Bruja (28 page)

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Authors: Aileen Erin

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Dark Fantasy, #Romance, #New Adult, #Paranormal, #Coming of Age

BOOK: Bruja
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Years? That sounded crazy, but also pretty amazing. “Okay. But what about work?”

He raised an eyebrow. “You want to work? Doing what?”

I started fidgeting with my napkin. “Not me. You. Don’t you have a job, or…?”

His smile was back. “Haven’t for a very long time. I don’t need to work. I have lots of sound investments.”

I opened and closed my mouth a few times, unsure of what to say to that. “So, we travel?”

He tilted his head to the side as he stared at me. “Where do you want to go?”

Everywhere. Anywhere. I didn’t really care. “I don’t know. I never thought I’d be able to.”

“Well think about it. But breakfast first.” He pointed to my plate.

I played with my food for a second before looking back at him.

“What?” He drew out the word with a smirk.

“I was just thinking…” I shook my head. “No. It’s embarrassing.”

“You don’t have to be embarrassed. Just ask.”

I knew how I felt about him. I’d been attracted to him at first. And then he was nice. And fun. I loved his laugh and his smile. I liked how polite he was to everyone. Well, except Gobble. But he was kind. Warm. And his aura… It was so him. Warm like sunlight. Being around him was like spending the day tanning by the pool. But did he love me? No one had ever said that to me. Raphael wasn’t much for those kinds of words, and my parents… Well, they weren’t the best at being parents. “I was just wondering—”

All of a sudden the bond opened, and I could feel everything Lucas was feeling. Everything he was thinking. I knew it all. Could feel it all as if his emotions were my own.

It was so powerful, what he felt. So…

So much. It was like wrapping myself in a warm blanket.

It was love.

Oh my God. He wasn’t just saying that. He really loved me.

“You thought I didn’t? That I’d want to mate with the first witch I came across?”

It seemed ridiculous when he put it that way. “No. I just… I don’t know what I thought.”

“I waited a long time for you. Many, many decades. Longer than that.”

I laughed. “How old are you?” I stuck my fork in a hunk of melon.

“I’ll wait until you’re not so young before I tell you. I don’t want you to get spooked.”

“Are you as old as Donovan?” I asked as I waved the fruit in the air, and then took a bite.

He settled back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Older.”

That didn’t make sense. “But you look younger?”

He laughed. “I can’t wait to tell him you said so.”

I paused. “But then why aren’t you one of the Seven?”

Lucas gave me the most wicked look. “I don’t like to play by the rules.”

Holy moly. How did I not know he was a bad boy at heart?

No. I must’ve misunderstood.

Lucas motioned to the food. “Eat. And then you can take a nap before the flight. I didn’t realize how exhausted you were. You didn’t move the entire time you slept.”

I rubbed my eyes. “It’s the first time I’ve been able to actually sleep without the fear of Luciana draining me. I did okay in Peru—I was far enough away—but I was—”

“Restless. I thought it was because I was with you.”

I shook my head. “Not at all. I was just afraid to close my eyes.”

“Ah. I see.” Lucas stood up, and walked to my chair, reaching a hand for me. It seemed natural to reach back to him.

He pulled me down on the bed and tucked me against him so I could rest my head on his chest. Then he pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Sleep. I’ll watch over you.”

I got comfortable, resting half on him, my arm across his stomach. He ran his fingers up and down my arm. For the first time in longer than I could remember, I felt safe. Comfortable. Not panicked.



We met in the lobby a few hours later. Adrian was already there, chatting with Shane and Beth. We were just waiting on Raphael and the wolf I still hadn’t met yet.

After the nap, Lucas got me more food, and I felt infinitely better. As I sat down, I was glad we hadn’t stayed here longer. The couch was a fuzzy zebra print with hot pink and neon green pillows. The coffee table was chrome and glass. Actually everything was either black and white, neon colored, or chrome. There were so many shiny surfaces, the hotel must spend a fortune on cleaners.

What I didn’t understand at all was the hot pink deer head hanging over the mantel.

It’s a little much, don’t you think?

Lucas nodded.
It’s hideous.


We both started laughing, and Adrian moaned. “Not you, too.”

“Sorry,” I said.

I felt Raphael coming down the hall before I saw him. Twindar was back. I stood up. “Hey,” I said as I gave him a hug. His skin tone was still a little off, but he looked like himself now. “You look better.”

“Feel much better. Thank you.”

“Anything for you.”

Raphael turned to Lucas, sizing him up. “I hear you’re mated to my sister now.”

