Read Burning Up Online

Authors: Marie Coulson

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

Burning Up (22 page)

BOOK: Burning Up
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Jared had been so tightly wound that he’d hardly even noticed the charm and wonderful sights to be had around the city. It was clearly up to me to point them out to him and drag him by the hand to as many as possible. On his birthday, I had taken him on a tour of the city at night. It was amazing. We rode the London Eye, and reaching the top, I gasped at the breathtaking view of the city. We watched as the houses of Parliament, London Bridge, and the Thames River passed us by. I had never been to a place with so much culture, feeling, and a whole host of knowledge to be discovered. I wanted to see and do it all. Unfortunately, Jared’s work schedule increased every week, and by the time my own birthday rolled around, I was sure it would be yet another evening in a fancy restaurant followed by an early night. Waking up that morning, I reached across the bed for Jared, but my hand fell on an empty space. Sitting up, I winced as the sun hit my face. Climbing out of bed, I made my way to the shower and took my time to lazily get dressed and ready for the day.

I was just applying my make-up when Jared’s voice echoed from the bedroom. “You don’t need all of that. You look beautiful already.”

I smiled to myself and hurried into the room. Standing in his jeans and a shirt, Jared held an enormous bunch of white roses.

“Happy birthday.”

I grinned as I took them from his hands. “I thought you’d be at work by now.”

He shook his head. “I took the day off. A girl only turns twenty-one once in her life. I wanted to make it special.”

I eyed him curiously. “I’m intrigued.”

Pulling me to him, he pressed his lips against mine and kissed me deeply.

“You should be. I have a whole day planned.”


* * * *


Jared’s plans for my birthday were more than I could ever have imagined. First we enjoyed breakfast cooked by one of London’s top chefs in his very own restaurant that had been closed to the public just for me, followed by some shopping. We made stops at Harrods, Selfridges, and Oxford Street … need I say more? I was especially delighted when Jared located the most luxurious lingerie store in existence. I had never seen such decadence. Even the furnishings were stunning, and the lingerie? The lingerie was gorgeous and very expensive. Agent Provocateur was now my all-time favorite store! Just when I thought the day couldn’t get any better, we ended it with a show in London’s west end and dinner with the cast. When we finally staggered sleepily back into the hotel, I was exhausted. Throwing myself onto the bed, I sighed with contentment. Jared dropped down beside me and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

“So, I did well, I assume?”

I smiled and turned my head to face him. “Today was amazing. I’m totally breathless.”

He grinned wickedly and a distinct look of mischief spread across his handsome face. Sliding his hand gently up and down my thigh, he raised an eyebrow at me.

“It’s not over yet.”

A goofy smile played across my own lips. Leaping off the bed, he waltzed over to the closet and pulled out a velvet bag. Smiling, he held it out for me to take as he approached the bed. I gave him a confused look.

“Tonight, you’re the boss. I will obey, perform, and do anything your heart desires.”

I stared at him wide-eyed. Was he serious? Jared Garrett would be my play-thing for the night? It was too good to be true, surely.

“What’s the catch?” I asked with suspicion.

He shook his head. “No catch. It’s your birthday, and on your birthday, you should get everything you want.”

I bounced up and down on the bed gleefully before pulling open the bag and rummaging through the contents. Sitting down beside me, Jared nibbled teasingly on my earlobe.

“So, Mistress, what’s the first instrument of choice?”

Pulling out a pair of handcuffs, I bit my lip, but this time, it was with excitement, not anxiety.

“I was thinking you need to keep your roaming hands to yourself for a while.”

Holding out his wrists, he chuckled. “I’m always happy to be your prisoner.”

Glancing at the chair across the room, I hatched a wonderful idea. Taking him by the hand, I led him over and began slowly undressing him. His eyes followed me as I moved, stripping off each of his garments. When he was wearing nothing but his shorts, I pressed my hands firmly against his chest and shoved him forcefully into the chair. He landed with a thud and stared up at me. Taking his hands in mine, I pulled them behind his back and quickly secured them with the cuffs.

“There. Much better.”

He eyed me curiously with a delighted smile on his face. He was enjoying this, I could tell.

