Bullet Proof: A MacKenzie Family Novella (The MacKenzie Family) (2 page)

BOOK: Bullet Proof: A MacKenzie Family Novella (The MacKenzie Family)
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Her gaze flickered his way again and she twisted a long dark caramel wave that had slipped from her topknot around her pink-tipped finger as she chewed on that full bottom lip.

That's right, Kitten. I'm coming for you.

The crowd around her parted as he approached. Smart people. He was a dangerous man to anyone who stood between him and what he wanted—and he wanted to teach Bianca Sutherland a lesson.

Wrapping one hand around her narrow waist, he pulled her close so she was molded against his larger frame. "Kitten, are you teasing these nice gentlemen?"

"Excuse me?" she asked in that throaty alto of hers.

Ignoring her, he turned his attention to the nervous sharks already swimming backward. "It seems Kitten didn't tell you gentlemen that she's mine and I'm not sharing." He slid his gaze over to her, noting the blush curving around her heavy tits and the peaks of her nipples pushing against the silk of her dress. "At least not tonight. I may let you watch. Kitten does love to be pet."

With a few skittish chuckles, the sharks swam away, looking for easier prey in the ocean that made up the walnut, marble, and crystal decor of Bisu Manor.

She spun to face him, the move bringing her eye level with his chin even in her four-inch heels. "What in the hell do you think you're doing?"

Feisty, just like he liked his women. "Funny, that was the exact question I was about to ask you, Kitten."

"Stop calling me that." She pressed against his chest. The vein along her neck went into overdrive and she tugged her bottom lip between her teeth.

"I think it fits you—soft, cute, young and yet still with claws."

"You better hope I don't sink them into you after that stunt." Her nails bit into his chest before she pushed off of him, putting an arm's length of space between them.

It felt like miles. He wanted—needed—her against him again. Fuck. This was trouble. She was dangerous. He hadn't been this turned on and focused on one goal since... He cut the thought down to a nub before it had a chance to develop. That was not where he was going tonight.

"Kitten, you should know better than to try to take on the big dogs." He drug the back of his fingers down the front of her dress, over the generous curve and stiff nipple. "You're not wearing anything underneath this silk, are you?"

Her nipple became even more pointed. "That's none of your busin—"

"Is the silk cool against your hot skin?" He pinched the nub, loving how her eyes softened with desire. "Or are you making it as hot as you are?"

An excited buzz in the room partnered with movement at the top of the stairs snagged his attention. Oliver and Amelia Davies-Smythe stood looking down at the goings-on. As always his sixth sense clanged to life, the one that told him a punch was coming before his opponent even lifted a gloved hand. He didn't have a reason, just a gut feeling that had his mental fists up whenever he interacted with the couple.

The English transplants ran Bisu Manor but rarely mixed with the well-heeled company. Tonight seemed to be the exception as the couple descended the stairs and headed straight toward Bianca and him.

"Do you know them?" she asked.


"Introduce me."

"They'll want to play." A warning? A hope? Fuck, Bianca had his thinking so twisted he wasn't sure himself.

She glided her palm up his inner thigh and over his concrete dick, pushing against his tuxedo pants. "Then we play." She glanced up at him and he caught a sliver of doubt before her game face slid into place. "But they can only watch."

If she wanted a public lesson, he wasn't about to deny her. In fact, he was looking forward to giving her every inch of what she wanted.


* * * *


Bianca Sutherland was so fucked, and not in the way her hot trainer was thinking—or the way she'd fantasized about involving the tightly wound hottie.

The dude was a certifiable control freak, but with his tawny skin, light green eyes, curly black hair, and trim beard framing thick lips, he was also total jilling-off material.  Add to it the hard, muscular powerful body of a boxer who never really stopped training and it was no wonder that she had a hard time concentrating when he told her what to do when it came to punching, jabbing, and delivering a killer uppercut.

She was good with that at the Devil's Dip Gym, but here, when she was a woman on a mission? Oh, hell no.

