Bruja (9 page)

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Authors: Aileen Erin

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Dark Fantasy, #Romance, #New Adult, #Paranormal, #Coming of Age

BOOK: Bruja
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I couldn’t get excited about a destined person when I was so worried about keeping myself and the people I cared about alive. “I’ll figure out how to break it. It will be easier in Peru.” And I said a quick prayer that I wasn’t just trying to convince myself.

“I… Ugh.” Cosette wrinkled her nose and said something in a language I’d never heard before. The words were beautifully fluid, but I could tell she was cursing. That much was universal. “I want to help. I really want to. I can’t make any promises without binding myself, but I’ll try. I don’t want to see you getting hurt.”

“I wouldn’t want you getting yourself in trouble.” Even though I was terrified of what might happen, I’d made the oath. I’d known the road I was heading down and the consequences were mine to bear.

“That’s why I’m offering. It’s easy enough to ask the little folk to watch over you, but be careful if you ask them for favors. If they follow the old ways, they’ll try to take you for whatever they can get.”


“Claudia.” Cosette held up a hand. “Chill with the human manners. If you’re asking for something, bargain hard and make sure you know exactly what you’re agreeing to. Never imply that you owe anything.”

“Got it.” I nodded, grateful even if she wouldn’t let me say it.

“Good. Although depending how things play out these next few days, maybe I’ll come running after you.” She let out a sigh that sounded like a spring breeze. “Getting mixed up with the wolves is changing everything for both of us.”

That was an understatement. I’d hardly left home before and suddenly I was flying off to a foreign country, trusting the wolves to keep me safe, while I searched for ancient magic…

I said another prayer, hoping I had the strength to do this. Raphael’s life depended on it.

Cosette might be worried I’d make an unfair bargain, but I was very close to being desperate. If it came to it, I was willing to give up anything that could save my brother. To save what was left of my coven and the wolves.

If I failed, Luciana’s black magic would spread through all our supernatural worlds. Not even normal humans would be safe if demons came into being.

I’d do anything to stop that from happening.

Chapter Eight

That night I couldn’t sleep at all. Call it nerves or fear—from the effects of the oath or the upcoming trip or the fact that I was sitting beside my still unconscious brother. Or all of the above. I just couldn’t relax enough to make myself actually sleep. I’d said all my goodbyes at dinner, and the morning would be just Muraco and me. I’d start this journey on my own—the same way I’d finish it.

My mother had always told me to picture what I wanted; if I believed it to be true, it would happen. I’d been doing that all night as I sat in the chair beside Raphael’s bed.

He hadn’t woken up yet. No one knew what that meant, but it couldn’t be a good sign. His exhale had taken on a rasping rattle that made my lungs burn in sympathy. But that wasn’t the worst part.

His aura was changing. It was usually blue and purple with touches of white. Now, it was turning a muddy brown. It was like his soul was slowly disappearing. I’d cried a little at first, but as time ticked by, I grew more and more determined.

I’d go. Find the magic I needed to save my brother and defeat Luciana. Use the distance to figure out how to break Luciana’s hold on me.

My backpack sat at my feet. I’d stuffed it until I could barely get the flap closed. I was showered. My hair was braided. I was as ready as I’d ever be.

When I shook off the sleepless trance long enough to check the time, I realized it had gotten away from me. Muraco would be by any minute now, and this might be the last time I saw my brother alive.

I stood up and paced away from the bed. I rested my forehead against the cool wall, trying to calm down but failing.

I couldn’t think like that. I had to fix this. There was no other choice.

A soft tap sounded at my door just before five in the morning. I brushed my sweating palms on my jeans.

“Are you ready, child?” Muraco said as soon as I opened the door. His white hair stood out brightly against his darkly tanned, wrinkled skin. He was tall, but walked with a little bit of a hunch. His golden aura had threads of darker oranges and reds running through it. Most of the wolves here had very one-note auras, but his was rich and varied. The deeper highlights told me he was special. He had to be much stronger than he looked. And much, much older.

“Yes, sir.”

He huffed and turned, heading down the hallway.

I leaned over my brother and kissed his clammy forehead. “Hang in there for me. Don’t you dare give up.”

With that, I hoisted my pack and started after Muraco. When I reached the door, I didn’t dare look back.