“I really enjoyed the show tonight. So I was thinking, you should get a little show of your very own.”

I shot him a playful wink and disappeared into the walk-in closet. I immediately began to undress and slip into some of my new lingerie. Deciding on a black lace corset with matching panties, suspender belt, and stockings, I slipped on some heels and slowly walked out into the bedroom. Jared’s eyes darted to me, and his mouth fell open. I looked hot.

“Oh, my God. Are you trying to kill me?” he said, dragging his eyes up and down my body.

Walking over, I picked up a red satin tie from the velvet bag and played it gently between my fingers. His sky blue eyes began turning a deep shade of cobalt. It was Jared’s sure-fire sign that he was aroused. Bending down a little, I flicked my tongue teasingly over his lips.

“I love your mouth, but right now, I don’t want to hear it.”

Holding up the red restraint, I waited as he begrudgingly opened his mouth. I tied it gently around his head and stood back to admire the sight in front of me. Bound, gagged, and horny. He was the perfect man.

Grabbing the remote to the iPod dock, I hit play, and the sounds of Aerosmith filled the room. I watched as Jared’s eyes lit up at hearing the song. He remembered that evening at the coffee house just as well as I did.

Slowly, I began to sway, move, and glide my hands over my body. His eyes were burning into me. I sauntered over to him, turned my back and gently, placed myself in his lap. Leaning my head back against his shoulder, I gyrated, rocked, and gave Jared his very own private lap dance. Gliding my hands down his arms, I smiled as he twitched, tensed, and struggled to maintain his composure. His gentle moans and grunts were muffled by the red satin.

“Oh, baby. Do you wanna touch me?”

He nodded slowly with a serious look on his face. Standing up, I turned to face him and dropped to my knees. I pulled off his shorts in a hurry and licked my lips as his erection sprung free. Rolling my tongue over the tip, I looked up at him. His head fell back and he let out a long and stifled moan. Getting to my feet, I positioned myself over him, pulled my panties aside and hovered just close enough for the tip of his cock to feel the entrance of my sex. He thrust upward, but I foresaw his move and stood a little higher, forcing him to be left wanting.

“Tut tut, Mr. Garrett. My rules, remember.”

Rolling his eyes, he growled in frustration.

“I asked if you wanted to touch me, well, you will.”

Lowering myself onto him slowly, I gasped as he filled me, deeply. His head dropped back, and as I began to move, up and down, rocking back and forth, his eyes closed. My lips trailed kisses across his jawline and all the way down his throat. He continued to groan, moan and speak incoherently into the red satin. I could feel my orgasm growing closer with every rock and grind of my hips. Hitting my sweet spot, Jared shifted in his seat slightly, angling the tip of his cock so that it brushed against my g-spot. I took in a sharp breath and gazed down at him. His eyes softened and he gave me an intense look. I knew it well. He was close. Gripping my hands on his shoulders, I quickened my pace. Biting the satin, Jared breathed heavily.

“Oh, God. Oh, Jared. I’m so close.”

He yanked hard on the handcuffs and struggled in his seat. It fueled my arousal, and as I watched him completely lose control, I had never been so incredibly turned on. He was mine. For the first time in our relationship, Jared wasn’t in control. I felt him throb and pulse inside me. He was close, too.

My nails dragged across his back, and I held my arms around him tightly. Sinking my teeth into his shoulder, I came, hard and noisily.

“Ah, fuck! Jared!”

His face contorted, his eyes closed and his eyebrows pinched as he emptied himself inside me. I could feel the staggered breathing as his chest rose and fell against mine. He panted through the satin, and sitting back, I removed the red restraint. Opening his eyes, he gazed up at me with a look of wonder.

“What? Did I do something wrong?” Please say I didn’t. It was so … perfect.

Shaking his head, he smiled. “No. It was … incredible.
are incredible.”

I dropped my forehead against his. Brushing my nose with the tip of his, he laughed, breathlessly. “You are quite the tease, and that was, by far, the sexiest lap dance I have ever witnessed.”

Sliding off of him, I bowed mockingly before skirting around him to release his wrists.

