Cabin Heat: A New Adult and College Romance (The Billionaire Romance Redemption Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Cabin Heat: A New Adult and College Romance (The Billionaire Romance Redemption Series Book 1)
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Chapter Eight


ABBY was reeling when she woke up the next day. Reeling was not a word she had ever related to before, but now, it had taken up residence inside her mind and body, and she was reeling incarnate.
What on earth got into me last night
? That was the overwhelming rhetorical question that travelled at high speed on her train of thought as she sat up. Still, the question was accompanied by a wide smile that showed no chance of ever extricating itself from her face.

Thinking back to those few minutes for the hundredth time since it happened, she was relieved that Andrew had found a sliver of self-restraint, lifted himself off her and graciously retreated from her room after what she now dubbed as
The Kiss

She had never expected it, yet, when Andrew had cupped her chin and sought nonverbal permission in her eyes, she knew it was coming and had no desire to resist him. It was as if an outside force had reached its tendrils into her brain and disconnected any reason or rational thought. By then, it was not too soon, and he was not the heroic stranger she and her friends had just met hours before. He was the soul to which her own soul latched onto as he led her tongue in a passionate duel.

And when she had pulled him down on the bed with her, she was completely outside herself. Admittedly, she did feel her knees initially weaken and lost her balance; but it was desire that gave her primal self the extra push.

“I-I’d better go now before we have something to regret,”
he had said between nervous laughs, propping himself up and gingerly sliding away to avoid her ankle. Before he stood up, he slid his arms under Abby, positioned her so her head was on the pillow, and spread the comforter over her. As he stood, he backed up all the way to the door, as though he didn’t really want to leave. Abby didn’t want him to leave either. But she agreed when he put on the brakes. They might regret it afterward. After all, she knew absolutely nothing about him.

There was a knock on the door that pulled her out of her thoughts.

“Come in,” she called.

“Hey,” Rob greeted her. “Good morning. How’s the ankle?”

“Good morning, Rob,” she said. “A little stiff and swollen, but I’m sure it’ll be fine. I can probably use a fresh ice pack.”

“Done. Let me grab one for you. There were a few in his fridge. Be right back.”

Rob took the old ice pack with him as he left, and was back after a few minutes.

“Here you go, Abbs.”

“Thanks. So how about you all?” Abby asked politely. “How were the rooms, and did you sleep well?”

“Let’s just say you’re lucky you slept down here,” he answered.

“Why? Something wrong with the rooms?” She was curious as Rob rarely complained about anything.

“Nope,” he explained, seeming a little embarrassed. “Something wrong with the occupants. First, Trina and John made out like rabbits. The loudest rabbits I’ve ever heard. I never heard a woman scream so much in one night.”

“Ahhh,” Abby acknowledged.

“And then, get this. Not one, but two women visited my room last night.”

“You mean, you, Ruth and Barb…?” Abby asked, her eyes wide with a mix of disbelief and curiosity.

“No, no, nothing like that,” he said dismissively. “First Barb came in, demanding that I switch rooms once she realized it was farthest from John and Trina. She almost got me to cave but I stood my ground and sent her packing.”

“Well, good for you,” she said, relieved Rob could find a backbone when it came to Barb. “And what about Ruth?”

“Actually, Ruth was nice. She just came to offer to help with laundry and dishes today. We ended up talking as neither of us could sleep with John and Trina’s ruckus.”

Abby laughed again. He was right. She was glad to have scored the room next to Andrew’s. She smiled again as the memory of their kiss returned.

“You look like you slept well. Your face is beaming.”

“Um, thanks,” Abby accepted the compliment and hoped he wouldn’t read more into it.

“So do you prefer to put the ice on here, or do you want some help into the living room?”

“I should probably come out,” she answered, slinging her good leg over the edge of the bed first, then the other with care. “Yes. Can you help me to the washroom first?”

“Definitely,” he said and leaned down to help her up. “Cool bathrobe, by the way. Must be a nice perk of getting the guest bedroom. Wait, where’d your pants go?”

“I fell last night,” she explained between a nervous laugh, not wanting to let out too much. “Slipped on the pant leg. So Andrew lent me this.”

“Are you okay?”

He stopped to look down at her leg when they made it to the door of the bathroom.

“Yes. It’s fine now. Okay, wait here. I’ll be a minute.”

When she made it back from the washroom, Rob was standing at the one of the windows, looking through the blinds.

“Can you believe it’s still snowing out there?” he asked without turning around. “It looks like four or five feet of snow fell. Though it’s hard to tell, with the wind still picking up.”

“Wow. Well, I for one am glad we’re in here instead of lost out there.”

“No doubt. We dodged a bullet last night, didn’t we?”

“We sure did. Okay, I’m ready to get out there.”

“No probs.” He smiled. “Care for a lift?”

“What? No thanks,” she laughed. “I really have to try and not be the resident 120-pound care package everyone gets a turn to lug around.”

“Good one,” he chuckled as she put her arm over his shoulder for extra leverage. “Hey, remember how you and Becky would fight to give me piggybacks when we were little?”

“I’ve not thought about that for years,” Abby giggled as they made their way down the hallway.

“That was only like last summer,” he joked.

“You’re off by about ten years or so, Rob,” she snorted through the laugh.

“Off about what?” They heard from Trina as they entered the living room. John leaned over in front the fireplace, picking up the clothes everyone had shed the night before.

“Oh, nothing,” Abby answered. “Just reminiscing. Good morning, you two. So how was your sleep?”

“It was good,” Trina answered as she searched her backpack.

“Good and loud,” Rob muttered for only Abby to hear, to which she had to fight down more giggles.

“How about you?” Trina asked. “I wondered how you’d make out in a room by yourself last night.”

