Buck (Rope 'n Ride #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Buck (Rope 'n Ride #1)
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Still, she kept the smile plastered on her face. After all, the film crews were lurking around somewhere, and she knew as soon as she got bitchy with a customer that they’d get it on film.

She had no idea how she’d gotten tangled up in this reality show. This stuff only happened to other people, not simple Oklahoma girls.

She was glad for the money that would eventually help Luke, but it was annoying her that she didn’t know what to expect. Was it all staged and rehearsed? Some of the reality shows looked that way on TV. Maybe because it was their first season, they could act more naturally. And with any luck, she’d be on the outskirts of it all.

The open-air restaurant teemed with waitresses, bus boys and hungry people. She took an order and delivered one before she got a second to look up toward the place where Buck would be.

After the Calhouns had asked her to travel to Waco with them, she’d reluctantly agreed. She didn’t totally trust her little car and hated long drives alone. But she’d managed to slip into West’s truck and rode in companionable comfort with Wynonna and West while Buck and the others drove ahead of them.

Nobody mentioned her entanglement with Buck, and for that she was grateful. She didn’t quite understand what to do with her feelings toward him. She still loved him and her body wasn’t letting her forget him. Not. One. Bit.

Just get through the filming and I can stop seeing him.
The only way she was going to heal from their breakup was to put some distance between them.

She jumped back into the fray and earned another twenty bucks in tips before someone nudged her from behind. She turned to see one of the waitresses she’d worked several rodeos with across the country fixated on a distant point.

Channing pivoted to look too and a gut-punch of awareness struck her. She nearly doubled over but managed to remain upright. The crowd had parted for a single man followed by two cameramen, one on either side.

There isn’t a better angle,
she thought to say to them.
He’s beautiful from every side.

His hat was tipped higher than usual—probably a request from production. And the cowboy’s rolling gait was all muscled prowess. Her inner thigh muscles leaped as if urging her to spread ’em. She tightened her grip on her order pad and tried not to turn and run.

People whipped around to watch the scene but Buck kept coming—right for her. She planted her boots and swallowed her nervousness. When he was five steps away he locked gazes with her. Four, and a sparkle appeared in his eyes.

The old sparkle from their first days together, back before he forgot how to treat her. Could he be such a good actor that he’d conjured it again?

He reached for her, broad palm splayed over her back, pulling her close. When he swooped in to kiss her, she automatically twisted her head aside, giving him her cheek. But he didn’t kiss her cheek—he pressed his lips to her ear. His whisper raised a thousand shivers inside her. “Wish me luck on my ride this afternoon, darlin’.”

Her pussy squeezed, her panties soaked instantly. Without her brain telling it to, her hand lifted to cup his stubbled jaw. The rough hairs abrading her fingers sent shockwaves of need through her.

Aware of the camera lens pointed straight at her, she gathered her wits and pulled back enough to gaze up into his eyes. Her breath caught but she managed a, “Good luck.”

His stare grew more intense. When he hauled her up against him fully and crushed his lips over hers, she stopped thinking about the cameras and only focused on Buck.

She moaned and he took advantage of her parted lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth. Total need slammed her, and he damn well knew it. His cock responded by bulging against her belly. For a mind-blowing second she might have been transported in time, sent back to the early days when neither of them wanted to do anything but make out.

Someone whooped and he broke the kiss, his breath sweet across her face and his eyes hooded with desire. “I’m sure to win after that.” He slithered his hand down her spine and rested it on the curve of her bum. “Have I told you how hot you look in these pants before?”

“A time or two. If I remember correctly, these are the pants that you…” She flashed him a wink. “Well you remember.”

He squeezed her ass cheek and she squealed, wriggling from his hold. The production crew called for a cut in filming, and she was suddenly caught in the whirlwind of meeting the new crew members.

As she shook hands, she tried to remember their names but knew it was impossible. There must be twenty people tailing the Calhouns. She’d met a few upon arrival in Waco, when she’d signed her contract and got some tips and training on acting natural.

She shot Buck a glance from the corner of her eye. He certainly wasn’t acting natural. That kiss…

“Channing, are you working today?” someone called.

“Excuse me,” she said, flustered. Buck gave her that head-dip that made her want to throat-punch him. Biting back her irritation, she returned to waiting tables with a smile.

Every penny counted. Every dollar added up. With luck she’d have enough contract money to bail out her brother, and then both of them could start fresh. Maybe they’d even move away from Oklahoma.

Buck and the crew left, seeming to pull all the air out of her and taking it with him. After this was all over, she didn’t think she could remain even an hour’s distance from the Calhouns. They felt like her family now—and the idea of seeing Buck with a new woman, getting married and having a family… Well it was too much for Channing to bear.

Now she had a new goal—to make enough money to move far away. Though she was having a hell of a time not thinking about that toe-curling kiss he’d laid on her. Her panties were still damp, clinging to her swollen pussy. She wanted him so bad. How to shut down her body?

During her break, she counted up her tip money, pleased with the sum for half a shift’s work. And while she was washing her hands to go back out and serve tables, her phone vibrated.

She checked the screen before answering, hating herself for hoping it was Buck. But panicking when she saw it was Luke.

“Hey, what’s up?” she answered, glancing around to ensure no film crews were following her. But she wasn’t an important part of
Rope ‘n Ride.
She was alone.

“Sis, I’ve got a problem.”

When do you not?
She bit her tongue and said, “What’s going on?”

“These guys need a payment or they’re going to take my car.”

“Wait. They can’t just take your car, Luke. Who are these guys?” She didn’t really want to know but he didn’t tell her anyway.

“I wouldn’t have called you if I didn’t need help, Channing.”

