Called by the Bear 7-9

BOOK: Called by the Bear 7-9
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Called by the Bear Parts 7-9
BBW Bear Shifter Romance
V. Vaughn
Sugarloaf Press

© 2015 by V. Vaughn

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

over by Croco Designs

Editing by Jodi Henley and Red Adept Publishing

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to hear about her next shifter romance.

Part 7

ily -
and Carly take mean girl to a whole new level. Did they really think I’d fall for their attempt at discrediting Victor with vicious lies? And the fact Sierra might be harboring the Veilleux heir has only made me more determined to stand by my man.

aylor -
Being called
to Maine was just the beginning of major life changes for me. The need to have children was never a driving force in my life, until now. I’m being pulled by forces I can’t control to start a family, and there’s nothing I want more.

Chapter 1


A large pair of boobs walk toward me, and I hold back my groan when I realize who it is. Judging from the blue eyes that are like Carly’s, it’s my next appointment, Lucy Robichaux. She must have thought Taylor was a guy, because she’s dressed for bouncing and jiggling, not a workout.

“Hey, Lucy, I’m Taylor.”

A hint of pink flushes her cheeks as she says, “Oh.” She puts her hands on her hips and assesses me. “You’re the great warrior trainer for the Le Roux?”

I’ve gone from a martial arts enthusiast to a kick-ass werebear warrior since I answered the call of the bear and moved to Maine. “I am.” Seriously, I have to prove myself to this bimbo? I let my gaze roam up and down her body. “You might want to put on something more appropriate.”

She squints at me. “I don’t take shit from people like you.” She turns and starts to walk away.

Where did that come from?
I know better than to embarrass a client. “Wait. I’ve got a shirt you can wear.”

She stops and stands still with her back to me. I say, “Look, we started on the wrong foot. I know your mother really wants you to train with us, and my alpha insisted you have the best.”

She turns around and tilts her head to the side. “You’re the best?”

“Yup.” I walk over to the shelves on the wall, and the plastic is slick in my hand when I grab the handles of a jump rope. “So what do you say? Want to learn how to kick butt?”

Anger flickers in her eyes before she hides it with a shrug. “Whatever.”

“Warm up with this while I go find you a T-shirt.” Using my bear strength I toss the jump rope at her. I wince when it makes my low-grade headache flare. I need some ibuprofen.

Lucy’s reflexes are quick, and she snatches it out of the air. The rope slaps in staccato against the hard rubber floor as she jumps, and I make my way over to the office I share with Ian.

He’s grinning when I walk in. “I’m going to guess you’ve forgotten your education at charm school.”

I snort, and the contents of a drawer rattle when I yank it open in search of medication. “Very funny. Careful or I’ll make you train her.”

“Oh, no. That princess is all yours.” Ian opens another drawer, grabs a white plastic bottle, and pops off the top. “Still got that headache?”

“Yeah. I can’t seem to shake it.” I grab my morning mug of tea from our desk and take a swig to wash down two blue pills. The drink is nasty when it’s hot and even worse when it’s cold. But I need to consume the whole thing, so I shudder swallowing it all. “Think her brother is a dick?” He’s booked for my afternoon session.

Ian crosses his arms, and his chair squeaks as he leans back. “Doesn’t matter if he is, you’ll put him in his place in a matter of seconds.”

I roll my eyes at him and turn to the shelves of black Kick It logo T-shirts. The cotton is soft in my fingers as I search for the right size. I got my period this morning, and I feel like taking out my disappointment on everyone around me.

Ian says, “Your hidden ability is pretty impressive. But I bet it didn’t get you many dates.”

“It’s a gift, and besides, I was waiting for my true mate all these years.”


Crap on a cracker.
Ian’s dating Annie, whose true mate died, while Ian hasn’t found his yet. It’s a touchy subject. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

The wheels of his chair roll across the vinyl tile with a hum as he tucks himself into the desk again to straighten a pile of papers. “S’cool. I’m just giving you shit.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I’m not usually a mean person.”