“It was pretty good,” Abby confirmed. “Comfortable bed, in-suite bathroom.”
Hot guy in the bedroom next door.

“Nice,” Trina answered, but didn’t stop looking at Abby when Rob helped her sit in the chair she’d used the night before.

“So where’s Andrew?” John asked Rob.

“He’s busy,” Rob answered. “He was up earlier and had some kind of project work to finish, so we may not see him until the afternoon.”

“What kind of project work could someone have, living all the way out here?” Trina asked.

“Maybe he works from home,” Rob suggested. “I mean, look at this place. You don’t have a lakefront mansion on Lake Tahoe without a little success under your belt.”

“True. But he did say he was a doctor,” John countered. “What kind of project work does a doctor have?”

“Guys,” Abby called for their attention. “The man let us in his home and probably saved our butts from becoming blizzard statistics. Prying into his life and questioning his behavior is no way to show our gratitude.”

“I’m with you, Abby,” Rob agreed, and made an effort to change the subject. “I don’t know about you people, but I’m starving. I’ll get breakfast started. Anyone want to help?”

“John, go help Rob, will you?” Trina suggested.

“Sure,” John answered. “I can get these clothes washed too.”

He accepted a peck on the cheek as he passed Trina, and walked toward the hallway.

“Lead the way, Rob.”

As soon as they were out of earshot, Trina pulled up a chair beside Abby.

“I want to know everything,” she whispered.

“Everything about what?” Abby asked, confused about what Trina meant.

“You are sporting the most obvious signs of kiss-blush, maybe even some make-out blush,” she answered.

“I have no idea what you mean,” Abby said, a little flustered. “And what on earth is kiss-blush and make-out blush?”

“Ahhh, just something I made up in high school. I was so creative back then. Thought for sure it would catch on…”

“Well, I never heard of it,” Abby said, hoping Trina would change the subject.

“So he kissed you, didn’t he?” she persisted.

“What… how… why would you say that?” Abby stammered.

“Look, I know we all barely know each other,” Trina started. “Well, except we all know Rob, I mean. But I can tell from a mile away. You got some action last night, didn’t you? You don’t have to give me details, but just know that I can tell. You’re flushed, you’ve got the smile that won’t stop, and your face is glowing brighter than the sun. Any woman who’s kissed someone she likes a lot has that exact look on her face for at least a day or two. That’s kiss-blush.”

“God, is it that obvious?” Abby asked, a little worried.

“So am I right?”

“Um…you could say so,” Abby admitted.

“Good for you, Abby. Good score!” Trina shouted.

“Shhh. Keep it down, Trina.”

“Sorry, sorry,” Trina whispered.

“Please, don’t mention it to the others, okay? It was just something that kind of…it just happened and I don’t want to have to explain anything to anyone. It’s too early, you know?”

Trina nodded and stood up from the chair. “I don’t know what the big deal is, Abby. You’re single, right?”


“And is he?”

“I don’t know,” Abby admitted. “I don’t know anything about him. And that’s why I don’t want to talk about it with anyone, okay?”

“Okay,” Trina answered. “Your secret is safe with me.”

“What secret,” Barb asked as she sauntered into the living room.

“Nothing,” both Abby and Trina replied in unison.

“Suit yourselves,” she said, rolling her eyes. She looked around the room. “So where’s handsome?”

“In the kitchen with Rob,” Trina answered, giving a wink to Abby. “You were talking about John, right?”

“Why would I care about where your man is, Trina?” Barb answered. “You know I meant Andrew.”

“He doesn’t want to be disturbed today, Barb,” Trina informed her. “And from his reaction to you last night, I’d guess he’s not looking for a saucy firecracker like you.”

“Never you mind about what you think is good for him,” Barb retorted. “Anyhow, what’s doing for breakfast?”

“Rob and John are taking care of it. They’re on kitchen duty today,” Abby answered.

“Good. I’m going to check out the library while I wait,” Barb announced as she headed out to the hallway. “Call me when it’s ready, okay?”

Abby and Trina nodded as she left. The second Barb was gone, Trina laughed out loud.

“You’d better watch your man with that one around.”

“He’s not my man, Trina,” Abby explained.

“Yeah, and he won’t be for long if you let Barb dig her claws into him. We went to high school together. That woman is vicious.”

“Look.” Abby tried to be as gracious as she could. “Let’s just leave it alone for now, okay? I appreciate your advice and I know you mean well, but I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

“Fine by me,” Trina answered. “Just be warned.”

After a few moments of a quiet pause, Abby noticed Ruth hadn’t come down yet.

“Where’s Ruth?” she asked.

“Not sure. Probably still sleeping,” Trina offered.

John returned to the living room to announce breakfast was ready in the kitchen.

“I’m going to have to have mine here, I think,” Abby said.

“We can help you to the kitchen, you know?” John offered.

“I appreciate it, but I should stay put,” Abby answered, not wanting to admit she just wasn’t up for being grilled, should the rest of them notice her
. Just the thought of the word made her want to smile even more.

“No problem, Abby,” Trina said, and made her way to John at the doorway.

She plastered herself against his chest and his arms were around her in no time. It was like they were magnets that couldn’t help making contact when they got close enough to each other.
Looks familiar.

“Hun, I’ll get Barb and see if Ruth is up. John, do you mind being a sweetheart and grabbing a tray of your awesome breakfast for Abby?”

“Definitely,” he whispered in her ear before heading back to the kitchen. Trina went the other way to head upstairs.

Abby let out a long sigh when she was finally alone.
Maybe I should just keep to the bedroom today,
she thought. It would definitely be simpler. She touched her lips and was instantly transported back to
The Kiss

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