Read Burned Deep Online

Authors: Calista Fox

Burned Deep (28 page)

BOOK: Burned Deep
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I smiled. “I didn't notice. And I like the crackle of the fire instead.” I touched the lavish sheet again and asked, “Did you pick the bedding up in Paris as well?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.”

“Well then, you're nowhere near unoriginal. And, really, Dane…” My heart fluttered. A foreign feeling, but one that didn't alarm me at the moment, because of his own admission. This was all new and different for him, too. Despite how he was completely in control of what we were doing, if romance wasn't his norm, either, didn't that help to put me on par with him in one aspect of this … relationship?

Joining me, he said, “Lay back.”

He stretched out beside me, both of us on the diagonal across the bed. He raised my arms over my head, clasping my wrists in one large hand. The other skimmed the underside of my biceps, along the outer swell of my breast, across my rib cage to the dip in my waist. The slow, tantalizing progression made me burn. His fingertips grazed, his palm splayed. He seemed to take in every inch of me, not just with his sensual touch but also with his heated gaze.

His hand moved over the curve of my hip, and I breathed a little shallower as he brushed my upper thigh, then the inside, with light strokes.

I squirmed restlessly and amended that no way in hell would I ever be on par with him in any capacity, because he was a master of seduction and I was 100 percent at his mercy.

“What are you planning to do?” I asked as excitement and anticipation mounted.

His fingers glanced over my dewy folds and then he brought his hand to his mouth, tasting me.

I sucked in a breath. Let it out on one long, “

He grinned mischievously. “I liked your hands bound the other night.”

They remained restrained in his loose grip.

“You're going to tie me up again?” Why did that send a shiver of delight through me?

He said, “It was hugely gratifying to know you were dying to touch me. You, of all people.”

“The one who doesn't like to touch or be touched.”

“Mm-hmm. But you do enjoy touching me. And being touched by me.”

“Insanely so,” I admitted.

With a soft chuckle, he said, “I appreciate that you don't try to hide it.”

“Impossible, don't you think? I mean … look at me.”

“I am.” His eyes glowed. “Your nipples are hard. Your lips are glistening. And I'm not talking about these.” He kissed me. Then added in his evocative tone, “You want me again.”


I would have cringed at my eagerness, but what would have been the point? There was no denying it. No fighting it. So I gave in to the need I had for him.

“Make me come again,” I all but begged.

The pads of his fingers skated over my stomach and up the valley of my breasts. He cupped the side of my face and kissed me deeply. I could have incinerated into the mattress from that alone.

His expression was still mischievous as he released my wrists but tugged on a long silk sash attached to the bedpost that had been concealed by the sheet. He deftly tied me up before I really had any time to process the carte blanche I'd given him. He topped it off with a pretty little bow as I craned my neck to see what he was up to.

“Polite-society bondage?” I teased.

“Oh, no,” he said as he pinned me with a dark, desirous look. “There's nothing polite about what I want to do to you.”

My insides ignited. “Jesus, Dane.” My thighs squeezed together and my inner muscles contracted as the throbbing started.

His head dipped and his tongue flitted over my nipple. Then he said, “Actually, I want you on your stomach.” He helped me, since I was bound. “That's it. On your forearms and knees.”

He shifted behind me and worked my legs apart. My back arched and I tossed a look at him over my shoulder. “You're not going to do anything too kinky, are you?” I returned to the insecurity of him being way out of my league.

“You're fairly safe.” He winked.


“I'm just going to spend a little time here.… I don't think you'll mind.” His head lowered and his tongue whisked over my slick flesh.

My hips jerked. “Oh, God.” Not mind? Hell, I'd be pleading for more within seconds.

His lips tugged gently at my folds, a scintillating touch that had me instantly forgetting my trepidation. He was an expert at the quick warm-up, then jumped straight into suckling my clit and fluttering his tongue over the responsive bud. Using his thumbs, he spread me wide and dedicated himself to getting me off.