Ian stands to come toward me. “No. You’re not. You’ve put in a lot of hours over the past month. Maybe you need to take a few days off.”

Opening up the Kick It martial arts studio has taken up most of my time, but not enough to keep me from pursuing my real dream—having Keith’s children. Unfortunately I can’t seem to get pregnant, and it’s not for lack of trying.

“I can’t. I’ve got—”

Ian’s hands land heavy on my shoulders, and his kind eyes gaze down at me. “Nothing I can’t handle. After Lucy, go home, and get some sleep. If you don’t feel better tomorrow, don’t come in.”

I step out from under the weight that brings the bone-deep ache I’m feeling to the surface. I glance out to see Lucy stretching. “Let me see how this morning goes. But I might take you up on that offer.”

Ian rubs his hands together. “I wouldn’t mind having a crack at that cocky Luke Robichaux.” He shadowboxes a bit. “Maybe knock him down a peg or two.”

I grin at him. “Now who needs charm school?”

Two hours later I’m drenched in sweat, and my body feels as if I ran a marathon. I must be coming down with something, because my workout with Lucy was an easy one. While she’s quick on her feet, she’s not in great shape, and I shouldn’t feel as if I barely kept up.

Ian hands me my sweatshirt. “You look like shit. Go home.”

Lifting the thick cotton over my head makes my arms tremble. “I feel like it. Thanks for covering for me.”

“No problem.”

Using my whole body I push myself out the door and into sunlight so bright it sends shooting pain through my head. All I want to do is get in my car and get home, but I need my fertility tea. I make my way down the block to Earth Elements.

I enter a small dark shop and am immediately overwhelmed by the aroma of incense. It makes my stomach lurch, and I swallow down bile before I call out. “Nina?”

“Taylor.” The cool hand of a petite girl touches my arm. The vision of an old man flashes in my mind, and I shake my head to clear it as she says, “Wow, you look awful.” A hopeful smile covers her face. “Are you pregnant?”

I sigh. “No. But I’m sick and on my way home. I stopped by for the tea blend you made me.”

Nina moves behind the counter and grabs a bag from a shelf. “It’s all set. Let me add something to boost your immune system too.”

My stomach rolls, and if I have to stay here much longer I’m going to vomit all over the floor. Closing my eyes, I will myself to keep it together, but the toothless smile of my previous vision fills my head. “Sure.”

When I open them again Nina shoves the bag into my hands. “I have your card on file. Go.”

I offer a smile. “Thanks.”

“Take care of yourself.” Her voice fades as I walk out the door she holds open for me. My skin moistens with a slick coat of sweat as I make my way toward my truck, and I open my jacket to let the cold in. A cackling laughter I swear is from the old man in my mind makes me turn to see if he’s behind me, but nobody is there. Great, my fever must be so high I’m hallucinating.

The cold leather of the car seat soothes my overheated body, and sunglasses help with the pounding in my head. Cracking my window open, I welcome the cool breeze that comes in as I drive home. My stomach has settled, and even my headache is almost gone by the time I get home.

I park in the driveway and get out of my truck. My sneakers tap lightly on frozen asphalt as I walk to the mailbox. It occurs to me that maybe I am pregnant. Now that I think about it, I’ve been nauseated most mornings for a while now. And it fades by evening. The metal flap screeches when I open it to retrieve letters and flyers. Hope blossoms in me because it is possible to bleed after conception. I imagine how happy Keith would be if I were carrying his children.

It’s been hard to see Carly and Sierra each day. They talk about their babies, and while I’m happy for them, I’m also jealous. Once I’m in the house I go straight to the kitchen to put my tea in the cabinet for tomorrow morning. I toss the mail, and it slaps down on the counter. A cooking magazine slides out from the pile. A stir-fry dish is on the cover, and it appears so appetizing my mouth waters.

