Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2 (3 page)

BOOK: Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2
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“Boss, do you really think Beth is alive? That she could have somehow survived? And wasn’t her sister supposed to be dead, too? This could all be Colin just blowing smoke up our asses while he’s starting more shit.”

He holds his head down and rakes his fingers through his hair. There’s still a small tremor that tells his emotions.

“I think there’s a real possibility,” Skull confesses. “Colin would have never come at me to rub this shit in if he didn’t know for sure. I’m left here feeling fucked up because I want it to be true, but I also don’t want it to be. If it’s true, that means she has played me all this time. It means… Fuck, Torch, I’m so fucked up I’m not sure what it means.”

“Boss, I need to tell you something.”

“Can it wait,
mi hermano?
I want to get this done.”

“Boss. I think… that woman with Beth in the pictures, her sister… I think she called here.”

Skull’s face goes cold. It literally freezes almost into stone. I’m proud of myself; a lesser man would shit himself. That’s the look I’ve seen on Skull’s face right before people die.

“Explain,” Skull says, one terse word while his fists open and close.

“That night at the movie theater before Tiny and all that shit went down… remember? The fight with Dragon?”


“You were shit-faced, boss. I was just about to leave you to sleep it off and… your cell phone rang. Some chick was on the other end claiming Beth had been coming to find you. She said… fuck, boss. I can’t remember what she said. She said there were complications and Beth was at the hospital in London. In the maternity wing—”

Skull roars again. The scream is deep and dark enough to rival that of a wild animal. He jerks the heavy table enough to move it sideways—and that’s not an easy feat. Then, he pushes away and grabs me by the neck, pushing me back quickly until I slam into the wall on the other side of the room.

“How could you not tell me that, motherfucker?? How am I just hearing about this right now??” he growls, and I’d answer him but I’m pretty sure he’s crushing my trachea right now. “Answer me, you son of a bitch!!”

“Boss, I don’t think he can.” The words come from Sabre. “He’s turning blue.” Sabre sounds calm, but I can see his face and there’s nothing calm about him. Skull pulls away from me slightly, but not much. I’m not stupid; I know I got a world of hurt coming my way. I welcome it. As much as Skull hates me right now, I hate myself even more. What if that
Beth? What if she needed us, and because of me, gave up? Why the fuck did she wait so long to get in touch with us, anyway? There’s just so many fucking questions. I try to take air into my lungs without appearing to be a weak son of a bitch whose legs are about to give out on him.

“Boss… I didn’t know. I thought someone was fucking with us. We saw that explosion. How could anyone survive that? I helped plant the charges myself. I know the extent of the damage. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. I was sure it was a hoax. I was just trying to prevent… Fuck, Boss. I just wanted to protect you. We all know what losing Beth did to you.”

“I don’t care what you have to do. You get those records, you get video footage, I do not give a fuck. You get me something I can see in front of me, and do that

“I already contacted my guy that works in records there, boss. I should have it on my computer.”

“Show me.”

“It’ll just be a file, boss. They don’t keep video footage that long. It’s been two years.”

“Show me what the fuck you got.”

I go to the computer to open the email. It’s records, mainly. Twenty-year-old woman, emergency caesarian, coded on the table. What was that shit? Then, I see the child’s picture and read the birth certificate.
Fucking son of a milk cow.
I print it out and take it to Skull, then wait.

He drops the papers on the table, all except one piece. The birth certificate. His hand shakes, and I know why. I just read it. His voice is thick with emotion.

“I want the original of this picture.”

“Yes, boss.”

“I fucking want it now.”

“Yes, boss,” I say again, but this time I start walking to the door. I stop when his voice hits me right before I leave.

“She named the child after my mother…”

“I’ll go get the originals.”

“Do it. And when you get back, pick two men to go with you.”

“Go with me?”

“To Tennessee. You bring back Beth and
mi hijo
. If you can’t find them, you bring back her fucking sister. She’ll come out of the woodwork for her sister. I want all of them here. Every fucking one of them.”

“What if they aren’t in Tennessee? What if Colin lied?”

