it’s been at least three years since I’ve heard it or seen you smile like you really meant it.” He heard her take a deep breath and release it slowly.

I feel like I can breathe again. I wish I could see you little brother. Why don’t you come for a visit?”

I’m working on something right now, but I plan on wrapping up a couple of pending cases in the next two weeks.”

When’s the last time you took any time off?”

I went skiing in Colorado...last year sometime.”

Was that the time you sprained your wrist?”


That was three years ago, Drake.”

Oh, I know. I went to Mardi Gras in New Orleans.”

That was before the ski trip.”

Oh, yeah. Well, hell. I guess it’s been awhile.”

I’m holding you to Christmas, you know. Your butt had better be here. We’ve both been invited to Red’s ranch, and his entire family will be there.”

I will. So, are you falling for this Scott McAllister? Because if you are, I think you should let me meet him first.”

We’re good friends, for right now, anyway. I’m not saying that I couldn’t have some feelings for him in the future, but I need to be by myself for awhile.”

Not if Red has his way.
“Whatever you say, Sis. Hey, I need to let you go, but I promise I’ll be there for Christmas.”

Please plan to come back for New Year’s Eve,”
she pleaded.
“You could be my date for the opening of Red’s new club.”

Maybe I will,” he told her. “I love you Tiff.”

Love you too.”

Drake hung up the phone feeling lighter in his chest. Maybe it was the fact that he’d just helped someone other than his own firm to screw someone over.

Maybe it
time for a change,” he murmured.




Around noon on Saturday, Tiffany’s nerves finally snapped at the incessant ringing of her telephone. For two hours straight, she’d answered Tanner’s calls by picking up the receiver and slamming it down immediately, hoping he’d get the message. Fed up with him, she picked it up and growled into the mouthpiece. “Don’t make me put a hit out on you, jack ass!” The answering deep chuckle told her she missed her mark.

Your ex been bothering you this morning?”

She dropped onto her couch. “Sorry about that Red. I just assumed it was him again. He’s been calling since ten a.m.”

Maybe you should get your number changed.”

Why should I go through that kind of trouble? It’s time Tanner learns he can’t always get his way.”

Listen to you going all ‘girl power’ on me. I’m so proud.”

“I’m sure. What’s up, McAllister?” she said, checking her watch.

“I called to find out if you need a lift to my club tonight.”

“That depends on how long it takes my hair stylist,” she said. “Can I let you know when I get back?”


They disconnected and Tiffany picked up her purse to leave for her 12:15 hair appointment. Stopping in front of the mirror, she took one last look at herself as a blonde. “Good riddance,” she said, closing the door behind her.




Drake LeBlanc parked his white Denali pick-up next to Tiffany’s convertible. He unfolded his six foot two inch frame from the front seat, threw his bag over his shoulder, and made his way to his sister’s front door. He rang the bell, humming along to the classic rock ballad blaring from a sound system inside her house.

He waited with bated breath, anticipating Tiffany’s reaction to seeing him, and wasn’t disappointed. She squealed with delight and threw her arms around him.

Oh my God, I can’t believe you’re here!” She said, breathless from excitement.

After a prolonged hug, he set her away from him to get a good look at her. “I couldn’t stay away one more day, Tiff.”

Do you have a good reason for shocking the hell out of me, or is it just a by-product of your twisted sense of humor?”

“Well,” he drawled, “I wanted to surprise you, but I think it just backfired on me. Look at your hair!” Drake touched the soft brown curls and gave a nod of approval. “
the Tiffany I know and love.”

She patted her soft curls and beamed up at him. “Thanks little brother.”

“Okay, seeing as how I’m nearly a foot taller than you are, do you think you could stop with the ‘little brother’ thing?”

“No way; you may be bigger, but I’m older and you’ll always be ‘little brother’ to me, so get over it,” she said, pulling him inside.

“Nice place you got here, sis. Aren’t you glad you have such a smart brother to talk you into hanging onto it?”

“Every once in a while he proves his worth,” Tiffany said. “How long can you stay?”

“This is a one night only appearance, so you’d better appreciate the trouble I went to for your sake.”

She gave him another hug. “God, I needed to see you. Oh hold on,” she said, picking up the phone. “I need to call Red and tell him not to pick me up.”

“Hold up! I’m not stopping you from a date, am I?”

“No, I was just catching a ride with him to his club tonight in Lafayette. But, I can go there anytime,” she said with a wave of her hand.

“I’d like to go too, but I don’t want to be a third wheel.”

“Then we’ll drive over together,” Tiffany suggested. “It’ll give us more time to visit.”

