Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2 (16 page)

BOOK: Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2
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“You have to wear a condom,” she tells me, unable to keep the fear out of her voice.

“You have some kind of disease I should know about?”

If anything, your dick gets more traffic than a New York subway.”

“I’m clean,” I tell her knowing it’s true; I get tested regularly, plus I never go ungloved. Never wanted to before now. 

“I’m supposed to trust that?”

“You are, but I know you won’t. So instead, you’re going to just take it, because that’s the way I’m giving it to you.”

“What?” she asks, confused.

Before she can figure it out, I push my cock back inside of her, not stopping until the fucker is curved and resting as deep inside as I can get. I’ve never thought of settling down with one woman in my whole life. Katie changes those thoughts. The fact that she went so fucking crazy at the thought of having unprotected sex chafes me, but not as much as hearing her say she doesn’t want kids. The hell of it is, I don’t want kids. Or I didn’t. Just like I didn’t want one woman.
Until Katie
. Fuck me running. She’s changing all the rules and doesn’t have the faintest idea.

“Hunter…” she whispers, but it’s not a protest. It’s all need in her voice.

My hand goes to her upper throat, not exerting pressure, but holding her still. My thumb pushes into her mouth while I pull my cock back through her depths, only to push back in.

“That’s it, sweetness. Take my cock. Feel how fucking good it is to have me bare and raking the inside of your pussy.”

She moans as she sucks on my thumb, wrapping her finger around it. I thrust into her, slow and steady, grinding my body against her sweet pussy every time she takes all of me. I pull her good leg up, bending it at the knee and forcing it back so she takes my cock deeper than before.

“Oh, fuck! That feels so good,” she whimpers. Her hands start to go to my back, but I stop her.

“No, Katie. Put your hands above your head. Grab the headboard and don’t let go.”

“But I want—”

“This isn’t about what
think you want. That’s over. I’ll give you everything your body wants, and more. It’s in my control now. Don’t make me tell you twice. Grab the headboard, and don’t let go. If you do, you don’t get to come.”

Her eyes go wide, and I hold myself still to see if she does as I order. I push my thumb further in her mouth, gliding it against her tongue. Then I see the acceptance in her eyes. She puts her hands above her head and holds on like I instructed. It feels like I’ve won a fucking war. She closes her lips around my thumb, sucking it like her pussy is ravenously eating up my cock. I thrust in and out of her. Each lunge is harder than the last, her body unable to do anything but take it. Her breasts sway with the force of my thrusts. I lean down and use my free hand to guide one of her breasts into my mouth. The hard, plump nipple puckers even more under my tongue as I play with it before sucking it and as much of her tit as I can in my mouth. Her skin is a sweet honey taste with the saltiness of her body’s exhaustion added into the mix.

“You’re going to take everything I give you, Katie, and you’re going to fucking beg for more, aren’t you?”


She hasn’t given me the words I want yet, so I change the angles of my thrusts as I bite down on her nipple. She screams out in reply, her hands relaxing off the bed and starting to make their way to me before stopping and going back to their previous hold. I look at her eyes and she’s watching me.

“Give me what I want, Katie.”

She swallows hard. My thumb moves down to slide over her lip. My thrusts slow into a softer, loving movement. Maybe I read her wrong. Maybe I…

“Fuck me, Hunter.”

Something clicks into place. This is different from our one night together. This is new territory. This makes her
a part of me. I don’t know if she grasps that. Knowing Katie, she may fight it, but I’m not planning on letting her go. The mess with Skull and her sister, we’ll work out when we get back to Kentucky. 

“Hold on, sweetness,” I tell her, my hand going down to her pussy and finding her clit. I focus my attention on it while fucking her hard. As hard as I slam into her body, she still manages to thrust up to meet me, wanting more. “That’s it, baby. Take it all,” I groan. I can feel my cock swelling inside of her, but I can’t let myself come, not yet. I pinch her clit with my fingers before working the swollen nub harder.

“Hunter! Oh fuck, I’m going to come!” she cries.