“I’d ask how many you’ve witnessed, but I don’t think I want to know.”

Rubbing his red and sore wrists, he shook his head. “Just you. Well, I mean, yours was the only one I have ever actually taken much notice of. I have a vested interest in you, your sexy ass, and the way you shake it.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I smiled at him and began to slip off my heels. Standing, Jared shook his head.

“Leave them on. You’ve had your fun. Now I’m going to have mine.”

I squealed and giggled as he lunged at me. Pressing me down onto the bed, he bit his bottom lip.

“Mmm … hmm. This lingerie is spectacular. I’m going to enjoy every second of removing it from your body.”

I grinned and closed my eyes as he trailed kisses from my cleavage, over my corset, and down to my sex.

“With my teeth.”

Sitting up, I stared down at him. Raising an eyebrow, he smirked. “I’m glad you approve. Now, lie down before I pull out the rest of those satin restraints. I’m going to give you the most incredible, knee buckling, Earth shaking, and intense orgasm you have ever had.”

Doing as I was told, I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes as Jared’s tongue, mouth, and hands worked me up into a frenzy. I was teetering on the edge of another orgasm when he suddenly withdrew. Groaning in frustration, I sat up slightly and scowled down at him. Smiling wickedly like a schoolboy up to no good, he shrugged.

“I think you should brace yourself. It’s going to be a long night.”


Unbreak My Heart


Sitting in our beautiful London hotel suite, I gazed dreamily out of the window. Jared sat opposite of me reading his morning paper.

“Out with it.”

I shook my head a little, clearing the thoughts that had, till that moment, been plaguing me for hours.

“Out with what?”

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever it is that’s bothering you.”

I let out a long breath. “Nothing. I just … miss my family.”

He nodded and gave me a sympathetic look. “I know. I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do?”

I shook my head. “Not really.”

Getting to his feet, he adjusted his tie and straightened his suit. “I have a long day ahead. Lucy and Daniel will be arriving in London today, and I’ve arranged for us to rent a town house while we’re here.”

I beamed at him. “Lucy and Daniel? Really? I can’t wait to see them!”

I’d been feeling increasingly lonely the past few weeks. My birthday had been wonderful, but I was all too aware that Ollie’s birthday had also passed. I had sent a small gift to Amy to pass on, but it was difficult to purchase anything without Jared finding out. Besides, what was I even hoping for? It wasn’t as though Ollie was about to call me and thank me for it. That was provided he hadn’t immediately thrown it in the trash.

“They’ll be here in a couple of hours. You should pack.”

Leaping from my seat, I rushed at him and threw my arms around his neck, kissing him passionately.

“What did I do to warrant that?” he chuckled.

I shrugged. “Just being you.”

“Well, I’ll be sure to be me more often then. But right now, I have to go.”

I nodded and walked with him to the door where he kissed me goodbye. Hurrying into the bedroom, I quickly dressed and began packing our things ready to move into the new house. A house. In London! The Garrett house in London! It was all I could do not to burst with excitement.

It had been a long time since I’d had to use public transportation, but the ride from the hotel to the address Jared had given me was relatively peaceful and fairly straightforward. Of course he had meticulously written down every turn and corner. The streets that led the way to the house were filled with children, and it was yet another reminder that summer had passed me by faster than it ever had before.

Sighing to myself, I rounded the corner and gazed in wonder as my eyes fell on a stunning white, three-story townhouse. It was a complete delight for my senses. I could smell the roses growing on the lawn. The porch swing and the newly painted window shutters were comforting. It was all just so … comfortable. There were window boxes filled with flowers and a driveway that went on for miles. A large black iron gate separated the driveway from the yard. And when I say yard, I mean field! It was enormous! I felt the tension instantly lift from my body as I slid my key into the lock and pushed open the door. The house was totally silent. Kicking off my shoes and dropping my keys and cell on the table in the hall, I did a quick scout of the ground floor. It was incredible. Plush cream carpets and giant couches filled the lounge. A large fireplace took center stage, and it felt distinctly Victorian. The kitchen was far more modern, stainless steel and pure white all around. It glistened in the autumn sunlight.