The next time I saw Raphael, I’d be handing him the cure he needed.

A black SUV was idling in the parking lot. I didn’t know which
had to take us to the airport, but I felt a little bad about the early hour. I could’ve driven. I had a license. Not that I used it much… But I had it.

“You will do this,” Muraco said when I got in the car.

I placed my backpack between my feet and buckled in. “Of course.” I stared out the window as the car began to move.

So long,
I thought to myself as the driver sped out of St. Ailbe’s parking lot. Only the unknown lay ahead of me. Even with all my worry, there was hope. I just had to hold on to that feeling and not let go.


By the time we landed in Cusco, I was ready to be done traveling. It’d taken two flights and most of the day. Since Mr. Dawson had to get my ticket so last minute, I was at the back of the plane, while Muraco was at the front. I didn’t mind, but now I was anxious. In all the rush, we hadn’t coordinated where we’d meet after this last leg of our journey.

At least I’d found a new hope to latch onto. As soon as we’d taken off in San Antonio, I’d felt my oath to Luciana start thinning

I’d let sleep take me in the middle of the first flight, but I’d been in the aisle seat. The guy in the middle seat hadn’t liked it when my head rested on his shoulder and he couldn’t wake me. He’d been pretty upset.

Since I was on the aisle again for the second leg of the trip, I fought sleep the whole way from Lima to Cusco. I didn’t want to cause another scene, but a handful of hours of sleep in the past few days made it extremely difficult to keep my eyes open. Thankfully, it wasn’t a long flight.

I waited to exit my aisle, holding only my small purse. I texted Teresa quickly and then shut the phone off as the roaming warnings started buzzing in. I’d borrowed Raphael’s cell, but I would pay for the bill. It would be expensive if I wasn’t extremely careful. I looked past the man sitting next to me to stare out the window as I waited for everyone in front to clear the way. The sun was setting outside the airplane window, spreading beautiful pinks and oranges across the sky.

“Ma’am?” the guy sitting next to me said, impatient to get out of the aisle.

“Sorry.” I moved too quickly and tripped over my own feet.
Just the way I wanted to start this out.
“Sorry,” I mumbled again to no one in particular and started down the aisle.

As soon as I crossed the bridge, the temperature hit me.
. I held my arms tight to my body. Even the air smelled different here. Thinner and crisper. The crisp part was fine, but the thin quality made it feel like I couldn’t take a full breath.

I inhaled deeply, trying to get in more air, and failed. I’d never been at such a high altitude. Muraco had said to be careful and take it easy, but I didn’t have time for that. I had to adjust quickly.

I stepped into the terminal and looked around for the old wolf, but Muraco was long gone. I couldn’t find a hint of him anywhere. The mass of people moving up and down the areas between gates made it hard to really find anyone. Overhead signs pointed the way to the exit—baggage claim and car services—and I started along my way. At least I’d already gone through customs in Lima.

I tried to search for Muraco in the crowd ahead, but didn’t see him anywhere as I walked forward. He must be waiting for me somewhere outside.

He’d better be waiting for me somewhere outside.

I made it to the baggage claim and grabbed my bag, hefting onto my shoulder before continuing my search for Muraco. The closer I got to the exits, the more chaotic the airport got. Tour guides held up signs trying to get their groups together. Stands advertising different tourist attractions took up space along the walls, crowding me in as workers shouted about deals.

I thought I’d made it out of the worst of the mess when someone shoved a bowl of dried leaves in my face. “Coca leaves. Take some.
. Free.”

The bowl smelled of earth and something totally unfamiliar and I stepped back on instinct. The lady smiled at me, showing off a few missing teeth. She wore a beautifully embroidered full skirt. Her bright pink cardigan picked up the colors of the thread flowers. Her browned skin was thin and wrinkling, but she kept on smiling at me, holding the bowl, urging me to take what she was offering.

No witch with any common sense would accept unknown herbs from an unknown source. The lady seemed nice, and if she really was offering dried coca leaves, they weren’t harmful by themselves, but that was the problem. They could have other herbs mixed in with them or be coated in something else. And even if taking things from strangers at airports wasn’t stupid to the nth degree, I didn’t know what she wanted me to do with a bunch of dried leaves. They didn’t look particularly edible.

