CABERNET ZIN (Cabernet Zin Wine Country) (33 page)

BOOK: CABERNET ZIN (Cabernet Zin Wine Country)
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“I know. It’s sexy, isn’t it?” Leiko grinned and raised her shoulders.

“You should dance with him later.”

“Yes, I might, but first we have to get you married.”

Claire followed Leiko down the tight stairway, the silk edges of her skirt brushed the walls as she descended. She moved across the hall to stand behind the big oak doors. She could hear the music start and her anxiety increased with the speed of the music chords. Her bridesmaids alternated through the side doors on cue until Claire stood alone. She wiggled her toes as she poised for the doors to open.

Noah and Grace pulled the two doors wide and stood quietly. Noah wore a cute tuxedo topped with a tall, coal black hat while Grace stood in a frilly dress holding a bursting basket of flowers. Sunlight streamed through the doorway and outlined Claire and her gorgeous sparkling dress. She could feel the sun’s sudden warmth caress her arms and shoulders like a divine hug. At the far end of the walk-way runner stood the Minister and Zack flanked by his best men.

The music rose in volume and all of their guests stood. Samantha’s photography equipment whirled and clicked from every vantage point around the periphery of the space. Samantha moved seamlessly through the background deftly coordinating her remote cameras and her assistants. Other cameras in the audience snapped photographs until Claire felt as faint as any screen actor attacked by the strobes of the Hollywood paparazzi.

Claire walked carefully toward the wedding arch beyond the guests. Her eyes held Zack’s eyes. How handsome he stood there, precise lines of his classic dark tuxedo, his broad shoulders, and his freshly cut hair. His eyes glowed in the sunlight and his smile warmed her body. She stepped forward, the sides of her vision caught the approving happy faces of their friends but she focused on Zack. Her heart thundered in her ears and burst through her chest while her mind filled with how much she loved this man. The cool green vineyards stretched serenely to all sides and the golden mountain stood firm against the sapphire horizon.

Claire stepped beside Zack, his cologne intoxicated her senses. She suddenly wanted all of this to be over and to have Zack now. How her body ached and burned. Claire laced her hands into Zack’s and squeezed. He double-squeezed back. The Minister drew her attention into the magical moments that rapidly vanished.

Claire heard the Minister say, “– and you may kiss the bride.”

Zack bent his head to kiss Claire. They lingered. Then the audience rose clapping as Claire and Zack breezed down the aisle to their reception.


“There you are, Zack. I’ve been looking for you.” Claire said amid the rustling movement of her dress – a sound like a fragrance that washed over his ears after she approached.

Zack said, “I took a little break and watched you dance with your friends.” He nodded toward their guests floating around and across the warmly lit reception hall, cupping their goblets of wine and laughing. “You looked like you had a lot of fun.”

“I am.”

Zack tugged on his itchy earlobe, “I think I still have cake frosting in my ear.”

“You were funny.”

“Everyone enjoyed it.” He leaned in, “I can’t believe how beautiful you are – and not just the outward package – but all of you. You make me happy to be with you.”

Claire’s fingers caressed Zack’s hair. She pulled him close, “I love you.”

“I love you too –” Zack was unable to finish speaking as Claire’s lips pressed against his with more meaning than words between them. Her eyes closed as his arms circled her body, enjoying the pressure of his touch and the warmth and love that extended between them. The breezes fluttered along her arms and tousled the edges of her dress like a flying angel, grounded only by this man’s strong arms around her. The reception lights and the guests with their wine glasses and laughing spun around them. Even the solid mountain to the south hovered at the edge of the horizon glittering and promising a golden future.



The End




Coming Soon!



Book 2 in the
Cabernet Zin

Stories set in Southern California Wine Country

By J Gordon Smith


Amanda stays in Southern California and gets a wine country job while she figures out her college and career plans. While working at Amber Mountain Winery she meets Kyle, a handsome yet struggling rock guitarist playing a weekend gig at the winery. As Amanda falls for Kyle she becomes concerned with the risks in his life. Complications escalate as Kyle’s brother Sardis claims too much interest in Amanda, Amanda’s mother uncovers family secrets, and Amanda’s father tries to build a relationship with her that he abandoned when she was a child of two. Will the crushing strain press Amanda and Kyle together … or blow their worlds apart?

Look for
, Book 2 in the
Cabernet Zin



If you enjoy wine and Southern California, stop by
Monte De Oro Winery
located in Temecula Valley, only an hour away from Los Angeles and San Diego. Join their wine club and they will ship great tastes direct to your door on a regular basis. The author has a case, or three, of Monte De Oro wines stocked in his personal cellar
– delicious inspiration.



A Personal Note from the Author


Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this novel then please visit the book on-line and leave a review to encourage others to take a chance with the characters in this story. Constructively written reviews help me plan new stories and know what is working and what readers want to see more of. Sometimes I read a review that reveals how my words have touched another’s soul and that makes all this writing worthwhile. Some books have spent half a year in the writing process and been under a year or more of concept development. So don’t be shy about putting up reviews, no matter how long or short.