I panted harshly, the erotic ministrations setting me on fire.

My fingers gripped the thick silken sash binding my wrists. My head dropped and my eyes closed. I concentrated solely on the pleasure he brought me, his skilled determination.

His tongue circled my opening, then dipped inside. It was a wonder I didn't come instantly. But he had more in store, and the flickering of his tongue against my clit, a bit stronger and faster, had me whimpering and squirming.

“Dane,” I gasped. He was too,
good at this. “Fuck me.”

But he wasn't inclined to deviate from his current plan. He suckled my clit and everything exploded inside me.

“Oh, God!” I cried out as the release rocked me to the core.

I would never be impervious to this man or the things he did. I could barely breathe and my body screamed for him.

“Fuck me,” I repeated.

“You want it just like this.” It wasn't even a question. He knew.


He reached for a condom on the ledge that rose above the head of the bed. He was sheathed in an instant and thrust into me from behind. Hard.

“Oh, yes!” I cried out.

As he pumped steadily, I raised my hips and ass to give him better access. He clasped my waist and fucked me with quick, full strokes. Exactly what I wanted. Exactly what I needed.

Then he pulled out all the stops and flanked my legs with his, forcing them closed as he pistoned assertively. With my thighs pressed together, I felt every inch of him, width and length, sliding in and out. Nothing had ever felt more incredible than his rock-hard cock stroking my pussy, pushing farther in. To feel him so acutely, so forcefully … It was mere seconds before I lost it again and screamed his name.

He thrust once more and came on a driving beat I felt deep within.

“Jesus, Ari,” he ground out. “Fuck.”

I clenched him tight, my spine arched, my head thrown back. If I could give him half the pleasure in return …

My inner muscles squeezed and released as I milked his thick shaft and he continued to shudder.

I had no idea how much time passed as we both savored the rush of heat and the intensity of the orgasm we shared. Could've been minutes. Likely it was seconds, but it felt like a small eternity.

Our heavy breaths were one as they filled the room, in time with each other, as though his heart pounded erratically with mine.

We remained joined. I had absolutely no desire to move an inch, to break the connection.

What he did to me and the way we responded to each other was so beyond anything I'd ever fathomed, I tried to hold on to every tiny bit of it. Maybe that was a bad idea—rubbing against that
once it's gone you're going to miss it horribly
theory of mine. Yet a new theory was conveniently replacing the old one. I would have missed out on
much if I'd not traveled this path with Dane.

At the moment, I could convince myself it was worth the risk.

Were it to disappear tomorrow … I'd be shredded. No two ways about it.

But it was just too incredible to give up right now for the sake of the next day's sanity.

Dane eventually withdrew from me and pulled the ties that bound my wrists. He rubbed them affectionately and whispered, “Okay?”

“In heaven,” I murmured.

He gave me one of his carnal growls. “You'll have me going again in seconds.”

“And that's a bad thing?”

Lightly nipping my earlobe, he said, “I've got plenty more up my sleeve for you.”

Then he slipped from the bed. As he headed to a door on the opposite side of the room, I said, “You're not wearing sleeves, but I'm still expecting something clever.”

His laugh filled the quiet night. Before he ducked into the bathroom, he told me, “I promise to keep you entertained.”

I didn't doubt it.

With a contented sigh, I collapsed against the ultra-sensual satin sheet.

was hardly the word I'd use for what he did. I wasn't even myself at this point. I was some obsessed and euphoric woman whose body trembled and hummed with the sort of exhilaration that ought to be illegal. No one should feel this fantastic without giving up the rights to her soul.

It was too good. Too sinful.

Yet if there truly were something criminal about being this intensely aroused, sated, aroused, sated, aroused … Then okay. Lock. Me. Up.

Dane returned. I would have moved a bit to accommodate his large frame taking up so much of the bed but I didn't have the strength. And he didn't seem to mind wedging himself between me and the low headboard, both of us at an angle.