Yeah. I wasn’t going to go down that road. “No, thank—”

“You should take some, princess,” a deep, gravelly voice said from behind me.

Nope. Not gonna happen.
I opened my mouth to tell that to the speaker, but as soon as I saw him I couldn’t breathe.

He was the most gorgeous guy I’d ever seen. He grinned down at me, and I nearly melted on the spot. As it was, I was going to embarrass myself staring. His hair was black and cut short, but it looked a little messy. Not like he’d spent all morning trying to get it right, but more like it was just naturally like that. Effortlessly handsome.

And his eyes…

They were so dark brown I couldn’t see the difference between the iris and pupil. Like twin dark pools. If I wasn’t careful, I could get lost in them.

I was inching my gaze down his body, taking in the lovely browned skin, when I finally focused in on his aura. Golden.

A wolf. Of course the mega hot guy was a wolf.

Which means he’s utterly off limits.
It was a good thing. That way I wouldn’t be tempted. But as I looked at him, he was more than tempting. I should’ve been used to Weres after St. Ailbe’s, but apparently I wasn’t. He’d taken me totally off guard—so much so that I was forgetting to speak.

He cleared his throat and motioned back to the lady. “The leaves. They’re dried coca—”

“I know what they are, but isn’t cocaine bad? Plus, it’s not good to take things from someone you don’t know.”

He laughed and I held my breath, not wanting to cover that beautiful sound. He picked a couple leaves out of the bowl. “Cocaine happens when you do all kinds of awful things to the plant, but this—” he held them up for me to see “—is natural. Helps with the altitude. If you’re feeling dizzy or short of breath, then chew on the leaves—just let them rest in your mouth—or steep them into a tea. It’s a local remedy.” He stuck one in his mouth and chewed. “See? Perfectly safe.”

I was definitely feeling dizzy and short of breath, but I couldn’t say for sure if it was because of the altitude. “I’m fine.”

He grinned, showing off a perfect row of pearly whites. “If you say so,” he said as he moved past me toward the exit.

I stayed there, standing still as everyone else moved around me. I couldn’t take my eyes off his back as he wove through the chaos, never bumping anyone, moving straight and confident.

My exact opposite.

The lady still stood there expectantly, so I took a handful of leaves against my better judgment and shoved them in my pocket for later as I thanked her.

When I turned back to the exit, my eyes found Him again. He was looking back at me. Was I supposed to follow him? Did he know Muraco, or did he just enjoy watching my awkwardness?

I straightened my shirt, suddenly self-conscious. He winked and my cheeks grew hot as he disappeared through the exit.

Way to play it cool, Claudia.
I adjusted my backpack and started walking again.
Next time you come across a guy like that, just move on. You’ve got things to do here. Raphael is counting on you.

And great. I’m talking to myself. In my head. Again. But still. Off to a great start.

As soon as I passed through the sliding doors, the cool breeze hit my face. The air was noticeably thinner, making me feel seriously out of shape. I was no Teresa, but I forced myself to do cardio DVDs a few times a week. Apparently, that wasn’t enough to survive Cusco. The leaves were in my pocket… But still, I couldn’t put them in my mouth. Who knew where they came from?

I scanned the parking lot of the tiny airport. It was getting dark, and a sea of people milled. Some were picking up loved ones. Others were tour participants. Cab drivers shouted as they offered the rest cheap rides to hotels.

Where in the hell was Muraco?

I couldn’t afford to mess this up. I didn’t have time for this. I needed to get started looking for these mages.

Stupid. So stupid. I should’ve planned more. Asked more questions. He’d mentioned a hotel, but I had no idea what it was called. Was I supposed to get there on my own?

I should’ve convinced Teresa to come with me. She’d know what to do.

“You okay, child?” Muraco said, startling me.

My heart jumped into my throat for a second. The wolves were always sneaking up on me. I shouldn’t flinch every time someone talked to me when I thought I was totally alone, but the reaction wasn’t so easy to control.

Thank God he hasn’t left yet.
“Yes. I’m fine.”

Muraco stood with a group of guys. They all wore jeans and fleeces. Most had a bit of shadow to their beards. From the way they watched me, it seemed like they were assessing me. Understandable. I was an unknown

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