Tell a friend! In Person and via popular social sites like Facebook, Goodreads, Pinterist, Twitter, Reddit, and others you may participate with. I really rely on word of mouth – how many friends recommended your last favorite book? I hope this story earned the honor of being shared.


I blog about my writing projects at
and hope you stop by and say ‘hello’. You’ll learn how new stories are progressing, advanced cover concepts, and other bits of work I do. I post new story projects on Goodreads that I’m actively writing and expecting publication soon, so take a look and add any that intrigue you to your “To Be Read” list. You’ll get notified when the story publishes. I hope to see you there!








Copyright © 2013 by J Gordon Smith

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

Published globally by J Gordon Smith with Ayton & Greene Publishing Company


Official Author Website:


Cover Art & Book Design: Ayton & Greene Publishing Company

[Reference file #:


This is a work of fiction and intended for entertainment. The work may contain excessive violence or sexual situations that may not be suitable for some readers. All characters, names, places, incidents, and situations appearing in this work are imaginary or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, businesses, companies, or persons; living, dead, undead, mythical, or magical is purely and entirely coincidental.




To my father who passed away a year ago, he would have liked the farming and business features I included in this story. I miss those small moments we had, like teaching to drive tractors, plant fields, and rope cattle.

Thanks to Tammy, Elaine, and Carrie for beta reader feedback; your added tasting notes greatly improved this story’s blend.




Other Books Written by J Gordon Smith



  by J Gordon Smith

A Vampires of Livix Novel – Volume 1

(Paranormal Romance, New Adult Contemporary)


The front door exploded free of its hinges. Glass and wood shrapnel shattered across the room bouncing from furniture and walls. Garin tucked me protectively behind his body as across the broken threshold strode three snarling vampires. I recognized their leader –


Once Patent Attorney Anna Arkena meets the handsome and intriguing vampire Garin Ramsburgh, a bold Investment Analyst at Draydon Financial, she quickly learns how her life in the small mid-western town of Livix will change.

The Vampires of Livix cringe as these two become close – mixing with vampires always ends badly. But the problems only escalate as outside interests pressure Garin’s wealthy family to sell their successful military parts business amid faked financial losses. And international terrorist and militia groups push their own agendas with deadly effectiveness.

Who is behind it all? What do they want? Is this only a spark of a greater fire to come? Will Anna survive the vampires? Can Anna and Garin achieve happiness? Will she find True Love?

Find out in the
Vampires Of Livix
trilogy, complete series plus a pair of short stories available now!



   by J Gordon Smith

The aZure Tribe – Short Story #0.5

(Science Fiction, Zombie Apocalypse)


“Tell me again how a thirty-eight gun British Frigate came to rest here at the bottom of the world?” A brutal Antarctic wind shook the protective canvas tarp behind Doctor Cooper like the lusty snap of a ghostly sail. “Any guess at what we might find?” But the growling reply of the sectioning saw covered their voices as it gnawed into the black, frozen wood.


The archeology researchers pry into the ancient pirate ship and release a horror hidden in the frozen ice for three hundred years. They might think of warning the world of the virus if not so preoccupied in surviving the tattooed monster that lived in that cold, undead ship – waiting for them …

Zombie Tattoo is a short story that
launches the chronicles of
The aZure Tribe Trilogy
, a shared zombie apocalyptic world spreading across the cities near you. Do you dare uncover the tattooed horror that lives within?

Find out in the
aZure Tribe



by J Gordon Smith

The Gemstone Series

(Fantasy, Swords & Sorcery)


Sylanna’s jaw scraped against the rough plastered wall, “You cannot be one of the guardsmen.”

“And how did you guess that? Was it my curt accent or my fashionable attire?” His sweaty arm clamped tighter, grinding into her belly, while his other hand held a long dagger against her throat.  Sylanna’s mind scattered.  She had not even heard him approach!


The talented thief Sylanna flees to a remote monastery after she is attacked by the Rubied Assassins. But she learns the quiet monastery is anything but silent; pious monks plot against each other, executions and murder are brushed aside, and ancient secrets are buried deep under the fortified structure while the studious leaders supply a brewing War. Will Sylanna survive the monastery and its suspicious monks? Will she escape the Rubied Assassins or will they surprise her behind the monastery’s thick walls and wide moat? Who can be a friend and who is secretly an enemy? Even the Black Jewel, a comforting talisman she has carried since childhood, clutches a dangerous Destiny that unwinds as the menace approaches. Can she stop the evil?

Find out in the
Gemstone series
, all four books are available now!


About the Author


J Gordon Smith was raised on a Michigan farm absorbing a lifetime of oral history and stories that quickly lead to reading and a deep interest in writing. Along the way he acquired degrees in Engineering and Business and worked for local, start up, and global corporations - some involved with producing cars and trucks that you probably own and drive every day. His work involved international travel to Europe and Asia as well as points as near as Canada, Mexico, and half the states in the US. His latest endeavor is embarking on the long road of learning to play guitar, while writing the next book in the series, and engineering products and machinery.

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