He dropped a sweet kiss on my shoulder, then reached behind him for a small glass bottle with a crooked nozzle sticking out of it.

“What are you up to now?” I asked.

“I promised not to wear you out, remember?”

“Oh, please,” I begged. “Wear me out.”

He laughed. “Close your eyes and enjoy.”

I frowned.

“Ari.” That insistent tone of his. “Try to relax.”

“Yeah, right. You're naked. I'm naked. In what world would I be able to relax and not hope you're planning to be inside me again in the next five minutes?”

His sexy chuckle didn't help matters. How was I
perpetually turned on?

“You might like this just as much,” he assured me.

“Not a chance. Whatever it is.”

“Eyes closed.”

With a frustrated sigh, I did as he said.

His free hand lightly twisted my long hair and tucked it in the crook of my neck. Then I felt the titillating drizzle of warm oil along my spine.

And yes. It, too, felt heavenly.

But it wasn't just the enticing heat caressing my skin that melted me. The scent was out of this world.

Keeping my eyes closed, as commanded—and because this little excursion was much more sensual that way—I asked, “What is that?”


I gave a half laugh. “Now you're teasing me because I'm twenty-four-seven Christmas decorations for the Lux.”

“I hadn't thought of that. This particular scent reminded me of you.”

I inhaled deeply. There was a spicy tinge to it with a hint of orange. Definitely relaxing. Soothing. Delicious.

As Dane spread the rich oil across my back, he said, “This comes from the Oman region in the Persian Gulf. Known for their fragrances. There's a woman who collects the resin from trees on Mughsayl Beach and mixes it with oils. Even sprinkles it on ice cream. It's highly addictive for anyone with a sweet tooth—one bowl is

“Please tell me you didn't sleep with her.”

“Ari.” He didn't sound amused.

“Just saying.”

“If you like this, you can keep the bottle,” he offered.

His hands smoothed over my body, his fingers firm and pressing into my muscles in the most sigh-worthy way. His thumbs ran along my spine as his palms splayed toward my sides. He rubbed down to my tailbone, moved back up to my shoulders, and then slowly slid down to my ass. He massaged expertly and I bit back a throaty moan.

He kneaded my cheeks, his thumbs digging into the point on the outer sides, midway. I had no idea what caused that spot to be so sensitive, but it was clearly a pressure point that not only seemed to release oodles of tension but was also erotically stirring. At least when Dane was the one unleashing the tension.

Then he spread the oil down the backs of my thighs, slowly returning to cover my hips and waist.

“Let me guess,” I ventured in my now-familiar sultry voice. “You're a certified masseur.”

“Not even close. But you pick up a thing or two when you own hotels with spas.”

“Or it's just natural talent.” Because he was fantastic.

“Really, it's just an excuse to put my hands all over you.”

His palms slid around me, underneath me, to my stomach. Then eased upward to my chest. I rose slightly off the satin sheet to let him coat and caress my breasts.

“No excuse needed. Ever. I promise.”

“You have a sensational body. I told you that before, based on sight alone. Touching it, enjoying it, is something altogether different.”

I glanced over my shoulder. “You really can't be this fascinated.”

With one of his intense looks, he said, “You really can't doubt it.”

I tore my gaze from his. Dropped my forehead to the cool satin.

Dane continued his sensuous massage. The oil soaked into my skin, feeling luxurious and instantly combating the dryness that came with our usually arid climate. He rubbed my arms and shoulders and I let out a contented sigh. Though it held the undercurrent of desire.

When he reached underneath me again to palm my breasts, he whispered in my ear, “I'm hard for you.” His erection pressed to my hip.

“I noticed.” I tried to sound nonchalant. No such luck. My voice was breathy, lusty.

“Are you too tired? Too Zenned out?”

“I would have to be dead to not want you.” There I went. A bit too revealing.

I sighed with exasperation. He chuckled.

Shifting, he slipped from the bed. My brow furrowed.

“Um, didn't you just suggest we were about to go at it again?”

BOOK: Burned Deep
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