“Then you find out where the fuck they are and you drag them back here. Beast, you and Briar check the streets. See if anything is coming out of Georgia or the Donahue network. I want a full report in an hour.”

“I don’t think you should let her back in here. We can’t survive another fight with the Donahues,” says Pistol.

“When your opinion matters to me, I’ll let you know. Get the fuck out of here, Torch. You have shit to do.”

I nod, then take off. It looks like I’m heading out of state. I just hope it’s not a wild goose chase.

Or worse, a trap.




I kick my feet up on the seat across from me. The chair scoots on the wooden floor, tilts, then rights itself as I cross my legs. Sabre and Latch are going on about some damn trip Lucy wants to go on, a semester at sea or something. They’re dying, and Annie is adamant that it’s a great opportunity. Those two are like old married men now—even if it is to the same woman. I tune them out.

be tracking Beth and her sister Katie down. That’s what I’m in this blink-and-you-miss-it town for, but hell, I need a day off. I’ve been working with Diesel and his crew nonstop trying to find these bitches, but they are covering their tracks—and that’s putting it lightly. I don’t know who they’re getting help from, but whoever it is, is damn good. Skull has me, Sabre, and Latch tracking down leads in Texas. Matthew Donahue told Skull he could find them there. Right now, I think the brothers are trying to gain control of the girls first… and using us to do it. It’s all a big clusterfuck. Trusting either one of them for information is ridiculous, but Tennessee was a total wash. Skull is looking at other states too and called in some markers. My brother is in bad shape at just the thought that Beth is still alive and has been lying to him this whole time. If it’s true—and so far, everything we’re learning says it is—then I kind of pity her.

Skull will destroy her.

I’m not thinking about that shit now, though. My eyes and attention are elsewhere. Specifically, on the woman sitting with her back turned to me at the bar. She’s got curves to make men fall down on their knees and worship at her feet. Her ass is this perfect pear shape, pushing against that tight little black skirt. It draws a man’s eye and makes him want to dig his hands in and hold on for the ride.

“I bet you a C-note you can’t tap that,” Sabre says, reclining back in his seat.

“You make it too easy. It’s like taking candy from a baby,” I tell him with an easy grin.

“I don’t think so, Torch, brother. Something about that woman says to back the fuck away,” Latch warns me.

“You see
, and all I see is the warm pussy I’m going to bury myself in for a couple of hours.”

“Just a couple of hours?” Sabre teases.

“Yeah. After that, I’m coming back to collect your money.” I get up and saunter over to the lady in question.

“Crash and burn, Torch!” he yells out, and I hold my hand over my shoulder to flip him off.

I lean against the bar, standing beside little Miss-make-my-dick-cry-mercy. She’s the hottest thing I’ve seen in a while, which is good because I’d never admit it to those sad fucks back there who are basically sown up over one woman. I haven’t found a woman my dick has been interested in for freaking months. Two, to be exact. That might not sound like a lot to some people, but for me, it’s a freaking lifetime. My cock is all-in with this little number, though.
Thank God

She’s a gorgeous brunette. Hell, even with the smoke in the bar and the dim lights, the color glows. It falls in waves down her back and over her shoulders, and I literally ache to wrap my hands in it. Her skin is tanned, and I’d love to lick every inch and see if it tastes half as good as it looks. She’s squeezed into a tight black skirt. I’ve already memorized every curve and pull at the fabric so I can jack off to her later.

But the top is just as good as the bottom. She has the sexiest little black top I’ve ever laid eyes on. Small black straps caress her shoulders, and silky fabric clasps her breasts close and draws attention to them. Fuck me, they are easily a D-cup or bigger. Years of experience makes me feel comfortable enough to say that. Still, what really makes my balls heat up is the way her tits keep trying to bust out as if they can’t be contained by clothes alone. Those breasts are made for a man’s dick to slide in between. My eyes drink it all in. I have to move my hand down to stretch and shift my cock.
Sweet mother of God.
Yeah, he’s more than standing at attention for that thick ass, fuck-me tits, and climb-me legs.