I grab the magazine to read and settle into the couch for a nap. Scanning the vegetable dish recipe makes me decide I’ll cook a healthy dinner tonight, because if I’m pregnant I’m going to need the nutrients for our babies. Closing my eyes, I lay my hands on my belly and envision my favorite fantasy. I fall asleep with children’s laughter ringing in my mind.

Chapter 2


warm fingers wrap around my hand. “I can’t believe I’m alone with you.”

The engine of our Hummer revs as we begin to climb a steep hill. We’re on our way to dinner at the Robichaux’s, and they live on Herman Mountain.

I give my husband a squeeze. “I know. I’ve been thinking and have decided we need to book a date night each week.”

It’s a full moon, and the night sky is bright. Brady winks at me. “You mean like the dates we used to have?”

I chuckle as I recall we only had one date, although it was a memorable one. I almost shot Keith when he shifted, was unofficially married, slept with Brady, and when he bit me, I accidentally changed into a werebear. “Yeah, well, we haven’t done anything the usual way, so why start now?”

Brady moves his hand to my thigh. “As long as it ends up with you naked I’m all for it.”

It’s been over three months since I gave birth to our triplets, and now that they’re weaned I am getting slices of time back. Even though we signed an alliance with the Robichaux months ago, tonight is the official celebration of our union. We’re having dinner with the new leadership council of eight. Donna and Annie join us for our side while Marion, Richard, and my siblings, Luke and Lucy, represent the Robichaux.

We’ve reached a metal gate that has a guardhouse. “Wow. Why don’t we have one of these?”

Brady’s voice deepens to almost alpha level. “We don’t need it. Nobody dares to threaten us.”

The memory of Sierra receiving an engraved baby rattle on her wedding day says otherwise, but I don’t mention it as the car window lowers with a faint hum so Brady can speak to the guard. The uniformed man says, “Mr. Le Roux. Welcome. Let me buzz you in.”

“Thank you.”

We drive past tennis courts followed by a pond that has a small cottage beside it. As we turn the corner I’m awestruck by the sheer size of the mansion before us. It’s an older home like many in this town, and while the putting green we just passed adds to the regal air, it’s not as pretentious as I would have guessed. I smile at the porch swing and rocking chairs set by the entrance.

We’ve arrived before Donna and Annie. Brady turns the key to stop the engine and turns to me. “Ready to meet Luke and Lucy?”

Growing up, I had always wanted siblings, and when I heard about having two younger ones I entertained the idea we might have fun together. Lucy squashed that dream when she came to my tattoo parlor a couple weeks ago and called me a bitch.

I nod. I suppose I should be a little nervous, because they can’t be thrilled I’ve taken away any hope either might have had for being alpha of the Robichaux clan. But I’m not. Their reaction to me will be trivial compared to the events I’ve experienced these last few months. “I’ve always wanted to be the bossy older sister.”

An icy breeze blows at us as we make our way to the entrance. A tall stately man opens the door, but his cool persona is warmed by the smile he gives me. “Right this way. Your mother is in the sitting room.” He leads us down a hallway of darkly stained wood, and I notice oil paintings on the walls that are full of light even though they appear to be quite old.

Marion is in the doorway, and we exchange air kisses. “I’m so happy to see you. I’ve been looking forward to this evening.”

Brady hands her a bottle of champagne. “We have too. This is chilled, but don’t feel as if you have to open it.”

Richard’s feet thump over a hardwood floor toward us. “I do have a few bottles ready.” His smile seems genuine as he takes the bottle from Marion and inspects it. “But one never knows.” He winks at me before leaning close to kiss my cheek. “I hope you’re drinking again. This is a night for celebrating.”

Marion says, “Right this way.” She leads us past what appears to be a parlor and into a room that is larger and decorated in shades of burgundy and brown. A fire crackles, but the young man leaning against the wall with his arms crossed is what captures my attention. His face breaks into a smile, and he stands tall when introduced.

“Brady, Carly, this is Luke.”