“That’s it, sweetness. I love it when you come all over my cock. I can feel the way your sweet cream bathes me, running down my shaft. It’s so fucking hot. Who owns your body now, Katie? Who does your pussy belong to?” I growl, my thrusts getting rougher and more demanding, still working her clit and not allowing her to come down.

“Hunter!” she cries, and I can hear the fear in her voice. I can’t allow her to run.

“I own your pussy, Katie. I own your orgasms and all of your pleasure. It’s mine to give you. Tell me. Give me the words.” I order, while at the same time using my hand to pull up on her hip to hit that spot that she needs fucked the hardest. I know the minute I hit my target because her body comes apart in my hands. Her forceful thrusts are erratic and out of control. Her body pushes almost completely off the bed while her hands come to my shoulders and her nails claw into me. I would punish her for that, but her next words soothe me.

“It’s yours, Hunter. It’s all yours!” she screams, coming again. She pulls me over the edge with her, and the nails biting into my back only make me harder. My cum rockets inside of her, and I hiss as her nails draw blood. 

I love it. I love how wild she gets, but next time, I’m tying her to the fucking bed. That thought makes my cock, which had just emptied inside of her with one of the best fucking orgasms I ever had, already begin to harden again. 

It’s going to be a long night.




“Fuck,” I whisper. “What just happened?”

Torch is behind me, his arm thrown around my waist. He tries to pull me further against him, even if that’s not physically possible. He kisses the side of my neck, moving up to my ear before kissing the shell. “You just gave yourself to me,” he says, and the combination of his beard raking against my sensitive neck and his warm breath tries to bring my body back to life.

“We need to clarify that,” I tell him, but I don’t sound confident. Instead, my words end in a moan as his teeth rake against my shoulder and he bites me gently, lovingly.

I like everything he does to me.

“Okay. I’ll clarify,” he says. “You gave me your body. I’m taking it. I’m taking it as often and in any way I want. There. We’ve clarified.”

“That’s a little wide-open for my tastes,” I reply. “Especially considering our circumstances and, well, your


I look over my shoulder at him to find his smiling face, his hair sexily tousled, and his eyes shining with something new, something different. I don’t know what, but it’s a damned good look on him.

“Hello? Man-whore, anyone?”

“Katie! I’m hurt,” he says, but his tone says otherwise. “Besides, sweetness, considering the way we met…”

“And what are you saying?” I ask flopping over on my back, suddenly defensive.

“Throwing stones, glass houses,” he says, still not aware he’s upset me. Instead, he pulls the sheet down, exposing my boob.

I pull it back up. “Oh, please. I couldn’t hold a candle to the number of women on your bedpost.”

“Are we comparing bedposts? Because I’d rather tie you to them instead,” he complains, going back to kissing my neck, which feels amazing. Annoying, but amazing.

“Freak,” I tease him, trying to remember why I’m upset.

“Oh, you have no idea, but you soon will.” He climbs on top of me.

“I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

“Too late.”

“I’m serious, Torch. We can’t forget the elephant in the room here.”

He’s placing kisses on my neck and shoulders, working his way down under the covers to my breasts. The feel of his lips and tongue on my body nearly makes me orgasm right there on the spot.

“I know my dick is big, baby, but I’d hardly call it an elephant.”

“Will you stop?” I groan as he nibbles down my stomach. “Torch…” I hope I can be forgiven for the way my hips thrust up towards him.

He pushes the covers back so it reveals his face and looks at me. It’s annoyance I see on his face now. He lets out a hard breath and looks my face over, searching for something. I’m not sure what, and I have no idea if he has found it.

“Okay, fine,” he says with a sigh. “I get you’re hesitant here. What can I give you that will let you give whatever this is between us a chance?”

“My sister—”

“Don’t go there, Katie,” he says at once. “What’s going on with Beth and Skull is on
. They both made choices that put them where they’re at. They need to work that out.”

“She tried. You don’t—” I start to defend, but he doesn’t let me.

“She didn’t try hard enough. She should have come to him and demanded he tell her that shit to his face.”

