Buckskin Run (Ss) (1981) (7 page)

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Authors: Louis L'amour

BOOK: Buckskin Run (Ss) (1981)
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Rod walked around the bodies and through the trees.

When he got where he could see the Block C riders h e lifted his rifle.

"Drop your guns, boys! The war's over! Childs an d Brewer just killed each other."

Jeff Cordell dropped his gun. "Damned if they didn'
t have it coming." He paused. "!blind if we look ?"

"Come on, hut don't get any fancy notions. Too man y men have died already."

The Block C riders trooped over, and stood lookin g down at the derringer that had slipped from his fingers.

"Mark always said he never carried a gun except whe n he was out in the hills like this.
He stooped and flippe d back Brewer's coat to reveal the shoulder holster. "His kin d always want an edge."

Cordell started to turn away. "Yon can take them along , Jeff. Take 'em back down to Cordova and tell them th e truth."

"Why not
All right, boys, let's clean u ?
the mess,"

When they were gone, Tarran Kop ?
came out of th e trees. Lorna was with him.

We could have buried 'em where they fell," Kop ?

Rod shrugged. "Maybe, but I want no more ghosts i n Buckskin Run."

He glanced around at Kopp. "What name are you usin g 6om now on'? If we're going to be partners I'd bette r know."

"Jed Blue. Tarran Kopp's a legend, He's from the past; l et him stay there."

They walked away together to their horses. We'd bette r dig u ?
that gold, once for all. We can buy cattle, fix u ?
a place for you all, and I'll take the old cabin."

He glanced slyly at Rod. "You know where it is?"

"Where you'd expect to find it. Buried in the grave o f Harry Kidd."

Together, they rode back down the trail to the cabin o n Buckskin Run.

Jed Blue looked around at them, pointing at the cabin.

"I never had no home before," he said, "but that'
s home. We're a-comin' home."

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