Camp Confidential 06 - RSVP

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Authors: Melissa J Morgan

BOOK: Camp Confidential 06 - RSVP
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Calling all Camp Lakeview Campers!
You are cordially invited to the
Annual Camp Lakeview Reunion!
Saturday, February 19th,
5 to 10 P.M.
Village Bowl,
Greenwich Village, nyc
To share Camp Lakeview memories
and make new ones!
YOU, of course!
It won’t be a party without you!
Dear Lakeview Alumni,
Can you believe that six months have passed since summer’s end at Camp Lakeview? We didn’t want to wait until next June to see all of you again, so we’re throwing a campwide reunion party at Village Bowl! Village Bowl is a retro-stylin’ four-story bowling complex in the heart of Greenwich Village. There will be lots of activities, great food, friendship, and fun!
Join us beneath twirling disco balls for glow-in-the-dark bowling. Play video games and shoot pool in a room furnished with inflatable chairs and sofas. The Lanetown Screening Room will feature an advanced screening of the new animated film
Deep Sea Diary
, featuring the voices of Brad James and Josie McLaughlan. We’ll dance to KMAXXX, NYC’s hottest DJ; and Dr. Steve himself will wave the checkered flag at the underground go-kart racetrack!
We will provide heaps of burgers, fries, pizza, and sodas. And of course each bunk will load up their bunk table with yummy treats and cool decorations! See your enclosed contact sheet for the Camp Lakeview e-mail addresses for your counselors and CITs, plus all the details about how to get to Village Bowl, shoe rentals, attire, and more.
RSVP soon, please, so we can make sure we have plenty of food and fun waiting for you. We will SPARE no effort to get on our GAME. We really hope to see each and every one of you at the Camp Lakeview “BOWL-DOWN”!
Your Lakeview Staff
“More bagel, Nat, fewer lists, please,” Natalie Goode’s mother said. They had stopped at Mavin Deli on the way to Natalie’s school for tasty cranberry-walnut bagels slathered with cream cheese.
“Okay, Mom,” Natalie said, glancing up to see that her mom was still reading the
New York Times
Shifting in her chair, Natalie got back to business—the business of organizing the best reunion party weekend in the history of Camp Lakeview.
If we go to a movie, we can buy treats there. So I won’t have to plan for too much food at our place afterward. But which movie should we go to? Hey, where’s my movie list?
She shuffled her papers like a pack of cards as she searched for her spreadsheet of movie possibilities. A whoosh of moist, cold air buoyed the errant page as the front door opened for a large crowd of businessmen, stamping the snow and ice off their shoes and brushing the sleeves of their heavy wool coats. Natalie grabbed the black paper before it could fall to the floor, which was damp with melted snow.
“Nat,” her mother said again, looking up from the newspaper. Steam rose from the coffee cup in her right hand.
“Eat. Please.

“But I have so many things to do before Friday!” Natalie insisted. She pulled another piece of paper from her stack titled
and read down the list of names:
Alyssa, Grace, Jenna. With me, that’s four. They’ll have been traveling. They’ll probably be really hungry.
“How many pizzas should I order for Friday night?” she asked her mother. “Do you think Alyssa likes anchovies? I’ll bet she does. It’s so weird that I spent eight weeks in the same bunk with her and I have no idea if she likes anchovies.”
“That’s a stumper,” her mother teased her. “Since I’ve never met Alyssa.”
“She’s artsy,” Natalie told her. Her face lit up. “And
artsy. And
like anchovies.”
“Yes, but I’m an art
,” her mother replied, tipping her coffee cup toward her mouth. “Not an artist
per se
.” She cocked her head as she considered the possibilities. “Is Alyssa an artist, an art patron, or—”
Natalie chuckled as the answer popped into her head. “She’s a vegetarian. And anchovies are
“Only technically,” her mother said drily.
Natalie’s mother went back to sipping her coffee and glancing down at the
. She wore a very cool bracelet of seven hand-carved cameos—profiles in white of ladies with their hair swept up in ringlets—set in lovely, apricot-colored stone. She had bought the bracelet during her summer art-buying trip to Europe.
“I’ll order three extra-large pizzas,” Natalie said finally. “We can always have the cold leftovers for breakfast.”
“True,” her mom said, amused. Cold pizza had been one of Natalie’s favorite breakfasts ever since she was seven, when she had spent a summer with her father in Rome during one of his movie shoots.
Natalie’s dad was the international movie superstar Tad Maxwell, a fact she had tried hard to hide from her bunkmates at Camp Lakeview. He and Natalie’s mom had split up when Natalie was four, and he wasn’t around much because of his busy career.
But the girls of Bunk 3C had discovered her secret soon enough, when he had showed up in a limo with his personal assistant, his bodyguard, and his gorgeous girlfriend, Josie McLaughlan. That was the reason her new animated movie was going to be shown at the reunion. Some of the campers had never gotten over their shock and awe, but Natalie’s best buds liked Natalie just for Natalie.
So I really need to make sure they have a great time. They’re such great friends.
“Okay, on to soda,” Natalie announced. “We have to be sure to get some diet, because Alex can’t drink that much sugar. I wonder if the girls like egg creams. We could go to that new restaurant over by Lincoln Center. Or is that just a New York thing?” She wrinkled her brow. “Maybe I should e-mail them all to find out.” She reached for her backpack to retrieve her cell phone. “What time is it? I could start calling—”
“Whoa, honey, slow down!” her mother urged. “The whole point of a reunion is to see your friends again and have fun together. Not drive yourself crazy worrying over every little detail of your preparation.”
Natalie put the backpack down. She knew she was right. Her mom gave lots of parties and she attended even more. Natalie had heard many stories of parties gone terribly wrong because the host or hostess was just too worn out to relax and mingle.
going to be superfun seeing all her bunkmates again. But Natalie couldn’t control her nervousness. She knew she had to make some plans. In addition to the official campwide reunion at Village Bowl, Natalie was playing hostess at not one but
The first one would be smaller, with just Alyssa, Grace, and Jenna, who would stay over all day Saturday. Her mother had already made arrangements for them to have a spa day, but that wouldn’t take up all the time they had together. And there was still breakfast and lunch to work out. Then getting ready for the party.
Then after the party at Village Bowl, the whole bunk was coming over for a second sleepover. That meant that all eleven of her bunkmates would be spending the entire night in her apartment! And most of them would be hanging out until early Sunday afternoon. And
made her supernervous.
I’ve been nervous around these girls before, though, and things have worked out.
She thought back to her first day at Camp Lakeview, a summer camp in rural Pennsylvania. She had been very skeptical that anything good would come of her mother’s decision to send her there. Natalie’s mom wanted Natalie to broaden her horizons, which apparently included the horizon of “nature”—while she traveled all over Europe, buying art for her gallery.
As far as Natalie had been concerned, nature appeared to consist of the bug-infested, poison-ivy-laden wilds of Far Meadow and the mysterious waters of the lake for which the camp was named. And nature had been heavily populated: there were more kids at Camp Lakeview than students in all the grades of Natalie’s private school back in the city.
Natalie had spent the first couple days of camp yearning for the familiar skyscrapers of the concrete jungle she called home. She’d missed her soft bed, her immaculate bathroom, and most of all, her privacy.
Then she had grown to love Camp Lakeview, with its mosquitoes, poison ivy, and especially her eleven sometimes-irritating, sometimes-quirky bunkmates. She’d even trekked her way back to the overnight camp in the wilderness when Chelsea had run after that rabbit. Simon had bragged about her to everyone, like she was some kind of fearless trail guide.

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