Of course, this was what she got for jumping in blind when she found out Gidget Harms was missing and no one was doing a damn thing to look for her. Why should they? The police chalked it up to another in the long line of craziness from the perfume heiress of Ft. Worth. Her parents couldn't be bothered to cut short their cruise around South America to look for their only child. The rest of her family? Nonexistent, as far as Bianca could tell. That left her and she wasn't about to leave one of her sisters from St. B's Reform School for Rich Bitches behind, even if she hadn't seen her in years.

So she'd made yet another deal with the devil, otherwise known as Taz Hazard, the hottest man with the most ridiculous name in Ft. Worth.

His strong fingers played on her hip, sending little electric jolts straight down to her clit. "Let me do the talking."

"I can speak for myself." Damn, she hated not being able to hide the hungry want in her voice.
Focus, Bianca.
"I have questions for them."

"Trust me," he said as he moved his hand so it cupped the back of her neck and his thumb stroked the sensitive spot behind her earlobe. "This isn't the time."

Watching the Davies-Smythes approach, the hushed crowd parting automatically for them as if they were demigods, Bianca fought not to melt into a puddle at Taz's feet. "I may not get another chance."

His hand tensed. Someone wasn't used to being defied.
Poor hot boy doesn't like to hear no. What a shocker.

"Why do you need to talk to them?"

"None of your business." The last thing she needed was to be patted on the head like a dumb little girl by one more man when she explained that Gidget wouldn't have just run off.

Okay, she would run off but she wouldn't go without letting anyone know, without finding someone to take care of her French Bulldog, Oui Oui, or without her cell. The girl hadn't updated her Instagram in a week. Shit was wrong.

"What are you into, Kitten?"

"Keep asking that question and you'll get my claws."

"That smart mouth of yours really needs to get put to better use." He sighed. "Follow my lead and you'll have access to them anytime you want."

Right, because she couldn't possibly manage to get a few answers herself. After all, it's not like she managed to get an invite to the most exclusive
Eyes Wide Shut
lifestyle party in the state of Texas by herself. She was well on her way to getting her state private investigation and security contractor license. Mr. Sexy But Bossy may not realize it, but there was a helluva lot more to her than some poor little rich girl.

"I had a plan of my own already," she said, unable to keep the annoyance out of her tone. "Make your introductions and you're welcome to wander off with any of the women watching you like you're the last piece of chocolate on the first day of their period."

Determined dominance radiated off of him in waves. "You're not getting rid of me while you're in this house."

Refusing to be cowed, she raised her chin. "Then don't expect me to keep my mouth shut."

"Bianca," he said in a harsh whisper that wobbled on the edge of losing control. "I know them. You're new. Anything that comes from you will be suspicious. What do you want to know?"

Damn. Why did he have to make a quality argument? The Davies-Smythes were only a few yards away from where she and Taz stood. She had half a heartbeat to decide. She couldn't explain it, but her gut went with Taz. Mutinous bastard. "Their art collection."

If he had questions, he didn't have time to voice them before the couple stopped in front of them. Both were tall, sexy, and pale as her mother's wedding China, and yet they were as untouchable as an emerald under glass. And these two ran sex parties? Chalk one up to looks being deceiving.

"Mr. Hazard, it's always a good night when you honor us with your presence," Amelia said, her honeyed upper-class British voice like a cheese grater against Bianca's skin. "Won't you introduce us to this lovely creature?"

As if Bianca hadn't been vetted six ways to Sunday and already ponied up a cool ten thousand dollars for a provisionary membership into Bisu Manor. She barely managed not to roll her eyes.

Taz gave her a wolfish smile that made her knees buckle. "This is Kitten."

"Just Kitten?" Oliver asked, curiosity mixed with something darker in his gray eyes.

"Yes, my little exhibitionist has a shy side." Taz shrugged his broad shoulders. "I find the contradiction...arousing."

"I can't blame you," Amelia said, practically purring. "Why don't we go have a drink in the salon. Maybe we can make your kitten feel more at home?"

"How can we say no to that?" Taz slid his palm down her spine, letting it rest at the small of her back right above her ass.

