Read Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Online

Authors: Suzy Shearer

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Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (20 page)

BOOK: Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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But in the last few hours everything had changed.

I was going to be a mother!

I felt like crying, like screaming, like shouting to the rooftops! I wanted to run, I wanted to laugh, and I wanted to kiss my men until none of us could breathe!

Two words had just changed my entire life. “
You’re pregnant

I loved Marco and Bryan more than anything. They’d given me a reason to live, a reason to love and now…now they had given me the ultimate gift!

I was still grinning when the nurse came back in. She removed my drip then helped me to my feet.


That was freaky.

The world spun a little and I clung to her for a moment until everything settled down.

“It’s okay, Harriet. Just lean against me until you feel steady.”

Together we walked into the bathroom. She helped me strip off and sat me on a stool.

“How do you feel now?”

“Okay. Everything’s stopped spinning.”

“That’s good. Now I’ll let you shower yourself but you mustn’t attempt to stand up alone.”

“Don’t worry I won’t!”

“Good. Let me just cover your stitches with some plastic wrap and tape. There’s soap in easy reach. Do you want to wash your lovely hair? There’s dried blood in it.”

“Can I?”


“Um…I need to go to the toilet.”

“That’s wonderful.” I grinned at her, she settled me on the loo and told me to press the button when I was ready for her to help me back into the shower.

Ten minutes later, I felt much better and my nice nurse helped me back onto the stool. She lifted a couple of small plastic bottles off a shelf and put them with the soap.

“Shampoo and conditioner. Press that button when you’ve finished and I’ll help you dress and get back to bed.”

I thank her then spend the next fifteen minutes in heaven.

Who would ever believe that a shower would feel so good?

I dried myself as best I could. It was awkward with my arm but thank goodness it was my left one. Anyway, I managed to somehow wrap my hair in a towel. It would take me ages to dry it but it felt good to be clean all over. I pressed the button and the nurse returned shortly.

“Feel better?”


“Let me get you a clean gown.”

She left the room then came back in with a pair of lovely soft green-coloured silk pyjamas.

“These were on the bed. I think maybe one of your young men dropped them in.”

She cut the label off them and helped me dress. They were all slinky and felt wonderful. The boys were so thoughtful. I felt a little teary eyed. We walked back into the room, I was actually walking on my own as long as I took it slowly and felt great. I did need a little help to climb back onto the bed, my ribs and the cut on my thigh hurt when I tried to swing my legs up.

“If you need to use the bathroom and there’s no one in here, ring for someone. I know you feel okay but we don’t want you falling.”

“Thank you.” My stomach rumbled. “Am I allowed to eat?”

“Yes. I’ll get some sandwiches sent down for you. I’ll make sure the kitchen sends a meal tonight. You can eat and drink whatever you like now, especially as you’ve used the toilet. How’s your head?”

“I’ve got a horrid headache.”

She looked at my chart and then her watch.

“I’ll get you something.”


She left and I stretched out as best I could and looked down at my new ‘jammies. I felt a little like a princess. I felt so good, despite my aches and pains.

About ten minutes later, my men walked back in.

“Love the turban look.”

“I don’t know how on earth I’m going to get it dry, Marco.”

He came over and took off the towel, my wet hair fell down. He stood and started to rub it dry for me. I had been dreaded doing it because when I lifted my arm it hurt my rib, plus I couldn’t raise my left arm very far. Washing it had been an ordeal.

“Thank you for my pyjamas, they’re beautiful. They match my ring.” It was gone! “My ring! Oh fuck, my ring!” I started to cry.

“Relax, sweetheart. We have it and your necklace and earrings. They’re in the safe at home.”

I let out a sigh of relief. I’d thought for a moment it had been stolen or lost. Bryan looked worried, I noticed he had a cut on his head with stitches.

“What happened to your head? I’ve just realised you’re hurt.”

“It’s okay,” Bryan spoke casually, then changed the subject. “How are you honestly feeling, sweetheart?”

“I’m good. I really am. Maybe because I genuinely can’t remember what happened. I’m truly damn sore but nowhere near as bad as before.”

His frown disappeared. As I was about to ask him what happened to his head, a woman came in and gave me a sandwich. I think I attacked it, I was so hungry. Bryan smiled over at me.

“Want a coffee?”

“I’d love one! Wait. Can I drink coffee now I’m pregnant?”

“I don’t know.” He looked worried again. “I’ll check.”

He stood and kissed me.

“Won’t be long.”

“What happened to Bryan’s head?”

“You don’t remember?”

I shook my head.

“He tackled the bastard and got hit on the head.”

I was shocked. I didn’t remember any of this.

“Is he all right?” I felt a tear trickle down my face.

“You know Bryan, babe, he’s Mr. Tough Guy on the outside but a marshmallow inside. He says it’s okay. Think he is now, but I know he had a bad headache for a few days.”

We heard voices in the corridor and Vince and Andy walked in.

“Harry!” I was engulfed in hugs and kisses. Marco had to remind them that I had a broken rib and stitches all down one arm.

“Oops, sorry Harry.” They kissed Marco, settled down and sat. “Tell us all.”

I shrugged.

“Can’t. I can’t remember anything until late last night or this morning, not sure.”

Andy grabbed my hand.

“Maybe that’s for the best, sweetie.”

“Where the other hunky builder?”

Marco laughed as he rubbed my hair.

“Getting a drink for Harry. When did you land? You were supposed to let us know.”

“Got an early flight, then when we landed we figured we’d just come straight here. Knew you two would be looking after Harry.”