I dragged my fingers over the work surface. It was spotless.

Making my way upstairs, I explored each bedroom, bathroom and cupboard. All were stunning. Decorated with exquisite taste, it was certainly typical of Jared’s style.

The sound of people and a door opening caught my attention, and hurrying down stairs, I froze as my eyes fell on two people that I had not expected to see.

“Andrew, will you please just take the bag inside. Yes, I saw the driveway. I’m sure the car will be perfectly safe.”

“I’m just saying, the richer you look, the more of a target you become to thieves.”

“Andrew, if thieves come here, I think they’ll be slightly more interested in the contents of this house. Not the rental car in the driveway.”

A goofy smile spread across my face as I hurried down and rushed at them.

“Mom! Dad!”

Dropping their luggage, they beamed at me. I immediately flung myself into their open arms.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned excitedly.

My mother smiled down at me. “Jared sent for us. He invited us for the holidays! Can you believe it?”

I shook my head in amazement. “I’m so happy to see you! So, you’re here for Thanksgiving!?”

My father nodded. “Uh huh. We fly back to L.A. in two weeks.”

I pulled them in for another tight hug. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

Pressing a kiss to my forehead, my mother chuckled. “Us, too.”


* * * *


Thanksgiving sucks. In the history of Thanksgivings, I’d had, quite possibly, the worst in existence. First, my attempt at cooking dinner was a complete failure. After revealing that the townhouse was for my parents, Jared had arranged for another property in the same neighborhood for the Garrett family. Oh, it wasn’t that I minded not being with my parents, but the kitchen at Chez Garrett was filled with all kinds of gadgets and contraptions that simply made life harder instead of easier. The ceiling and walls were now covered in egg whites, and the turkey had burned due to the oven being so much more intelligent than I was and setting its own time and temperature. Growling in frustration, I slammed the knife I was using to cut vegetables down on the counter. Jared entered a moment later.

“Everything … okay?”

I scowled at him. “Does it look okay!?”

He held his hands up defensively. “Point taken. Please step away from the knife.”

I laughed sarcastically at him. “I swear nothing is going right today!”

Walking around the counter, he smiled broadly. “That’s not true. I can think of at least one thing in this kitchen that’s almost perfect.”

I tilted my head and fisted my hands on my hips. “Oh? And what’s that?” I asked, gesturing at the mess around me.

Sliding his hands around my waist, he kissed me sweetly. “You.”

I immediately softened. “Smooth, Mr. Garrett. Very smooth.”

“If it bothers you that much, why don’t you let me hire someone. I offered to have someone come do all of this for you, but you insisted on cooking yourself.”

Frowning, I grunted. “I would have been fine if it weren’t for all these gizmos!”

He chuckled and shook his head. “It’s like the coffee machine all over again.”

I snorted a laugh “Ha! I’d happily take that demon right now.”

Taking my hand, he led me out of the kitchen and into the living room. Daniel and Lucy were still at the store picking up various ingredients for my pumpkin pie.

“Why don’t you take a break? Call Amy and Mel. Wish them a happy Thanksgiving.”

Jared handed me my cell and smiled before leaving me in peace to call my friends. Amy picked up almost right away.

“Hey, Amy!”

“Hi, Layla.”

She sounded on edge, and I had a good idea why.

“He’s there, isn’t he?” I asked.

“Uh, yeah, happy Thanksgiving to you, too.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Sorry, Layla. I couldn’t talk. I had to haul ass to the kitchen. Ollie and the guys are here watching a re-run of the game today with Mel. How’s it going there? I heard your folks made the trip across the pond, too!”

“They did. Things are … fine. I guess. I don’t know. Thanksgiving is turning into a bit of a disaster right now. How was your day?”

“Oh, it was great. We had dinner with Mel’s family and then got home to hang out with …“

“Ollie,” I finished for her.

She let out a long sigh. “Yeah.”

“How is he? Is he okay?” I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t just ignore his existence.

“I guess so,” she said with a tone of exasperation.

“How long has he been in L.A.?” I pressed.

“He got here a little while ago.”