Luke extends his hand to Brady in a fluid motion that makes me think he’s quite practiced at social graces.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” Luke’s dark blond hair is neatly combed, and his Oxford shirt is starched to perfection.

Brady says, “Likewise.”

I extend my hand to my brother, and he lifts it to his lips. “My dear sister.”

He kisses me and then gives me a smirk as I mimic his tone. “My dear brother. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Marion sweeps her arm to the side of the room where Lucy is standing. Her dress is quite short but fits her curvy body in an attractive way that would make Sierra proud. “And this is Lucy.”

My sister makes no move to come closer and merely nods at us. I grin broadly as Brady says, “Lucy, what a pleasure.”

She gives him a strained smile as I say, “Yes, it’s nice to see you again. You look lovely tonight. What a beautiful dress.”

Her eyes widen a touch before she offers a saccharine reply. “Thank you.”

Ice rattles in a bucket as Richard removes a bottle of champagne. “It’s time for a drink. Lucy, bring me the glasses, please.”

Brady says, “Luke, you must be getting excited for winter. It’s supposed to be a cold one and great for skiing. You race, right?”

“I do. Dry-land training already started, and we should be able to get out on the snow next week.”

Brady turns to me. “There is a ski area on the other side of this mountain.”


Richard answers for him, “Yes. I bet you didn’t know you came from a ski family. Your great-grandfather created it.” His voice has a note of disdain, but when I glance at his face his smile reaches his eyes, and I shake off my suspicion.

Luke hands me a glass of champagne and says, “I’m sure there’s a lot you don’t know about us.”

The glass is cool in my hand. “I’m sure there is. You’ll have to catch me up.”

Lucy snorts and then starts to cough when we all glance at her. She shakes her head and lifts her glass. “Sorry, went down the wrong way.”

Luke asks, “Do you ski, Carly?”

“No, there’s not a lot of that in Venice Beach.”

He offers me a smile that suggests he is open to getting to know me.

“So tell me about school. What is your major?” I ask him.


Having done a little research on the University of Maine at Orono, I learned that’s one of the school’s more competitive programs. “Good for you. I know that’s a tough one to get into.”

Luke nods and lifts his glass to me. “It is. But we Robichaux are a cut above the rest, aren’t we?”

I smile back at him because he is making an effort to get along. I raise my glass too. “You certainly are. Ian was impressed with your fighting skills, and I’ve heard you’re a good racer. With that kind of drive and determination I’m sure you’ll be a great council member.”

Richard leaves the room when the rumble of Annie’s car sounds outside. I turn to Lucy to see if perhaps we can try too. “And what’s your major, Lucy?”

“I’m undecided.”

And I’m not surprised. Annie told me she’s a party girl, and I think she plans to live off her inheritance rather than get a job. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out. There’s plenty of time.”

She shrugs as Donna and Annie make their entrance. Introductions are made, and Richard hands them glasses of champagne.

Marion says, “I think it’s time for a toast.” She glances around slowly to command everyone’s attention. “To a long and prosperous relationship that forges peace for the entire Northeast Kingdom.”

Glasses clink and tart flavor floats over my tongue as we all take a sip of our drinks. Luke and I lock gazes for a moment, and he tilts his head toward me. But when I glance at Lucy she avoids looking into my eyes.

I return my attention to Luke. Maybe I’ll get a sibling out of this deal after all. My sister can hate me all she wants; I’m well versed in mean girl, and I’m not threatened. I’d rather concentrate on my brother, because he’s someone I want on my side. “Tell me Luke, what did you think when you found out I existed?”

His eyebrows rise, but he doesn’t skip a beat. “I wondered what other skeletons we might have hiding in our closets.” He takes a sip of his champagne while staring at me. He holds it in his mouth for a moment and then swallows before he asks, “What did you think when you found out about us?”

I glance at Marion and recall my shock when I discovered she was my mother. I find my pain over her abandonment has faded. I return my gaze to Luke. “I thought things were about to get interesting.”

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