A few minutes later Bryan came back in. He had two coffees, a peppermint tea and gave me a paper bag. Inside was another sandwich and a slice of cake. I kissed him.

“I’m starving!”

“I got you peppermint tea, the nurse said that’s good for you. Helps with nausea.”

“Thank you sweetheart. I like it.”

Bryan greeted the other two and everyone settled down to chat while I ate. I felt so much better. I had the loves of my life and my two best friends. What more could I ask for?

“I’m glad the fucker’s dead,” Vince said.

Bryan started to laugh.

“When we went to give our statements, the cop told me Marco here was going to kill him if he wasn’t already dead.”

“So? I was mad. That bastard had just tried to kill the two people I love most, of course I’d have killed him.”

I reached up and took Marco’s hand. I could feel his rage. I kissed his hand and he leant forward and kissed my neck.

“My heroes.” I looked at them soberly. “Actually, the four of you truly are. Without any of you I doubt I’d be here.”

“Hush, Harry. Don’t even think about it.”

Bryan cleared his throat and looked at Vince and Andy.

“So did you two have a good holiday?”

“Perfect! We’ve got lots of photos to show you. Bought you all presents, but you have to wait till you get home.”

The four men did most of the talking. I was starting to feel tired. I think I must have dropped off to sleep because the next thing I knew it was just Marco and Bryan.

“Where are the others?”

“Oh hello, babe. Have a nice nap?”

‘They left sweetheart. Said they’d see you tomorrow sometime. I told them to ring me first in case they let you come home.”

I yawned.

“What time is it?”

“Almost five-thirty.” Marco tried to look serious. “They’re bringing around the meals so you can have something else to eat.”

I stuck out my tongue to him. He just grinned and winked as a man brought in a tray for me. I thanked him and look down at it. It actually looked good. There was a garden salad and when I lifted the lid, there was a piece of salmon and fresh green beans. A bread roll was on the tray along with a dessert that looked yummy. I was finally tucking into the dessert when Marco’s parents walked in.

I was engulfed again in the warmth of their love. Mama had tears in her eyes as she kissed me. I think Papà may have as well, his eyes were very bright. I burst into tears when she hugged me. Marco’s mum had a bag and handed it over to Bryan, who was closest. Inside were a couple of containers with food for the boys.

“I knew you two wouldn’t have eaten when I rang and you told me Harry was awake.”

Marco kissed his mum after Bryan and the two of them got stuck into the food. After I dried my eyes and reassured them both that I was fine, Marco’s parents sat down. I thanked them for the flowers. Mama told me I wasn’t to worry about anything when I was discharged. She had been making meals and had frozen them so when I got out there would be enough for us all to eat. I shed another tear. These people had welcomed me with open arms, to me they were my mother and father. Marco stood and whispered to me.

“Don’t say anything about the babies, we want to give her a birthday surprise.”

I nodded as he ran his hand across my cheek. They stayed for another hour until it was pretty obvious I was tired. I had tried to hide my yawns but without much success. The four of them stood. Mama and Papà hugged and kissed me.

“We’ll wait for you outside.”

They walked out, leaving me alone with the two loves of my life.

“We’ll be back in the morning. Marco brought you some clothes. He put them in the cabinet. I’m glad you feel better, sweetheart, I’ve been so worried.”

I gently brushed my hand over his face.

“I love you.”

Bryan kissed me, I wanted more but my lips were still tender and he was so gentle. He stepped aside and let Marco take his place.

“No flirting with the doctors while we’re missing, babe.”

I shook my head.

“Good. Sleep well. Love you, babe.”

“I love you.” Another sweet kiss and they walked to the door. Bryan blew me a kiss goodbye, Marco winked.

The room seemed so empty without them both. I scrunched down and pulled up the covers, intending to lie there and think about the day, but instead I fell asleep.

Chapter Seventeen


Next morning I was feeling even better. I had another shower, managed to dress myself, and had breakfast, I made sure I walked slowly. I still had a headache but the nurse I had spoken to in the morning had told me it was expected and nothing to worry about.

I was taken to have another CT scan, then back to my bed. I was nervously waiting on the doctor with my fingers crossed. I wanted out of here.

A strange man came into my room then introduced himself as Detective Inspector Grant. I remembered he was the Detective I had on speed dial, the one who had first told me all those months ago about shitface being released.

He wanted to get a statement from me. I told him all I could remember was opening the door, after that was nothing until I woke up in hospital a few days later. He asked me about the letter and calling Bryan and Marco. Even that was a bit hazy. I went over the very little I could remember. He got me to sign his notebook, thanked me and left.

I was on tenterhooks, waiting for the doctor. Time seemed to go so slowly. The phone in the room rang. It was Marco.

“Babe, has the doctor seen you yet?”

“No, dear, he hasn’t. I’m nervous. I hope I can get out of here today.”

“Bryan and I will be there in an hour or so. Slight problem in the office.”

“It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Love you, babe.”

“Love you, too.”

I went back to staring at my hands. Finally the doctor who I’d seen all week came in.

“Morning, Harriet.”


“Right. Got your scan results. Looks great! No more swelling, the bleed is practically gone, all absorbed.”

He got me to take off my pyjama coat and looked at my arm. Then he looked at my leg.

“These stitches will all need to come out next week. There was no tendon or muscle damage, so both should heal nicely. Your arm will be a little stiff but you could rub some aloe vera onto the cut. It will help with the healing and do the skin some good. Make sure you use it so it doesn’t stiffen up.”

BOOK: Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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