What he says hits me hard, maybe because I don’t disagree with him. I wanted to do that very thing. Beth wouldn’t, and she wouldn’t let me. Still, Torch wasn’t there. He didn’t see the devastation on Beth’s face. He didn’t experience all of the pain and betrayal first hand…

“What he’s doing now is wrong,” I say. “Hunting us down like dogs, just to give us back to a family who never wanted us and now want revenge. They’ll kill us.”

He straightens back over my body and then flips us so I’m over top of him. His hands go to each side of my face, his thumbs brushing along my cheekbones as he watches me.

“I’m not giving you to anyone. And Skull, as pissed off and as hurt as he is…”

“He doesn’t have a right…”

“He has every right, Katie. He thought he killed the woman he loved. Killed her. He mourned and grieved for her and spent
living with the guilt only to learn it was all a lie, and he has a child he has never met. That would fuck anyone up.”

My stomach clenches at his words. I had only seen things from Beth’s side, but if what Torch is saying is true… if Skull never knew he had a child, then…

“He didn’t seem to be grieving that night at the movies.”

“The movies?”

“Beth and I had tracked you guys down when we finally got free. We went to the club. Or, well,
did. Beth didn’t want to meet Skull there. There was someone there she knew couldn’t be trusted. And—”

“Who?” he asked, cutting me off.

“I don’t know. Beth’s the one who knows, not me. That’s not the point, anyway. I went to the club, and they told me where we’d find Skull. We went to a theater in that small town and, when everyone came out, he was hanging all over some blonde. There was no grieving in sight.”

“You’re kidding me. Why didn’t Beth confront him then?”

“She tried! She went into labor!”

“Jesus Christ eating popcorn…”

“Your swear words are really weird, Hunter.” He stops and looks at me and, for a minute, the softness in his eyes is back. He even gives my lips a small kiss. “What was that for?”

“I’ll explain someday. But back to this. That woman was no one to Skull.”

“Yeah, I figured that when he sent a picture of him and his

“I don’t know what kind of picture you got, but I know for a fact that Skull didn’t send it. I also know he’s never had a girlfriend. Shit, he wouldn’t even call
a girlfriend.”

“Whatever, I know what I saw.”

“Yes, and you just admitted there was someone in the club Beth couldn’t trust. So, don’t you think you should have checked it out a little bit better?”

“You probably don’t get this, but when you get enough men slamming doors in your face and hurting you, you learn when to fucking throw in the towel.”

“Someday, you’ll tell me all about that.”

“I doubt it, since this—whatever
is—will end soon.”

“I don’t see that happening,” he says.

“You’re deluding yourself.”

“So you’re not even going to try?” he asks. “I never figured you for a quitter, Katie.”

“I’ll give you a week. One week to show me whatever
is between us, and to convince me that you really do have my and Beth’s interests at heart.”

“That seems like a lot to accomplish in a week.”

“Are you not up for the challenge?”

“I didn’t say that, sweetness. We need some ground rules, though. First of all, you’ll not try to run away. If we can’t have that trust between us, I can’t let my guard down around you and vice versa.”


“That was awful easy.”

“Done, for one week only,” I qualify.

“We will be in Kentucky in a week.”

“I’m not opposed to going to Kentucky, but I’m not about to give Beth the okay until I know it’s absolutely safe.”

“Okay, then. One week. Next, you do whatever I ask of this body. You trust me to take control and give you exactly what you need.”

“Umm… are you about to get freaky on me? I watched that movie, you know. The one with the red room.” 

“I can promise you, however freaky I get, you’ll like it.”

“I want a better safe word than the lame one they used.”

He seems shocked at my reply, but smiles. “That’s doable. What word?”



“It’ll be the easiest word to remember if you piss me off.”

“Fine, whatever. It’s not like you will use it, anyway. So, are we making a deal here?”

“Do we seal it with a kiss?”

“Well, we can start with a kiss,” he says, taking my mouth.

I hope I didn’t just let my hormones make a huge mistake.


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