“I…I don’t have any money, Luke. No savings. I can’t really help you.” It broke her heart to say it.

“What about your car, sis?”

Shock ripped through her. “

“Yeah, I need mine to go to work but you’ve got Buck.”

“No. It doesn’t work that way, Luke.” She wasn’t telling him about their fake engagement or even the reality show. She’d help him get these thugs off his back, and then he could get cleaned up and stop gambling.

“What else can I do?”

“Umm, maybe you can get a loan for a little bit to hold them off while we think of something?” If he relied on her contract money and something happened where she wasn’t able to give it—something like her freaking out and leaving because of Buck...

Luke made a noise that broke her heart. She pressed her fingertips into her eyelids and tried to gain some calm. Maybe she could ask Buck for the money.

No. She’d never do that. In fact, she didn’t plan to tell him anything about her personal life.

“Luke, listen, when I get home I’ll give you what I have. Just try to hold them off until then.”

“Yeah.” Suddenly he sounded distracted. “Thanks, Channing. I gotta run now. Talk to you later.”

She started to reply but was met with dial tone. For a minute after the call, she just stood staring into space, wondering how her brother would end up. This was the end of her rope—she would help him this time but never again.

A touch on her shoulder made her return to reality—reality
that was.

Two cameras zeroed in on her. Buck took one look at her face and said, “Give us a minute, guys.” He slid his arm around her and led her a few feet away.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, concern pinching his features.

“Nothing, Buck.”

“You’re pale.”

Was she? She never considered herself faint of heart but maybe she was more affected by the latest stresses than she’d thought.

She shook off his touch. “I’m fine. What do you need now? A close-up of you pinning me against a wall?”

As soon as the words were out, she wanted to do just that. Buck lowered his jaw and stared into her eyes. “If that happens, it will be in private. Even if I have to hog-tie these guys in order to do it.”

At the vision, she laughed. The carefree sound startled even her. She hadn’t laughed in a long time.

Buck’s low rumble ignited her. She barely had time to inhale sharply before he bent her over his arm and laid a kiss on her that sent her into spasms of need. Just as quickly as he’d stunned her, he whipped her upright and threw a look over his shoulder. The film crew was occupied with examining one of the cameras.

Buck swung his gaze back to her. She quivered in her boots.

Clamping his fingers around her arm, he towed her around a corner and into the shadows between a food cart and a T-shirt vendor. He cradled her back as he slammed her against the wooden wall, kissing her like he’d never kissed her before.

She knocked his hat off and dug her fingers into his hair, kissing him back with everything inside her. Her breasts ached and her pussy throbbed. She needed this man inside her—now. But not here.

Not ever.

She started to withdraw but he locked her tighter against his hard length. His cock dug into the seam of her pants, sending a brand new lightning bolt of desire through her.

“Fuck, I want you,” he grated out between kisses. She rubbed herself on his bulge, desperate for the blissful end.

“I…want you…too.” She shouldn’t be saying that. Right now, she didn’t care. He’d given the film crew the slip in order to drag her off and kiss her senseless.

He palmed her breast and she pushed into his hand. A dark heat slid through her lower belly and engulfed her pussy. Without thought, she eased his hand down where she wanted it.

“Hell,” he choked. Gazing deep into her eyes, he kneaded her pussy through her layers of clothing. “There’s no place to take you right here. Too many people and it’s too far to go to my room.”

She blinked. Came back to herself. Stiffening, she said, “Buck…”

“No. Don’t even say you don’t want me to nudge your thighs apart and drive my cock into you.”

She panted at his words. “I do,” she said weakly. “But we shouldn’t. It will only make things worse later.”

As if her words were cold water drops dumped over his head, he shoved away from the wall, away from her. Leaving her feeling alone and cold. She crossed her arms over her middle. Her chin quivered, but she refused to cry. She’d let him go too far.

“We aren’t together, Buck.”

“We’re engaged, goddammit.” He gripped her hand and held it before her eyes so she was looking at the ring she’d put back on her fourth finger.

“This is a sham,” she whispered, searching his eyes to make him understand. “You know being together that way will only worsen things.”

His jaw muscle fluttered. He pressed his lips together until they whitened. And then he said, “Fuck!” Stooping, he retrieved his hat and jammed it on his head so low that she was unable to see his eyes.

“Buck.” She hated how things were turning out and they’d only been pretending for a few hours. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other and that would only get more difficult the longer they were in each other’s company.

“At least come watch my event.” When she hesitated, he said, “Asher could use the support.”

“Okay. I’ll be there.”

He gave a single nod and slipped out from between the stalls. Leaving her to struggle with rising emotions and a burning need to follow him and give in to his demands.

* * * * *

“You good, man?” Buck asked Asher. His roping partner looked as if he were about to puke, but this wasn’t nerves. He hadn’t spoken a word about his wife or their troubles, but he didn’t have to. Buck knew it was tearing him up.

Asher nodded without meeting Buck’s gaze.

Clamping a hand on his friend’s shoulder, Buck said, “You’re a shitty liar, Ash. Whatever you tell me, I swear it won’t make it into the show.”

Giving a nod, Asher squeezed Buck’s arm. Buck released him and they stared at each other. “I got this,” Asher said.

“Good. Like riding a bike, man. Throw the rope.”

Asher didn’t reply, just tugged his hat lower. When the last team ropers came out of the arena with a half-decent score, Buck’s own nerves kicked in. If they won this, they’d have more money—for his goal of buying the ranch and for Asher to support his family. It would all be recorded on film. And Channing would be there to see him. Maybe she’d remember why she’d fallen for him in the first place and things would ease between them.

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