“Is he okay?” I was getting desperate. I needed to know that I hadn’t completely broken him.

“I don’t know. He seems that way.”

I held my breath as I asked the next question.

“Is he … seeing anyone?”

She sighed heavily “I don’t think so, but I don’t think he’d tell me if he was. I don’t know, Layla.”

“I’m sorry, Amy. I just need to know that …“

I was abruptly cut off by the sound of Amy gasping, and a voice cut through me the moment it yelled down the phone.

“If you have a question you want answered, why don’t you ask
? You have my number, and you can call me your damn self. Maybe you could even
it to me. Happy Thanksgiving.” 

The line went dead as I sat frozen on the couch. My heart ached and my chest heaved as I tried to hold back the tears. Ollie was angry. Like, super pissed. I stared at the phone for what felt like forever. There wasn’t any hope. The glimmer that I had convinced myself existed, was a fantasy. I’d hurt him, cut him, and tore him apart. Now I would have to give him the space to pick up the pieces. But that didn’t stop my own fragile heart from shattering.


Poking his head around the door, Jared gave me a concerned look.

“What’s wrong, baby?”

I shook my head and sniffed a little as tears began to slide down my cheeks.

“Nothing, I’m fine. Just missing my girls is all,” I lied.

He nodded and gave me a sympathetic look, but said nothing. It was better this way. I think he felt guilty for dragging me so far from home, but it wasn’t as though I hadn’t gone willingly. The sound of Lucy and Daniel coming through the front door pulled me from my thoughts.

“And I’m just saying, you are not equipped to drive in London, Lucy. Three times you told me I was on the wrong side of the road! It’s England. They always drive on the left.”

“I know that

Jared stared at me and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Wonderful. Just what we need, Lucy with an attitude.”

I laughed through my tears. Lucy was like a dog with a bone sometimes, but every time was equally as entertaining.

Getting to my feet, I headed back to the kitchen to try and salvage what was left of my Thanksgiving feast. It would be the first that Jared and I had spent with my family. Mom and Dad were due to arrive in an hour, and I was still without a turkey. The stress was beginning to make me crack. Watching me from the kitchen doorway, Jared held his cell to his ear.

“Jacob? Good, you’re available. I need a turkey … a big one. And if you could have it here in the next two hours, I’ll double your fee.”

I gave him a grateful look and mouthed the words, ‘thank you.’ Shaking his head, he smiled and mouthed, ‘don’t worry about it’ back at me. Maybe dinner wasn’t ruined after all.


* * * *


Sitting at my laptop, I groaned as I read the countless social media statuses. Everyone was back at college, and if they weren’t posting pictures of the amazing parties, they were posting about the awesome classes and the fact that Christmas was fast approaching. I’ll admit it; I was jealous, endlessly jealous. My parents had left not long after thanksgiving and I was already feeling the distance. I was just about to shut the damn thing when Jared’s voice echoed through the house.


Shit! My brain quickly ran through every possible thing I could have done to make him so pissed at me.

Slowly walking down the stairs, he clutched a sheet of paper in his hand and glared at me as I exited the living room and made my way to the stairs.

I gave him a confused look. “What the hell are you yelling about?”

Fuming, he glared at me and stood rigidly in front of me, tapping his pursed lips with his finger.

“I just got an interesting email. Seems your recent purchase at ‘Personalized Music Gifts’ was charged to an account at the hotel.”

His face scanned mine. Fuck! There was no way I could possibly explain my way out of it. I was guilty. And if he knew where I’d made the purchase, he probably knew what I’d bought, too. This was going to be bad, very bad. His eyes were burning into my skull as he stared at me with an intense anger. Jared was a hard, cold, and impressive stature of a man when he was riled. Right now, he was furious.

“Do you want to explain why you ordered a personalized book of music sheets with the name Ollie Green on them?”

. Fisting my hands on my hips, I scowled back at him.

“Because it was his birthday, and because I wanted to send my friend a gift, since when is that any of your business. If it’s such a big deal, I’ll go to the damn hotel today and pay for it!”

Scrunching the paper in his hand, he tossed it across the room.

BOOK: Burning Up
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