Lucas stood tall, meeting Raphael’s stare-down head on. “I would’ve liked to have met you before we bonded, but we found ourselves in a bit of situation and Claudia needed the added power boost.” He held out his hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I hope you know that I’ll do everything I can to make sure your sister is happy and well taken care of.”

“Are you going to make her change?”

I choked on air at the blunt question. Before I could say it was none of his business, Lucas spoke up. “Never. If she wants to change, that’s up to her. She’s my mate either way.” He didn’t even bristle at my brother’s sharp tone.

Raphael crossed his arms. “None of this forced biting like the guy my cousin hooked up with.”

“Absolutely not.” Lucas looked to me. “What Dastien did was wrong. He knows it. He was young and couldn’t control the urge. But I’m not young. Okay?”

I nodded. My life was complicated enough without being a wolf, and for once I wanted to think things through before jumping in. For the time being, it was enough to just be me.

“Let’s go,” Adrian said. “Don’t want to miss the flight. Tessa is freaking out. She thinks Luciana is up to something.”

I sighed. “She’s always up to something.”

“Well, this time it’s extra bad.”

When it came to Luciana, it was always bad. “You got the stuff?”

Raphael held up a small gym bag. “Although how we’re going to get a hand past security…”

I winced. “We’ll figure it out.” Lucas ran his fingers down my arm, until he reached my hand, twining our fingers together. “Let’s get this over with,” I said.

“And then on to the next chapter,” Lucas said. “Maybe we can pick up a travel book in the airport?”

I grinned up at him. “That would be amazing.”

As we left, I knew that we had some big things to do before we got to have our time together, but I was aiming for the stars. And I’d be more than happy with the moon. It was fitting, too. I’d have the moon and the wolf.

As we got in the taxi, I leaned against Lucas.

“Everything okay?”

I looked up at him. “Everything’s just fine.”

He pressed his lips against mine, and I melted. When he pulled away, I leaned against him again. “Yup. Everything’s just fine.”

The Alpha Girls series continues with Tessa and Dastien in
Alpha Unleashed

Out September 29, 2015.
Click here to order now

For more information and updates about the series, go to:

Also by Aileen Erin,
, Book One in The Shadow Ravens Series.

Click here to order now

For more information and updates about the series, go to:

Also from Ink Monster, The Angelbound Series, by Christina Bauer.

Click here to order
, the first book in the series.

Also available in The Angelbound Series:
, and

For more information and updates about the series, go to:


To all my readers, you asked for Claudia’s story and you got it! I’m hoping to expand to other characters, too. Anyone want a Meredith book? ;)

Thank you to everyone who read this book. I wrote it during a particularly difficult time in my life. For a while, I wasn’t sure if I’d get it done in time, but somehow I did.

I needed some cheerleaders to get through it.

Lola Dodge: I wouldn’t have finished if it wasn’t for you believing in me. Thank you for all the random Skype sessions and speedy edits. I’m always so thankful that we got paired together all those years ago. Best crit partner ever If it wasn’t official before, it surely is now. You’re stuck with me

Christina: My fellow Ink Monster in crime, thank you for being my partner in this crazy business. Having you by my side makes everything easier and much, Much, MUCH more fun! We’re rocking it, sistah!

To all of the lovely ladies at INscribe: Thank you for everything that you do. Christina and I wouldn’t be as far as we are today without you! <3

To the lovely Kristi Latcham: Thank you for all of your support and proofing! You’re the best mother-in-law a girl could ask for. We’ve been through the wringer the last six months, but the light is ahead.

To my Halcyon Bastards: You three are a constant inspiration to me. Thank you for being such great friends. Can’t wait ‘till I see you all again.

To my family and friends: Thank you for all of your support. It’s been a rough few months, and I couldn’t have gotten through without you all.

To everyone at Seton Hill University’s Writing Popular Fiction program, big hugs! I’m lucky to have such an awesome second family.

Last, but most importantly, to my husband: You are my everything. Thank you for carrying me through this hard time. Thank you for being supportive through thick and thin. For believing in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. I love you more than words could ever express. A lifetime with you won’t be enough.

Aileen Erin
is half-Irish, half-Mexican, and 100% nerd—from Star Wars (prequels don’t count) to Star Trek (TNG FTW), she reads Quenya and some Sindarin, and has a severe fascination with the supernatural. Aileen has a BS in Radio-TV-Film from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. She lives with her husband in Los Angeles, and spends her days doing her favorite things: reading books, creating worlds, and kicking ass.

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