His touch burned through the silk as he led her with the lightest of pressure through the large foyer packed with people in formal wear holding champagne flutes and mouthing the same small-talk platitudes she'd heard a million times at the charity fundraisers her parents had thrown.

That impression changed dramatically the moment they crossed through the threshold leading to the salon.

Soft lighting, smooth jazz, and the musky scent of sex with a hint of roses that was sickly sweet enough to register surrounded her the moment she crossed into the room. A bar took up one end of the wood-paneled room and a fireplace big enough to roast a buffalo in was at the other. Couches in intimate groupings dotted the large open space in the middle along with a few tables and pillows scattered across ornate rugs. And at nearly every available spot people were in various states of undress, either fucking, sucking, touching, or watching.

She stumbled, but Taz's strong grip on her elbow saved her from falling.

"Watch your step, Kitten," he said, obviously amused by her shock.

High-handed asshole. So she'd been caught off guard. She'd had a couple of threesomes in college and had a healthy porn search history, but nothing quite prepared her for walking into an orgy in progress. Of course, Taz, Oliver, and Amelia continued forward as if people weren't boning all around them. Talk about jaded.

They headed to a rounded banquette in the back that gave them the perfect view of each other and the rest of the room. She went to sit down beside Taz, but he snagged her waist and pulled her onto his lap. The move made her skirt shift so that the material barely came down below the satin strip of her thong, thanks to the mile-long slit in her skirt. She reached for it, but Taz circled her wrist and pulled her hand away.

"Leave it, Kitten. In fact..." He spread his legs, which forced hers to part. "Let's give our hosts a better view."

Desire flooded through her, making her folds slick and swollen. Then he laid his hand on her bare leg, letting his fingers linger high up near the juncture of her thighs like he had every right to make her so hot she couldn't breathe without extreme concentration.

"I'm so glad you came down tonight," Taz said, his gaze locked on their hosts. "I've been meaning to ask for your help."

"Oh really?" Oliver asked as he sipped a martini that the waiter had brought immediately without ever being asked. "With what?"

"My accountant has recommended I invest some of my money into art and I haven't a clue where to start. I'm a former boxer, not an art history major. I know you two have quite the collection. Would you be willing to give a newbie collector a free education?"

Amelia leaned forward, the move giving them a full look at her tanned bare breasts underneath her low-cut dress, then she reached out and put her hand on Taz's knee. "If that means we'd get to spend more time with you and your delightful kitten, then we'd be more than happy to share
at all with you."

Oh, Bianca just bet she would. Jealousy warred with her need to find out what the Davies-Smythes knew, but the need to help Gidget won out. The girls at St. B's had survived without having their spirits broken at that shithole school because they'd stuck together. She wasn't about to let her insane attraction for Mr. Bossy Sex God get in the way of that.



Taz had a battering ram of a hard-on nestled against the ass of a woman he most definitely wouldn't be fucking later. Why? So he could help her find out about the Davies-Smythes' art collection. His old trainer and mentor Freddie Atlas was having a good laugh in heaven right about now.

"You always want what you can't have," the crusty trainer would say. "That's what keeps you hungry. That's what will get you the belt."

It hadn't and he had nothing to blame for his current state of distraction but the eight inches begging to be let loose from his tuxedo pants.

"Do you have an extensive art collection?" Bianca asked.

Taz stiffened. Secretive didn't begin to describe the other couple. In the year they'd been in Ft. Worth they'd maintained an air of mystery, which is exactly why he didn't want Bianca and her blunt questions to push them away. Of course, all of this subterfuge would be a lot easier if he knew what in the hell she wanted to know.

"Extensive enough," Oliver responded, his gaze never rising from the damp material covering Bianca's pussy.

He relaxed a degree. The teasing show was working. Both Oliver and Amelia seemed entranced by the exposed juncture of his Kitten's thighs. Of course, it wasn't just working on them. The heady scent of her arousal teased him, made forming a coherent thought difficult, which is why the reappearance of the waiter with a round of drinks was a Godsend. He needed a distraction to snap him out of this. Shit. It wasn't like Bianca was the first woman he'd had in such a position.

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