Tiffany called Red to let him know she wouldn’t need a ride to the club. She asked for the address and told him she’d be there around eight, with her brother. After ending the call, she stared up at Drake. “Are you sure you’re up to this? After a two and a half hour drive, I hate to make you ride for another hour or so.”

Drake brushed off her concern. “It’s not a problem, I just hope I can find someone to dance with besides my sister. That would be pathetic.”

“I’m kind of surprised you didn’t bring along one of your
from the model of the month club.”

“Come on, now, they weren’t all models,” he murmured.

“Every last one of them looked anemic and like they’d scratch my eyes out for one bite of my steak and baked potato.”

“Oh please, quit exaggerating,” he snorted.

“I’m not! What is it with guys and skinny women?”


Tiffany’s jaw dropped. “I am not skinny. I’m athletic. Do you think any of your dates in the last five years could run three miles a day? I don’t think so. Now, let me see what you brought to wear, because I don’t think it’s a tee shirt and faded jeans kind of place.”

Drake lifted his bag by its strap. “I brought a set of decent clothes, I just didn’t want to drive in them.” He set the bag on her floor. “You let me worry about me and get yourself dressed to impress Mr. McAllister.”

“I’m not doing anything to impress Red. I just wanted to have a little fun with a good friend.”

“Yeah,” he said, still unconvinced. “Whatever you say.”



Annie McAllister walked into Red’s club around eight o’clock and made her way over to the table by the band. After greeting Bailey, Brandon, and the rest of his band, she set out in search of Red, finding him deep in discussion with the bartender.

Red finished up and turned to her. “Hey Sis, you got your dancing shoes on?”

“Yep, it’s been a hell of a week. I’ll have the usual, Bobby” she said to the bartender before he handed her a light beer. “Where’s Tiffany? I thought she was driving in with you?”

“Her brother came in unexpectedly and she wanted to visit with him a little longer. She’s still coming but they’ll drive over together.”

“She has a brother?”

“Yeah, Drake—younger by a couple of years.”

What does he look like?”

“I have no idea. We’ve only spoken once, and it was over the phone. He seemed pretty straight-up, like Doc.”

“Is he a doctor too?”

“He’s a lawyer.”

“Ugh!” she said, unable to hide her cringe. “I hate him already.”

“Give him a chance, Annie. If he’s anything like Tiffany, he can’t be that bad.”

She spun on her heels, tossing back her auburn locks. “I don’t have to give him a chance.
not in love with his sister.”


Red finished up a phone call and exited his office toward the back of the club. He searched the area for Tiffany without success, realizing the full house was poor substitution for the woman he cared for. He headed for Annie, who stood talking to a group of women he didn’t know.

“Annie, have you seen Doc yet?” he asked.

One woman turned abruptly and he found himself staring into a pair of familiar brown eyes. He felt his mouth gape open, knew he must look like an idiot as he tried to come to terms with Doc as a gorgeous brunette instead of a beautiful blonde.

Tiffany’s eyes crinkled with laughter. “I won’t hold it against you since I barely recognize my own reflection.”

Somewhat recovered, but wanting nothing more than to get tangled up in those rich brown curls, he managed to close his mouth. He fought the urge to reach out for her, thinking he’d be helpless if she only knew the effect she had on him. “I can’t believe the difference it’s made.”

Tiffany’s left eyebrow rose in a delicate arch. “For the better, I hope.”

“Absolutely,” he said, nodding as he finally gave in and touched the silky softness of the curls shimmering with golden highlights. “Tanner is a fool. You are positively stunning.”

“Thank you, Red.”

“Hey,” Annie said, waving a hand in front of Red’s face. “I want to go meet Bailey, but judging from heat you two are generating, I’m not sure it’s safe to leave Tiffany alone with you.”

“Okay sis,” Red murmured, never breaking eye contact with Tiffany.

Oh Lord,” Annie grumbled, as she turned away. “Get a room, you two.”





Chapter 9


Drake rounded the corner after leaving the men’s room and nearly knocked a tiny, though tightly-packed woman, clean off her feet. He reached out to keep her from flying backwards onto her diminutive derriere. “Excuse me, little lady,” he managed to drawl, just before his breath caught at the sight of the beautiful blue eyes, wide with surprise. He’d never been attracted to red heads, especially ones with curly hair.
Until now, anyway.
He gazed, transfixed by the silky auburn curls framing the delicate features of her face. Brows of the same hue lifted as her eyes widened.

“It’’s okay...,” she stammered before visibly composing herself. She sidestepped him and made her way toward the ladies room.

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