She’s yet to notice me as she chats with the bartender. It’s enough to give a man a complex. I’ll have to punish her for that later. The bartender’s eyes are glued to her breasts, and I think it’s about time that stops. Those are
tonight. He can try again tomorrow after I’ve finished with her.

I lean down against the bar, look directly at her instead of him. “Jack and Coke,” I order, waiting for her to say something.

She stops talking to what’s-his-face and turns her attention to me. Green eyes. I don’t ever remember having seen eyes this particular color before. I don’t think I’ll be able to ever forget them now. The color of a murky sea, they draw me in. She looks me up and down while sucking on a straw. She slowly puts her glass down and tilts her head to the side to get a look at me.

I speak first. “Can I buy you a refill?”

She shrugs. “If you want, I won’t stop you.”

“What are you drinking?”

“White chocolate martini.”

“That’s not exactly a manly drink to order—”

“I’m not a man.”

“Oh, I noticed, girl… I noticed.”

“Here’s your Jack and Coke,” the bartender grumbles over my shoulder. He slams the drink down beside me in a thank-you-for-cock-blocking-me kind of way. He’s more than welcome.

“The lady here will have another martini,” I tell him while taking my drink and sliding onto the stool beside her.

She watches me drink and shakes her head.

“Something on your mind?” I ask, studying the look in her eyes.

“Just appreciating the fact that my drink wasn’t manly enough for a Jack-and-Coke kind of guy.” She leans in, smirking. 

She’s more than halfway drunk, which is kind of a shame, but not a deal breaker by a long shot. She has sass and, fuck, I can definitely appreciate that.

“Don’t dis the Coke, man. It lets me stay sober and still get a kick from the Jack… so I can admire your fine ass longer.”

“Did you just say ‘
fine ass’ …

“Oh, yeah. You have one very

She takes her drink from the bartender without even acknowledging him. I can’t help but shoot him a look of victory. Fucker wants to deck me right now.

“Do these lines actually work for you?”

“They’ve been known to,” I answer honestly.

“Damn, I thought I was drunk enough, but apparently I’m not, because so far they’re not working at all on my
fine ass

“Ouch.” I smile, taking another gulp and enjoying this conversation way more than I would have thought.

“In fact,” she adds, leaning in closer to me, and I can only hope her breasts come out to play as she leans further—surely another inch and nipples will be visible. “You could even say I’m kind of…

Those words would chill a lesser man, but the light in her eyes and the smile on her face tell me different. I put my drink down, then move my finger along the side of her face.

“I sure wouldn’t want to bore you. How about we leave this place and go play Barbie?”

She looks at me, genuinely confused.


I lean in close to her ear, inhaling her scent. Sweet and sugary like cookies. Damn… just

“Yeah. I’ll be Ken, and you can be the box I come in,” I whisper against her ear. I mean, really, can I help it if my lips graze against it?

She grows still, then pulls away from me.

“Did you really go there just now?” she asks like she can’t quite believe it. She’s shaking her head and laughing, and she does
look bored.

Score one for me.
“Figured I better come at you with my A-game,” I joke, taking another drink.

“Good plan, Romeo. Not sure this romance could survive your B-game.”

“What’s your name, pretty girl?”

“Oh man, you are cheesy.”

“I do try. Come on, give me your name.”

She stops and looks at me for a minute, and it’s almost as if she’s trying to place me, but then she shrugs it off.

“We won’t know each other long enough to have to worry about using names.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s a fact.”

I lean in to whisper for her ears only. “My name’s Hunter. You need to remember it so you can scream it out tonight.”

She leans in to me, and her sweet scent claims me. “I’ll do that very thing, Hunter. I’ll scream it so hard my landlord will think someone is killing me.”

we’re talking.” My dick is rock hard as she gets up.  She starts to walk around me and I grab her arm, unable to ignore the way her warm skin sends an electric current through my body. “Where are you going?”

“I figured I’d better hurry before the store closes.”

“The store?”

“Yeah, Hunter. I’m all out of batteries. I’ll need them tonight, when I’m in bed alone, but don’t worry. I’ll remember your name when I make myself come.”


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